600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Parasite cleanse
by John Cullison 23 y
If what you’re asking is ”Does zapping work in place of a parasite cleanse before doing a liver cleanse?”, then the answer is ”mostly yes”.
Dr. Clark recommends a full week of zapping (i.e. one zap session each day -- 7 on, 20 off, 7 on, 20 off, 7 on is one session) OR a full parasite cleanse before a liver flush. Or you could be really thorough and do both.
Zapping is good for a number of parasites, but it won’t always, for example, reach into the contents of your bowel, or reach certain other areas. If your colon is sluggish or has a lot of impacted fecal matter, parasites ...
1,938 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Plate zapping ascaris?
by mishmash 20 y
I do not know that plate zapping is less effective than regular zapping but it is more specific, so you have to have the proper samples. Actually I think you may be confusing it with specific-frequency zapping with a frequency generator, which is also specific to the parasite. Place zapping is a way that the standard positive-offset zapper can be used to zap specific parasites that are being shielded, by causing the pulses to resonate with a sample. The sample may be of an organ or a parasite. It is not mentioned in TCFAD, but is in later books like TPFAC.
But in answer to the origi ...
2,936 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: I am new and wondering about my wonderful zapper!
by angora 23 y
I know that in the Cancer info from Dr. Clark, she recommends taking digestive enzymes after zapping intensely (mostly for plate zapping) because when you kill large parasites, fungus can begin to grow on them (which could explain the yeast problem). Unless you’re having really bad detox symptoms and need to slow the pace, go for it! The more Zapping you do, the faster you’ll get well! The Cancer Patients at her Clinic Plate Zap continually for 8 hrs/day, and literature says they need at least 500 Zaps to get their former health back.
3,074 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Homemade plates
by thor610 22 y
Where can you download the synchrometer manual?
Also, the reason I wanted to do plate zapping is because of what I read in your posts about zapping your eyes.
I think the zappermaker misunderstood about what I meant about plate zapping. I think he means to place the feet on the copper plates for handless zapping. That is not what I meant. I mean to do plate zapping with specimens.
3,848 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: UZ and spasms - question.
by Ken Presner 18 y
The Ultimate Zapper is the most powerful zapper in the world. You should cut back the duration of your zapping sessions and avoid any areas that are very sensitive. Start at one minute only and work your way up slowly to your maximum level of tolerance. The instructions are online at
Ken Presner
3,350 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Except for the "white vision effect" when you put the...
by wheretheresawill 13 y
yes I’ve read about that, the causing of apoptosis so how do I avoid zapping over 1 milliamp, what should I be looking for?
I’ve only just started zapping for a disseminated infection and would like to continue zapping at a safe milliamp level at least to see what zapping may or may not accomplish.
I have tried ABZ, Ivermectin, Prazi, Fenbendazole, DEC and a few others and the herbs too but these have not had any effect in a positive way which leave zapping.
1,923 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Questions for those who zap their milk
by krosser 13 y
View Entire Thread 4
How long do you zap your milk for? Is it the same recommended 6 minutes or more? I zap for about 7 mins, while placing the jar next to the bean for the additional magnetic field.
Also I add Lugol’s into the milk and I’ve started adding it before I zap. I wonder if that’s okay to zap the milk with Lugol’s in it? In the recipe SSKI is added after you zapped.
1,367 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Of course they do...
by #461 10 y
David1o1---I would suspect your bitterness and anger at the whole zapping thing isn’t because of your outrage at someone trying to ’scam’ others , but stems instead from it’s consistent failure to work FOR YOU.
It works great for me--I slacked off from zapping for a year or two but not the anti-parasite herbs, and still had a combination type 1/type 2 diabetes come back, hence I believe the zapping is totally essential. During that time a liver tumor showed up too--which is from the parasites being infected with fungus so if I’d kept the parasites from digging in enough to impair my im ...
9,790 hits
Forum: Zapper Debate
Hulda Clark Debate
Facts and Myths
Re: a stunned pathogen can recover, I have seen it many t...
by parazapper 9 y
Significant evidence lies in the following:
If you zap for 3-1/2 minutes on a single frequency, very few microbes will be killed.
Even zapping for 5 to 6 minutes does not kill very many microbes. That is why some zapper sellers recommend reduced zapping time to avoid die-off.
Zapping 7 minutes will kill many but not all microbes. For that reason, there are almost as many microbes the following day. It is also why many people suffer die-off day after day after day.
Zapping for 10 minutes will kill more microbes of any given type than 7 minutes does and it also reduces die-off f ...
3,783 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Zapper Support
Hulda Clark
Dr. Beck
Ask CureZone
Re: Dr. Clark Zentrum Super Zapper De Luxe
by sd11 13 y
HOW TO USE BASIC MODE OF ZAPPER (dont know how to troubleshoot)
1. for DURATION ZAPPING: turn device on by depressing red button until beep goes off. the diode ”duration zap” should light up.
2. press yellow button for a second or 2 to activate. you should see ”zap active” AND ”duration zap” diodes blink alternately.
1. for ZAPPING WITH TIMED 7sec.on-20off-7on-20off: press red button only till you hear beep begin.
2. press yellow button to activate. ”zap active” should blink.
IF THERE IS NO CURRENT FLOW (wrist straps not wet, wires not plugged in) THE DEVICE STARTS BEEPING ...
3,645 hits
Forum: Zapper Debate
Re: You meant $10.00 zapper?
by Watch 14 y
Those cheap zappers are real powerful. Once you started using them they kill stuff in you and die off is huge sometimes.
They said you have to zap 7 minutes, rest 20 minutes and zap another 7 min, and rest 20 min and zap 7 min. When I started zapping for first time, I followed that procedure for a brief time, very tedious.
Now I continuously zapped for a full hour or more and found it to be real powerful. One time I fall asleep zapping and woke up in the morning. My back and neck itched a lot. Itching is something dead inside trying to escape through the skin. Hot and cold shower did ...
1,653 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Parazapper help please!
by NikGreat 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
So I bought a zapped cc1 from parazapper
this is about my zapping for a prostate infection
the first night I zapped in mode one
I drank lots of water in between
when I urinated at the behining of my zap my urine was clear
after the third 10 min zap I urinated again and my urine was cloudy
this would suggest that something got killed during my zapping session
I have zapped for two more days in a row after that and have not got any cloudy urine again
the thing is that my symptoms are stll present
I stll have pain in the area
the method which I used was to put the red co ...
2,529 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: How much to zap
by #70428 18 y
Start 7 mins with 20 minute breaks, x 3.
The standard zapping cycle is 7 minutes on (which kills the parasites), then turn the switch off and wait for 20 minutes. Zap again for 7 minutes(which kills the bacteria released by the dead parasites) then take another 20-minute break. Zap one last time for 7 minutes (which kills the viruses released by the dead bacteria). This constitutes a full zapping cycle.
You should zap at least once a day for the first 3 weeks. You may start to get results within the first few days, which is very common. You may wish to complete 1 to 3 zapping cycles ...
1,891 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Zapping Sessions and Eating
by ichewgum 20 y
if you’re zapping for parasites then my advice would be not to eat any fruits, because often times the antioxidants in fruits protect parasites from being eliminated. i’ve done several parasite cleanses and got nothing out, i thought i was clean, until i got ill again, and tried zapping. i think it’s best if you go on a low carb diet, which helps to lessen mucus and make the zapping more efficient. you can basically eat anything as long as it’s good for you, stay away from junk and refined carbs, and foods that your allergic too and you should be fine. as for when to zap, i think it’s ...
2,578 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Terrible Flu After Zapping
by jeffslaw 20 y
I’m pretty sure the batteries were good. I zapped 1 other time in the prior 7 days. I didn’t zap again once the flu symptoms kicked in. I was exposed to my sick son for 4 days prior & didn’t catch the flu until the morning after zapping. It could have been a coincidence that I got sick the morning after zapping, but I was throwing up and had non-stop nausea at that point and was afraid zapping might be lowering my own immunity more than killing the flu. The fact that my symptoms were more severe than everyone else who had caught it (like 6 other people) also made me wonder if it was b ...
4,232 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Please Help! Bought zapper and don't know how to use it!
by krupaclassy 21 y
The idea of the plate zapper that you have is that you can zap specific areas of the body. That’s why the organ slides. You set up the slides on the plates as the picture in the description shows. Then you zap and the bugs from that matching organ are attracted to the frequency and get killed. That way you can take care of a specific area. But you don’t have to do the plate zapping, zapping by itself is very effective!
From the picture I gather the part with the plates is sepreate from the zapper. IF that’s so then just dont connect the 2 items. You will need an hour and 20 minut ...
1,686 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: sensations from zapping
by New Girl 22 y
If I were you I would keep zapping and drink lots of water to flush everything out of your system. Zapping kills all the parasites,viruses,bacteria and whatever else is in your body.
Do all the cleanses that go with it like parasite cleanse(kills the contents inside your stomach that the zapper does not kill) and bowel cleanse(flushes out the contents of your intestines)and the liver cleanse(flushes out gallstones so you would not need surgery)
If you click on Dr. Clark above on this same page, then click on zapping bug, it explains how it works. Better yet buy the book ”Cure For Al ...
3,299 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Arm hurts after zapping
by Petra 22 y
That’s really weird. Sometimes my bones ache for a while (arm or leg) but only for an hour at most. I did experiment and put the straps around my knees once. I had a bought of terrible anxiety shortly afterwards, my diaphram seemed to be stretched so tight, could hardly breath. I think I will only zap at either wrist or anckle from now on. You are supposed to be able to zap anywhere on your body and I never heard of nerve damage. And I have done more than half an hour - some people do more than 2 hours. I think there is something to be said for zapping for 7 min, waiting 20, zapping ...
2,229 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Arm hurts after zapping
by Petra 22 y
That’s really weird. Sometimes my bones ache for a while (arm or leg) but only for an hour at most. I did experiment and put the straps around my knees once. I had a bought of terrible anxiety shortly afterwards, my diaphram seemed to be stretched so tight, could hardly breath. I think I will only zap at either wrist or anckle from now on. You are supposed to be able to zap anywhere on your body and I never heard of nerve damage. And I have done more than half an hour - some people do more than 2 hours. I think there is something to be said for zapping for 7 min, waiting 20, zapping ...
2,288 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
AMPING IT UP :mini fg
by badfungi 21 y
View Entire Thread 21
experimenting.double zapping. since one zapping so far has gone well.
Double zapping
what i like to call AMPING IT UP
Sine the mini fg has two ports and comes with two assceriores.
im gonna try both.
.this is my second tme to double zap.first time i doubled zap
put one on my left leg and my right and the wrist band on both my arms.
this morning for 60 minutes at 33.333 felt alot more electrical curient.
and had to go the bathroom #2 twice once b ...
3,377 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Question for Parazapper & Challenge:
by vtool 20 y
View Entire Thread 13
Quoting Parazapper: ”I agree completely. However, there is a new step in zapping that goes beyond normal zapping. This is Total body zapping.
One of the limitations of zapping and of the Beck protocol is that neither tries to include the entire body. This is the objective of total body zapping. Zap the entire body, not just half, or across from shoulder to shoulder, or not just from one foot to one shoulder.”
Please explain to me Total Body Zapping. I consult with some medical research scientists with ongoing research in zapping and electromedicine, some of whom have gotten multimil ...
2,483 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Zapper Comparison Chart
by Cayitano 20 y
Additional information that may be helpful posted by News on the Hulda Clark newsgroup on Google Groups:
”Gotta love Arthur’s Auto-Zap it’s a great zapper, very solid. I use mine often. The only problem with the Auto Zap is that the unit confuses some people that are following some of the advanced zapper techniques recently published by Dr. Clark.
”You see the Auto-Zap is not set to output 30 kHz or 1000 Hz as are the two published zapper designs in Dr. Clark’s books. The Auto-Zap is based on Mr. Doerksen’s personal research and is set to 2500 Hz. The unit also has a timer that canno ...
4,679 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: first time zapping - big question
by vtoolsshadow 19 y
Ш What is and what does a zapper do
Ш Buying a zapper
Ш Side effects
Ш Benefits of zapping
Ш Obstacles
How to overcome obstacles
Ш Different zapping methods
Ш Differences and benefits of the various zapping methods
o Regular zapping “standard”
o Regular zapping “duration”
o Frequency zapping
o Differences and benefits between regular and frequency-zapping
o Plate-zapping
Ш How often should you use a ...
2,770 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Which Zapper?
by Ken Presner 18 y
The question of toxicity can be complex. Zapping with The Ultimate Zapper can get to the root of the problem of many illnesses. The testimonials on my site prove that beyond any doubt. But if there are serious toxicity issues such as dental mercury or other metals or chemicals then lasting results with zapping may have to wait until these issues are addressed.
Ken Presner
2,776 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: ultimate zapper safe?
by Ken Presner 18 y
Please read #13 on the FAQ page of my site for the answer to this question:
The Ultimate Zapper is fail-safe. With thousands of Ultimate Zappers being used all over the world there has not been a single incident in 11 years. And there never will be.
Ken Presner
2,887 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: zap too much?
by ParaZapper 18 y
- Can you zap too much
It is recommended to start out with basic zapping 7-20-7-20-7 for the first few days. Otherwise, I know of people who use zappers 24 hours a day, around the clock. Most of these are fighting extreme illness such as HIV, HEP-C, cancers, etc.
For the best information on zapping, read: Parasite Zapping and the Zapper.
1,948 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: nail and skin fungus
by Ken Presner 18 y
One frequency kills all. This should not be a surprise because this is the central principle behind Dr. Hulda Clark’s invention. Please read over 90 testimonials on my site at
for the amazing results people are obtaining with The Ultimate Zapper which is set to one low frequency of 2,000 Hertz which is the most effective frequency of any zapper in the world.
Ken Presner
8,820 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Nail Fungus
Ken Presner cures his MS with Zapping
by anunnaki 21 y
Don Croft emailed back to my question about the terminator light not flickering any more after cleaning the pennies. Don said that the light MUST flicker for it to work properly. He asked me to send it to him and he will fix it.
So if any of you should ever have that problem, flicker the light MUST :-) Giz.
3,380 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Termilnator Trouble
by anunnaki 21 y
Don Croft emailed back to my question about the terminator light not flickering any more after cleaning the pennies. Don said that the light MUST flicker for it to work properly. He asked me to send it to him and he will fix it.
So if any of you should ever have that problem, flicker the light MUST :-) Giz.
1,259 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: What is it about?
by freelastchance 20 y
Zapping is ”selectively electrocuting pathogens.” with a low current-electrical pulse (oscillating circiut).
I use the $10 Zapper from and it’s really been a blessing. I’ve been able to conquar many things including fatigue and menstrual cramps (Yes! They are caused by pathogens!!) Any way, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and for more info you can read the Zapping Section here on CureZone
1,457 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Christmas! :D
by getwisdom 20 y
Zapping is ”selectively electrocuting pathogens.” with a low current-electrical pulse (oscillating circiut).
I use the $10 Zapper from and it’s really been a blessing. I’ve been able to conquar many things including fatigue and menstrual cramps (Yes! They are caused by pathogens!!) Any way, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and for more info you can read the Zapping Section here on CureZone
1,607 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: New zapper please help!
by getwisdom 20 y
Hello! glad you’re zapping :D Yes, Hulda Clark says you need to zap this way (7 minutes on, rest 20 minutes, X 3) in order to complete each zapping session. If you want to read her book, the cure for all diseases you can read a simplfied version at the link provided by curezone. Its a great book and I think it’s a must read for everyone as it is very informational! Hope this helps :) Happy zapping to you!
1,690 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Weird experience zapping last night...
by getwisdom 20 y
That is so awsome! I’m glad you are seeing the wonderful results of zapping for yourself and thats a great testamony! It is important that you keep zapping every day at least once, more if you want (my dad zaps twice a day no matter what and says it helps him alot) Anyway, wonderful to hear the great news about your zapping success! Keep it up! I think we all can say we definately want to stay free from all parasite problems and it’s wonderful to hear from so many zapper users with good results :)
2,510 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Does length of time using a zapper make any difference?
by nighthawk31 20 y
I’ve heard that zapping more than once a day may also kill some of the good bacteria in your gut. It has been awhile since I read Dr. Clarks’ ”A Cure for All Diseases,” but I think she say something about good bacteria being negatively effected by zapping. Therefore, in my opinion, one would be well advised to take probiotics or acidophilus after falling asleep while zapping. You can also drink some kombucha tea, which is loaded probiotics.
Does anyone the effect of zapping on good bacteria?
1,825 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: RavenElaine..God Bless ya
by RavenElaine 22 y
You’ll have to update us on how YOUR zapping goes. Especially with the dogs. I have cats that I’d like to zap, and I know that you can zap while holding a paw, but they probably wouldn’t let me hold them that long! And will you do it in the 3 increments, or go for a whole straight hour? (I’ve been reading that Hulda no longer recommends the 3 seven-minute sessions, but goes for long-term zapping instead).
2,536 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Positives attract
by Jimbo 22 y
Hi ruthie, when u zap the body builds up a positive charge at the positive handhold, this charge attracts the bodies immune cells, this is why it is usefull when zapping to place the positive hold near a site needing healing. Maybee for some reason ur immune system is causing the rash, why I dont know, just an idea,
It is advisable to switch hands during zapping anyway, to prevent this build up of electrical charge at the positive hand hold. I always do, to try and balance things out charge wise during a zapping sension.
4,140 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Alchemy information in one post (edit)
by 15 y
This is what I got with dowsing (for Lead)with my store bought yoghurt.
I had less than 1/2 of the carton left :(
I needed 20 drops of the weaker SSKI liquid I have (150 mcg=2 drops)
1,000 mg of the amla product
zap it with the Beck BE for 150 seconds
1/2 cup (after zapping)= 8 capsules of the coral calcium I have
and equal to 95mg of DMSA
yes, it would have worked for Lead (calcium in it) prior to zapping it..but it would have taken 10 cups to equal the 1/2 cp zapped.
2,309 hits
Forum: Rife
My Recovery Protocol
by Ken Presner 17 y
Have a look at My Recovery Protocol at
Ken Presner
2,365 hits
Forum: My Website
Re: cancer treatment like electronic DMSO
by Newport 17 y
So if one was to take some herbs and then use a zapper or a Beck’s blood cleaner one would increase the potential of those herbs?
The Power of Electroporation
and Ken’s notes on Mercury:
1,611 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
by #141504 10 y
Thundervolt Zapper -
I’m very pleased with this zapper. It zaps the hands and feet at the same time. After using it for a couple of months, I noticed that my hands, feet, wrists and ankles no longer get stiff and painful from exercise, etc. I zap for about an hour a day while watching TV. It’s very convenient.
687 hits
Forum: Testimonials Request