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Re: Question about OxyPowder ingredients
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
The bio-availability of the magnesium that is used in the Oxy-Powder is different than an magnesium supplement.The magnesium that is used in the Oxy-Powder is ozonated and you are probably only going about 1/3 of what is listed on the label. The Oxy-Powder is an safe and effective intestinal cleanser that can be used for an indefinite period of time. I am an avid Oxy-Powder for almost 3 years now. I am not aware of any problems with taking Oxy-Powder even if you do have diabetes. Oxy-Powder does not cause any problems with your kidneys. The only thing that might be a problem is that you ne ...
4,500 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Oxy-Powder Constipation Clinical Studies
by lizblaze 18 y
I was reading up more on this product and to my amazement it looks like they just recently released a clinical study on Oxy-Powder for constipation. The final result:
Complete cure: 42.3% patients treated with Oxy-Powder
Significant Improvement: 57.7% in patients treated with Oxy-Powder
Failure: 0% in patients treated with Oxy-Powder
So I think I’m definitely going to try out Oxy-Powder for my constipation, I’m so excited!
2,959 hits
Forum: Constipation
Re: Oxy-powder or oxy-cleanse?
by Angielynn 20 y
Oxy-powder has been one of the most effective things I’ve ever tried. It’s made a big difference for me. If I were trying an oxygen colon cleanser I would stick to either Oxy-powder or homozone. I explain why in an article we wrote about my experience with Oxy-powder. I’ll place a link below.
Blessings - Angie
4,609 hits
Forum: Constipation
Re: Oxypowder or Colonix?
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
I have never used the Colonix before. However, I have been an avid Oxy-Powder for about 3 years. The benefits of the Oxy-Powder not only including cleansing the entire intestinal system over a period of time. However, since this product is an Oxygen based intestinal cleanser, the oxygen will be released into the blood system. This allow the oxygen to reach other parts of the body. The Oxy-Powder will also help the bowels muscles to re-train themselves. The Oxy-Powder will also increase your urgency to go to the restroom. The movements that you experience while taking the Oxy-Powder are ver ...
8,201 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Oxypowder - Ingredients?
by WendyBee 21 y
that is the site address explaining the germanium ingredient in OxyPowder.
Also from their site:
QUOTE: 8) What ingredients are in Oxy-Powder?
Oxy-Powder is a scientifically formulated product consisting of complex oxides of magnesium stabilized with ozone and oxygen at high pressure and low temperature to ensure that the oxygen attaches and remains stable to the oxide molecules. Organic Germanium 132 has been added to help facilitate oxygen delivery and transfer and to help stimulate the immune system. Oxy-Powder is ...
5,245 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Whey protein compatable with oxypowder?
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
I have been taking Oxy-Powder for almost three years. I am not aware of any specfic recommndations that you cannot take Whey Powder with Oxy-Powder. However, the company that makes the Oxy-Powder does recommend that you do not consume dairy products,carbonated beverages, and alcohol just to name a few. However, if you are using the whey powder in moderation, I do not see that this being a problem. The reason they recommned not to consume dairy products is that they contain sugar which if you are combating candida. You need to eliminate all refined sugars if this is possible. If this is not ...
2,611 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: OPINION REQUESTED: P&B Shakes vs Oxypowder???
by Angielynn 20 y
Oxy-powder was the most effective and comfortable cleanse for me. I did the P&B. I never felt a change from it.
The oxy-powder made a big difference for me. One example of that is that I started to drink ozonated water before the oxy-powder, but couldn’t continue - Each time I’d try, I’d get the flu by the next day even with a few sips, which I believe is an indication of die-off toxins trapped in the colon being reabsorbed back into the blood stream. After the oxy-powder I am now drinking about three 9 ounce glasses a day of the ozone water with no die-off effects and only positiv ...
2,494 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: which product is best for getting rid of mucoid plaque?
by Angielynn 20 y
Oxy-Powder is a similar product. It worked better for me than any other bowel cleanse I did, and I did just about everything.
If I were going to use a oxygen based colon cleanse, I would either choose homozone or Oxy-powder. Homozone is discussed at length in Ed McCabe’s book, flood your body with oxygen. He feels the many copycats are untested and don’t work as well. Oxy-Powder was shown to be as effective and perhaps a little more than homozone in studies. I chose Oxy-powder over homozone as it’s easier to use. You don’t have to take it with an acidic drink as you do with coloson and ...
3,347 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Does Oxypowder work, or is it just a laxative?
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
The Oxy-Powder is not a laxative. A laxative will not address the root cause of the constipation which is the compacted fecal matter that we all have in our intestinal system. The Oxy-Powder in my opinion is better than Colonix which is an herbal based cleanser. Every person in the world could benefit from taking the Oxy-Powder. The oxygen that is released from the Oxy-Powder if the product is taken for a longer period time will actually help other systems in your body. The Oxy-Powder can be taken in a variety of ways, if your schedule does not allow to take as the company recommends. I wo ...
4,719 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Thanks...but....
by misty55 19 y
Is Oxy-powder not something other companies sell, or is there only one company that makes oxy-powder and you have to buy it from them? there only one Oxy-poweder? Have you personally tried oxy-powder? Do you know of anyone that has tried it that could give me their opinions? I read the oxy-powder website and read a bunch of testimonials, but those could be just made up stories, so I’d like to have opinions from people who have actually tried it, if you know of anyone. That’d be really helpful.
Also, I couldn’t quite find it anywhere, unless they were saying it differently, but ...
2,368 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Oxy-Powder & Global Healing
by deliria 20 y
I wrote to Global Healing asking about Oxy-Powder & its removal of mucoid plaque.
Firstly let me say they answered my email in record time, so they DO answer their emails. There is some problem however with people who have AOL accounts they usually don’t receive Global Healing’s emails because they get filtered out through AOL’s strict spam filters.
This is the response i got regarding Oxy-Powder & whether it is a colon cleanse or whether it just relieves constipation:
”Oxy-Powder is first and foremost an Oxygen Based Colon Cleaner. Relieving constipation is one of the effects O ...
2,203 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Some stupid questions regarding oxypowder
by Angielynn 20 y
I just like to be sure that I take the oxy-powder 2-3 hours after I had food or vitamins. I found I feel a little queasy if I eat too close to the time I take the Oxy-powder. Plus I don’t want to waste the oxypowder on dissolving food. Personally, I ate my normal diet of low carb/lean animal foods/low starch veggies, etc. and the oxy-powder worked great for me.
3,383 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Problems with first colon cleanse
by Angielynn 21 y
I wanted to share that I tried a huge variety of cleanses (fasts, herbals, colonics, etc...) and found them either too painful, miserable or just not effective. I finally did oxy-powder and I had an easy experience with great results. There’s no fasting involved, and you just take enough to comfortably allow the oxy-powder to dissolve and expel the mucoid plaque and junk. I found it very healing for my digestive system, it lessened my fibromyalgia pain, decreased my candida problems and helped my energy levels from chronic fatigue.
I wrote about my experience as there didn’t seem to be ...
2,765 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Constipation with Holistic Horizons
by Angielynn 21 y
Personnaly I found the most effective and comfortable colon cleanser to be Oxy-Powder. Everything else I tried, including psyllium based approaches either gave me stomach pains or other problems. I also found that for all the effort and misery they were not terribly effective and made no difference to my health. The oxy-powder has been a great colon cleanser, and I feel better. It’s helped me with chronic pain, infections and fatige issues. Great stuff! I wrote about my experienc to share with the curezone folks here:
Hope i ...
2,249 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Oxy-Powder?
by Angielynn 21 y
The idea behind taking the oxy-powder once at night is that you don’t want to apply the oxygen to food. That will just cause discomfort and you wouldn’t get the full impact of the oxygen in your body. It will be used up breaking down the food. This makes sense to me.
I’ve never heard of Mag 07, but I’d have to wonder about it’s potency if you can take it comfortably throughout the day. Also, homozone and coloson are normally not in the stores either. They are less expensive than Oxy-Powder. They are available on line. As you mentioned, they require mixing with an acidic drink like ...
2,864 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: I suggest lots of water, enzymes, &
by Angielynn 20 y
I agree with Owen’s suggestions, and I also wanted to share an article we wrote on my experience with Oxy-powder. I’ll put the link below. I feel it really helped me with the bowel cleansing and killing off some of the bad stuff in there. Honestly I still need to take a small dose to keep regular, as I am constipated without it. It’s my understanding though that some folks are able to overcome constipation completely with it.
Before I started oxy-powder, I used magnesium caps from twinlab. This kept me regular and helped my overall condition with cfs/fm anyway. Now I just use the oxy- ...
3,781 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: i use colosan
by Angielynn 20 y
If I know I can’t be home and close to the bathroom, I cut down the dose so I still get some cleansing without the urgency and frequency. On Oxy-powder initially I think I did get some bad breath stuff. I agree with the person above - I would think it’s detox and a good thing.
When you are using Oxy-powder for cleansing, the goal is to have liquid bowel movements. The Oxy-powder is dissolving the junk into gas and liquid. If it is too uncomfortable for you though, you can just lower your dose and go slower.
They say you know you are cleansed when your bowel movements become soli ...
10,437 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Post Oxy Powder results
by Pacific Girl 21 y
View Entire Thread 6
Hi there. I have been taking Oxy Powder for 3 weeks. Did the seven days in a row and now taking the maintenance dose every second day. It is not practical for me to do P and B Shakes at work so chose Oxy Powder capsules. Have never had constipation was just wanting to do a bowel cleanse after my third liver cleanse. Liver cleanses were successful although experienced cold sores after each one (never been troubled by these before).
Felt good after liver cleanses but since taking Oxy Powder have had rapid weight gain (over 10 pounds, 5kg) and have felt bloated and puffy. Have you heard ...
6,897 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: oxypowder???new to all this please help
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
The best way to start your cleansing process is with a good intestinal cleanser. I have been an avid Oxy-Powder for about 3 years now. The Oxy-Powder is a safe intestinal cleanser and I think it is a pretty easy product to use. The usual detox reactions that you are likely are headaches, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, feeling run down just to name a few. The Oxy-Powder is designed to produce very liquified movements.Many of my friends that also use the Oxy-Powder compare the movements to being like diarrhea. The way that differs from diarrhea is that diarrhea actually pulls water from the b ...
11,874 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: fasting + oxypowder
by virginiab_ghc 18 y
The first day of your 7 day cleanse starts the day after you figured out your dosage. According to the Oxy-Powder website, you should not fast with strictly water while taking the Oxy-Powder.You can fast if you care consuming fruits and vegetable along with juices. Another way to make Oxy-Powder more effective is to add lemon to the water that you are taking when you take your Oxy-Powder. You should actually lemons, not the lemon juice that you see in your gorcery store.This works with your own body’s HCL(hydrochloric acid.) You might notice that your dosage might change from time to time ...
3,691 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Colon cleanse w/o fibre
by garlicstar 17 y
Oxy-Powder is a well-regarded colon cleanse without fiber. Here is the link:|1189072508
They list the ingredients as ozonated magnesium oxides, natural citric acid, and organic germanium-132.
I haven’t tried this yet, but I’m considering it. I’ve done the Blessed Herbs cleanse and the Humaworm Colon Cleanse, so maybe it’s time to try Oxy-Powder. Both of the cleanses I’ve done worked well, but I don’t think I would ever do the Blessed Herbs one again because I HATE fasting. The Humaworm cleanse was good, but I think I’m killing of ...
1,851 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Oxypowder and Herpes
by GlobalHealingCenter 11 y
Oxyclean is not the same as Oxy-Powder. Fatigue is not a known side-effect of Oxy-Powder. Usually the result of taking Oxy-Powder is increased energy levels. Additionally, Oxy-Powder as well as all other Global Healing Center-brand products carry a 180-day money back guarantee if purchased from We even pay for return shipping. We take pride in offering excellent customer service.
There have been known cases of counterfeit Oxy-Powder and we strongly suggest buying from the manufacturer to avoid scams.
4,147 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse
Re: MMS and parasites
by cwk-mms 16 y
iloveamma, I think that you are asking, what will flush out the intestinal tract. I recommend Oxy-Powder for that purpose.
And, Liver flushing will flush out the liver. See the Liver flushing forum here.
Note that neither Oxy-Powder nor Liver flushing replace MMS as regards killing the parasites/Candida; rather, Oxy-Powder and Liver flushing complement the MMS, and vice-versa.
For example, I myself did lots of Oxy-Powder and lots of Liver flushing, and yet, look at what I still need to do!
- cwk
2,511 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Parasites: USP
Re: Oxy-Powder: More Effective Than Homozone!
by Dr. Loretta 19 y
Yes, you can use Oxy-Powder for as long as you need to. Personally, I have been using it for five years and 2x per year I do a complete digestive tract cleanse along with a liver/gallbladder flush.
Oxy-Powder is proven safe and has a money-back guarantee. Also, don’t forget the benefits of the organic Germanium 132 and the fact that Oxy-Powder releases oxygen into the body.
I would recommend that you do one 7-10 day cleanse a month for 3-6 month while following the maintenance dosage in between each cleanse. I would also recommend that you take a probiotic such as Latero-Flora to ...
10,140 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
oxy-powder and leaky gut
by #22345 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
Good morning Andreas!:)
i was wondering if it is safe to take oxy-powder if one has leaky gut. if so, what should i expect as far as detox side effects go if i’m taking this and have leaky gut? does the oxy-powder clean the intestines in their entirety, including the colon? and can i take oxy-powder alone or do i need to take p&b shakes or do enemas along with the powder? i apologize for all the questions here. thanks a million!:)
5,577 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: wat can it be?!
by #39736 20 y
some believe that products like oxy-powder and colosan can be used in place of enemas/colonics. all you have to do is swallow some pills (oxy-powder) or some powder (colosan). but many people still recommend colonics or enemas. i’m not sure why, because the oxy-powder and colosan are supposed to clean out the whole intestinal tract. anyway, you should look into these products.
3,333 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: oxy-powder
by Angielynn 20 y
It is my understanding that the oxy-powder folks say that when you are cleaned out, the bowel movements begin to have form again - no more liquid BM’s. For me, I was not able to take a large dose, and I was on 4 caps a night for quite some time before that began happening for me.
1,726 hits
Forum: Ask Ana
Re: New to colon cleanse ..pls advise
by wheatgrass yogi 18 y
Don’t be fooled by the Oxy-Powder website that says ”Occasional Constipation?”. Oxy-Powder is the best colon cleanser (in my opinion) there is. You must use it for a period of time (one week or more), twice a day, for it to do the job. As I mentioned in my previous post, it would be good to do ’only fruit’ while cleansing the colon, but ’only juices’ would be best. Forget about mucoid plaque....if it exists, Oxy-Powder will dissolve it and ’flush’ it out......WY
1,959 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
can i take oxy powder threelac and liver flush
by #45084 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
Could you please answer two questions for me Iam taking threelac and oxygen elements drops for candida iam also doing dr clark liver flush every 3 weeks iam thinking of starting oxy powder so my questions are
(1) can I take oxy powder when on threelac, oxygen elements plus drops and doing liver flushing or would it stop the threelac from working
(2) if it is ok can I liver flush and oxy powder at the same time.
2,980 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
by Ev 20 y
Could you please answer two questions for me Iam taking threelac and oxygen elements drops for candida iam also doing dr clark liver flush every 3 weeks iam thinking of starting oxy powder so my questions are
(1) can I take oxy powder when on threelac, oxygen elements plus drops and doing liver flushing or would it stop the threelac from working
(2) if it is ok can I liver flush and oxy powder at the same time.
1,691 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Help! Constipation while cleansing.
by Angielynn 20 y
I do use oxy-powder every night while i’m parasite cleaning, and it is working great. Actually I used it to colon cleanse, and it did a great job. Better than anything else I tried. I still have had need of it to keep regular, but I’m increasing my dose as I parasite cleanse to keep the buggers moving out.
3,142 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: with/without prior colonic cleansing
by Angielynn 20 y
I did colon cleansing with just about every method out there. I can’t say I experienced anything particularly on an emotional level from these things. I found the absolute best and most effective cleanse to be with oxy-powder. Again, no emotional changes that I could discern, but when I feel better physically, it does effect me emotionally.
2,313 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Question
by Angielynn 20 y
I got my triglicerides way down from over 500 to almost normal last time I checked by doing the following:
- Low carb eating - not like atkins but like ”Protein Power” as described here:
-Liver flushes Hulda Clark style as you see on curezone
- Colon cleansing with Oxy-powder, which was really easy and pretty comfortable
1,745 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Re: After Oxypowder
by shelleycat 21 y
Mostly, yes, that’s what’s being reported. However, some people are using Oxy-powder after years of constipation and poor diets, and so it’s a good idea to follow the oxy-powder treatment with a bulk fiber laxative to exercise the bowels.
And of course if your power of digestion is weak and eating habits wrong for best digestion, you won’t get textbook healthy stools. But the stools will definitely get firmer once the oxy-powder is no longer reacting with them.
1,986 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: MMS as a first step or latter protocol?
by cwk-mms 16 y
hi ccox!
I would recommend that you first do 14 days of Oxy-Powder intestinal cleansing (the Oxy-Powder will be taken every other night, ie, 7 Oxy-Powder intestinal cleansing treatments done total), to generally prepare you for the MMS to follow later. The Oxy-Powder will gently cleanse your entire intestinal tract of the intestinal plaque that lines your intestinal wall (which is akin to sewer sludge lining a sewer pipe), which is a home to and is food for the Candida & parasites. The Oxy-Powder will also flush out some of the easy-to-reach Candida & pa ...
3,003 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Oxy-powder
by #64024 19 y
Make sure you got Oxy-Powder and not Oxy-Cleanse. They are not the same. Oxy-Cleanse works but it is completely ineffective compared to Oxy-Powder.
Oxy-Powder is not in stores normally. Where did you pick it up?
Just start with 4 pills at night before bed with an 8 oz glass of water. If you don’t have 3-5 BM’s the next day increase the amount that night. When you find out how much you need to get the 3-5 BM’s take that dosage the rest of the cleanse.
If you are parasite cleansing, do it in the morning and at noon. Taking it after Oxy-Powder is counter-productive bec ...
2,097 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Some stupid questions regarding oxypowder
by #52025 19 y
Hi - I still take oxy-powder all the time. One thing I still have had a problem with is chronic constipation. I take 1-2 oxy-powder caps nightly to keep me regular. I occasionally switch over to extra magnesium to take a break, but I go back to the oxy-powder because it does provide the oxygen aspect which helps me with various conditions.
Really I’m not taking it in a recommended way at this point. Oxy-powder folks recommend that you stop it but do a periodic short clean up with it. This is what I would say is the best way for most folks to be sure you maintain the benefits of the o ...
2,575 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Found this on Oxy dot con (actually spelled out}
by Mr.Cleanse 18 y
Day 3 on Oxy Powder and was doing some surfing. Actually did a google search on ”oxy powder efficacy” and found this. In quotations is verbatim from the oxy powder website and is part of the critique.
Oxygenating colon cleanser
This misinformation-filled site promotes a magnesium oxide preparation which they claim will liquify all that solid gunge that is supposed to be clogging your intestines. Well, by the time magnesium oxide has passed through the stomach, it becomes magnesium chloride whic ...
1,548 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Oxycleanse? nothing happening?
by Angielynn 21 y
I just read Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe, who is considered a top expert in oxygen protocols. He says that many products have been created out there to duplicate homozone, but are failing.
I personally have had tremendous success with Oxy-Powder. I chose to take it because there are studies showing that it is at least as effective as homozone and maybe even slightly more. Also it’s easy to get, which apparently homozone is not, and it’s easy to take. The acid needed to activate the tablet is in the capsule, so measuring or drinking acidic vinegar or lemon drinks necessa ...
7,742 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: eye Puffiness and Liver problems?
by mazza40 20 y
i also have puffy eyes and strangely enough, the right eye is far worse than the left. it all to do with the liver and the colon. i took oxy-powder for a week and puffy eyes improved alot but then had a couple of beers and eyes puffiness came back and even oxy-powder couldn’t change things then. the alcohol compromised liver and no amount of colon cleansing with oxy-powder changed things. its almost as if the liver said; ”you fooled me once, it wont happen again.”
my right puffy eye completely disappeared after following elimination diet but went back to eating normal foods and it came ...
17,930 hits
Forum: Market Place