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Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by #195030 10 y
Here is what I know for fact from my own experience!
I do not know John Ellis and I do not own one of his machines and I have nothing to gain one way or the other. However, I have been using John Ellis Water that I purchase from a lady in Wisconsin for almost two years. The reason I started using the water was due to having a migraine headache for 17 continuous months. During that previous year I saw a neurologist and had all kinds of test run and put on prescription medications to no avail. The ones that did relieve the headache knocked me out like flipping the light switch. Have no d ...
17,655 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: LifeStream Generator: does it work?
by Suntreker 15 y
The John Ellis Electron LWM-4/5 machine is probably the least known and yet most remarkable man-made invention of all time. It turns everyday tap water into water as it was millions of years ago; free of bacteria, pollutants, viruses, pathogens and all disease markers. The purest water on earth and I guarantee you have remarkable healthy results from just drinking this water. But, don’t take my word for it, and this is not a sales pitch - but if something cured you of cancer, wouldn’t you shout from the highest mountain and tell everyone? Well, that’s what happened to me. Review Mr. E ...
7,904 hits
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Forum: Zapper Support
Energized Water
Accutane Survivors
Re: john ellis
by chette 14 y
here is a link to a study I did on how the John Ellis machine effects water
this link is the result of an experiment I just completed
There is no better machine.
In 12 hours most of the other distilling machines produce only about 1 to 1-1/2 gallons of water. The Jon Ellis Machine will produce 5 gallons in 12 hours. Even the machines which makes water from of air and that is if your air is at 100% humidity will produce 5 gallons in 24 hours. so their machine produces ...
4,736 hits
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Forum: Energized Water
Water Support
Adrenal Fatigue
Dr. Schulze
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal C. Energized Water machine and Joh...
by #148825 13 y
I like how everyone can slam John Ellis and his water machine, and try to sound as if they know so much about it. I doubt if anyone who has commented on it has even tested the water or used the water in any way. I personally
own his electron-5 machine and it has performed as good or even better than expected. As far as the results, they have been nothing short of amazing. I have treated wells and hot tubs with the water and have test results to back it up. And as far as healing, you could ask the two people how had cancer and they will say that the water saved their life. You can read and ...
24,666 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: How best to use John Ellis water machine
by EllenDiann 11 y
I got the machine. I have no problem contacting the manufacturer at (845)754-8696. I think the key is not so much distillation, but the changing temperatures. I got my machine and it took a bit of time to figure how to use it most effeciently. I did not like using tap water so I use my distilled water so I don’t loose any water. The number will help you with your questions.
I have two distillers and since I heard that the virus do not all die, I now distill my water with my old distillers first using 1 tsp per gallon of 12% hydrogen peroxide and 1 ounce of the John Ellis distilled ...
12,570 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: Experiment-9 months without John Ellis LWM5 water.
by MorWeed 13 y
Maybe next time you’ll do a test involving ”good science”, instead of giving us anecdotal evidence from one person (you). Good science involves things like, oh, let’s say, a double blind study of 50 people, (half who have done the john ellis water regimen and half who didn’t) might be considered ”good science” but your anecdote only tells me you have convinced yourself that the water helps you. This is what is known as ”The Placebo Effect, and Big Pharma has made billions and billions of dollars off of these placebos, (the SSRI anti-depression meds are the biggest scam in the drug industry ...
34,793 hits
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Forum: Energized Water
Re: Experiment-9 months without John Ellis LWM5 water.
by powpowpow 9 y
It is now 2016, August to be more precise, and I am wondering how things are going with your John Ellis water machine. Have you had breakdowns? Parts replacements? Continued good health? All the controversy about this machine seems to have died down, but the praise has as well.
My best ~
15,956 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Detox & Cleansing Forum
Prostate Problems
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal C. Energized Water machine and Joh...
by Jimdean45 10 y
For the love of god, listen to what you already know. This guy is a nut-job who sells an over-priced water distilling machine to people hoping for a miracle. It’s disgusting.
Please read this:
I don’t know anything about treating wells and cisterns and neither does John Ellis or anyone else who bought one of his machines.
Please seek advice from a professional with your hard-earned money.
15,045 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by dirtylittlesecret 17 y
As a friend of John Ellis I can tell you with 100% certainty:
Fact: Jack (John) Ellis doesn’t have a pool.
Fact: John Ellis is 2/3 bald, however, he has the most amazing comb over that looks like a bee hive.
Fact: John Ellis is a person without integrity.
Fact: John Ellis counts on suc***s like you and the rest of those who have bought and believed in his product.
FACT: He’s made a lot of money and does not stand behind his product. EVER.
Have I mentioned that he also claims to have been in the Olympics AND that his family founded Ellis Island?
I have a bridge to sell ya if yo ...
33,498 hits
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Forum: Energized Water
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Re: Cleaning the John E. Machine
by Suntreker 15 y
Dear #26812
Please accept our apology for the long delay to your inquiry.
Hopefully I understood your question/remarks regarding the maintenance of the John Ellis Electron LWM-4 & LWM-5 Living Water Machines. I presume you’re interested in purchasing. Regardless, the machine is very well built; made of hospital grade stainless steel. It is easily cleaned by the simple use of white distilled vinegar that is introduced to the heater/boiler tank, and main tank (Overflow energized water). The cleaning procedure takes 24 hours. Depending on the quality of the water you’re treating, i.e ...
27,799 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by Suntreker 14 y
Sorry for the delay responding. It sounds like you have the proper water-flow adjustment due to the amount of distilled energized water you’re producing per hour. Ideally, you want just enough water to keep the tank filled just to the over-flow. The lower the flow, the better. This allows more times for the water to be transferred back and forth between the tanks - when this takes place, it is removing ”ALL DISEASE MARKERS” in the water (Which a reverse osmosis unit cannot possible do). This is what makes the patented John Ellis machines unlike any other distiller or water purifiers on ...
25,888 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: John E.'Energized Water Machine
by welly192 14 y
I purchased the John Ellis machine a few years ago. I made ~20 gallons of water - It tasted great so much better than the San Diego water. But it was a pain to make the water. You really need to dedicate time to do this and keep an watchful eye over the process.
A water store opened up near me about the time I purchased this machine that makes very clean water so I purchased 5 gal a week from them and forgot about the machine. I decided recently to get rid of some of the clutter and was about to e-bay the JE machine, but before I did I asked the water store owner if she was interested ...
10,620 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: John E.'Energized Water Machine
by waco 14 y
My first John Ellis Machine and its results
Destilate water pH 5.15 ORP 360 rH2 (relative hydrogen) 29
Energized water pH 8.35 ORP 420 rH2 37.4
Water from mains pH 7.07 ORP 611 rH2 39.9
rH2 measures the reducing power of a substance without the skewing effects of pH
0 = maximum reducing potential 42 = maximum oxidizing potential
20-24 are optimal balance for body
I have to say that the pH took a while to measure, but I am told that is the case when you have water that is really pure. The ORP tended to decrease in the destilate and that is good. I only produced a gallon so I ...
10,764 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by #5032 14 y
REPRINT: Posted on: August 25, 2006 6:16 AM, by Orac
Your Friday Dose of Woo:
Just what your water needs--more electrons!
Category: Alternative medicine • Friday Woo • Medicine • Pseudoscience • Quackery • Skepticism/critical thinking
Posted on: August 25, 2006 6:16 AM, by Orac
While I am on vacation, I’m reprinting a number of ”Classic Insolence” posts to keep the blog active while I’m gone. (It also has the salutory effect of allowing me to move some of my favorite posts from the old blog over to the new blog, and I’m guessing that quite a few of my readers have probably never ...
25,128 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: John E.'Energized Water Machine
by #140631 14 y
I am interested in purchasing water from someone who owns one of John E.’s LWM4 or LWM5 machines and knows how to use it. I do not personally know anyone who has one or seen one in action. I know you can buy water from John Ellis himself, and have tried it, but it seems absurdly overpriced compared to the price of the machine. I can’t afford one of the machines but I am in desperate need of the water... any advice or assistance would be appreciated.
- A Concerned Individual
10,594 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by #5032 14 y
Well John... see a message you may have missed from a friend of yours. He really doesn’t think much of you. I copied and pasted it here, the URL is there too, so you can see its at the top of the page. People really really like you John.... see for yourself below.
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and John E. !! Beware of this machine!!
by dirtylittlesecret contact dirtylittlesecret
8/21/2008 9:17:06 AM ( 3 year ago )
Hits: 5734 Size: 798 char.
Already alerted! Already alerted!
As a frie ...
24,907 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: How do you make distilled water
by Newport 15 y
Tap water contains many solvents with similar evaporation temps as water. So distilling also distills those...
Plus at least 50% of all homes have Polonium pollutioh and that can’t be distilled out nor can its radiation.
Using an ozone machine for a few mintues prior to distillation will remove a ton of those solvents and mostly fix that issue, just make sure you vent well.
The next issue is carbon filters, nearly all Coconut Charcoal is polonium poluted, plus simply running distilled through charcoal will add x amount of PPM.
In short if you first ozonate then refrain from carb ...
2,769 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by ksfarns 16 y
Since you are Jack (John) Ellis’ daughter maybe you can explain the logic behind your father’s thinking regarding his machines. If they really do everything that he claims why would he NOT guarantee them 110% ???
If they truly cure everything from baldness to cancer and lupus to dirty water wouldn’t he stand behind them?
I know that if I had a family member dying and your father’s machine cured them I would should it from the mountains. I think this is the bottom line that most people cannot get past.
26,879 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
how to use questions on john ellis water machine help wanted
by waterwizard 12 y
A friend has just bought a John Ellis LWM-4 water machine. He is not great at things like this and I am helping him to use it properly. I have read extensively on this forum and others on setting up and running the machine. I believe I have it running and making water properly but have some questions. I have read the Mrs. Jones interview that was posted here (I think originally in 2006) where Mrs. Jones talks about setting it up and running it. FIRST QUESTION - she mentions that there needs to be an 80 degree difference in the runoff/overflow water and the water coming out of the boiler un ...
1,040 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: Plastic John E. Water on Ebay!
by toria101104 9 y
HI I ORDERED a distiller off ebay and it said it was a john ellis machine but its actually the water wizard 710. i paid $200 for it. Its all stainless steel with the double heating module, a coil in the inside of the heating thing and a metal strainer of some sort. The boiler also has the zig zag design that the water goes through the pipes. Is this the kind of distiller you have? If so id like to know if i should cycle the water more than one time. There is also very mild build up because it is a used model. Do you know of how to remove the mild build up?
2,487 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: removal of radioactive tritium from drinking water
by #212323 9 y
Thank you so much for your reply. I’ll take a better read as soon as i can.
Being that Florida supplies water to so many other states due to our ”fresh natural springs”, i assume that local businesses are of the belief that we have the best water in the Southeast US. Also, since it’s so ”good”, you are hard pressed to find anything other than Florida water on the shelves. I’m sure the shortened travel distance makes for better profit as well.
I have friends who’ve tried to find water sourced from other states to no avail. There’s also the issue of bath water, crops, etc. That’s the r ...
1,557 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Filters
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by #5032 14 y
This is from the top of the page: cut and pasted. This is a friend of John.
dirtylittlesecret Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and John E. !! Beware of this machine!!
by dirtylittlesecret contact dirtylittlesecret
8/21/2008 9:17:06 AM ( 3 year ago )
Hits: 5724 Size: 798 char.
Already alerted! Already alerted!
As a friend of John E. I can tell you with 100% certainty:
Fact: Jack (John) Ellis doesn’t have a pool.
Fact: John E. is 2/3 bald, however, he has the most amazing comb over that lo ...
24,479 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: Experiment-9 months without John Ellis LWM5 water.
by chette 14 y
No Mike I don’t make anything from anyone. Only once did I get a ”good blog” from John Ellis but nothing more.
I do this for the people and for personal understanding.
I currently live in the Philippines I am an Independent Christian Missionary. I have no connection to John Ellis, his company or anyone related to him.
People like to know things about products (so do I) a friend here bought the LWM5 and has given me runoff water since 2005 then in 2008 he loaned me his machine when he went back to the States. Since then I bought new hoses and UV pin lights for it that is ...
37,568 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by jewater 14 y
GUNerry74 Where is the post where you threaten my life with GUNerry74 and a SKELETON in the picture with ”I will see you soon”? Has this been removed when it generates more blogs to this website? Is this why you are being investigated for a ”Hate Crime”? You ARE under! All this has produced extra business for us and Curezone! Read our website! We have the best scientists in the world that will back us up!How about diabetics that lose their legs because of people like you (UCLA Medical tests for Blood Flow with Doppler Ultra Sound: ”Nobody can argue with something you can ...
24,236 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: Experiment-9 months without John Ellis LWM5 water.
by AquaSusurro 11 y
Ive had a much different experience,
John Ellis Water Machine Experiment
Wed. Day 1 Prepared for first run February 22th 2012
Thurs. Day2 Made first batch in small 375ml bottles approx. 16 Feb 23
Fri. Day3 Handed out one each to PaulB,and JoanB, PaulS and MikeS, Hansi, Tony, Oma, Toby, Thomas, Leslie so far three with metallic aftertaste experience, four I did not witness first taste
Sat. Day4 Made another batch approx. 11 L distillate, brought upstairs and filled container for drinking water regular use, filled ...
28,590 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Cleansing & Detox
Heart Cure
Prostate Problems
removal of radioactive tritium from drinking water
by #212323 9 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi everyone,
I’m looking for some information from the scientific types regarding tritium removal from drinking water. I’ve looked for remedies everywhere. But just as I suspected, there is little information on tritium as a whole, and nothing on the removal from drinking water.
Turkey Point, South Florida’s nuclear plant, has polluted the water surrounding the state as well as within the aquifers with tritium from the nuclear stacks. We are experiencing red and green algae blooms throughout the entire state, as well as massive fish kill upstate.
The electric company denies the p ...
2,261 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Filters
Re: Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and John Ellis:...
by pfranceus 12 y
I bought a used one for 1000 on EBAY and it seems to work well. I believe it cured my prostate problems and I rarely have to get up anymore to go to the bathroom anymore. Also I gave a gallon to my sister who had lumps in her breast and she was going to the doctor 4 days later to have a biopsy done. She was scared to death and I said, why don’t you just try the water, what do you have to lose. She agreed to try it and when she went the doctor came in and then left the room, then came in with another doctor to examine her and finally they pronounced that there was nothing to biopsy as the l ...
24,266 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: John Ellis- Please give us proof of your claims or sh...
by #75031 13 y
I’m also interested in a reply to the questions asked by the person who started this thread. Since 1996, I’ve asked similar questions and have been frustrated that Crystal Clear / John Ellis has not provided clear answers and verifiable links on their website - which points to verifiable sources, with names and phone numbers so that the public, who purchase these machines, can verify the posted claims about ”added electrons” and ”blood solubility. His recent statements, with regard to his electron water, claim: ”any child can check solubility.” So how does a child do this with ...
5,274 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Support
Re: Distilled water
by #60704 13 y
It is a new machine therefore it does not have a lot of dust collected in it as a used one has. I put a tighter wove 3M filter in it because it does not let as much dust through as the original filter.
Under the condensing unit in the dehumidifier which is made of stainless steel, is a collection tray that funnels the water into a reservoir. But instead I connect a clear 1/2 inch aquarium hose to it and ran it into the top of a closed filter container.
The filter system is in two parts, the upper section with a ceramic filter and a lower section that stores the water after the ce ...
3,794 hits
Forum: Distilled Support
Water Support
Energized Water
Noticeable Results of the DIY Atmospheric Water Generator
by #60704 13 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have a few noticeable results as to the water Generator I made.
Like the LWM4 of John Ellis, My stools are softer and my movements regular. One 16oz glass of water from my DIY unit upon rising I have no toxic headache from not having my coffee. This does not happen with normal tap water or store bought mineral water. I can now go without coffee and not have any headache from the caffeine withdrawal.
My blood pressure is still very normal to low. and I have no idea at this time whether it helps with the blood thinning.
I have also noticed that like the LWM4, the water makes me ...
2,121 hits
Forum: Water Support
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by Suntreker 15 y
We’re all concerned about what we consume and absorb, including a good or bad, truthful or dishonest education. Opinions are everyone’s right to have about everything in life. It’s a preference like choosing to be a meat-eater, or vegetarian. I’ll be 60 in August, and as a ”baby-boomer” I’ve gone through enough generations (3 if a generation is 20 years) to have seen the days when flouride was introduced into our public water supply in Detroit, back in the 50’s, to living in Las Vegas, where the same water that goes down the toilet is coming back through the faucets in 3-4 days (Lake Mead, ...
26,335 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: The Effects of John E. Machine on Water
by chette 14 y
I wanted to know what was going on. It was amazing what it has done. I stopped for almost one year drinking it. My blood pressure was higher this week and I notice when I cut myself the blood clotted right away.
I made some water today. the flow rate is slow about 10 gallons of run off to every 5 gallons of distilled. after drinking my first 3 glasses in a year i became light headed and my stomach felt like it had been refreshed.
the reason to stop was to see what effects it had the next time I drank it. It was the same as the first time.
My deep well has some sort of black s ...
25,790 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: How best to use John Ellis water machine
by chette 14 y
Hi Guys,
not sure if you read my post on the effects of the LWM4-5 but here is a link.
John Ellis was impressed with my blog and even replied.
Anyway, I have found to let the water run through slowly and that makes the best distilled and runoff. At the setting I use I make 10 gallons of runoff to every 5 gallons of distilled. Other machine i used in the past only make about 1 gallon in 6 to 8 hours. the the JE LWM 4-5 will make 5 in 12 hours with just a little more energy consumption.
at this rate the water both distilled an ...
21,921 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: John E., I know your reading this. Please post in yo...
by Steeldog 18 y
Having done a ’’google search’’ on a john c ellis i came across this site and was wondering if i could ask the following questions:
Have you spoken to Mr Ellis personally?
Is he an American? or does he have a foreign accent?
I am a private investigator from South Africa and i’m currently investigating a John C Ellis here who has ’’invented’’ a type of ’’porridge’’ that can basically replace and rejuvinate all the nutritional needs of a person who is infected with AIDS?
It would really be interesting if its the same guy?
10,884 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by XanaDude 17 y
Hello All,
Well, I am pretty sure that I found the problem with my dad’s Electron 4 water machine.
When I pulled the quartz bulb out of the distilling chamber I noticed a dark film on the glass of the bulb. It was definitely baked on there pretty good and I had to scrape off the residue with a scouring pad but it finally came clean.
Before I took the machine apart to see what the heck was going on with it I decided to try cleaning it with white vinegar. I proceeded to back flush the system by forcing a stream of hot water and vinegar back through the output of the machine and se ...
30,398 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
Re: Plastic John E. Water on Ebay!
by #91821 17 y
Hello -
In reference to the discussion on the Plastic stored water on ebay - friends of ours purchased some in a 5 gallon square plastic cube - soft side, from someone on ebay - and were told that it is first distilled into a glass 5 gallon carboy with a sealed lid w/hole for tube to go into (those who have the machine can picture this). Once it is cooled it is then transferred to the plastic container just before shipping out - and it was recommended that they move it to glass containers upon receipt, to prevent leaching of chemicals. Now, whether or not that truely works in stopping t ...
16,995 hits
Forum: Energized Water
WANTED: Water Sample
by noodles2 17 y
If you have one of the John Ellis machines and are willing to give or sell me some water to test, please contact me. I’ve read the various posts with interest and have concluded this isn’t really rocket science. If I can get a sample (preferably from someone who has seen miracle cures from using the water) then I’ll be happy to run it through some tests. So far, in reading through various university and hospital websites, the claims made by John Ellis are difficult to substantiate. If anyone has had miraculous results but doesn’t want to send me water, I’d love to have your testimonial ...
30,272 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Debate
Water Filters
What is the difference on a John E. lwm4 and a lwm5
by #93712 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
i have a question on the john ellis machines i am wondering if anyone knows? what is the difference on the lwm4 and the lwm5? i know the 5 has two bulbs but it doesnt say on the john ellis site if that is two ozone bulbs on the outside of the machine or if it is the two heater type bulbs in the inside of the machine.if anyone knows the answer to this question i would appreciate a response.i have tried to call john ellis but keep getting the standard please call back.the lwm5 picture they show on the site just shows the one ozone bulb on the outside but someone told me that that pic ...
2,818 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: John E., I know your reading this. Please post in yo...
by 1veganman 17 y
”. . . and everyone return their machine to his door step and dispute credit card charges on the basis of fraud.” AMEN BROTHER!
But, why don’t you put your LWM 4 or 5 Electron Water & Air Machine on Ebay? I can’t find any model 4 or 5’s there. I’m sure you could recoup some money from by putting it on Ebay. As a matter of fact, there ought to be hundreds of those units for resale on Ebay, unless . . . they really work?!
Hmmmmmmm . . .
10,712 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and ...
by gtp 21 y
I totally apologize to John E. for anything I have said on this curezone posting. I had no business saying anything negative. The only reason this happened is because I made the terrible mistake of listening to other people trying to keep us away from the John E. machines.
This has cost the life of a close friend.
These machines are the best in the world and you will have no regrets in buying one. It took me five long years to wake up and I have a lot of regrets in this regard.
’If Only’ are the two most tragic words.
I wish I had more wisdom to know then what I know now and I would ...
35,434 hits
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