600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: feel suicidal - have morgellons
by Hip 16 y
You must understand that you can improve your mood, your depression, and your anxiety symptoms. Try these approaches:
These herbs can make a big difference in your stat of mind.
9,390 hits
Forum: Suicide Confession
identify pictures please
by yeyeta 10 y
View First 20 Messages of 77
Hello, I thought I had Ascaris because of the symptoms, but I took some white threads I found in my bed and examined them with a microscope
The threads were not all white!!!
there were some red, blue and black!!! ...
14,461 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
urine particles are not "just minerals"// 800 kB file
R by fungihomeworld 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
6,898 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: Growth Spurts/"Popping" Of Fungal Filaments
by CLEW 10 y
I know there’s more than just one element to this ”condition” of Morgellons... Trying to separate and identify the culprits throws me into a complete brain spin! The information becomes overwhelming and then nothing makes sense to me... But... Here’s some pictures.
There’s definitely fungal going on. It’s as complex, but more organized than the flatter, ribbony suspect larval strongyloids. They are often seen together and I wonder if they are reliant on each other or is one farming the other? Could they be different life stages of the same ”animal”?
Strongyloids are chemo-attracted ...
12,066 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites: Skin
Re: Parasites That Infect Salmon Are Actually Jellyfish!
by CLEW 9 y
I’ve never eaten straight up jellyfish, but imagine it would be like a salty gummi bear??
Wow I remember the ”Haunted Mansion” ride at Disney, and ”Pirates of the Carribean”.
Now I’d like to show you some pics that looks like ”40,000 Leagues Under The Sea”... And, ”It’s A Small World.” combined.
WisingUp, you’d mentioned blood came from your pores, it did from mine also... I think... These blobs with tentacles were on the inside of my pants where I’d recently sweat- A LOT! I lifted them with a lint roller and saw these under the microscope:
6,393 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Animals & Pets
Zoonotic Disease
Re: Patent Uses Nematocysts For Delivering Active Agents ...
by CLEW 9 y
Using venomous marine organisms as a therapeutic might not be altogether a bad idea. With a respect of course. I find venom therapy interesting and have used bee venom(apitherapy), on and off for the past few years... But something has gone AWRY with these nematocysts!
How would you even know if you used a product that has nematocysts in there?
I live very near where phosphate polluted fresh water meets the Gulf of Mexico(which is polluted also). I don’t swim or even wade in streams anymore : (
Maybe nematocysts gone wild carry on the wind like pollen? Where they could land ...
4,901 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
USP Parasites
Re: About these parasitic bacteria
by #33452 18 y
Hi Shroom,
I have been out of the loop for a while due to intensive cleaning up of my environment, divorce proceedings, my daughter’s strange infection [which I suspect might be related to morgellons]. However I have still been closely observing and taking note. One thing I have discovered is that I have used some products by accident that helped some of these creatures come to the surface of my skin, definitely damaged. One such product was an herbal cough medicine and when I looked at the list of ingredients, I noticed that citric acid was high on the list which makes sense… citric a ...
5,209 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Brand New Cloth Textiles Loaded With Strongyloide Parasites!
by CLEW 10 y
View First 20 Messages of 58
Recently I purchased a few new items and discovered that they were absolutely covered with what appears to be not only species of strongyloides, but other types of cysts and worms as well.
These photos are samples lifted with packing tape from a new pair of jeans and 2 sets of sheets that were STILL SEALED in the package!
”Because strongyloidiasis is transmittable by textiles, such as bedclothes and clothing, care must be taken never to use hotel bed sheets in endemic areas.”
Red, white and blue coiling nematode:
16,365 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites: Skin
Victims of Crime
Morgellons Nematocyst Busting Open
by CLEW 9 y
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Previously, threader posted videos showing the lightning speed morgellons seems to grow... The similarities to nematocysts are hard to ignore.
This is one of those videos of a specimen ”bursting” to life.
3,981 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
USP Parasites
Growth Spurts/"Popping" Of Fungal Filaments
by CLEW 10 y
View Entire Thread 23
Here are 3 different examples of what might be growth or as WisingUp called, ”Popping” of at least one aspect(fungal?), of the ”Thing”... I don’t know exactly what they are or what set them off, but they came from the surface my skin and were causing an intense itch. I used clear packing tape to remove them.
While not actually showing motion like a video would, these images indicate it plainly...
http://curezone. ...
11,572 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites: Skin
Fungal Filament Pods
by CLEW 13 y
View Entire Thread 6
Does anyone else come across these little pods? I’ve found them in my sheets, shower floor, washcloth, ... What’s most interesting is the different colored fungal filaments coming from pods that look alike. What makes the color difference?
Is this an agrobacterium morg mode of transmission just like other burrs in nature, or is this a common pod and I’m turning this place into Sci-Fi Central!
This pod looks innocent:
Filaments getting out:
Pod opening:
http://cure ...
10,900 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Hijacked Hair
by CLEW 13 y
View Entire Thread 26
Sorry if I post too many images, it just feels like I have to illustrate what I’m thinking.
I remember the first time I saw hairs moving by themselves and made my whole family come in to see what I seeing. No one could believe it or explain it. But they ~did~ see it.
Now, a few years and a microscope later here’s at least one possible explanation for this ”scare hair”. Once again, it’s the fungus among us. These ”hairs” look like they’ve morphed with dictyostelium and maybe other types of fungi, setting up shop mostly on the head and scalp, but in the skin in general. Difficult to ge ...
17,313 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Parasites: Skin
Clay Packs
Teeth Of The Hydra!
by CLEW 9 y
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What’s this purple thing now? It came off me or my clothes, my immediate environment either way... I think it’s a type of hydra! Is this mimicry, or ~is~ it what it looks like?
These internet images of hydra are similar...
I found what may be a hydra missing it’s tentacles,(it went through the laundry LOL)... The outline of the orange ”organism”, is nearly identical to a hydra photo off the net. Could they be alike?
4,582 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Animals & Pets
Zoonotic Disease
Parasites: Skin
MORGELLONS as nematode infection
by Tizona 14 y
View Entire Thread 11
this to me is the most logical theory put forth so far. If you do a simple search on ”MORGELLONS + nematode” you will find quite a bit of information
But of course this could be a genetically modified nematode.
this guy makes a lot of sense in this thread here
10,506 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Morgellons
Parasites: Skin
mOrg slime vs hair
by fungihomeworld 14 y
..mOrg wins...[for now..]
..sequence of pics showing a leg hair being
used as a ladder. I dont think that the slime
really NEEDs a ladder or scaffold to get to the
surface of the skin.
However..having something to ”climb on” no doubt makes
the task all that much easier.
http://curezo ...
6,541 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: Parasites That Infect Salmon Are Actually Jellyfish!
by CLEW 9 y
There was also this strange bright blue one that, to me, resembles Cnidarian Blue Bottle/Portuguese Man-O-War:
It has central structure and a long whip like ”Thing”:
In comparison to these internet images:
h ...
6,147 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Animals & Pets
Zoonotic Disease
a lot of specks in the skin today..
by fungihomeworld 14 y
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time for a quick roll call..see who’s there..
3,975 hits
Forum: Morgellons Cure
Parasites: Skin Parasites
Skin Problems Cures
pick a color, they're all entertaining
by fungihomeworld 14 y
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3,372 hits
Forum: Morgellons
another fiber bundle
by fungihomeworld 14 y
1,782 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: Curiouser And Curiouser
by CLEW 10 y
”Almost smacks of, ”colony,” with, ”specialists.” Organization and division of labor.”
This looks like a collaboration. The center filament is shooting forward while the two on each side wait. There’s probably one somewhere barking,”Get back to work!”
This was really lit up too!
2,823 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: A Bacteria Beatdown?
by CLEW 13 y
Hello Blue Rabbit,
Sorry for my delay in responding... it’s just there’s a lot I don’t really know what to make of and don’t want to be passing bad information like I know exactly what I’m talking about. ~And~ I don’t want to look like a complete idiot either : )
In fact, I was kinda hoping somebody could tell me what was happening... But I guess I’ll just ”spit it out”, what I’ve been thinking about and how it may pertain to our dilemma. Then everybody check me on it.
I believe that slime Dictyostellium discoideum is possibly ”farming” bacteria- without even asking me! E-I-E-I-UH-O ...
6,363 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Parasites: Protozoa
Statolith/Statocyst Sensory Structures Found
by CLEW 9 y
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”Equilibrium organs are called statocysts. They contain statoliths (stones) made with dense material such as calcium or magnesium salts crystals which are in contact with specialized cells.”
”some biological structures which seem to be shared between various phyla, which were often widely separated in the evolutionary tree. These structures are implicated in spatial location for these critters, and these structures also play a role in humans.
It’s surprising to find such a sophisticated process in other creatures, but particularly in marine zooplankton, including the larval stages of ...
5,344 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
USP Parasites
Parasites (Alt Med)
Balance Problems
Parasites Protozoa
Anyone Remember Avid Poster Fungihomeworld??
by CLEW 9 y
View Entire Thread 15
Fungihomeworld used to be a big time poster on Curezone and a few other Lyme and Morgellon sites. He photo documented much of what was happening to him and provided us with a lot of good information. Unfortunately we haven’t seen any posts from him for quite awhile... : ( I miss him!
Looking at some of his old pics, I see that he also was having what looks like hydra... Have they possibly adapted to feed on smaller parasites/organisms we are infected with?
These are Fungihomeworld pics:
The red and green colo ...
6,121 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
different life cycles?
by brandi18 8 y
Look familiar? Any information appreciated. The mucus was coughed up and then under microscope 10x. The samples were removed from mucus in the mouth, nose and eyes. On ICU protocol 4 months
Morgellons? Whatever that is?
Diagnosed 2017 with Lyme, 4 molds, EBV,
Chlamydia Pneumonia, Candida
Infectious. Both human and canine. ...
791 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lymph Cleanse
Parasites: RX
Hulda Clark
Zoonotic Disease
Re: The debilitation of the human body due to a scabies e...
by grizz 12 y
I’ve had confirmed Scabies and cured it, so I know what scabies is like, trust me you do NOT have scabies.
I think you are suffering from something else. I think you have Morgellons disease. See this link where I define how to tell the difference berween Morgellons & Scabies.
See these link for Morgellons:
Another tip. The tunnels for Scabies are difficult to s ...
8,068 hits
Forum: Scabies Cures
Re: Alright veterans, can you help me out?
by TonyOrlando 14 y
This is starting to sound like Morgellon’s disease. You might want to check out the Morgellon’s forum on Curezone. Some websites/blogs you may find helpful are:
Also, try not to assume things that may look like worms actually are worms, or eggs etc. I think it’s best to stay calm and rational and try to look for more mundane explanations of what you’re experiencing.
I do think there is a link between Candida and Morgellon’s and some Morgellon’s sufferers benefit from Antifungals. However, antibacterials, a ...
1,892 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Maybe I'm Just Splitting Hairs...
by CLEW 13 y
Or this is the worst case of split ends I’ve ever seen!
These hairs were plucked at the hairline above my forehead.
This one is divided growing from the same bulb(or fungal pod?)This would explain why sometimes a bunch of hairs seem to come from the same hair follicle:
A bulbous one that might be ready to let loose
sending hyphae out like roots? With nodes. ...
6,563 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Hair Loss
Unidentified Skin Parasites
Re: your "algae" looks like ...
by CLEW 13 y
For some reason my post reply and images keep getting knocked before I can get them up. This has happened three times already and I’m very frustrated. I really like how you annotate and give PH and everything. I am so lacking in organizational skills! : )
Here’s a few filament algae I ”caught” on clear packing tape.
These things had me itching like crazy from head to toe...
Resembles an anchor worm:
This one has a very spiky head:
http://curezone ...
9,601 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Lichen Planus
Lichen Sclerosis
Parasites: Skin
Toxic Mold
your "algae" looks like ...
by fungihomeworld 13 y
it may be a cyclodextrin tubule .
I grow them, scalp, urine, stool..
..fiber in the process of being formed in a urine drop.
Note how the ”chunks” of gel are being set up in
individual ”compartments”..very much like what is seen
in the completed fibers ..a tubule made up of compartments;
each with a ’payload” of some sort.
5,947 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Lichen Planus
Lichen Sclerosis
Parasites: Skin
Toxic Mold
Feeling a Little Blue...
by CLEW 13 y
View Entire Thread 29
A few of the blue worms, threads, filaments, or whatever...
I didn’t use any stain on these, so I wonder what gives them their color? Food colors? Minerals?
Looks like these two need a room!
10,330 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme ("Lime")
Parasites: Skin
Unidentified Skin Parasites
Re: Anyone Remember Avid Poster Fungihomeworld??
by CLEW 9 y
I love papaya!
I have no idea... without the proper lab testing there’s no way to ever know... is there? There probably isn’t testing for ”hydra”, but maybe tests for other aquatic organisms come close?
I’m not trying to say ,”We all have hydra”, but some have something that sure behaves like it.
This is a long ”filament”,from off my skin, is wound tightly on one end, then flattens to a long ribbony form that splits at the other end, while it displays the red and green hues that COULD associate with hydra presence...
4,624 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
Neurotoxic Cyanobacteria and the Zombie Apocalypse
by CLEW 12 y
View Entire Thread 13
Below is a list of known cyanobacteria and the toxins they produce.
Genus Toxins produced
Anabaena Anatoxins, Microcystins, Saxitoxins
Anabaenopsis Microcystins
Aphanizomenon Saxitoxins, Cylindrospermopsins
Cylindrospermopsis Cylindrospermopsins, Saxitoxins
Hapalosiphon Microcystins
Lyngbya Aplysiatoxins, Lyngbyatoxin a
Microcystis Microcystins
Nodularia Nodularin
Nostoc Microcystins
Phormidium (Oscillatoria) Anatoxin
Planktothrix (Oscillatoria) Anatoxins, Aplysiatoxins, Microcystins, Saxitoxins
Schizothrix Aplysiatoxins
Trichodesmium yet to be identified
Umezakia Cylind ...
8,271 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Brain Fog
Lyme ("Lime")
Parasites: Skin
Morgellon's? Check it out.
by nordskoven 19 y
Morgellon’s has been reported in specific populations and symptoms can include lesions which may exude a filament, or Morgellon’s can be relatively asymptomatic to the extent that the weird sensations associated with Morgellon’s are dismissed as delusions of parasitosis. Get on top of this one. I would aim for microfilarial parasites with a Lyme Disease protocol. Check out microfilarial or thread worms at:
and here’s the site for Morgellon’s:
I would consider boiling your water or sterilizing it with a camping sterilizer, M ...
17,637 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Morgellons Fibers
by Tennesseeshine 10 y
8/28/15...Yesterday I did not use the heat treatment but I did a soak in borax and peroxide and baking soda. I saw black flecks and some black filaments in the water...not many filaments. The black flecks stuck to the side of the tub. I will do the same tonight with the addition of some oil along wall of the tub at the edge of the water to see more clearly whats surfacing.
Today I spent more time in the heat treatment with the enzyme oil. After about a 80 mins I had seen very little of the black ”wads” only a literal few. Near the end of the time I felt something under my finger tips on t ...
1,655 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: the relation of Lyme disease and Morgellons is strang...
by threader 10 y
From the CEHF ”Keeping you in the Loop” e-newsletter:
”Moregellons Facts You Should Know
6-10% of Lyme disease patients develop Morgellons
Borrelia can be easily cultured from Morgellons skin lesions
Borrelia spirochetes and their biofilms are abundantly detected in Morgellons skin
Most Morgellons patients have negative serology for Lyme disease
Morgellons is a visible manifestation seen in patients with chronic Lyme disease
Morgellons filaments can be easily visualized in skin using lighted microscopy at 60-100x”
1,865 hits
Forum: Morgellons
...just another smoking gun..
by fungihomeworld 15 y
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”nothing to see here...just another coincidence..
means nothing..nothing at all..move along citizens..
thank you for your cooperation”
2,805 hits
Forum: Morgellons
...tap water fiber wearing a fuzzy boa..
by fungihomeworld 14 y
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2,824 hits
Forum: Morgellons
..whatever it's out now..
by fungihomeworld 14 y
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3,978 hits
Forum: Morgellons
..a few more red critters..
by fungihomeworld 14 y
1,391 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: does anyone actually know what these are?
by fungihomeworld 15 y
don’t know that they are..but they is rather familiar.
11,944 hits
Forum: Parasites Support