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Why Don’t Massive Doses of Ascorbate Produce Kidney Stones
by anunnaki 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
Why Don’t Massive Doses of Ascorbate Produce Kidney Stones?
Years ago when Linus Pauling wrote his book ”Vitamin C and the Common Cold”, the critics immediately labeled the taking of large doses of vitamin C dangerous because it would produce calcium oxalate kidney stones. This practice of telling people that vitamin C caused kidney stones continues today by the critics of vitamin C despite the lack of clinical evidence of kidney stones in people taking vitamin C
It was hypothesized that since a significant percentage of ascorbate was metabolized into and excreted as oxalic acid th ...
2,625 hits
Forum: Vitamin C Support
milk and kidney stones
by zora 22 y
A large study of American nurses, showed that taking calcium supplements was associated with increased risk for kidney stones, while taking high amounts of dairy foods, was associated with lower risk for kidney stones! The researchers assumed it’s because of other elements in milk such as phosphorus which reduces urinary calcium excretion.
The same study also concluded that high consumption of animal protein lead to higher risk for kidney stones. (But apparently the diary protein didn’t cause higher risks?!)
(reference: Comparison of Dietery Calciuim with Supplemental Calcium and other ...
4,461 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Kidney Cleanse & Bad Calcium Flush Questions
by udoknowjac 14 y
View Entire Thread 8
On Monday I will be doing a 5 day kidney cleanse and then on day 2 of the cleanse I will start the Kidney Stone - Bad Calcium Flush. I am a little confusded on how to do them both at the same same.
I will be doing the Kidney Stone-Bad Calcium Flush on days 2,3,4. Do I just follow those instructions and not the regular Kidney Cleanse instructions for those days? Meaning do I skip the Kidney & Bladder Flush Drink in the am and also the Kidney Tea with the regular flush and instead follow the instructions on the Kidney Stone-Bad Calcium Flush?
If so then am I correct that the only days ...
6,924 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Getting rid of recurrent kidney stones
by YourEnchantedGardener 10 y
Getting rid of recurrent kidney stones
This is what I need, psychic surgery dissolves kidney stone
Kidney Complete
This product arrived today. A friend sent it to me.
January 15, 2015; 9:42 pm
I visited the kidney surgeon this afternoon. It is discouraging that I am drifting farther away from the natural healing remedies.
9:30 pm
January 15, 2015
This one looks good from David Jubb: ...
1,301 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!
Re: Itching worse after milk thistle, dandelion and parsl...
by wellnut 21 y
It sounds as if you are allergic to dandelion. The other two would not give that thype of reaction and there are no know interactions betweeen thoes three herbs.
Many people are allergic to dandelion. It is best to stop this route.
Try these and let me know if it helps!
Possibly Effective:
Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis)
Women consuming black tea seem to have an 8% decreased risk of developing kidney stones.
Biliary stones
DMSO infused alternatively with methyl-tert-butyl ether and a buffer solution of EDTA and sodium deoxy ...
9,424 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
What is a form of Vitamin c that doesn't give me kidney s...
by Velvety 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have candida i take probiotics with dairy in them, but will switch to vegan probiotics. i want to start taking vitamin c again but does anyone know of any good brands that don’t give you kidney stones or are full of citric acid? I got kidney stones from the ascorbic acid/ calcium type.. I believe i am sure that is what cause my kidney stones in which i am getting rid of. Need some help on a vitamin c that won’t give me kidney stones, ty!
1,656 hits
Forum: Candida
Kidney Stones
by plzchuckle 11 y
Lemons Protect Against Kidney Stones
(NaturalNews) Lemons and other citrus fruits contain chemicals that can help prevent against the development of kidney stones, says John Milner, a urology expert from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.
”Lemons are very high in citrates, which inhibit the growth of kidney stones,” Milner said. ”[Real] lemonade, not the powdered variety that uses artificial flavoring, actually slows the development of kidney stones for those who are prone to the development of kidney stones.”
Milner made the comments in the conte ...
20,265 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
Re: Intense stinging pain!
by Mrs.Baxter 21 y
Texas Woman’s University
InfoTrac Newspapers
I found this article interesting. I sounds like you have kidney stone, but why and what can you do to cure are the questions.
I recommend Oil of Oregano, Coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract: If the kidney stones are caused from this bacterium, this may help.
Another thing you could do is just treat it with herbs:,+kidney+stones&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 ...
3,171 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Uny-One last question for clarification on order
by udoknowjac 15 y
Okay I really think this is it!
In regards to the Kidney Flush you said ”My recommendation (unless someone has kidney stones), is to do a 5-day Kidney cleanse first, and then do a 5-day Kidney cleanse with the ’bad calcium/kidney stone flush’ sometime after that. If someone has kidney stones, the recommendation is different.”
So I would only need to do the bad calcium/kidney stone flush if I have problems as we talked about? So my Kidney work will only be the 5-day kidney flush unless I have problems, correct? Or would you suggest the 2nd time I do the Kidney Flush in the f ...
8,396 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Day two Schulze's kidney cleanse - blood in urine
by rosemary74 14 y
i read the article , but it has some similarity with kidney stone so read this -Kidney damage, if stones block the flow of urine out of both kidneys (or out of one kidney, for people who have a single kidney). For most people with healthy kidneys, kidney stones do not cause serious damage until they completely block the urinary tract for 2 weeks or longer. got some infor from kidney stones in women
14,863 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Kidney Stones
Liver Flush Support
Kidney Failure
Lemons protect against kidney stones
by mo123 17 y \
Originally published December 9 2008
Lemons Protect Against Kidney Stones
by David Gutierrez, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Lemons and other citrus fruits contain chemicals that can help prevent against the development of kidney stones, says John Milner, a urology expert from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.
”Lemons are very high in citrates, which inhibit the growth of kidney stones,” Milner said. ”[Real] lemonade, not the powdered variety that uses artificial flavoring, actually slows the development of kidney stones for those who are ...
1,345 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: Prostate Formula and Painful Urination
by origen 16 y
Prostate Stones: What is the treatment for this if I do indeed have them? Would it be the prostate formula that you usually recommend or something else? Could taking the prostate formula be breaking up these stones and thus be causing my recent pain?
Kidney Stones: Should I go back on the Uva Ursi for what might be kidney stones? How long would I have to take it to clear this up? I guess I could also follow your advice on kidney stones in this recent post - .... However, how do I determine which type of kidney stones I might hav ...
5,997 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Kidney stone rate doubles in last 16 years
by #13594 13 y
Kidney stone rate doubles in last 16 yearsBy MyHealthNewsDaily
Kidney stones are nearly twice as common now as they were in the early 1990s, according to a new study.
In 1994, one in 20 people in the U.S. had kidney stones, in the years between 2007 and 2010, the rate was one in 11.
”While we expected the prevalence of kidney stones to increase, the size of the increase was surprising,” says study researcher Dr. Charles Scales Jr., a urologist at the David Geffen School of Me ...
1,241 hits
Forum: Kidney Failure
Chanca Piedra "Stone Breaker"
by Rahi 23 y
View Entire Thread 3
Health Sciences Institute e-Alert
January 17, 2002
Dear Reader,
”I’d rather give birth to an elephant.”
That kind of imagery sticks in your mind. I know it stuck in
That was the description my colleague Pat used to convey the
pain of a kidney stone. I included it in the e-Alert I sent you
on November 20 about this excruciating condition. Back then, I
was writing to tell you about a new study that showed the
essential fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) could help
prevent kidney stones. But ever since, I’ ...
7,453 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Dr Clarks kidney Cleanse's not that effective
by woojungcorporation 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have kidney stone ever since my first liver flush, I had real good results with dr clarks liver flush tho, right after i did the liver flush i been having mid and lower back pain (kidney pain) basically i got kidney stone
anyways I was more than a believer after doing my first LF
but now i have more seriouse problem, its kidney stone
I been on dr clarks kidney cleans for over 2 weeks with no result
I been taking 3 times the dose that was recommanded by dr clark
but nada result
did anyone had good result with dr clarks kidney cleanse?
4,301 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
Stop complaining :)
by Newport 16 y
View Entire Thread 8
Pictured: The 2.5lb kidney stone the size of a coconut surgeons removed from a man’s stomach
The largest kidney stones most doctors ever get to see is the size of a golf ball. So surgeons in Hungary were taken aback when they removed a stone the size of a coconut from a man earlier today. Sandor Sarkadi underwent an abdominal operation in Debrecen, 150 miles east of Budapest, after doctors discovered he had a kidney stone inside him that was 17 centimetres in diameter.
Huge: Patient Sandor Sarkadi has had this 17 centimetre in diameter kidney stone removed
2,376 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: BAD back pain after liver flush... Today's update.
by SnoopylovesWoodstock 16 y
Do you think it could be a kidney stone? I experienced a lot of pain after my second flush, using Epsom salts. I think it was too dehydrating. I have been through medical tests to find out what the pain is from and they never find anything. Want to do another flush, but they found hemangiomas in my liver during all these tests, so I am a little leary.
I thought mine was a kidney stone (I had a kidney stone when I was a teenager and the pain was similar), so I started drinking a lot of lemon in water and taking a magnesium supplement. It is better. Went for a test to see if it was a k ...
11,902 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Liver Flush Support
Re: kidney stones and stomach acid
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Lemon juice is said to be good for dissolving kidney stones. At least this would work for uric acid stones due to the malic acid in lemons. Not so sure about calcium oxalate stones and some other forms of kidney stones though.
And there are better sources of malic acid such as green apples, apple cider vinegar and tart cherries.
Olive oil is not going to have any effect on the kidney stones.
5,250 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Kidney stones AGAIN! Don't they ever quit?
by Tara 22 y
Quoting from Dr. Rodman in ”No More Kidney Stones”, ”Oxalates are a throwaway product that the body excretes in the urine. It is an ingredient in two-thirds of all kidney stones and a key troublemaker. Oxalate would be of little or no interest if it did not crystallize with calcium to form kidney stones.” Some foods containing large amounts of Oxalates are: Dark green vegetables such as Spinach, green peppers, green lettuce,Kale, Collard greens,etc; Chocolates, Nuts, Pumpkin,Baked beans. This is just a partial list. I recommend buying the book. Dr. Rodman says ”The Six Great Pains of ...
5,386 hits
Forum: Kidney Stones
I have kidney stone symptoms
by YourEnchantedGardener 11 y
9:28 am
June 1, 2014
I wonder if walking can help move this kidney stone along? I have some dizziness as well….this kidney stone feels different than the one I had removed last summer. My penis feels some sensitivity. I am wondering if it is moving. There is also sensitivity in the front on the left abdomen.
I have not had this diagnosed. I want to do some chores before i go to the emergency this afternoon. The pain is not as intense as last summer.
Update: June 2, 2014
I did not go to the emergency yesterday, June 1, 2014. I took four AminoActiv. That replaced the nee ...
1,451 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!
Re: Kidneys
by twll 11 y
One effective way to dissolve kidney stones is to consume large quantities of watermelon and nothing else for an entire day. Watermelon fasts help cleanse your kidneys and the rest of your system as well. Regular consumption of watermelon helps keep kidney stones at bay.
Shatter stone herb Chanca Piedra = ”stone breaker” or ”shatter stone” Search
How to keep your kidneys healthy, happy and stone-free
Drink to your kidney health wit ...
1,821 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Worried about appendicitis
by illys / elisah 10 y
Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and magnesium all help stop kidney stones.
You may be low in D3 because of working at night, it would help to get your blood levels checked. Low D3 levels are common in cases of kidney stones.
Low K2 levels can happen in diets low on high-quality green vegetables and stuff like spinach and kale- those foods are high in both K and magnesium.
Foods like soda, white bread, candy, refined grains and pasta all require magnesium to be digested properly, and they actually /lower/ body reserves of the mineral.
D3 pushes calcium away from the organs it doesn’t ...
3,453 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Fasting General
Enema & Colonics
Re: I got a dumb question?
by bone 22 y
It sounds like your talking about kidney stones.Gallbladder stones get flushed out through the colon.Im sure kidney stones do come out the front door.Someone told me a old fashion nurse made him drink a couple bottles of cranberry juice the night before surgery and he passed his kidney stones.I pretty sure he said he pissed them out....OUCH...He said the doctor was real pissed at her the next day but she didnt care what he had to say and gave it right back.This was maybe 30 years ago before all the high tech stuff they have now.
2,848 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Dr. Schulze's Kidney Stone Program
by tharrels1 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi! About 30 years ago, I ate TOO MUCH Dairy, and then developed Kidney Stones. I was reading about Garlic at the time, and one of it’s MANY uses was to DISSOLVE Kidney Stones.
Anyhow, when I realized that I was having a Kidney Stone ATTACK one day, I ate the cloves of 2 bulbs of RAW Garlic and also drank Orange Juice. I PASSED gravel and stones and was VERY RELIEVED, since the pain, that I was having, was the VERY WORST pain, that I had ever felt in my life!! I’ve talked with women since then, who have bore children and have also had a Kidney Stone ATTACK and they ALL said that the ...
5,132 hits
Forum: Natural Emergency Care
Dr. Schulze's Kidney Stone Program
by tharrels1 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi! About 30 years ago, I ate TOO MUCH Dairy, and then developed Kidney Stones. I was reading about Garlic at the time, and one of it’s MANY uses was to DISSOLVE Kidney Stones.
Anyhow, when I realized that I was having a Kidney Stone ATTACK one day, I ate the cloves of 2 bulbs of RAW Garlic and also drank Orange Juice. I PASSED gravel and stones and was VERY RELIEVED, since the pain, that I was having, was the VERY WORST pain, that I had ever felt in my life!! I’ve talked with women since then, who have bore children and have also had a Kidney Stone ATTACK and they ALL said that the ...
5,756 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Dr.Schulze’s Miracle
Re: Hello, what happens if i fast and excercise everyday?
by BrokerGirl 19 y
hey Siren. I assume you’re talking about a kidney stone you want to lose, right? I don’t have trouble with kidney stones or anything but I was turned on to a book called the master cleanser by stanley burrows. you fast but make a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper....tastes pretty good...additionally there’s a forum on this website called master cleanser #20 which is filled w/ good info on processes to pass kidney stones. good luck girl!
2,405 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: 4 cm gallstone need help !!!
by SpicyGirl 19 y
This info might help as well:
Gallstones and kidney stones:
A theory exists that the acids found in apple cider vinegar are beneficial in breaking up kidney stones and gallstones, by softening or dissolving them. Although we cannot guarantee any results since there are so many other influencing factors, it might be worth your while to supplement your diet with apple cider vinegar, should you be suffering from gallstones or kidney stones.
7,503 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Iodine helps
by Cure_it 18 y
If one has gout, it could lead to kidney stones but that’s not to say you will definitely get kidney stones. Gout is simply telling you that you have way too much acidity in your body and the ash from the uric acid is depositing in your joints causing pain. It is the acidity which can cause a build up of kidney stones in your kidneys.
Kidney pain can start in the bladder and around your waste but when you’re getting an attack the pain is usually in the lower back area. If you think you might be feeling something and are not sure, drink an herbal tea for kidneys right away to flush away ...
12,978 hits
Forum: Kidney Stones
Re: 4th day and no stones??
by award1 21 y
Liver stones (gall stones) and kidney stones are not the same thing. Believe me you’ll know the difference.
Gall stones are removed with the liver flush and come out in the bm. Kidney stones are usually calcified, and come out with the urine. Even very small pieces can be very painful. I’m not sure which flush you’re following, but the Hulda Clark flush is supposed to dissolve them. If it does, then it’s the only I know of that does. Kidney stones usually have to be passed, often painful, if the can’t be passed then some type of surgery is often required. If you have lower back pain, i ...
2,867 hits
Forum: Kidney Stones
Olive Oil & Lemon Juice
by Raphael79 11 y
View Entire Thread 2
Regarding taking olive oil and lemon juice for kidney stones...
Does anyone here know if the Olive Oil and Lemon Juice work for kidney stones still in the kidneys, and other kidney congestion?
Is this a way to cleanse and purge the kidneys, or is it only for when you are in pain because a stone has already traveled down the ureter?
I’m also curious how this works versus the liver flush (which I also do), as they can both be done with OO and LJ...
3,455 hits
Forum: Kidney Stones
Kidney Failure
Re: Kidney Disease
by Megabite 18 y
Sounds like he needs to turn his health around like mh says. No more Drugs either, and he needs to eat healthy and cleanse his body.
Other than that, I would have him take IP6.
”IP6 cleanses the kidneys
Numerous scientific reports confirm that IP6 inhibits the formation of kidney stones and can be used to dissolve calcium stones in the kidneys once they are formed. [Scandinavian Journal Urology Nephrology 34: 162-64, 2000] IP6 is described as a �clear alternative in the treatment of calcium kidney stones.� [Anticancer Research 19:3717-22, 1999] Another study conclud ...
2,817 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Kidney Stones & Infections
RR by rabbitears 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
November 08, 2005
Excessive Vitamin C Consumption Does Not Cause Kidney Stones!
Your physician will probably never tell you about this so you must fend for yourself. Read the research!
Chris Gupta
See also: The Stonewalling of Vitamin C
Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women
Curhan, G. C., Willett, W. C., Speizer, F. E., Stampfer, M. J.
J Am Soc Nephrol 10:4:840-845, Apr 19 ...
3,581 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Re: and by the way...
by dci hall 20 y
I didn’t say that stones do not form in the liver, I said there’s not a problem. You have to come back to the basic anatomy. With a kidney stone for example the reason why kidney stones get stuck is because there are narrowings in the ureter, and this is where the stones lodge. This is why specific knowledge does make a fundamental difference.
Blockage of the small bile ducts causes specific symptoms and signs. I have asked Dusan about his opinion on primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune cholangitis but I have received no answer yet.
©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Origina ...
3,163 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Debate
Kidney Stone Dissolve part of regular IP?
by solmare 16 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hello everyone,
I was wondering, wether we do Schulze’s Kidney stone dissolve on a regular IP.
- Where would it fit in?
- Is it done during the 5 day kidney cleanses?
- If I understand correctly we take the kidney stone dissolve drink over a course of 3 days. On which days of the 5 day kidney cleanse should the kidney stone dissolve be done?
- Do we do 2 kidney stones dissolves during the IP (like we normally do 2 big liver flushes?
I might be completely on the wrong track here, but I thought I would ask, since I couldn’t understand better from the SYL and other info that I ha ...
2,332 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Cran-Grape and/or Chanka Piedra a gallon a day can help.
by curedisease 16 y
I think the olive oil and lemons are just for removal of gallstones and not kidney stones.
For kidney stones, I have a friend that got rid of of one kidney stone by drinking a gallon of cranberry juice a day. He used CRAN-GRAPE from Ocean Spray as the cranberry alone was too bitter for him to drink. (Prior to that he had gone to the E.R. in severe pain and they just put him on an IV with pain killers and hours later sent home pain free but the stone still stuck--was told nothing else they could do for him and that the kidney stone cannot be removed.)
And, another remedy that h ...
2,718 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Just a note on kidney stones I found
by zooii 19 y
Kidney Stones (Urolithiasis) Tiny little bacteria that build a mineral shell for themselves could be the cause of kidney stones, Finnish researchers recently discovered. They said they found the bacteria, known as nanobacteria because of their small size, in human blood serum and also in kidney stones.
``Nanobacteria are the smallest cell-walled bacteria, only recently discovered in human and cow blood and commercial cell culture serum,’’ they wrote in their report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They found nanobacteria in both human and cow serum. When they let ...
1,914 hits
Forum: Kidney Stones
Can tooth powder cause kidney stones?
by Pinkgems187 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi, I’m 22 years old, i’ve never had a kidney stone in my life. I’m not overweight, 117 pounds, 5’5. I passed a kidney stone yesterday! The only thing I did different was brush my teeth with the new Dr.Christopher’s herbal tooth powder I just recieved and went to sleep with it in my gums, the next day, i have a kidney stone.....I know that the tooth powder is suppose to help with calcium in the teeth, helping your teeth to absorb calcium. I think that kidney stones have to do with a calcium build up or something. I haven’t done anything different in my lifestyle, just introduced tooth powd ...
5,106 hits
Forum: Dental Support
Dental Health
Kidney Stones
kidney stone results
by YourEnchantedGardener 10 y
I need to update this…
Call Ellen Tart Jensen…
Appointment with Mohamed one hour leave in 30 minutes…
I was recommended to study the Earth Clinic site for possible remedies for kidney stones. Lots of remedies here.
I want to postpone my an invasive kidney stone removal surgery set for Jan 21.
Lots of reasons to postpone it including loss of weight due to persistent diarrhea for six months. I need more info about testing for parasites.
I am looking at where I am now, and wha ...
1,026 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!
Probiotics Linked to 70 Percent Reduction in Kidney Stones
by grzbear 17 y
(NaturalNews) People who naturally carry a probiotic bacteria called Oxalobacter formigenes are 70 percent less likely to develop kidney stones than people whose dietary tracts lack the bacteria, according to a study conducted by researchers from Boston University and published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Researchers compared 247 people who suffered from recurring calcium oxalate kidney stones with 259 people with no history of kidney stones. They found that while 38 percent of the people in the healthy group had O. formigenes in their intestines, only 17 perce ...
1,179 hits
Forum: News
Re: right side (possible kidney) pain
by Hveragerthi 15 y
In addition to these symptoms I have listed in this thread, my right side area and slightly on my left have started hurting.
Could this be an infection as well? Or kidney stones?
Is there anything that can be done for kidney stones?
Nettle leaf and magnesium malate are great for kidney stones. But I am not certain this is kidney stones. Combined with your other symptoms the other possibility is gallbladder issues.
Have you tired digestive bitters and lecithin granules? Also make sure to get enough fiber in your diet and avoid any prescription or non-p ...
2,203 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine