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My gallstones story by CATHY

From: Cathy luxurylady@xxxxxxxx>
Subject : My gallstones  story

About 1.5 years ago, I performed a Gallbladder cleansing using extra
virgin light olive oil and orange juice. I mixed 8 ounces of each
together (for a total of 16 ounces) and shook it until it was well
blended. I poured 8 ounces in to glass and drank it one hour before
going to bed. Just BEFORE going to bed, I drank the remaining 8
ounces. (It really didn't taste THAT bad!).

The next morning when I awoke, I IMMEDIATELY headed for the bathroom
where I "passed" 200+ little stones.......mossy green colored, irregular
in size and shape. I FELT TERRIFIC!!!!!

Until that moment, my doctor had tried to convince me to
have Gallbladder surgery, as I had had a MAJOR attack that put me in
the hospital ER for an entire day.

Since I DO believe that the body CAN heal itself,
I opted for this OJ/Olive Oil treatment.
Since then, I have had no other problems.
Before, the pain was unbearable.
Now, I can't recall the last time I had pain.

I also realize that I must remember that my Gallbladder may be diseased,
or else I may not have had the problems.
Therefore, I am constant in my search for ways to "cleanse" my body.

My mother died of colon cancer. Yes, I agree that ill feelings among
family members has a direct effect on our health. Only in my adult
years did my father inform me about the feelings of guilt and
intimidation that my mother received from my grandfather.
I do not find this hard to believe, as I have never found my
grandfather to be a particularly warm and loving person.

I enjoy everyone's "pearls of wisdom".
Am very happy I joined this list.

Good Health To All,



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