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Re: What You Never Hear About Vasectomy
by adamson77 17 y
curezone has a piece of a page and they are not even complaints about vasectomies. since the 70 and 80s women have been damaged by iuds and they are still on the market, so take a chance, we do everyday and now its your turn. the iud was renamed mirena and given out all over again after deaths were reported about the dalkon sheld and infertility. a piece of a page does not compare to these 36 pages of complaints about this 1 freaking birth control. women are told this crap is safe everyday, its time for you to take that chance.
Get the iud out by brokenheart33 18 mon 2,43 ...
6,989 hits
1 of 3 (33%)
Forum: Abortion Debate
Mirena Facts Updated
by 1kneecap 17 y
View Entire Thread 7
The latest updated site on Mirena is here,
I couldnt believe one of the drugs you shouldnt use with mirena is Metoprolol and I have been taking them since I was started on mirena(and still take them,to control heart palpitations) and they have just listed them with other drugs that you should not use with Mirena. ?????
How wrong is that........
You better check that you are not on any of the drugs listed now.
6,246 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Birth Control
Women’s Forum
Mirena IUD Side Effects Reported on CureZone
by Webmaster 19 y
Here is a thread of messages related to Mirena IUD Side Effects:
Gynecological / Female Problems Alternatives
Mirena IUD Side Effects by turtlemom95 30 mon (269 responses) 9
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects by amy1231 29 mon 2
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects by charitylee 13 mon
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects by aernst 9 mon
5,840 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mirena IUD
Re: Mirena Facts Updated
by becks2 17 y
Oh and Im sorry but this doesnt make sense either......maybe Im just dumb....but CHILDREN????Sorry kneecap I just wouldnt rely on this site!!
Thought it could be used while breastfeeding???
It reads:
Mirena IUD should not be used in CHILDREN; safety and effectiveness in children have not been confirmed.
PREGNANCY and BREAST-FEEDING: Do not use Mirena IUD if you are pregnant. If you think you may be pregnant, contact your doctor right away. Mirena IUD is found in breast milk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while you use Mirena IUD, check with your doctor. Discuss any possible ri ...
4,322 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Birth Control
Women’s Forum
endomitriosis from mirena IUD
by endomitriosis from mirena IUD 18 y
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i need to know if anyone out there has also developed endomitriosis from the mirena IUD if so please contact me by e-mail or go to
and look for endomitriosis from mirena iud and place your own complaint add it to mine or form your own that way no one else will get hurt from this as i like to call it curse of the IUD.Thank You and until next time Sincerly, yours
4,137 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
IUD Malfunctions
Mirena Side effects -what others are experiencing
by #20937 21 y
This was sent to me when I was thinking about getting the Mirena IUD. I’m so glad I read these posts. For others thinking about getting the Mirena or already have it and not feeling well this site is great. It’s other women’s experiences on Mirena.
type in Mirena or Mirena IUD in the search line
I hope this helps out others that are suffering or wanting to know what other’s are experiencing on the Mirena IUD
The symp ...
2,845 hits
Forum: Gynecological
STUDY: Looking for Mirena IUD users (LAC+USC Medical Cent...
by mrsnelson78 16 y
View Entire Thread 6
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-14, 11:54AM PDT
Healthy women age 18-39 using the Mirena IU ...
2,748 hits
Forum: Mirena
question for humaworm
by dragnfly2 17 y
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i had a mirena iud. i no longer have it. i realize your products are for cleansing. i am impressed with your knowledge of herbs. alot of us women in the mirena iud forum are having alot of problems when we have our periods with a relapse in symptoms that mirena caused probably due to our bodies trying to balance hormonally. i personally am scared to death to take anything that will affect my hormones. do you know of any herbs or herbal formulas that might help us during our periods? i am sure the women in the mirena iud forum would love you forever if you would be able to help us!!!!
1,973 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
lichenoid tissue reaction
by dlp 15 y
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I have had a Mirena IUD for 2 years. This past year, I developed vulvodynia, and then started having discomfort in my mouth. I was noted to have geographic tonngue, and then diagnosed with lichenoid tissue reaction which is affecting my mucus membranes. This is likely an autoimmune reaction, possibly due to medication or foreign body. Has any one else ever experienced these diagnosis with Mirena IUD in place???
2,455 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: anyone side effects gone after removal?
by briezs 15 y
fortunately my endocrinoligist caught the symptoms soon and my bone density results were very good. however, i did have a parathyroid tumor twice its size removed that one and two and one half of the others. i have also had a total of three gran mal seizures in the 2 1/2 years that i have the mirena iud. had the mirena iud removed the other day how long is it going to take before starting seeing and feeling results
4,184 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: My Mirena nightmare... (update: photos)
by imajika 17 y
If I can help one woman/couple from having to go through what I went through, it’s worth it.
My friend asked me about my Mirena experience a few months ago. She had been considering getting a Mirena IUD at the suggestion of her doctor. She thought that what happened to me couldn’t possibly happen to her. After showing my friend my surgery photos and letting her read more information online (including other women’s horror stories), she has opted to stay on the pill. :)
I’m sure there might be women out there that love Mirena but, from what I can see, those women are few and far betwee ...
125,073 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mirena IUD
Birth Control
Women’s Forum
IUD Malfunctions
Bad Doctors
Re: Acne & Moods: Mirena IUD, Ortho Evra Patch, Nuvaring
by Ninian13 22 y
Hi Jt,
This response is a bit late, but I wanted to tell you that the website for the manufacturer of the Mirena IUD advises women with a history of severe acne NOT to use it. I don’t have a history of severe acne, but there’s a family history and I have had some bizarre acne responses to medications that can affect my endocrine system.
I had a Mirena IUD inserted in June of 2002 and within a month started developing TERRIBLE acne, the nodular stuff. My stupid OBGYN doc didn’t tell me that this IUD can cause that. Thus, I had NO idea the IUD was the problem. I ended up on Accutane bec ...
13,434 hits
Forum: Gynecological
Targets 14 Year Old Girls
by adamson77 17 y
i can’t believe it 14 - 18 years old iud trial???? the hormones are all ready changing, see this is what makes me so mad, they are willing to test and target young perectly healthy teen girls but freak out about vasectomies and they will not fund the male birth control pill that has no side effects.
1: Active Comparator
Mirena IUD Device: Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUS) - Mirena IUD
Teens are randomly assigned to receive the LNG-IUS after completing a screening visit.
2: Active Comp ...
2,873 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Birth Control
Re: Mirena, yes or no?
by lilsexysweet_08 17 y
Ok no offense to this person above, but i HAD NO SYMPTOMS WITH THE IUD!!! Well ok i take that back . I had the mirena in a month show on 3 years. When i turned 22 i started getting ovarian cysts! Besides wanting a baby and sick of the cysts, thats the only reason i got it out!
I semi enjoyed the iud in. It was a great form of birth control!! Really the only thing that you can do is decide for YOURSELF if mirena iud is right for you!!
P.S i think i read somewhere that post baby birth isnt always the best option for mirena iud!!!!
1,937 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
I had developed firbrocystic breasts 2 years after gettin...
by #205140 9 y
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Okay, so I am 18 years old and have had the mirena IUD for almost 2 years.
Everything was fine for a long time until only recently I discovered that I had developed firbrocystic breasts.
I was confused about what may have caused it so I took to the internet. (Not always a good idea, but, what can I say). Anyways, I realized that the mirena may be a possible cause. I have two questions.
First question, if it turns out my IUD is the cause of my breast condition, could removing the IUD help lessen the effects of fibrocystic breasts?
My second question is what are the initial ef ...
3,072 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Fibrocystic Breasts
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: 14 year old with mirena
by adamson77 17 y
Arms Assigned Interventions
1: Active Comparator
Mirena IUD Device: Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUS) - Mirena IUD
Teens are randomly assigned to receive the LNG-IUS after completing a screening visit.
2: Active Comparator
Paragard IUD Device: Paraguard (Copper T380A)
Teens are randomly assigned to Copper T380 after the screening visit
Ages Eligible for Study: 14 Years to 18 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Female
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: Yes
Cr ...
3,013 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Women’s Forum
Re: New with Mirena
by adamson77 17 y
it starts an infection within the first 24 hours, thats something they didn’t bother telling us.
It is not known fully how IUDs work. They are thought to prevent conception by causing a brief localized inflammation that begins about 24 hours after insertion. This causes an inflammatory reaction inside the uterus that attracts white blood cells. The white blood cells produce substances that are toxic or poisonous to sperm. The progesterone-releasing IUDs cause a subtle change in the endometrial environment that impairs the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. This type of IUD als ...
2,299 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
a bunch of links....
by mamaj 15 y
View Entire Thread 7
Hello ladies, I am getting my research organized to send to the press. I thought I would share it with all of you. If anyone has links they think should be included, please post them. thanks!
Discussion forums and blogs
urban mamas
hub pages ...
16,073 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: Mirena, autoimmune disease, & side effects
by czlc89 13 y
Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve been doing some research on Mirena and had no idea that it might play a role in autoimmune diseases. You should definitely share these concerns with your doctors, if you haven’t already. The only risks I’ve read about include migration, where the IUD actually moves (and sometimes gets lots) causing infection, scarring, etc. It also apparently increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Best of luck!
6,968 hits
Forum: Mirena
Autoimmune Diseases
Re: Question about mirena side effects similar to depo
by controlofme 17 y
I hope you are still checking for an answer to your question. The Mirena IUD has THE SAME MEDICATION in it as the depo shot does. The dr will tell you that the difference is that the hormone stays local in the uterus. However, this is simply not true. They find the hormone in breastmilk, and I’ve had a horrible reaction to the Mirena IUD, so obviously the medication does get into the bloodstream.
You may do fine on the Mirena, as some people who have adverse reactions to the depo do fine on it. It really just depends on your body, but please take caution. If you had a reaction to the de ...
1,567 hits
Forum: Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Going Crazy..I advise all not to get a mirena iud!
by Cocodestiny06 16 y
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I am writing on this forum after reading about all the other women on here having a problem with the mirena iud. I am a 22 year old mother of a 3 year old daughter. I had the mirena iud put in October 2006. The first 6 months-year was okay. I had some spotting and cramping, but nothing abnormal. But after a year of having the mirena iud put in, things started goin haywire!! I first started having extreme weight gain, bloating, gastrointestinal issues, (such as diarrhea, constipation, severe abdominal pain, indigestion, and that is just to name a few of the gi symptoms I incurred). Then the ...
3,410 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: My Mirena is lost inside me, not in my uterus
by mamaj 16 y
I wanted to pass this on-not to talk about lawsuit, but to let you know you are not alone, and what the general procedure is to find/remove it. It is possible for the Mirena to fall out, but also possible that it migrated outside the uterus. (and I have seen women posting that the docs swore it fell out, only to locate it later). Did the woman doing the ultrasound see it? (It doesnt sound like she told you what to do next) If not, an x-ray should be able to locate it. The mirena contains barium-speci ...
16,087 hits
Forum: Mirena
IUD Malfunctions
Birth Control
Re: side effect...Vertigo?
by sickmommy 16 y
I had the mirena IUD for one year and recently had it taken out. In the last 6 months I have had 5 bad spells of vertigo & nausea. Each spell lasted about 3-4 days. I couldn’t sleep right and lying down made it worse. I would wake up with the dizziness and gravol didn’t help much. I’m not sure yet if it was the mirena IUD, I’m hoping it is and that my life can get back to normal. No doctor has entertained the idea that it is the mirena that caused my symptoms. Some doctors have suggested that I may have meneire’s syndrome. I find it odd that I am a healthy individual that has had n ...
35,535 hits
Forum: Mirena
Mirena Lawsuit
by Godismyrefuge 14 y
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Hey guys! I’ve told my family all along that if I ever came across a class action lawsuit against Mirena that I would join it, but I don’t have the energy to pursue anything on my own. Well, every once in a while I google Mirena lawsuit just to see if there’s anything out there. This week I came across this firm in SC. I emailed them and they emailed me the next day. They called me yesterday, but I was at work and missed their call. I’m going to call them tomorrow. Here is the link to their firm. I figured maybe if a whole bunch of us flood their email, they’ll take it seriously. ...
2,526 hits
Forum: Mirena
Mirena IUD Side Effects
View Entire Thread 7
I feel so angry and sad reading what all of these women are going through, most certainly caused by the Mirena IUD. I am a 50 year old female attorney who is very fit and normal weight. After the birth of my youngest daughter when I was 42 years old, my OBGYN talked me into using the Mirena IUD for birth control.
I thought it was great, because I basically stopped having periods. I also started having many other side-effects, but did not initially attribute them to the Mirena IUD (I sure wish I had done my research before having it inserted).
Only after almost seven years of Z ...
25,650 hits
Forum: Mirena
IUD Malfunctions
Women’s Forum
Is this normal?
by mommyoftwo18 17 y
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Hi I have had the Mirena IUD for a year and some months now. I have two children 15 months, and almost 3 years. The Mirena IUD has stopped my periods. The last period I got was Jan 1. I got what I thought was my period yesterday but the blood was real light. It looked liked pink discharge (sorry if tmi). Is this normal? I have never had this before. When I had my last period the bleeding was normal and lasted like seven days. This bleeding was real light. I didn’t need a tampon or anything it was like 3 spots lol. Is this implantation bleeding? Or is this one of the hundreds syptoms of the ...
6,885 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Mirena IUD- Possible class action lawsuit- please sto...
by sljbjlsmom 19 y
I too had a mirena IUD. I had major health issues while I had it in. Mood swings, depression, and weight gain. Since having the Mirena IUD taken out, I have had other symptoms. I have worse mood swings, depression, weight gain, cramping with no period, I am so miserable, I can’t stnd myself. Anyone having this IUD in needs to get it out and if someone is considering getting one, DON’T!!!!!!!!! They say it is safe but........nope, it isn’t safe!!!!!!!! I feel like crying all the time now, I feel useless, I feel fat....well, fatter.......this isn’t good for anyone!!!! Let me know abo ...
57,441 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects
by sugarrae_girl 20 y
I was reading your message regarding the Mirena IUD, I know you posted a long time ago but I thought this might help you. I had the IUD placed earlier this year after the Depo shot, I also continued to bleed and had a lot of discharge. I had other problems that eventually let me to take mine out, migraines and systemic candidiasis. My alternative nurse pracitioner told me that when someone is on a birthcontrol and specifically this one, it is only a progesterone only BC, so therefore your body kind of decreases greatly or stops producing it, and one of the signs that you are actually proge ...
65,697 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Mirena IUD
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects
by #43518 20 y
Interesting side effects, that’s for sure! I haven’t had a single issue with my Mirena IUD. The only side effect is that I have an almost non-existent period, and I’ve had the Mirena since July 2002. My one and only child was born in May 2002 and the Mirena IUD was my choice after examining all of the options.
This has been, by far, the most successful method of birth control for ME, and I’m 39 years old so I’ve had MANY years of trial and error.
I’m sorry to read that so many people have not had a good experience with this. I didn’t do well with ”the pill”, and I also have many ...
57,162 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Mirena IUD
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Skin Disorder Side Effect
by glo4joe 19 y
uuhhmm you know what now that you mention it...I had some kind of weird skin disorder under both my breasts, in the inside bend of my forearm and on my thighs like a week after I had my Mirena IUD put in. I wondered too if it was caused from that but silly me didn’t call the dr. I put some antibacterial cream that was a prescription of my daughters that she no longer needed after I talked to the pharmacist, for like a week. She suggested I try that and if that didn’t clear it up to ck with my dr.
Well it did clear up and never came back. Now I don’t know if that was an allergic reaction ...
2,809 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Re: Mirena Nightmare
by starrm33 11 y
Im sorry you had the mirena iud nightmare. I think I am too. Ive had it placed for about 2 yrs and have been tired but thought it was because of being a mom of two small children. Plus I already have anxiety and depression. So thats what the drs say they think is wrong with me. But recently ive been geting more headaches and for the past week nausea. Weak extreme fatigue muscle spams and cramps. I was in the er this past sunday and tuesday for those symptoms and bloating with gurgling tummy. Idk if its the mirena or not im starting to think tht over a period of time tht ive had this ihd in ...
5,382 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects
by crazygirl 19 y
My message to any woman who reads this: Don’t let your doctor tell you that ”it’s you” and not the Mirena IUD!!!!!!!!!!
I have used the Mirena twice in the last 4 years (btwn the birth of my two children). Both times I haved used the Mirena, I have experienced weight gain, severe PMS and continuous cramping, blotchy skin with unwanted hair, bloated stomach, depression, constant fatigue, loss of sex drive....and the list goes on....
I love my OBGYN and I trust his judgement, but NOT when it comes to the Mirena IUD. I know that the Mirena is responsible for my symptoms because I was ...
57,701 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mirena IUD
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Did your joint pain disappear post-removal?
by chickensoup 18 y
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I had the Mirena IUD put in Apr. ’07. I started having shoulder and elbow pain w/in a month or so, but attributed it to my 1 yr. old twins that I lug around. A few months later I started having joint pain in my fingers. My mom died of MS and I know that I’m at a higher risk for autoimmune diseases, so I saw my MD and she ran lots of blood tests. There is no indication what so ever that I have an inflammatory or auto-immune disease. However, the blood tests did show a low white blood cell count and subclinical hypothyroidism. I feel well, and luckily haven’t experienced the fatigue, a ...
10,516 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Hair Loss
by softballmom 18 y
I have experienced the following side effects:
weight gain (20 pounds over 3 years) despite eating right and exercising
feeling bloated
swollen feet
terrible cystic acne, particularly on my jawline
moodiness - feeling very short tempered
backaches every morning upon waking
hands going numb while sleeping
I have had the Mirena removed 9 days ago and already my face has cleared up. I have lost 3 pounds and I have not had a backache or hand numbness since the day after the IUD was removed. I am convinced all side effects were directly attributed the Mirena IUD.
4,293 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Diabetes Type I
Diabetes Type II
Re: Mirena IUD & repeat cervical abnormalities...
by MercyA 15 y
I appreciate your view, but at some point you really have to take into account the overwhelming reports I have found just like everyone here, including myself.
I have the Mirena IUD for 2-3 years now, after a trip to the emergency room they finally found the culprit ovarian cysts. I have had 2-4 mm/cm (whatever the normal range of measurement is for these things show up on sonograms and CT scans for now 5 of 5 months, always in different areas and on different ovaries. I was in so much pain the day I went to the hospital I thought I had a kidney stone.
Now 2 months ago I get the news ...
63,480 hits
Forum: Mirena
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Question
by angellinn 18 y
You can get cysts with the IUD this might be what you have...I would also be checked foe HPV by your doctor...which could be what you have...which would not be related to the IUD and can get negative results for years although its presssent in your body....I would get checked out for STD again...and have them check to see if you have cysts....don’t wait...if you do youmight need friend got cysts from the IUD and had to have on of her ovarys removed...all from this Mirena IUD what a waste....please don’t wait and end up like her get this thing out of you its not worth me.
2,416 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Mirena IUD side effects and law suit
by angellinn 18 y
I know EXACTLY how you feel, I thought the same thing. Mirena IUD is not telling all the symptoms and complications that come with this thing. I had insominia, depression, horrible mood swings, severe back pain, and tons of other things. I told my doctor and she denied that it was the Mirena IUD which was a bunch of crap. I got the thing removed and I can sleep just fine now...I would love to help you or be involved in a class action suit. This product needs to be off the market, or more research needs to be done...they at least need to list the REAL side effects and not lie about them...
23,645 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
spread the word please
by adamson77 18 y
these complaints are currently 33 pages long and go back atleast four years. add your complaint here. while you are there you might can research some companies that got over on you like i did.
i know its hard for us to focus with all of the emotional stress and depression but we can atleast say we had a part in taking this monster off the market. i think women can do anything we put our minds to. i tried to just get over it but it didnt work. todd m beste damaged my bladder when he was jabbing around so every 2 hrs ...
1,066 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Mirena IUD
by adamson77 18 y
wow do u see the 33 pages of complaints. it goes back ateast 4 years here and in other birthcontol sections of curezone. wish u luck. i really wish someone 4 years ago would have spread the word not to get it. i am trying my best to spread the word infact i just posted here at complaints board
add on your complaints please. it was so hard for me to find some piece of mind because i was spelling the freaking thing wrong cause i had no info on it.
1,435 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Can Mirena cause chronic headaches?
by paininthehead 17 y
View Entire Thread 8
I had the Mirena IUD inserted last Sept to control excessive menstrual bleeding and have been experiencing many of the side effects described (prolonged bleeding, upper respitory infections, breast tenderness, and numbness of the face, arm and leg on the left side which was told was Bell’s Palsey without paralysis). I have recently been experiencing a chronic dull headache for the past 5 weeks. I tried the usual analgesiacs to help with the pain but none worked. My GP tried an antidepressant, allergy medication, anti-anxiety drug with no results. I’ve had an MRI done and am now off wor ...
40,878 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum