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Message: 6 digest 1
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 22:24:46 +0100
From: blente@xx.xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: My gallstones story, and my daughter

1. cleansing.

First I did the cure following Hulda Clark (and Dusan and Lillian!!)
I did it pretty well: App one hundred green cholesterol-stones
from some few mm. up to 12mm. came out during the day. No pain at all.

And I had a feeling of peace and wellbeing filling my hole body.
I might have had something like that feeling in my youth?
But it lasted very short.
Meanwhile I know that it is waiting for me
sometime in the close future, after some more cleansing.

But, my children got worried .. maybe they had too?
So my daughter, 9 year old, decided to clean it up.
My son thought it a good idea:
Maybe he could tolerate more sweet
afterwards? So in fact he didnīt do it yet!

Thinking of my little daughter drinking the Epsom salt,
I sat down for a while.

And I decided not to use Epsom. We ate little in the
morning and only some fruit in the afternoon.

22.00 we took the drink with oil and grapefruit as described
from Clark and went to bed.
2.00 I had the first break through.
It went on through the morning after and I got another heap out.

My daughter ate 1kg grapes and got among others the one
already described at the size of a little almond.

So we did it very simple, and we did it well. Even without Epsom.

Only I have the question weather the possibility
is there that we absorb more of the cholesterol
back to the liver again?

So maybe we have to do the cleansing much more times this way?

If you donīt know
time will show.


From: (Ole Blente)
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 22:50:11 +0100
Subject: [gallstones] Re: Review

From: (Ole Blente)

I now complete the story from my 9 year old daughter: Maja Therese.
After having experienced me doing my first cleansing and having heard me
talk about what the liver is forced to do when we eat goodies and 2.
quality food, she decided immediately to cleanse too. And so she did.
The next time I prepared to cleanse, she joined me:

We ate little in the morning - no fat, no milk - and
only some fruit in the afternoon.
22.00 we took the drink with oil and grapefruit as described from Clark
and went to bed.

Maja Therese slept good all night through. The next morning she ate 1 kg
grapes and got lots of gallstones out. The biggest one at the size of a
little almond.

This happened two weeks ago.
She often had to break the meal because of pain in the stomach, lay down
on the floor for a moment. Sometime she had it in the night, crying for

Within these two weeks she didnīt have one pain.
She also used to have dry, sandy skin on her hands, for as long as I

Within these two weeks the skin has become moist and soft as it should

She is very happy that she did it and is telling her mates about it.
And of course: She is going to do another cleansing very soon!




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