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The 'real' scoop on Mucoid Plaque??
by schmitage 19 y
View Entire Thread 17
Mucoid Plaque articles. I have no opinion at this point, but things seem fishy if you ask me. Maybe people are getting it out of their system without having to ’purchase’ somebody’s product that produces it. If that’s the case, I believe you.. but I don’t know at this point. If anyone has gotten mucoid plaque out just by using the MC, I’d like to know about it.
6,800 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Need product to get crud off the walls of my intestines?
by earlgrey 12 y
Mucoid plaque is very real...Its been 10 months since my initial colon cleanse of organic psyllium husks and Terramin various mucoid plaque was different colors and sizes. And as the plaque that was older was being released it smelled more putrid and the color gradually changed to more rotten color... I would release mucoid plaque that is a totally different color from the poop so I know it is not just psyllium husks gelled...and once I released plaque that was totally black when I didn’t eat anything that was it is very real... please note that one begins releasing m ...
4,011 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse
Re: with/without prior colonic cleansing
by Cambridge 20 y
Hi Glowing Person
A strange question, but an even stranger answer...
Check out Dr. Richard Andersen at, he is a reknown Naturopath that developed the ’cleanse thyself program’ which is designed to remove ’mucoid plaque’ from the guts. The program can be bought at (yes I have tried it and boy does it work!)
Richard has the theory that old emotions bubble up as mucoid plaque is being removed, (yes I have experienced this for myself)and he talks about proteins being a kind of memory store.
While the herb program attacks mucoid plaque along the ...
2,846 hits
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Forum: Liver Flush Support
compacted feces vs. mucoid plaque
by sunnydisposition 20 y
My understanding is that there is a difference between ”compacted matter” and ”mucoid plaque.”
Mucoid plaque is supposedly caused when you eat something -- like, anything from McDonald’s, for example -- which is full of chemicals and other things that the body reacts to as ”toxic” -- in order to protect itself from absorbing those toxins, the intestinal walls release mucous to surround the toxins and get them out of the body encased in a sheath of mucous...
What happens when you eat a steady diet of foods that are ”mucoous forming” is that your intestine is producing mucous all the t ...
5,935 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: another question
by apxr 19 y
What is your opinion on the thought that mucoid plaque causes an environment that allows parasites and fungi to flourish?
If one defines ’mucoid plaque’ as a layer of matter that seems to accumulate somewhere inside the body and that is expelled out through the intestines, I reason it’s quite possible, if this ’mucoid plaque’ isn’t being promoted/generated by the pathogens themselves as some form of ’nest’.
And have you found that getting rid of the mucoid plaque indeed helps?
I’ve never treated a patient targeting the ’mucoid plaque’. I have observed ”somethi ...
3,623 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Is Mucoid Plaque Real or Fake?
by Jamsbio 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi... I have a question about mucoid plaque.
Is it real or is it fake? I have heard two different sides, and frankly, I’m not really sure what to believe. I don’t believe that all of the pictures on Colonix’s website is mucoid plaque, like they say is is. I think it’s just the psyllium that is in the product, just coming out on the other end.
Other people have said that mucoid plaque is something that affects them and they do a bowel cleanse every year, just to help keep them at optimal health. But when I ask my gastroentrologist, he tells me that there’s no such thing as mucoi ...
16,251 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Important message on mucoid plaque!!!
by yerr_sister 11 y
...there’s something wrong with the argument that mucoid plaque is just the psyllium and bentonite because many people release the mucoid plaque that are not even taking psyillium nor bentonite at all. dating back in history many saw this waste come out of them with 40-day water fasts. Back then they called it ”mucous” (the term mucoid plaque was not yet coined. using PURE WATER aka distilled water (which is pure H2O) also pulls this mucoid plaque out of our systems, and psyillium is not required! Although in USA due to the diet of mucous forming foods in the diet most americans eat, co ...
13,729 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse
Re: very interesting findings/my worms on gerson therapy
by megan 16 y
that picture with the thin membrane looking tissue, it has folds down the length of it, which look like mucoid plaque that’s taken on the shapes of the bowel wall, then released. if you wish to investigate further, you may be able to find more pictures to compare worm/mucoid plaque. dr anderson who wrote cleanse and purify yourself had pictures of mucoid plaque that takes on the shapes of the bowel wall like this.
what you are doing is causing whatever this is to leave and either way that is good.
18,965 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: I'd be interested
by Zule 22 y
I passed mucoid plaque. I do not believe it is made of psyllium.
WHy? Because the feces made up of psyllium where big, bright, and hydrated, the mucoid plaque was hard, dry, sometimes like a wire.
I also passed mucoid plaque when I was no taking any psyllium, only with probiotics: BioK Plus and ThreeLac.
The consistency of psyllium was sticky but not rubbery.
Just my experience
12,297 hits
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Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse Support
Questioning & Criticizing
Re: anyone tried colosan? why is it doing this???????
by chava 18 y
I once took Oxypowder and after the first 2-3 days decided to do a water fast to see what would happen. Nothing at all came out any more.
However, his can still mean 3 different things:
- these products don’t remove mucoid plaque
- I don’t have mucoid plaque
- there’s no such thing as mucoid plaque
If you say that you have a very healthy diet, then I don’t see what good these products could do. Rather the opposite, as you cannot absorb any nutrients from your food while you’re taking them.
4,221 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
mucoid plaque
by jeanette 23 y
View Entire Thread 5
recently i had a barium enima,would this have shown up any mucoid plaque?the consultant said it showed up diverticular disease,but he didn’t mention mucoid plaque,i have been doing bentonite and psyllium for a few weeks but have to keep stopping due to constipation(this is what i’m trying to get rid of).If i do have mucoid plaque i need to get rid of it to help the diverticular disease,any suggestions?
3,473 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Mucoid Plaque
by Scat 21 y
What is the first step to reach into the mucoid plaque - the enema or the mucus ?
I ask because I passed what looks like mucoid plaque after taking epsom salts for the liver flush. I had just fininshed a week of massaging/heating my liver which is close to the transverse colon. A few days later I passed a big ball of white mucus during my colonic. I’m just wondering if these 2 events are connected - the passing of the white mucous and small piece of mucoid plaque
2,996 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Warning on P&B shakes
by lindsey99 19 y
I used P&B shakes for a while. I did get something that I think may have been mucoid plaque but after that I got sicker and sicker. I stopped the P&B shakes but did not improve for months until I started treating myself for leaky gut with glutamine, slippery elm & fish oil.
I think either the removal of mucoid plaque exacerbates leaky gut symptoms or once mucoid plaque is removed the P&B shake scrapes off the healthy mucus layer leading to further illness.
5,618 hits
Forum: Candida Support
I just found this website, and I'm confused!
by Thehaha 20 y
View Entire Thread 14
i was just getting ready to start some bowel cleansing after my master cleanse when i came across this site. I was looking for medical pictures, from MD led procedures, of mucoid plaque. I found pictures of gallstones so I thought I’d try my luck. Now I’m just confused...
3,319 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: My Experiment - Day 3 (sweet agnoy!)
by remi96 19 y
Bad smelling gas and if you have terrible smelling bowel movements could indicate mucoid plaque being expelled. Have you notice anyhting darker than normal or hard and rubbery in your stool? I also have that something died smell from time to time and I have seen mucoid plaque. mucoid plaque is encrusted in the intestinal lining and then gets even thicker as more stuff adheres to it...yuck. In any case , it will smell absolutely horrible as I have found.
3,026 hits
Forum: Candida Support
mucoid plaque: true or not true?
by scorpie 19 y
View Entire Thread 28
I’ve read that from the conventional medicine stand point, doctors don’t believe in ’mucoid plaque’ - can someone explain to me: if there is mucoid plaques in the colon, why can’t you (or your doctor) see it during colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy? The colon wall color is just pink - not black like the built up plaque that’s claimed to be the mucoid.
I’ve done my own bowel cleansing with bentonite and psyllium, and juice fast for a week. All I consumed as sort of ’solid’ intake was the bentonite and psyllium.- and YES I passed lots of this ”mucoid plaque” and they look pretty nasty - And w ...
66,971 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse Support
Questioning & Criticizing
Quackery Debate
Facts and Myths
Re: Colonix Week 3 - Anyone Seen Anything Like This?
by MidlothianGirl 21 y
Hey Raymond...sounds like mucoid plaque to me. If it’s hard and not easily broken up, it’s gotta be mucoid plaque.
2 weeks ago I unexpectedly passed some mucoid plaque....awesome, because I wasn’t even trying. I think a colonic I had had had loosened it up. But keep in mind it wasn’t black, either. It was greenish/black, but not black like you see in the pictures. I was so excited I passed it without even trying. But it was DEFINATELY mucoid plaque....the shape was exactly like what you see in pictures; plus, I’ve passed it before and know what it looks like. But it was hard as a ...
3,986 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
P&B Shakes
by Jasmine 22 y
Hi Cybergug
P&B Shakes are a cleansing product you can take with your fast and even when off your fast. It is used for cleansing the digestive system. It helps to remove mucoid plaque. Mucoid plaque is caked layers of of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter on the walls of the intestines. Once this stuff is built up it can cause illnesses. The B&P Shakes help to remove the plaque. Perhaps you would like to read up on it. Just go to the curezone search button and type in MUCOID PLAQUE. It will tell you about MUCOID PLAQUE the P&B shakes. You can also find the recipe there. Hope th ...
2,387 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
A comment about mucoid plaque...
by B 23 y
I am familiar with the mucoid plaque you talk about and the book by Richard Anderson. I did the cleanse called Arise and Shine and experienced rather quickly what is described as mucoid plaque. I used bentonite and psyllium as well as two different combinations of herbs and a probiotic. It worked great but was rather scheduled. Bernard Jenson also discusses this mucoid plaque, but I followed Richard Anderson’s book. Both of their books have photos of mucoid plaque and describe it as something obviously different from your stool and is rather difficult to cut or pull apart. (compared t ...
5,688 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
What is Mucoid plaque?
by Sunshine P 17 y
I have been reading all about mucoid plaque and what interesting stuff….these are just a few highlights from both extreams. According to Wikipedia it is just an urban legend. So that must make me a urban legend too, because all the pictures I just looked at…..thats defo what came out of me! LOL
From Wikipedia, I quote
“Mucoid plaque or mucoid rope is a term coined by a naturopath and entrepreneur, purporting to describe a harmful coating of mucus-like material existing in the gastrointestinal tracts of most people. The existence of mucoid plaque has not been reported in the medical l ...
12,431 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Blessed Herbs Cleanse --- 3rd fast, very little coming out
by ariachan 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi everyone,
I did the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse twice last year, and got out about 26 feet of mucoid plaque (no joke!). I decided to do the cleanse annually for maintenance, and I’m on day 2 of the fast. On my last fast, I passed about a foot of mucoid plaque the first day. This time, I’m only passing the tan colored psyllum and benonite clay with a few pieces of mucoid plaque embedded in it. Last year, the mucoid plaque was black and rubbery. This time, there’s barely anything there. Is it safe for me to assume that I’m clean and can stop the cleanse? Has anyone experienced t ...
3,135 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: What is a Rope? NM
by sjnelson 21 y
Hi there - I copied this from the bowel cleanse forum on Plaque:
What is Mucoid Plaque ?
Answer: From the works of Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.
”The intestines can store a vast amount of partially digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and other toxic chemicals)—for decades even. Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move.
That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hard ...
19,229 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Fleet Phosphosoda & Colonoscopy Results - Pinworms I ...
by Zule 21 y
You can have mucoid plaque in your colon and it does not appear in the colonoscoy. You need to see a picture with the colon to understand this. The colon has three main parts: ascendant colon, transversal and descendent colon ( many subparts).
The colonoscopy mostly only reaches the sigmoid portion of the colon, not even the descendent colon. So, colonoscopies can not show mucoid plaque.
I have passed a lot of mucoid plaque and I could feel it being loosened from the ascendant colon. I had colonoscpies and they did not show any mucoid plaque.
So, I suggest to follow a colon ...
7,994 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: OK to use more psyllium for cleanse?
by Tracey 22 y
Hiya! The main ingredient in laxative products are Herbal laxatives! The psyllium reeeally does clean out the intestines (I’ve had 6” to 24” mucoid plaque ropes come out!) bulks up and on it’s way through rehydrates some of the old mucoid plaque clinging to the walls and helps to scrub it out. Strange, but true!
Nope, the bentonite simply draws the toxins to it and the psyllium scrubs the whole lot out. People get out mucoid plaque ropes even when they don’t use bentonite.
Well...let us know how you do! And what kind of mucoid plaque you get out....
4,805 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
by FreeFlyFreak 18 y
I had a mucoid plaque discharge after taking psyllium also BUT I disagree strongly with your conclusion.
If it was the psyllium causing it then you would get a mucoid plaque discharge each time you take the psyllium.
This does not happen.
It happened to me once I thought maybe it was the psyllium like you but then I was unable to duplicate the mucoid plaque discharge by taking psyllium again.
My conclusion was that the psyllim I took dislodged and pushed the mucoid plaque build up out of my intestine.
In other words dont spend $100 on a colon cleanse product just take a good dose of ...
12,631 hits
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Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse Support
Questioning & Criticizing
Re: My flush results - question about the herbal product
by lisag 20 y
Hi there,
You talked a bit about the Foley products making the mucoid plaque come out.... just curious to know if you actually saw the mucoid plaque layer come out, or just inferred it?
I did a search for it on the web and didn’t find it... can you please post the site address?
Thanks much!
Hi there,
You talked a bit about the Foley products making the mucoid plaque come out.... just curious to know if you actually saw the mucoid plaque layer come out, or just inferred it?
Thanks much!
4,788 hits
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Forum: Liver Flush Facts
Re: Does my fiber smart have the proper herbs in it or sh...
by Tracey 22 y
As far as I know (my experience and seeing other people’s experiences on here since November) it’s the psyllium that gets the mucoid plaque out. The other herbs are either to soothe the bowel, or tonify them or detox them....all great things. But not necessary for getting the mucoid plaque out.
Since you’ve been constipated and the supplements you’re taking right now and totally helping you to have good bm’s then I say stick with them! Absolutely.
But I think you should take them at a different time than your psyllium drinks.
Take the psyllium drinks on an absolute empty stomach. ...
8,075 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: OXY POWDER remove "Mucoid Plaque"?
by grzbear 19 y
Oxypowder does its work a little differently than fiber products and will in effect liquefy intestinal build up so that you may not actually see any ”mucoid plaque”. In addition, I think mucoid plaque build up will vary greatly from person to person dependent on a great deal of factors.
I used colonix for three months and did not see “mucoid plaque”, nor did I feel cleaned out entirely until I did an Oxypowder cleanse almost a month later...
After my experience, I will not use a fiber product again as I have learned my body does not tolerate them well. Do not get me wrong, I think ...
4,880 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: 6 types of tapeworms? all segmented?
by godmadeusperfect 16 y
I’m glad you posted this Jessesmom. I personally saw worms as thick as a finger come out that were fibrous and were not mucoid plaque. How do I know? I had cleared the mucoid plaque out over a year of intense cleansing and fasting. My system was as clean as possible and then the MMS, zappicator, and colonix were able together to drag the extra large SOB’s out of the intestines or wherever they had been hanging on. These were long brown thick as a finger and aruond 6 to 8 inches and stained brown. Perhaps it was some type of ascaris like pig ascaris that grows huge. I have no doubt t ...
12,710 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Mucoid Plaque
by Jem1688 10 y
Mucoid Plaque
I think it must be noted that a lot of people confuse the term colon with regards to mucoid plaque and should probably use the term intestine. One of the reasons that there is a lot of critics about doing a colon cleanse to rid the body of mucoid plaque is because, I believe it’s not in the colon but in the small intestine. After researching and experiencing a colonoscopy myself, Dr.s cannot see into the small intestine but maybe only a few inches which answers the question of why aren’t they discovering these ropes. The small intestine is about 14 feet long on average. I’ve ...
1,050 hits
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Forum: Raw Debate
Bowel Cleanse Debate
Parasites Debate
MMS Debate
Re: Holy Heck!!!
RN by ger1 19 y
I got this out of the bowel cleansing forum, hope it helps.
What is Mucoid Plaque ?
Answer by Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.
”The intestines can store a vast amount of partially digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and other toxic chemicals)—for decades even. Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move.
That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hardened blackish-green truck ...
3,034 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Wow, lymph dump...
by kathy777 20 y
at least 60 I have crohn’s and rosacea so want to a really good cleanse. My form of crohn’s is in the small intestine have you ever read this. this is my 11 day so got a long long way to go.
Subject: what is Mucoid Plaque
Answer: From the works of Richard Anderson, N.D.,
”The intestines can store a vast amount of partially
digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and
other toxic chemicals)—for decades even. Some
intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40
pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches
with only a pencil-thin channel through which the ...
3,940 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: who's doint the 40 day fast????
by kathy777 20 y
A colonic is where you run water in and out at same time and intermitenly hold it for 5 seconds. This is plain water from your shower with this device. You control flow,temperature [lukewarm]and the amount you want to do.
When you fast you get toxins that take there time in wanting to come out even using the tea. This way you get the toxins out when you don’t feel good and immediately feel better.
Yes you have much in your intestines here is why.
Answer: From the works of Richard Anderson, N.D.,
”The intestines can store a vast amount of partially
digested, putre ...
2,146 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: found a very detailed explanation!! It helped me unde...
by moolykazoo 21 y
Answer: From the works of Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.
”The intestines can store a vast amount of partially digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and other toxic chemicals)—for decades even. Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move.
That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hardened blackish-green truck tire rubber or an old piece of dried rawhide. I call this mucoid plaque. This ...
1,520 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Mucoid Plaque and Colon Cleansing
by Rising_Sun_0301 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the mucoid plaque that is said to be in our colons. I saw a commercial on TV for the Dual Action Cleanse, and it showed pictures of ropes of mucoid and that some people carry many pounds of fecal matter. I also saw pictures on the Colonix website with similar images.
However, I’ve personally seen colonoscopy procedures and have never seen a so called plaque. So, what’s the point of a colon cleanse and is the mucoid plaque a myth?
2,187 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Colosan and Oxypowder don't remove mucoid plaque
by MidlothianGirl 20 y
View Entire Thread 18
They are good products but please everyone....they don’t remove or dissolve mucoid plaque. They are excellent for oxygenating your intestinal tract and killing parasites, but they do not remove mucoid plaque. I know this because I have taken Colosan and Oxypowder both over a year off and on, Colosan mostly because Oxypowder was too durn expensive.
I did a Blessed Herbs 14 day total fast/detox and removed at least 5 lbs. and probably 15-20 feet total of mucoid plaque. There is no way I would remove that much plaque after being on Colosan off and on for so long (at times taking it 2-3 ...
23,609 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
by Tracey 22 y
Hi Elcid! (formerly Eliminator??)
Yes, those herbal laxatives can really do a number on one!
I have heard other people say they had ’jelly-like’ stuff or ’gel’ when cleansing and that could be mucoid plaque (I haven’t had any of that yet, though). Mucous really loooks like mucous (like snot or phelgm)...mostly I’ve seen it wrapped around my mucoid plaque (all the ugly details, I know!)...particular after I ate lots of sweets and dairy at Christmas. When I don’t eat that stuff I don’t see any mucous.
Also, mucoid plaque isn’t mucous that is old and hardened. Mucous and mucoid plaqu ...
7,260 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Question Large amounts of muc plaque still on 28th da...
by unyquity 20 y
I agree with Hopinso & Midge...what is the color/texture/consistency of what is coming out? If it’s the same color as the product you’re taking, you might be mistaking ”product” for mucoid plaque.
However, if it’s darker in color, different in consistency (rubbery, stringy, etc) and especially if it has a strong odor, then mucoid plaque is what you’re seeing. The clay & psyllium in Colonix is water-soluable, so once in the toilet, it’s easy to tell which is which. ”Product” will crumble/fall apart easily; mucoid plaque will not.
And if mucoid plaque is what it is, th ...
3,076 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: psyllium and bentonite shakes
by unyquity 19 y
This has been debated over and over and over and over and over and over again.
It is easy to understand why you feel as you feel...but you obviously have not seen any true mucoid plaque.
It’s rubbery, it’s dark/black, it reeks, and there’s no mistaking it for psyllium and bentonite once you’ve seen it and smelled it.
The P & B shakes you took, did not dehydrate like what you put in a glass of water and allowed to dry never saw the light of day (nor the air) when it was in your body. Take some psyllium & bentonite, mix it with water, then mix that mixture with the same am ...
8,516 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse Support
Questioning & Criticizing
Ptree: Long lasting colon cleanse :)
by Zule 22 y
View Entire Thread 2
Dear Ptree
Hi, I would like to thanks for all your support and the knowledge you share with us!!
Mi question:
As you know I have done Colon cleansing using Holistic Horizons protocol.
I have passed a lot of mucoid plaque. I used initially for 3 months and then I stopped.
Then I decided to take probiotics. While taking probiotics I passed more mucoid plaque. So, I decided to take again HH shakes.
I have been passing more mucoid plaque since then but not continuosly. However I am concern about using HH for such a long time because it says the body can get used to the herbs and t ...
2,320 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support