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Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 07:26:52 -0500 
From: Alexandra   alexa@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx 
Subject: Introduction

I guess I'll tell my story :-). I'm 36 years old and have 4 children. I 
have been pretty healthy and have lead what I thought was a healthy diet. I 
hardly ever ate at fast food restaurants and if I did I would usually order 
a salad. I also ate little red meat, but increased it in 98 because of my 
4th pregnancy and anemia. Anyway, I drank no sodas, little sugar, 
excersised regurlarly, and am not significantly over weight. So, I really 
don't know what the culprit was except maybe pregnancy and not enough water. 

My mother passed away in July of 98, my 4th child was born in Aug. of 98 
and in Oct. I was in a lot of pain. The pain was all over my stomach and 
radiated to my back. I come from a family of Dr.'s. My father was a Dr., my 
uncle is a Dr., my father in law is a Dr., and my brother in law is a Dr.. 

I went to the Dr. that my insurance has me on and they said I had to stop 
breastfeeding immediately and start taking Prevacid until I went to the 
gastrointerologist. Then I went to the gastrointerologist who put me 
through a series of blood and urine tests, a sigmodoiscopy and was in 
general a very proud man that didn't want to explain anything of what he 
thought was going on.

He made it seem as though it was all in my head and 
was going to diagnose me with irritable bowel syndrome. He didn't 
understand why digestive enzymes would help with my pain (something I 
decided to take on my own and he was very upset that I would choose 
something other than what he was indicating) Well, I decided to change 
Dr.s. The second Dr. did an Endoscopy on me and then a sonogram of the 
pancreas and gallbladder. The sonogram revealed numerous stones. The Dr. 
said I needed URGENT surgery. I was very scared and contacted my midwife, 
who talked me through my feelings and I decided that I should try to get 
the stones out naturally and if that didn't work then I could always take 
it out, but I couldn't put it back in. 

So, ever since then I've been on a no fat diet. My midwife (also 
naturepath, chinese med., acupuncturist) told me to take Magnesium every 
day, Stone Free from Solaray 6 times a day, Flaxseed oil every day, the 
juice of one lemon with warm water in the morning and at night, Super 
Digestaway with all meals, Vit. B-12 shots weekly, Organic Apple Juice 2 
glasses a day, 6 glasses of water per day, Peppermint Tea, Chamomile Tea. 
She also said that I could have some food allergies, so she took me off 
bread, milk, eggs, and told me to eat with proper food combining. For food 
I've been eating green leafy veggies, mixed veggies, fruits, a little 
rice, a little chicken and fish. No cabbage and no beans. 

When I have had acute attacks she has given me acupuncture which has given 
me some relief, also used castor oil packs and a warm pack, 2 tblsp vinegar 
with a little water or stayed on a liquid diet for a while. The hard thing 
for me is that I am still breastfeeding, so anything I take I have to be 

I have done the flushes, according to Dr. Hulda Clark, two times. I got 
numerous things out. It was disgusting. Green, brown....I had no pain and 
recovered pretty fast after them, but my midwife said that I should wait a 
while to do another one because my bones and body hurt after the second 
flush. She said that it was straining my kidneys. So I am waiting for a while. 
Needless to say some in my family think I'm insane.They don't believe that 
the stones that came out are gallstones and they think that I am hurting my 
body by not taking my gallbladder out. My uncle easpecially says that its 
impossible to get stones out and why don't I go through the simple 
procedure of getting it out. 
Anyway that is my loooong story. I am very thankful for this list as I feel 
lonely with my gallbladder problems. 
Alexandra :-) in sunny Miami, Fl. 

Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 09:24:41 -0500
From: Alexandra  
Subject: [gallstones] Gallstones Flush

I wanted to share my experience with the "Ultimate Gallstones Cleanse".

On Tuesday morning I drank water and organic apple juice.
After 2pm I stopped drinking.
At 4pm I did 3 enemas and cleaned my bowels.
At. 6pm I drank 1 1/2 cups water with 2tbs. oral Epsom salts.

I then lay on the bed with my heating pad
and went to the bathroom a few times.

At 8 pm I repeated the above.
At 10pm I drank a mixture of 1/2 cup of pink grapefruits,
1/2 cup lemon juice, 1 cup light olive oil
( I had been scared of drinking 1 whole cup of oil
 because previously I just did 1/2 cup)
 and lay down with pillows propping me up.

I had no pain. I lay still for 30 min. and then
 went to the bathroom two times before 12.

At 2am I went to the bathroom and had lots of flaky stuff.
At 3:30am I went to the bathroom and had lots of 
flaky stuff and some pea sized stones.

At 6am I took 1 1/2 cups water with 2 tbs. oral Epsom salts.
I emptied my bowels and had lots of stones,
 mostly little ones but 3 or 4 big ones.

I then did 3 enemas each with lots of stones of all sizes,
 mostly green but some brown.

I went to the bathroom throughout the morning and had more stones.
I lay down with my heating pad on my liver until 8am.
I felt very thirsty and yucky.

I drank 1/2 a glass of water and lay back down.
At 10 I drank 1/2 a glass of organic apple juice and lay back down.
At 12 I ate some broth with veggies and lay back down at 3:30pm
I had some broth and lay back down.
At 5 pm I felt a little better drank some broth and lay back down.
At 7pm I juiced some carrots, beet, garlic, and ginger.
At 9pm I drank some organic apple juice and was feeling a lot better.
I lay down for the night. 
This morning I feel renewed energies.

This is big progress for me.
I did two flushes according to Dr. Hulda Clark in Nov.
I got lots of stones out, but I felt horrible after.

The last flush my na told me not to do any cleanses
for a while because my bones and kidneys hurt so bad.
I have since been very strict with my diet.

No red meat, little chicken, fish, tofu,
and lots of veggies and some fruit and organic apple juice.

I have taken some of the ideas on this list and read
some of the books that have been recommended.
I am thankful for the encouragement here. :-)




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