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Ciara Turner

Re: gallbladder flush
Ciara Turner
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 15:20:23 PST

My friend wishes to avoid cholycystectomy at all costs, as she is
a medical statistician (sp?), and has discovered through independent
research that fully 75% of cholycystectomy patients later suffered
heart attacks!

That scares her a lot worse than gallstones.

(She suspects that it has something to do with the bile dripping
continuously after cholycystectomy, instead of spurting from the
gallbladder in response to eating fat. Any comments?)

Thank you all who responded. I will pass your comments on to my friend.

Warm regards,

Re: gallbladder
Ciara Turner
Sun, 09 Nov 1997 17:10:28 PST

This recipe for a gallstone flush comes from the Dulwich Health Society.
I got it from a good friend who swears it works. She says that it
softens the gallstones to such an extent that you could squash them in
your fingers.

Drink 2 litres of fresh, pure apple juice daily for 5 days.
On the 6th day, skip dinner.
At 9pm take 1 or 2 tablespoons Epsom salt dissolved in 1-2 tablespoons
of warm water.
At 10pm shake together half cup (4oz) unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil
and 2oz lemon juice and drink.
Immediately, go to bed and lie on your right side with your right knee
drawn up toward your chin. Remain in this position for 30 minutes
before going to sleep, to help the olive oil to drain. Another Epsom
salt solution may be needed during the night, so prepare one before
going to bed.
According to my friend, the next morning you will pass green stones that
are as soft as putty, some as large as your thumb, without feeling a
thing. Has anyone ever heard of this?

Warm regards,


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