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Subject: gallbladder (gallstones) attacks

Message: 18 digest 1
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 22:29:50 -0600
From: "G Murray" <GlendaMurray@xxxxxx.xxxx

To the list:

Has any one here had their gallbladder removed and still had they
pain of gall bladder attacks? I had mine removed just over a
year ago and sometimes feel mild pains like the gallbladder
attacks I used to have. My friend talks about getting the sharp
pains from the bile ducts still. I don't know if this is the
same pain that I feel.

I would never have gotten mine out, but the cleanses that I did,
didn't seem to yield too many stones. The first time I saw quite
a few pea sized pea green stones and quite a few sand
size(floating), but the second time around I never noticed much
at all. Then I had a major Gallbladder attack 12 hours in
emergency (10th time)and very bad chest pain after . They
decided to take it out a few days later and said it was badly
inflamed. I had an peptic ulcer diagnosis at the same time. I
probably should have gone on to do more gallbladder cleanses but
I was not sure how many more ER visits I could handle. I did
not access the web for it like I have done now. I did not get
the relief that I assumed would come from getting the gall
bladder out. People said that great relief was brought from the
most unexpected areas (I could not tell). Though no more back
and shoulder pain. I still get what I think are ghost pains
from the gall bladder area, unless it is stones getting stuck in
the bile ducts.

If you can do the cleanses I would do them over the surgery any
day. They say to do them only every 6-8 weeks but I was having
attacks every 2 weeks even watching the fat intake and taking

I would like to hear from members on this list about their
gallbladder experiences especially before having to get them out.
If emergency surgery is done it is takes along time to recover as
opposed to planned surgery.



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