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Re: eye Puffiness and Liver problems?
by mazza40 20 y
i also have puffy eyes and strangely enough, the right eye is far worse than the left. it all to do with the liver and the colon. i took oxy-powder for a week and puffy eyes improved alot but then had a couple of beers and eyes puffiness came back and even oxy-powder couldn’t change things then. the alcohol compromised liver and no amount of colon cleansing with oxy-powder changed things. its almost as if the liver said; ”you fooled me once, it wont happen again.”
my right puffy eye completely disappeared after following elimination diet but went back to eating normal foods and it came ...
17,930 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Puffy eyes
by skyhigh 18 y
That is a hard one to answer since there are many things that cause puffy eyes. What I have found out about candida is that it will attack your body’s weaknesses. If you were prone or weak to having puffy eyes due to some weakness or deficiency, then I would imagine candida would make things worse.
Please see link for puffy eyes
4,812 hits
Forum: Candida Support
by tasha92337 18 y
Puffy eyes are caused from candida and liver. So if your puffy eyes are caused by candida.
**take enzymes
**take HCL 1500mg
*** If you have puffy eyes, the kidneys should be addressed first. So fasting (on lemonade= water+ lemon juice) along with vit B (b50 complex) + magnesium (400 to 500mg/day + cod fish oil would be a good start.
**take multivitamins with grapeseed extract. Candida will cause heavy damage to eyes, sinus and other tissues unless antioxydants (like vit. A, C, E, zinc, selenium and the ...
7,775 hits
Forum: Eye Floaters
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi, I suffer with dark circles and puffy eyes. I was told that my puffy eyes could be from the ”Digestive System” I was told to buy a neti pot and oil pulled as well as go on a candida diet and take grapeseed extract/ vitamin C/ Nystatin
I already oil pulled
Anyone used a neti pot before or tried nystatin?
i just ordered ”HumaWorm” so im excited to get the critters out and gain some weight that i lost.
Also, I need tips to improve my digestive system.
please help
2,323 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes- Question!!
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hello, I suffer with dark cirles and extreme puffy eyes. I was told that it can relate to liver, colon, kidney, and digestion.
I really would like to get rid of my circles and puffy eyes.
Also, how can i improve my digestion system.
Im underweight and was told that it could be from candida, parasites or inbalance.
I make a smoothie that contains pineapple and payaya for digestion.
What relates to puffy eyes? Im in desperate need to get rid of them
Please help!!
Thank You
4,302 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
number of flushes
by slider25 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
nice to see the legend is back in town!
anyway, i was just wandering does the amount of stones in the liver reflect upon a certain condition? for instance, if someone was suffering from something really bad like scoloisis and someone one else just had fatigue and puffy eyes would the person with scoloisis most likely have alot more gallstones than the person with puffy eyes. im just enquiring as fatigue and puffy eyes are my main symptoms however after 7 flushes i have only gotten rid of about 500 stones(albeit tonnes of chaff). you said in amazing liver cleanse that after flush 6-8 the ...
2,555 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: puffy Eyes
by mysan21 14 y
hallo again
I went back and read your first answer on puffy eyes and water retention and saw that I missed what you said about aldosterone. Do I have low ore high levels of aldosterone if I get puffy eyes easily and can I affect the levels on my own?
Should I take potassium - I can see right away that the puffy eyes comes when I change from Himalayasalt to regular (like this vacation )?
By the way I´m on Scissandra and L-tyrosine (instead of 5-htp) and just bought aschwaganda so i´m working on my adrenals step by step....
Kind regards
5,958 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Possible Solution for Puffy eyes!!!
by VANMEL 21 y
HI here is something I just found online since I also have teh same problem with puffy eyes, I will try it too!
Remedies For Puffy Eyes: Take a metal spoon and run it under cold water. Place the metal on the puffy area for at least 60 seconds.
· Apply hemorrhoid cream (look for brands that contain ingredients of yeast and shark’s liver oil) to the puffy area. Insiders have known for years that in just the way it gets the swelling out of that other area, it works the same way for the face.
2,603 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
I have a Unique Question!!!
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
I saw your post about ”Protein Shake” which I find excellent!!
Here is my concern: dark circles, puffy eyes, and under weight!!
I also acidic and was told to do liver flushes, take digestion enzymes, do a fruit/veggie juicing, and parasite cleanse. Also go on a candida diet.
Far as dark circles and puffy eyes goes, I need to do a liver flush, and take priobiotics. I was told that candida has a small part in dark circles.
And for gaining weight do a paraiste cleanse and take humaworm.
I find your protein shake amazing and I cant wait to start . I just need some guida ...
2,451 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Puffy eyes since flushing
by mamamia 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
I started having puffy eyes years back and this is what started me on the way to my healing journey. I can’t recall exactly at which point the puffy eyes really went away, but it has been quite a while now (at least 6 months). I did my 2nd liver flush 5 days ago, and it went great - lots of stones and sludge. I posted below about concerns with my kidney and ES (and this as well, but wanted to make it a new post with the new subject).
Since the flush my eyes were a bit puffy for a few days but I didn’t think much of it. Now, 5 days later, I woke up and they are SUPER puffy! Particularly ...
3,592 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by #74989 18 y
View Entire Thread 12
Dark circles/puffy eyes
Digestion problems
May have Candida,Hypothyroid, and Anemia
What I do Right Now:
HumaWorm Parasite cleanse
Drink water sea salt water
Take BSM
Enemas and PB shakes once a week
Oil Pull
**I tried juice fasting but lost ALOT OF WEIGHT. :(
What I think I need:
Digestive Enzymes
Colonix OR Colonics OR Colema Board
Vitamins, Minerals , drk Greens
Liver Flush
Heavy metal Detox
Getting rid of dark circles/puffy eyes or elminating
Gain weight
Brighten and whiten the whites of eyes
Change Du ...
6,156 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
Leaky Gut
Coconut Oil
Re: Enzymes for puffy eyes
by #71051 18 y
It has been stated several times that puffy eyes have to do with the digestion and liver issues. In lieu of looking for a quick fix, how about doing the cleanses and cleaning up your diet. For enzymes, eat some pineapple or papaya. Do the liver flushes every 2 weeks. Look into living a lifestyle of mainly raw fruits & veggies. If needed, do a fast.
If you follow the steps that plzchuckle posted before, you will clear up your puffy eye issue and any other issue you may have.
3,376 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
PUFFY EYES- Enemas!!!!
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 9
Whats the best enema for puffy eyes?
Coffee Enema or salt water soda enema?
I heard that puffy eyes are from digestion, liver and colon.
Mind you, I never done a colon cleanse so im wondering if i do any enema first, will it be effective since my colon isnt cleansed?
Do I need to do a salt water enema first before anything else to cleanse the colon?
What enema cleanse the colon properly and bowels?
Please help
sorry for asking so many questions.
Thank You
11,121 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Oil Pulling
Raw Vegetarian
first time user
by #74989 17 y
View Entire Thread 8
i did a search on dark circles and puffy eyes and received info about oil pulling. I didnt know what oil pulling is or benefits so i browsed this site ALOT. I saw alot of positive things that happens. I just did my first oil pulling w/ olive oil this morning for 10min. i tend to hold longer and go for 20min
I really want to get rid of my dark circles, puffy eyes and within a month hope to have DC free, dewey, & soft skin!!
In addition, I am also doing alkaline drinks(ACV,BSM,lemon,&baking soda) twice a day, a series of liver cleanses(every two weeks), eating homemade kefir and yogurt, ...
5,229 hits
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: baby
by MH 108 17 y
My baby wakes up with puffy eyes is that normal?
She sometimes will have dark circles too. ONly 5 1/2 months old.
Just curious if that’s normal..I thought it could be becasue she a very restless sleeper.
1,146 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Signs of liver congestion?
by BeeBee1 12 y
I had the problem of waking up with puffy eyes and face for many years. For me it tends to happen when my sodium is high and potassium low, particularly during the week before my period. I found that watching my sodium intake during this time, keeping hydrated and coffee enemas really helped. I have had issues with parasites and liver congestion, so I’m sure these are also contributing.
I found that muscle testing what supplements to take really helped. Often I needed extra B6, potassium or sometimes a multi vitamin (Megapan). Interestingly since switching to TEI supps I no longer get ...
3,062 hits
Forum: Nutritional Balancing AF
bags under eyes temporarily reducing after flushes
by #1727 21 y
View Entire Thread 11
i’ve done 34 liver flushes(flushed about 6500 stones), since about flush 26 my puffy eyes or bags under the eyes started to go down. not 100% down but down probably 60-70%. normally the longer i sleep the more puffy my eyes get in the morning, but now after a flush i can sleep all day and they will not get puffy.
i’m just wondering if this issue will eventually go away. the next morning after a flush and for 2 days after my eyes are not puffy, right after that, like clockwork, they are puffy again. so, my eyes are not puffy for 3 days and puffy for 4 days, if i flush weekly. it could ...
8,671 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Does flushing really help undereye circles and the skin?
by tasha92337 18 y
hello, i suffer with dark circles and puffy eyes too! You and I both LACK OXYGEN
. eating lots of greens releases oxygen and cayenne pepper gets the blood flowing...
Ill give you what my naturopathic docter gave me: ” By unclogging your bile ducts, proper digestion will takeplace, proper detox will take place and balance can be achieved”
Dark circles are from your kidneys-- Do Barefoots kidney formula with taking L-Glutamine
Puffy eyes are from the DIGESTION.
Poor digestion: add fresh ( not canned or cooked) pineapple to each meal. You can add Ume plum or raw vinegar to each ...
27,183 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Under-Eye Bags
Adrenal Fatigue
by #74989 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hello, Im a newbie on the Dr. Richard Schulze forum. I actually was sent here from another member regarding my problems with dark circles and puffy eyes. I have an issue with lymphedema, hypothyroid, OXIDATIVE STRESS but majorily, I have CANDIDA! Im overly acidic and lack potassium and more sodium in my system.
My problem
1.Dark circles puffy eyes- colon congestion
2.Digestion -leaky gut- Lack nutrient absorption
3.Overgrowth Candida/yeast
4.Underweight from Juicing and MC
5.Heavy Metals toxic
6.Lack Vitmains and Minerals
I would like to TRY
2.Dr. Schulze In ...
10,214 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Iodine Supplementation
#7 tonight
by rainbow 22 y
View Entire Thread 3
Well flush number 6 has been a great success..not to be gross but my stools are now sinking, I had a problem with greasy floating stools..I feel so good, my comlexion is so good, I don’t have puffy eye’s anymore..I really think that last flush did the trick..I am going to flush tonight I am almost afraid too because I feel so good now, I hope it doesn’t disturb things..Tonight will be # 7. I”m trying to keep the every 2 weeks..Thanks to all .. God bless.
2,833 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
puffy Eyes
by #131759 15 y
View Entire Thread 17
I´m trying to get well from candida (doing the McCombs Plan week 11), leaky gut and andrenal fatigue. I´m only on probiotics) and Detox now. I get very very puffy eyes and sticky eyes to and it feels like I am retaining to much water. I used to get like this a lot before i started the ”candida diet” but has been quite okey since then until three ore four weeks ago. Do You know what it canbe ore what i can do ?
Kind regards
6,033 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Easy protozoa test
by outoftime44 15 y
Maybe I have a protozoa infection? Or candida?
I have white segments/sporadic sesame seeds in bowel movements. I have headaches/rashes/eye floaters/ puffy eyes before bowel movements.
I have taken all tapeworm medications. Don’t have fluke or any kind of other parasite.
I took tests and they didn’t find anything bacterial except that salmonella about 10 months ago.
Would tests miss protozoa?
2,913 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Brew time!!!
by wombat 15 y
The reason that he’s suggesting steroid cream is because of it’s anti-inflammatory action. Don’t go for it~ steroids have nasty side-effects. And that’s the usual ”let’s fix the symptom” western medical reasoning. At her age, puffy eyes indicate some sort of ”allergy” or imbalance, IMO. So I would not suggest any sort of cream to ”fix” the problem- at best you’ll get a temporary fix. The root cause(s) must be addressed...
The eye area can be puffy due to numerous reasons- if her eyes are puffy in the morning then normalize as the day wears on, then that points to weak kidneys.
If the ...
2,350 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Symptoms of Congested Lymph...
by jolts 17 y
Here ya go...but I don’t have the sourse.
Symptoms of lymphatic congestion can include one or more of the following:
back pain
muscles and tissue tension
breast congestion
chronic fatigue
cellulite fat accumulation
yeast infections
chronic sinusitis allergies and recurrent colds
skin disorders
chronic bowel problems
chronic depression gum disease
slow healing of burns, cuts
recurrent tonsillitis
Here’s another list.
Some examples of congested lymphatics are:
Allergies ...
11,378 hits
Forum: Lymph Cleanse
by Pratt 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
I’ve been pulling for 10 days now and other than teeth getting a bit whiter haven’t noticed any other improvements.
I have actually have been feeling more sluggish and my neck
glands have been bothering me everyday,not sure if it’s due
to the pulling or allergens.It just seems i’m feverish but
i’m not running a fever.I’m not sneezing or have puffy eyes
so not sure if this is allergies.Any comments?I have been
pulling with sunflower oil.Any recommendations?
1,892 hits
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: Albendazole & Hair Loss, Who Here has Taken it and..
by parasitehelp 16 y
I am taking 600-800mg of Albenza a day for 5 days. Would this cause hair loss in such a short period of time since it is such a high dosage? I am on the beginning of my second day and i have puffy eyes and a headache and general feeling of discomfort. I know you took it for a month but what was your dosage per day and do you think with the dosage I am taking that I will experience hair loss?
Thank you!
4,110 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Should I get tested?
by kkw 16 y
Thank you, Iolite, I have read that site and it’s great but it’s also what made me originally think that I don’t have thyroid problems. The only symptoms that I have that are listed there are also symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue, which I know I have.
This is what I was looking at on Dr Rind’s site:
From this list, on the thyroid side, just puffy eyes and occasional reddness around the mouth - does it warrant testing?
1,943 hits
Forum: Hypothyroid
Re: Swollen, Puffy, Droopy Eyes symptoms anyone?
by feo66 11 y
I used to get that. It tended to be after I was exposed to something I had become environmentally sensitive too, such as wood dust.
I haven’t had this for a couple of years.
But yeah, I think swollen puffy eyes can be a symptom.
8,347 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Cure
Eyes Problems Cures
Re: Blistery Rash - Herxing!
by Jhan 21 y
Whenever I get yeast in the toilet (which has been daily for the past 11 weeks) I need to do serious liver maintenance....
and get ready for kidneys maintenance as well (puffy eyes and kidney area pain). Kidneys: Linden tea-parsley tea- chai tea and loads of liquid.
Avoid vinegar enema for a while and do probiotics enemas: yogurt, aloe vera or whatever probiotics you use orally, 1 or 2 teaspoons in lukewarm source water.
Take care
2,721 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Dark Circles
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
Im interested in getting my IMMUNE SYSTEM working properly. I lack blood circulation oxygen flow and iron. In results, I have dark circles and puffy eyes which are connected to the liver and colon congestion.
Please help me understand how phytonutrients and antioxidants can help with my condition.
Right now, Im doing weekly enemas for colon congestion But I really backed up with gunk.
3,384 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Bowel Cleanse Support
Candida Treatment
by tasha92337 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hello, I suffer with dark circles and puffy eyes. I researched and found out that this symptom is based on your liver being stressed with relates to canida AND causes the kidney to suffer too!
I was told that going on a candida diet and doing a candida treament as well as liver flush, coffeee enema and kidney cleanse is Key to getting rid of these circles!!!
What is a priobiotic?
Also, whats an EXCELLENT Candida treatment as well as diet???
Im desperate for help
Thanks Alot
3,023 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Juice Fasting - Question
by tasha92337 18 y
I researched and saw your raw juices for liver and others which I find excellent!!
I suffer with dark circles and Im interested to know if you have raw juices for dark circles and puffy eyes?
In specific matter, raw juices for the liver, kidney, digestion, lymph, and sinus as well as candida.
Also, im interested in gain natural weight. Do you have any weight gain smoothies recipes available? I was told to mix orange juice, peanut butter and banana as a weight gain smoothie
Thank You
913 hits
Forum: Cleansing.
Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
by trapper/kcmo 17 y
View Entire Thread 14
from the iodine book by brownstein:
brittle nails
cold hands and feet
cold intolerance
difficulty swallowing
dry skin
elevated cholesterol
essential hypertension
eyelid swelling
hair loss
inability to concentrate
menstrual irregularities
muscle cramps
muscle weakmess
poor memory
puffy eyes
slower heartbeat
throat pain
weight gain
the solution, of course, is iodine. chances are it will improve or completely remedy these symptoms.
4,516 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Gland Problems
by muhammed 17 y
i recon i have some kind of gland problem because i find it hard to wake up even after 10-12 hours sleep. I have a dandruff problem and I also have puffy eyes, cheeks and lips. I used to do heavy workouts 6 days a week and i hardly had any muscle buildup.
ive been researching these symptoms but im not sure what they relate to.
Theory is good but people have to share like i have done above to see if our problems match.
6,916 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: upped dose, puffy-eyed
by wombat 17 y
I remember getting puffy-eyed early on in supping...
good post on tears:
1,330 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: you darling!!
by nolster 20 y
Hi Wrenn
I’ve just stumbled across your posting whilst looking for some help on puffy eyes - I’m sorry to bother you but I wondered if you might be able to help me!
I’m 31 and I’ve got a terrible case of puffy eyes - it’s more to do with my eye lid than under eyes - they are so puffy and swollen that they actually feel like they are weighing down my eyes - I literally look like I’ve got the eyes of an old lady in the face of a 31 year old!
I have very thin skin all over my body and as a result it kind of seems to hold pockets of water in pools - particuarly above my eyes.
I eat ...
1,781 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
Vitamin A
by Jhan 19 y
FLoaters and sinus issues? If he also has intestinal issues (constipation for instance) I’d say it really sounds like candida.
For floaters, vitamin A (cod fish oil) is your best bet and this whether or not he actually has candida.
You ’ve mentioned puffy eyes, if you actually mean puffy bags under the eyes (especially in the morning) this means he has an issue with his kidneys. Fasting helps a lot to relieve the kidneys- or simply plenty of water in betweeen meals (ideally with a bit of lemon juice) and as mentioned above, a bit of salt in there will make sure the water does not was ...
4,645 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: puffy eyes
by #26194 19 y
I resolved the problem of puffy eyes with urine compresses during sleep at night. Look at the picture below: . For the first two weeks there was an obvious reaction going on. My eyes were wrinkled and puffy for approx. one hour when I woke up in the morning and then returned to normal for the rest of the day. But after 2 weeks of applying the compresses every night, the puffiness went away and my eyes felt refreshed. My husband tells me my eyes look like when I was younger....
2,268 hits
Forum: Eyes Problems
May have mercury poising-please help!
by #99940 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi guys! I am new here and I can’t even tell you how happy I was to stuble on to this place! No words can describe. Okay here’s the deal. I have a metal crown that needs to be replaced with porcelian asap. It is 18 yrs. old I know OMG! I was bulimic for 15 yrs and only cared about my teeth ”appearing” beautiful on the outside. If you saw me smile, you’d more than likely say I have great teeth (braces in jr, high and I have hten whitened professionally at my dentisits.) BUT the inside of my mouth is disgusting! I have 5 cavities and am nearing root canal territory. This past yr. I finally g ...
2,426 hits
Forum: Dental Support
by vray1000 21 y
Here’s what Andreas Moritz (”Ask Andreas” forum) has to say about LF:
Anyone suffering any of the following symptoms or similar ones is likely to have hundreds, if not thousands, of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver.
Food cravings, diarrhea, constipation, hernia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, breathing difficulties, hepatitis and other types of infection, high cholesterol, pancreatitis, heart disease, brain disorders, duodenal ulcers, nausea and vomiting, a ‘bilious’ or angry personality, depression, impotence ...
2,773 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Duodenal Ulcer