Re: Cancer Treatment
by #94391 17 y
I am not trying to say anything negative I’m just putting forth some valuable info
I have been looking at that helps those in need...that’s all.
below number 1 starts at the bottom and work to the other parts up
like 6,5,4,3,2,1... ...
2,139 hits
Forum:Ask Trapper
My Plan...any thoughts?
by mclemonhead 17 y
View Entire Thread 8
I have decided to embark on another fast - this time for a combined effort of healing, spiritual enlightenment and for the first time, weightloss. I have done multiple long-term fasts in the past - mostly Master Cleanses with the goal of healing and meditation. This time, I am also going to focus on weight loss, hence the incorporation of juice fasting, water fasting and dry fasting.
Following is a 6 week plan I have developed, combining a few different fasting philosophies - juice fast, water fast, dry fast and the Master Cleanse. I am curious what feedback you all might have for me ...
5,639 hits
Forum:Fasting: Weight
Re: My First Day? Help With SWF
by sannyc 17 y
What I usually do is wake up an hour earlier than usual.
After chugging the SWF, I lie on my right side (with upper body elevated) for at least 15 minutes. Then, to help the SWF along, I usually do some gentle upright stretches and side twists. (Light exercise helps too.)
If getting up earlier won’t work for you, try switching the schedule for the lax tea and SWF around. That is, lax tea in the morning and SWF in the evening. You won’t get the full benefits of the SWF by doing it this way, but at least it’s better than not doing the SWF at all.
I actually like the SWF at ...
1,696 hits
Forum:Master Cleanse Supp
purple snow?
by trapper/kcmo 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
Southern Russia overwhelmed with purple snow
Published 09 March, 2010, 22:43
Edited 10 March, 2010, 21:43
The very morning following the widely celebrated Woman’s Day - people in Southern Russia could not believe their eyes when they found purple snow piled on city streets.
Scientists confirmed a multi-coloured snowfall – ranging from light purple to brown – had landed in Russia’s Stavropol Region.
Read more
3,008 hits
Forum:Ask Trapper
GERALD CELENTE Rense 4/16/2013
by turiya 12 y
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1,297 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Theories
JAY WEIDNER on Rense 4/11/2013
by turiya 12 y
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1,678 hits
Forum:Turiya Files
JONATHAN EMORD Rense - A Nation in Crisis 5/23/2013
by turiya 12 y
689 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Theories
STAN DEYO Rense 5/28/2013
by turiya 12 y
724 hits
Forum:Turiya Files
GORDON DUFF Rense 5/28/2013
by turiya 12 y
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1,788 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Theories
I was referring to the video...
by #89471 11 y
His wife or one of his ’followers’ nodding her head the whole time.
At the end someone instructing everyone to get up and follow the man....
He has a following.
He may be right, but he may have gone about things the wrong way.
1,064 hits
Forum:Ask Trapper
Re: Help! The tea hurts me! P&B shakes a substitute?
by RowanMorrison 21 y
I don’t do the P&B shakes. I do the SWF most days and the tea as an alternative, not in addition to the SWF. So my regime might look something like this, Day 1 - SWF a.m, Day 2, SWF a.m., Day 3, SWF a.m., lax tea p.m., Day 4, lax tea a.m., Day 5, SWF, Day 6, SWF, etc. etc. etc.
I did not have cramping with the tea, but I found that it just didn’t work as well as the SWF.
Good luck to you!
1,806 hits
Forum:Master Cleanse Supp
Re: malic acid digestion??
by Boyz 21 y
Shelley, just done my 15th Liver cleanse yesterday, i took 2sd dose of EP yesterday but this morning i took SWF as u’ve suggested before, 15 minutes before drinking SWF i’ve been passing more than 150 green peas/peanut, Usually i will pass around 250-400 each flush, maybe its a good sign
And after drinking the SWF, 1 hour later just 20 stones came out and it was a succesful SWF i think, because i didn’t get any bloated fellings , so Does it mean i have to do another SWF for tommorow morning again? or just taking Triphala at night time only
2,849 hits
Forum:Ask Shelley
CNN releases 9/11 coverageRRR by trapper/kcmo 14 y
758 hits
Forum:Ask Trapper
Dr. John Christopher - AUDIO & VIDEO
by water01 15 y
AUDIO Dr. Christopher Lecture (37 minutes of pure Christopher!!)
Two Hour Lecture - Dr. John Christopher
Seed Wart / Pancreas:
Clean the Bowel, Blood and Eat the Mucusless Diet:
Bone, Flesh and Cartilage:
Blood Purifier:
Tooth Powder and Calcium:
Black Ointment:
1,512 hits
Forum:Natural Healing
Re: Anyone else just gone for it?
by #63530 15 y
i would just go for it.
I just finished up a flush on monday.
here’s an email i sent to a friend regarding my flush...
this is an abbreviated version of this:
here’s my schedule for the liver flush. i allow enough time between salt water flush (SWF) to diarrhea everything out. drink plenty of fresh water an hour after each SWF so you dont get dehydrated.
OO - olive oil
GFJ - greapefruit juice
SWF - salt water flush
- 4pm - SWF - 32oz water. 1.5tsp sea salt
- 8pm - SWF - 32oz water. 2tsp sea salt
2,286 hits
Forum:Liver Flush Support
body is rejecting swf
by huero 20 y
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i am on day 13 of the cleanse. during the cleanse, I did the SWF for about 6 days straight, but I started to not feel so good afterwards (dizzy, lightheaded, and other disconcerting effects). Instead, I then used triphala in the morning. I always did the tea at night. however, I do not think or feel i got the same results of the SWF with the triphala.
Anyway, I started to alternate the SWF with the triphala. Now, the past few times I did the SWF, I have thrown up. I never throw up. I feel I get so much cleaner with the SWF, but I am not sure I want to continue with the SWF. I ha ...
2,180 hits
Forum:Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Is SWF necessary?
by younger 21 y
Just finished my first MC and am on to OJ. I found that my SWF days were far more beneficial than my lax tea only days. I didn’t feel as well on my SWF days, but I took that as a good sign that things were happening. I know it’s hard to get down, but even on the days I only got half of it down I still had better ”results” than on days I skipped the SWF. The next time I do this I’ll definitely up the SWF days.
2,018 hits
Forum:Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Salt Water Flush & P&B
by #62558 19 y
Do not do a SWF if you have fiber inside of you! If you do a SWF while on P&B cleanse, its like letting a waterfall pass thru a brick wall and that will balloon out your intestines! SWF can only be done if you are almost fasting, preferably have been fasting 1-2 days, people who are doing liverflushes often do an SWF the next morning, assuming that they eat sparingly and very little the day before.
Good luck!
1,235 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED!! Day 4 & no BM!!
by Picolo Lepere 19 y
If the SWF isn’t working, maybe you should stay off the cleanse and simply change your diet a bit with more fibre until you have regular bowel movements. Then experiment with the SWF and see if comes through or not. Once you have this going where you can successfuly do the SWF while off the cleanse, you’ll know that you can do it while ’on’ the cleanse.... either that or let go of the P&B shakes for now and focus only on the SWF, this salt water has to come out someway...
1,678 hits
Forum:Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Dramatic
by turiya 14 y - RE: REAL FACT ABOUT ELENIN - Don’t be fool Video
4,611 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Theories