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Mercury: selenium interactions and health implications
RR by wombat 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
yet another reason to TAKE YOUR SELENIUM!!!!!
Mercury: selenium interactions and health implications
Laura J Raymond, PhD; Nicholas VC Ralston, PhD.
SMDJ Seychelles Medical and Dental Journal, Special Issue, Vol 7, No 1, November 2004
”Measuring the amount of mercury present in the environment or food sources may provide an inadequate reflection of the potential for health risks if the protective effects of selenium are not also considered. Selenium’s involvement is apparent throughout the merc ...
4,524 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Study: Selenium supplements may raise diabetes risk
by chrisb1 18 y
The important point omitted here is the TYPE of Selenium used in the trial, whether organic or inorganic: selenium, selenomethionine, selenium yeast, sodium selenite, sodium selenate, dietary supplements containing selenium.
The typical American diet provides the average adult with about 80 to 150 micrograms of selenium per day, which is more than the newly revised RDA for selenium of 55 µ but less than one half of the amount considered optimal for utilization of the protective potential of selenium, especially for cancer prevention.
Accordingly, extradietary selenium supplementation i ...
3,699 hits
Forum: News
selenium - diabetes
by jagdpanther 10 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have started taking selenium, only 100ug per day, over two 50ug doses,
I have been taking it for immune system improvement, and joint pain relief,
I find selenium relieves my joint pain considerably,
selenium diabetes
3,177 hits
Forum: Supplements
Diabetes Type II
Re: Best form of selenium?
by torn2tears 11 y
Hi mumnz,
Good find...
I have taken selenomethionne yeast free most of my iodinated life.(6 years) I have taken SeMC selenium too.
I have started the SelenoExcell Selenium as it is organic and is the yeast form. I have felt fine so far...
Watch out for some of the synthetic selenomethionne as it has L-form and D-form only suitable for animals.
The L-form is most suitable for humans.
Commercial selenium yeast supplements contain from about 1,000 to 2,000 micrograms of selenium per gram of supplement. This selenium is in the form of selenomethionine, a speci ...
7,919 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Dropping Selenium, would it be such a bad thing?
by grizz 11 y
Selenium is essential - do not take iodine without selenium, they are co-requisites.
for more on why selenium is vital, see Selenium here:
Are you taking the recommended selenomethionine which is the ONLY one recommended.
If this type of selenium is giving you a problem, I suggest eating 3 brazil nuts or a tin of sardines each day, or other selenium rich foods:
Master Index to Iodine Resources ...
3,076 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Best form of selenium?
by trapper/kcmo 11 y
i was taking 1200mg (i weigh 200 lbs- official, not actual) for some time and mixing some selenomethionine with some from yeast. i came down, eventually, with overdose symptoms.
Selenium Toxicity
in Share
Although selenium is an essential trace element, it is toxic if taken in excess. Exceeding the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of 400 micrograms per day can lead to selenosis.
This 400 microgram Tolerab ...
7,567 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Selenium reduces prostate cancer risk
by dennishardyND 18 y
View Entire Thread 7
Selenium reduces prostate cancer risk
Men with high selenium intake are less likely to develop prostate cancer than men with low selenium intake, according to a report published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention.
More than 15% of U.S. men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetimes, and more than three percent will die from it. A number of studies have found that men with low intake of selenium have a higher risk of prostate cancer than men with high intake of selenium, suggesting that selenium might have a protective role.
3,224 hits
Forum: Ask Dennis Hardy ND
Re: Is "yeast free Selenium" different than selenomethion...
by grzbear 17 y
there is tons of documentation on this stuff...
”Food sources provide selenium in either the inorganic forms selenite or selenate or in an organic form where it displaces sulfur in methionine or cysteine.”
Also that Sulfur will help with a selenium toxicity...
BTW - Astragalus is a genus that concentrates selenium...
Perhaps the selenium is what makes it beneficial as an herb.
9,113 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
"Selenium is a lot like a lion tamer in the circus -- it'...
R by cora 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Selenium Supplements Add Punch to HIV Fight
Supplements Suppress Viral Load and Boost Immune System, New Study Says
ABC News Medical Unit
Jan. 23, 2007 —
HIV patients now have a surprising and simple way to help keep their infection under control: daily doses of a mineral called selenium.
Daily selenium supplements seem to ”tame” the HIV virus and strengthen the immune system, according to research published in today’s issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.
The supplement isn’t a substitute for antire ...
3,670 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicine
by patientadvocate 16 y
Selenium’s role in cancer resistance is well documented, of course, mixed results from selenium therapy are seen just like with any alternative.
Selenium’s role in the body is to help facilitate the very reaction that splits reactive oxygen from peroxide!
Immediately one has to wonder of taking peroxide while also taking selenium is a logical adjunct.
If in fact this is seleniums true mechanism against cancer
then we will see it also used against anything that is an anaerobic illeness like fungus, anaerobic bacterium,...heart disease, lung disease, cancer.
2,414 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Cancer Debate
The Nutritional Relationships of Selenium
by Violien 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
I suspect that I’m reaching the beginnings of selenium toxicity. I’m starting to have some consistent symptoms that point in that direction. I’ve stopped taking it. I started investigating on those symptoms and ended up suspecting selenium. I was taking a lot of it, because I was very deficient.
My symptoms that might be attributed to selenium overdose:
Itchy eyes, itchy nose with sneezing (like an allergy, only this doens’t respond to anti histamine), food is not digested properly (I find pieces of kale in them), wind and discomfort in intestines. On and off numbness in side of thumbs ...
2,882 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Iodine advice please
by Ginagirl 12 y
”The selenium makes the Iodine more potent, so you may need to cut your dosage way back”
-This is very misguiding. Selenium are needed for the thyroid enzymes to work. It is adviced to take in a certain ratio to iodine. The more iodine you take the more selenium you need.
But selenium has a limit, much more than iodine, as it stay in the body way much longer.
Also some areas of the world has some selenium in the soil, and therefore; food. Other areas are very depleted. Thats why some of the old timers here hardly took any selenium, while like me had to take alot; due to the low sele ...
1,188 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Why some may have prob with higher doses iodine
by #82374 17 y
View Entire Thread 10
I just came across this info. Thought it was interesting.
Later studies showed that serum T4 was maintained at control levels when both dietary iodine and selenium were low, but not when iodine alone, or selenium alone, was low. Activity of thyroidal GSH-Px (erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase) was lowest in rats fed a diet containing high iodine and low selenium. The results suggested that high iodine intake, when selenium is deficient, may permit thyroid tissue ...
3,908 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Selenium and prostate cancer - old news?
by cora 18 y
Get smart about selenium and prostate cancer
Mineral supplements may help prevent disease, studies find
By Karen Collins, R.D.
Updated: 12:20 p.m. ET June 25, 2004
A recent study links the consumption of the essential mineral selenium with a lower risk of prostate cancer. There are now seven population studies in the past six years that examined the possible connection between selenium and prostate cancer. All but one of them have found selenium protective. Yet, since scientists are still uncertain how prostate cancer starts ...
1,193 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Selenium - A Healing Mineral
by plzchuckle 12 y
(NaturalNews) Selenium was first used in conventional medicine as a treatment for dandruff, but our understanding of the mineral has come a long way since then. Today, research shows selenium, especially when used in conjunction with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, works to block chemical reactions that create free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer).
Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. In other words, selenium acts to prevent tumors from developing. ”It contributes towards the death ...
5,471 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
what leads to the mutation of the bird blu viruses
by wangzenghui 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Selenium is the only nutrient element that has direct relation with viruses and the only micro-element that controlled by gene.
The use factor of inorganic selenium in soil is lowered due to its uneven distribution and damage caused by acid. It could be expressed in many facts, for example: lack of selenium in the soil, lack of selenium in the crop, lack of the selenium in the bodies of creature.
Then, what on earth leads to the occurrence of the human high-pathogenic?
There are two ways which have found out to leaded to the result.
In the natural word, plants are transferred into orga ...
2,337 hits
Forum: Tea
Selenium intake from Reuters
by supercheetah 17 y
View Entire Thread 7
Moderate Selenium Levels Tied to Longer Life
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to the effects of selenium on health and longevity, you may be able to get too much of a good thing. While moderate levels of the mineral are associated with longevity, once selenium levels climb past a certain mark, the odds of dying from any cause, or from cancer specifically, begin to tip upward, a new study suggests.
The study, of nearly 14,000 U.S. adults, found that higher blood levels of selenium were linked to a lower risk of death over 12 years, at which point the risk appears to increase.
2,239 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
by plzchuckle 12 y
Selenium Helps Remove Mercury from the Body
(NaturalNews) While high levels of Mercury are often found in large species of fish, a more important factor to consider is the relative amount of Selenium the fish contains. Selenium, also abundant in seafood, actually helps remove Mercury from the body. Thus, consuming certain types of seafood (and other foods) that have a high Selenium to Mercury ratio can purify the body of heavy metals even when the fish contains those same elements. This article will explore the benefits of Selenium, those foods with the highest Selenium content, ...
5,220 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
Selenium helps remove mercury from the body
by mo123 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
Selenium Helps Remove Mercury from the Body
by Kirk Patrick, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) While high levels of Mercury are often found in large species of fish, a more important factor to consider is the relative amount of Selenium the fish contains. Selenium, also abundant in seafood, actually helps remove Mercury from the body. Thus, consuming certain types of seafood (and other foods) that have a high Selenium to Mercury ratio can purify the body of heavy metals even when the fish contains those same elements. This article will explore the benefits of Selenium, those foods wit ...
3,058 hits
Forum: Sara’s Soup Kitchen
Re: Lung cancer
by #58095 18 y
Selenium makes chemotherapy safer, more effective
In addition to preventing the onset of the disease, selenium has also been shown to aid in slowing cancer’s progression in patients that already have it. According to the Life Extension Foundation, the use of selenium during chemotherapy in combination with vitamin A and vitamin E can reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. The mineral also helps ”enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation, and hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient’s normal cells; thus making therapy more of a ’selective toxin,’” says Patrick Quillin in ...
2,704 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: Selenium
RN by Owen 19 y
Dear Chris,
Selenium is a vitally needed nutrient that
helps your body remain healthy. Selenium
deficiency can cause hypothyroidism or low
thyroid. Five times as many women as men
suffer from this condition, which is reaching
epidemic proportions in the USA. Low thyroid
is also caused by lack of natural iodine in
the thyroid gland. If you eat a Brazil nut
everyday (it contains the most selenium of
any food), and eat some dried seaweeds like
dulse, kombu, or wakame, you’ll be giving
your thyroid exactly what it needs to heal
itself. Pass this information along to your
women ...
3,983 hits
4 of 4 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Best form of selenium?
by mumnz 11 y
Someone else may know more but I found this on the Stop the Thyroid Madness website - very informative.
”Selenium comes in many forms. Most selenium supplements are selenium yeast, selenomethionine, selenite and selenate. Selenite and selenate are both inorganic forms of selenium and have an absorption rate of about 50%. This unfortunately, increases the chance of selenium toxicity. For this reason alone, organic forms of selenium, such as selenium yeast or selenomethionine, are safer and are more readily absorbed. In fact, organic forms of selenium are the only way to raise serum leve ...
7,539 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Question for the Experts
by illys / elisah 11 y
Thought I’d throw this your way, found it while browsing similar subjects.
Susan has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid disorder causing fatigue, puffy face and muscle weakness. For the past year, she had been under the care of other doctors who started thyroid medication (Synthroid), and tested her thyroid antibody levels. The disturbing thing was that her antibodies kept climbing higher on each follow up lab test. The doctors had no explanation, so she asked me if there was something else that could be done.
Selenium Can Decrease Antibody Levels
As it turns ...
2,239 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Question on selenium toxicity
by grizz 12 y
l-selenomethionine 200 mcg per day
Selenium supplements are safe & recommended by Dr. Brownstein in his iodine protocol:
The only known problem with selenium is that it is a co-nutrient with iodine. Iodine must be taken with selenium & vica versa. One without the other can cause thyroid problems.
More on Selenium:
The thyroid only needs trace amounts. 200 micrograms a day is recommended by Dr. Brownstein and that is not even a pinch of seleni ...
2,521 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: ban us all from the iodine forum
by mjj005 11 y
”If a selenium deficiency causes an iodine deficiency, leaving you both selenium and iodine deficient, and supplementing with either selenium or iodine causes severe problems, then the only solution is to supplement both selenium and iodine simultaneously and gradually. Even then you could experience an immediate boost (from increased conversion of T4 to T3) with a subsequent letdown (lack of T4 production because of insufficient iodine or other necessary nutrient). You have to be prepared to ride out the tough times and continue increasing the selenium and iodine until those two defic ...
2,366 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Always looking for the bigger picture...
by prettysoulful 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
I found this little article very interesting as I was looking for a connection between selenium and lithium as both seem to have a role to play in iodine metabolism. I also find it interesting that lithium can cause hypothyroidism when supplemented singularly, and selenium can cause hypothyroidism when low. I wonder if there is a balance triangle between lithium-selenium-iodine. Still seeking the connect. Wondering if lithium/selenium have any affect on the other’s metabolism ’cause that could explain a lot about the various reactions and mood shifts I’ve read about.
I have found that m ...
2,864 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
by traderdrew 18 y
This just in from Dr. Mercola.
Perhaps Kevin should have included selenium in chapter 6 of his first two books.
Brazil nuts are supposed to be a source of selenium. How are these nuts supposed to get selenium if they were grown in selenium deficient soils? Maybe since the Amazon area floods once or twice a year this helps distribute minerals there.
Something Dr. Mercola didn’t include in his report. Selenium can bind to toxic metals in the body. See link below.
2,548 hits
Forum: Kevin Trudeau
Selenium levels impact leg artery disease
R by mo123 16 y
Selenium levels impact leg artery disease
New research suggests that the amount of selenium in a person’s blood could impact their risk of developing peripheral artery disease, or PAD.
PAD occurs when arteries in the legs become narrowed or clogged with fatty deposits, reducing blood flow to the legs, leading to leg cramps and walking difficulty. PAD affects about 8 million Americans and is associated with significant disease and death.
In their study, Dr. Eliseo Guallar, of The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore and colleagues found that the likelihood of having P ...
1,007 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: iodine (edit for highlighting)
RR by just thinking 14 y
Yes, I’m glad for you that your root canal pain and heart palps feel better. Ditto the selenomethionine. The SeMC is good for cancer prevention, but selenomethionine is a better choice for thyroid. The two forms can be used together.
Iodothyronine deiodinases (thyroid hormone deiodinases)
The thyroid gland releases very small amounts of biologically active thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine or T 3 ) and larger amounts of an inactive form of thyroid hormone (thyroxine or T 4 ) into the circulation. Most of the biolo ...
1,923 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Interactions between selenium and iodine
R by supercheetah 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
Interactions between selenium and iodine
April 27, 1999
Selenium and iodine are two minerals which are critically important in the proper functioning of the thyroid. While the importance of iodine has been known a long time, the importance of selenium has only been discovered and explored since 1990. Much research is presently being conducted on the functions of these two minerals in thyroid function and it is becoming clear that there is an interaction between the two. Iodine has a seemingly simple role in the thyroid-it is incorporated into the thyroid hormone molecule.
A defici ...
2,726 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Dr. Donald Miller speaks out on Selenium
by chrisb1 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
Out of the 92 elements that exist in nature, 25 make up the human body. The largest one is iodine (atomic weight 126.9), followed by molybdenum (95.9). Selenium (78.96) is third.
Selenium was discovered in 1817 and named after Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon. This element is a member of the Group 16 (VIA) family of elements in the periodic table, along with oxygen, its sister sulfur, and the metalloid elements tellurium and polonium. Soil contains selenium in minute and variable amounts. In the U.S., soil selenium concentration ranges from 50 parts per million (ppm). In the Pac ...
2,480 hits
3 of 3 (100%)
Forum: News
owen and selenium
RN by trapper/kcmo 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
selenium is another related topic for our discussions that this kind and meek man has enlightened us about. notice that selenium is found mostly in goitrogens. if we are avoiding then for our iodine supplementation protocol, then supplementing selenium is even more of a possible need. i like brazil nuts for this.
” Selenium Deficiency Linked To Many Diseases
Selenium is a vitally needed nutrient that helps your body remain healthy. Selenium deficiency can cause hypothyroidism or low thyroid. Five times as many wo ...
4,489 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Zinc versus selenium
by jhan 16 y
Zinc and selenium are very close, they have similar function within one’s metabolism. They are famous for their antioxydant properties which are helpful to fight candida... before today I did not know that zinc had antifungal properties.
Taking zinc is pretty equivalent to taking selenium( I take both on a regular basis with meals).
Small steps and listening to your body is important. I belive you’ve just hit a good cue.
As per selenium per se, a search led to these:
The effects of selenium deficiency on the responses to Candida albicans infection were examined in mice. When s ...
21,208 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: uk visit ?for HighonWater
by trapper/kcmo 16 y
a straight selenomethionine supplement is what you want for the larger doses of selenium(800-1200mcg). the selenium from yeast can have any ratio of methylated to non-methylated selenium. you dont know how much of each is in there. too much elemental selenium will tax those pathways and processes in the body and cause other toxins to build up unchecked. that is the action of toxicity for selenium in the body.
1,857 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Severe hairloss on iodoral
by Mike1953 14 y
Are you taking too much selenium? Selenium toxicity will cause hair loss.
I used to eat Brazil nuts by the pound bag, several pounds a week, not for the selenium, just because I craved the nuts.
I never noticed any problems from doing this but then there are many symptoms I don’t notice. I tend to suppress any negative feed back I get from my body.
13,661 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: I want to start iodine/iodide using SSKI
by goten574 15 y
I forgot to ask, does the Selenium have to be L-selenomethionine? or will Selenium from yeast do? I ask because Healthy Origins have Selenium from yeast at a much cheaper price than the L-selenomethionine from NOW or Nature’s Way.
Will this do? if not, I shall go with an L-selenomethionine supplement
9,469 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: More selenium with higher iodine intake?
by monica999 18 y
Its selenium selenAte. The selenIte form binds to other minerals and interferes with absorption of those that way. Not so the selenAte form.
you are right though, that you have to be careful with selenium selenate, since too much can be harmful. Selenium methionine is much better and I would only use that for additional selenium - over 200ug - myself.
The multi is called ”Twinlab Daily One” and has 200ug selenium selenate.
1,772 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Just what I need- thanks! n/m
by Tyler 20 y
Your best natural source for selenium is brazil nuts. 4-6 brazil nuts a day will give you 200 mcg of selenium. It doesn’t take much and they taste pretty good to boot.
I’m sure there is selenium in Vital Herbs as well as Superfood, it just isn’t measured.
I suspect you could go to Dr. Duke’s website and try to piece together the amount of selenium in each ingredient to get a rough estimate of how much selenium there is in Vital Herbs overall.
1,760 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Re: Hyper symptoms
by glaxony 11 y
My Merck manual says the toxic level of selenium is 1000 mcgs per day. Two of the symptoms of selenium poisoning are brittle hair and nails. How is your elimination? Do your kidneys function adequately? How long have you been taking the selenium? Could there be a build up due to improper elimination? Google selenium poisoning to find out what happens if you take too much selenium.
843 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Too much selenium equal tight throat, brittle hair, irr...
by wotm8brah 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
Almost immediately after taking selenium I get a tight throat and become irritable
the literature only shows that those with high anti bodies and auto immune disorders need more selenium.
can i drop down the selenium dose or this this tight throat feeling a symptom of detox?
i never had high thyroid anti bodies even after using supermarket brazil nuts for my selenium source. now I am dosing with a supplement and it is making me feel shit taking Selenium
is this normal?
2,715 hits
Forum: Iodine