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My take on itching...
by #89471 11 y
And it may not help, but its what I feel to be true.
I think an ’itch’ isnt related at all to the spot or area that is ’itching’, other than that spot occasionally being the transmitter of information that tells the brain that something caused the ’itch’.
That could be a bug bite, the skin touching something that irritates the surface, etc.
But when you have an itch, whether its localized or affecting a much broader area, with no apparent cause. Thats your brain, not your skin.
When you scratch an ’itch’, all you’re doing is replacing that itching sensation with pain, which diverts t ...
1,640 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Can side effects when taking antiparasitics be taken ...
by glaxony 12 y
if your butt itches then you’ve got something making your butt itch
if you got something that made your butt itch once,
you can most likely catch it again
the eggs are everywhere
they even float in the air
some people will probably die in denial
lying and pretending their butt doesn’t itch
some people are not prone to getting the butt itch
your body knows the truth
put a small clove of garlic in your butt to see if the itching stops for a while
if it does, then put another clove in when the itching starts up again
ignore those who are in denial and listen to your body
1,450 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: To Humaworm: The cream
by OmegaJerico 16 y
I’m on my second order of the Medicated cream. In my opinion and experience the cream relives the itching. It does not kill what is causing the itching...
I used it for anal-itching as well and it relived the itching..The anal itching stopped dramatically after I finished the Humaworm formula. However, I’m now trying Humaworms ”Other cleanses” and I’m still pasing worms..Now that I see that i’m passing more worms the anal itching could return periodically.
The itching will not completely go away until the over infestation of worms are out..So the Medicated cream will relieve you of t ...
2,300 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Scalp and body itching
by MH 108 17 y
Acids working their way out can feel itchy. Doing a few liver flushes may relieve the problem, but with m it took what I call Liver Itch tonic, which is a very strong herbal formula to increase action in the Liver, taing 1 tablespoon morning and night until the itch goes away for good and skin all repaired..It sounds like your case is very mild and still just a itch. In advanced cases the itch causes the flesh to be itched away to the bone and blood a daily part of life with the torment.
7,560 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Scalp and body itching
by chuckout17 17 y
On the front page type in SEARCH Type in ’ITCH’ and you may see my idea of what can cause the ITCH.A simple food alergy. Find out what it may be and then dont eat that food.Do liver cleanses to remove that alergy, eat healthyier and yes MH,s liver itch will help.A food alergy itch can occur in/on different areas of the body. We are all a little different so the itch can appear in different places.Good luck.
7,193 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Itchy skin with no rash, Crawling and Biting Sensations
by Bevans 11 y
I am having the same problems but i also get a bump sometimes that also burns and itches either on my face or neck usually this is driving me nuts i cant help but to itch it because sometimes i feel a small short pain and my instinct is ro itch or cry. If anyone has advice aside from creams please let me know i also have athletes foot could this be contributing? It also gets worse at night and if i do itch it then a new itch will occur in a different spot within a few minutes
169,392 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Itch Cure
Home Remedies
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Intense itching at night time
by la1zer 11 y
I seriously have your exact same problem! Yes, I’m convinced it is a liver problem. Whenever I try to detox more, I itch more. I conclude that my liver is ”backed up”, so everything it can’t process ends up leaving through the skin, resulting in itching. My liver being backed up is supported by my high bilirubin levels (as you reported earlier). I read itching is worse at night since the body’s cortisol levels drop. I have to take a hot epsom salt bath every night just to go to bed with minimal itching. Also, my body can’t even process alcohol anymore. If I drink, the alcohol (aka toxins), ...
3,674 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Blow Dryer For Itch Relief !
by twll 13 y
Found this on another forum.
Give it a try.
For itching relief i stumbled onto something nearly free and so far harmless. This works on poison ivy itch, ringworm patches (they are not little worms, but are places where a skin fungus has taken root), and itches from my allergy to strong detergents. Use the low heat setting of a hairdryer aimed at whatever place itches. It will itch like crazy for just an instant, and then it will feel like you finally scratched that itch for good. The relief lasts for 6 to 8 hours, far longer than any cortisone cream i have used. The low heat setting bec ...
1,436 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme and "itching"
by jessesmom1987 16 y
View Entire Thread 16
Thought this was interesting:
Lyme Disease and Itching
By Leslie Buterin, The Lyme Lady
Thursday, August 20 2009
Itching from Lyme disease is one symptom just about every single Lyme patient has in common. Lyme disease itching can drive you to distraction. Some days it feels like bugs crawling under your skin. Other days it just plain itches, a lot.
The Lyme disease itch I experienced was on my shins. Many nights I woke myself up only to find that I was scratching my shins to the point of bleeding. Other mornings wh ...
40,065 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Lyme "itch" (Edit)
by jessesmom1987 16 y
I’ve told you this before Gibby, and people don’t want to hear it.
When the focus is ”I’ve got parasites, gotta kill the parasites”, and it’s ”too scary” to think it could possibly be something else- the something else is never hit.
What if..your daughter isn’t the only one that would test positive for Lyme after all? DO you need to consider it? Yes. DO ”the parasite killing herbs” hit it? NO.
The story:
Lyme Disease and Itching
By Leslie Buterin, The Lyme Lady
Thursday, August 20 2009
Itching from Ly ...
16,206 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Jock itch with no rash?
by MDC2957 18 y
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I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, hopefully someone can help. Recently, I started itching around my belly button area. I don’t know if this itch perhaps spread down south but now it’s itching down there, however, there is no rash of any kind down there like I’ve seen in pictures of jock itch.. I did a bunch of research and bought some OTC stuff (creams), garlic pills, acidophillus pills, tea tree oil ointment, listerine, benzalkonium chloride towelettes, and coconut oil from the health store. I’ve been kind of using all this stuff. The itching is basically under contro ...
18,102 hits
Forum: Ringworm
Ask CureZone
Re: Itching
by chuckout17 19 y
Gary, I only just read your post. I,developed an itch.Up until 46 years of age i had no itch.One night i was woken by this itch in the groin area. I got up and had a shower.Went back to bed. I was fine. Woke 2 hours later, itch returned, another shower, itch gone, back to bed, 2 hours later the itch returned. From then on it was a tottally broken sleep for 5 years.I went to the doctors and skin specialists here in australia and america when travelling.Nothing that anyone sugested helped. Sometimes the itch developed into a very bad total body itch. That was hard to take.I tried all sorts ...
10,682 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze 2 [A]
HELP PLEASE!!! insane itch!!!!!
by gibby 16 y
View Entire Thread 21
Has anyone had the most insane itch that sends you into complete panic? This itch has no relief. (Anal and Vaginal) I could itch until I BLEED with no relief. I am dying. I don’t know what to do. I have tried every single cream I have, now I’m trying my strongest steroid cream and still itching like mad. Everything that touches my anal area, and skin surrounding makes it itch like crazy. I’ve had a pinworm infection, tried and done it all, and it’s only gotten worse. The itch has never been so insane. I’m going crazy and going mad. I can’t get anything done in my life becaseu ...
15,148 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Re: please help!! :(
Here’s three of the websites found when searching for ’anal itching’.
Anal Itching Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment on ...
What is anal itching? · What causes anal itching? · How is anal itching treated?
Learn about the causes of anal itching like pinworms, diarrhea, psoriasis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, skin tags, yeast infection, diabetes, and HIV. · Cached pageAnal Itching Causes and Treatment by
Anal itching is a common but annoying problem. Causes of anal itching include diet, fecal soilage, medical ...
15,622 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Anal Fissure Cure
Hemorrhoids Cure
Constipation Cure
Zapper itch
by rosycrayon 17 y
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I’ve been putting the connection for my zapper around my arch hoping that it will shock my worm piles in my ankles but now I have strips of itch that feels grainy under the skin, it’s a horrible itch last night I got up and took a paint brush with iodine on it and covered the area that when done went from itch to hurt. Any one have this happen? any idea’s I feel that I must zap but I can’t take the itch.
3,245 hits
Forum: Parasite Glax
Paranoid about sensations
by Cimber38 11 y
View Entire Thread 9
I am so paranoid about every little sensation or itch I have that these pin worms will come back. My nose still itches alot mostly at work. I am allergic to mold and I think there is mold in the vent above me. Can that be making my nose itch? I sneeze alot there too. At home I dont have the itching nose or sneezing. Outside it runs from allegies.
1,834 hits
Forum: Parasites
i got anal itch and bumps from bowel cleanse, anyone else?
by #32048 21 y
View Entire Thread 6
i used the dr. schulze intestinal formulas 1 and 2 and the first day or 2 i had extreme anal subseded but i finished the program and now 10 days after finishing..i have these anal bumps and still get a real minor itch on occasion...i figured the itching was an allergic reaction to something in the formula....i figured the itch and bumps would be gone by now.....did anyone else get this rash? i guess ill see a doctor if it lasts for months.......
4,216 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Ask CureZone
Re: Candida possibly - itching all over
by minime 21 y
I havent gotten ompletely rid of my Candida but when I first started taking antifungals and changing my diet to no sugars, no cargohydrates and no dairy, I was itching like crazy for two weeks. That was just die-off symptoms. the itching went away after about 3 weeks. It was tough but the itching finally stopped. Just means you are getting better. My itching felt like something was crawling under my skin.
29,638 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Ask CureZone
Itching Ears Cured by Zapping
by Charly 18 y
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A few months ago I noticed that deep inside my ears I had a constant ’itch’. I hadn’t used my $!0.00 zapper for awhile.... after ’zapping’ I noticed that they weren’t itching at all anymore, and it has been several weeks now.
I’ve read that itching ears, can mean the presence of a type of parasite.
I have been using my zapper more consistantly... weekly... for ’just in case’ I pick up anything I can get rid of it quickly! I do quite a few other things for parasite control. But zapping worked instantly for my itching ears.
My 87 year old mother has had itching ears for years, and a ...
4,435 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Ask CureZone
Re: Anybody get a red rash?
by bluelotus8 18 y
I don’t have the same itch on the chest area as you are experiencing. But I had red rash and itch on my thigh and abdominal area. A awhile back I had the same rash and itch on the same areas. I had skin candida (yeast) infection on those areas.
MMS brought the rash and itch back for a few days. I think what happened is this: I had candida at those areas but dormant. MMS killed candida and toxins released caused the itch and rash. It only lasted for about 3 days then it was totally gone.
I suggest you not to stop MMS. Reduce the dosage if the rash and itch is too much to bear. They sh ...
8,575 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: SKIN PROBLEM when it's itching
by superhero 20 y
”The itching is from a toxin the candida produces and involves the immune system. It means you are eating something you are allergic to or else you are off your candida diet and need to get back to it.”
Actually I’ve found the opposite is true. When I eat crappy food for a few days (french fries, ice cream etc) I STOP itching. Then as soon as I go full-throttle anti-candida diet I start itching again. I’ve decided it’s my body cleansing itself because over the past year the itching has lessened to a great degree. Also I itch less ...
1,874 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Need help for prolonged itching
by SqueakyClean 21 y
I would drink a lot of green tea throughout the day as another temporary measure to reduce or relieve the itching. That sounds like a serious problem, I hope you figure out the cause and proper treatment. I know that itching can almost drive you insane, I have had extreme itching of athlete’s foot before, and also extreme itching of my nose (not sure why) that was only an hour or so, I can hardly imagine 6 weeks. I once got some tropical plant juice on my arms and legs, along with my cousin, which gave us some deep tissue/nerve itching for almost an hour, washing the skin and applying an e ...
3,186 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Intense itching at night time
by la1zer 11 y
I seriously have your exact same problem! Yes, I’m convinced it is a liver problem. Whenever I try to detox more, I itch more. I conclude that my liver is ”backed up”, so everything it can’t process ends up leaving the skin, resulting in itching. My liver being backed up is supported by my high bilirubin levels (as you reported earlier). I read itching is worse at night since the body’s cortisol levels drop. I have to take a hot epsom salt bath every night just to go to bed with minimal itching. Also, my body can’t even process alcolhol anymore. If I drink, the alcohol (aka toxins), immedi ...
2,440 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Itching
by superhero 20 y
Hi Gary,
Have you recently changed your diet? The reason I ask is because about a year ago (in an attempt to lose 20 lbs) I abruptly stopped eating junk foods, bread, pasta, sodas, wheat products, unrefined carbs etc. After 2 weeks of this regiment I started itching. All over itching. And when I scratched I had long red whelps form. Like you it seemed to get worse at night. This whole thing confounded me. I’ve had never been an itchy or allergic-type person.
At first I attributed it to my low-carb diet. However, eventually I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s my body’s way o ...
10,705 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Dr. Schulze 2 [A]
EXCEMA ITCHING,How do we stop it?? HELP!!!!!
by jbc541 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Both my kids have very severe Excema. Like most who write here, have tried almost everything as far as creams, meds and even saw top pediatric dermatolgist at UCLA last yr and no NEW suggestions from him.
BIGGEST issue is the uncontollable itching at NIGHT!! The condtion of their skin and existance of the Excema as we see it on surface of the skin is from the non stop ITCHING!! Does anyone have any suggestions or tried methods that help subdue the ITCHING.
For my kids the itching is primarily triggered during the day by heat, persperation, grass, dust or certain fabrics etc.
The BI ...
7,912 hits
Forum: Eczema/Excema
iodoral and itching - i report, you decide.
by trapper/kcmo 18 y
View Entire Thread 19
sorry for the reference to ”faux news”, but i couldnt resist.
having no idea what the actual mechanism is, i have found out the ”cause” of the intense itching on my right arm. it is iodoral. there is no doubt that without it the itching stops and with it the itching commences in earnest.
i still take lugols in varying amounts. the itching only happens when i take iodoral. this does not seem to be dose sensitive, either. it happens if i take a little iodoral or a lot and happens regardless of whether i take a lot of lugols or a little. i am now discontinuing iodoral and fully ex ...
16,371 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
What do all my symptoms indicate?? HELP!!
by dee522 18 y
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Could you all help me here? I was DX’d with MS 2yrs ago. I switched to all organic, and have been pretty strict on that protocol for the last 8months or so. But for the last month or so, I’ve been eating 20% junk - as in ’regular’ food.
For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been itching intensly. As the day wears on, I itch more. By bedtime, I’m itching profusely. The more I scratch, the more I itch. The majority of my itching is on my face, arms and on the palms of my hands.(??) If I’m itching on my arms and I scratch, the arm itches more, welts appear, and the welts swell. Almo ...
3,132 hits
Forum: Symptoms
Re: itchy backside!
by dsaxt 20 y
i also itched when i pee’d, had a bowel movement etc!!!
here’s how i cured my 6 yr nightmare:
all that is needed is a whole-vegetable supplement (which must have absolutely no fruits, no additional enzymes or any other thing mixed with it.
the veggie supplement i am talking about contains natural enzymes, alkalizes and provides natual minerals. it’s made by nature’s way and called ”garden veggies”. i get it at ”wegman’s” grocery store.
it cured my 6-year systemic candida problem quickly - plus postively
effected every other health problem i had -
and it only cost $7. ...
5,742 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Will these worms ever go?
by chuckout17 20 y
Hey Steve, Ever thought your itching may be due to an alrgy to some thing.I have eaten Tomatos every day of my life that i remember.^ years ago i developed a groin itch. Some times the itch would be a whole body itch. I found releif by showering before bed only to awake 4 hours later to shower again to get releif.I never slept well. I went doctors, skin specialists,acupunture,herbalists and so on.No good, i suffered.One day 5 years later after this itching first started, I read about alergy testing so i got tested. When tomatos came up, so did the needle on the graph. I had a bad alery to ...
2,978 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Itching on hips, back of head, etc.--fungal??
by NancyT 23 y
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Hello--my first post here--I’m trying to figure out WHAT is causing the persistent itching on my hips and adjacent areas, as well as on the back of my head.
Any experts know--could this be a fungal thing? I do itch in the usual-suspect areas that I’ve read about--under the ”overhanging” parts of my overweight self. Also I have rash under abdominal fold that burns if irritated; and I had a round patch of what must be ”ringworm” on inside thigh, which responded to a topical antifungal. I believe all these must be candida or some other fungal thing?
A year ago, my itchy hips DID develop ...
17,991 hits
Forum: Candida Support
oh my!!!
by monique_1 18 y
OH MY! Thanks for this post Rabbitt! I have similar problems and I have never known what was causing my issues, until now maybe.
I can share my itching/burning story:
My health issues started with an icthing and burning scalp when I was 16, and it still does to this day! I first had on one spot on my head that itched and it grew larger and larger, and my whole head is itching and burning, I cant use regular store bought shampoo since that makes it worse. I dont have dandruff, nothing, the skin is clean but the itching and burning, whoa unmanageable.
When my scalp first started ...
15,461 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Friend Needs Input
by GrannyCat 15 y
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A friend of mine asked me to ask you this:
This is what I am struggling with; thanks for your help.
In looking at symptoms that one can have with Celiac disease (gluten free diet) which I was diagnosed with about 3 yrs ago, that is the most likely cause.
Sporadically I have flare-up of these symptoms--sneezing, runny nose, itching, intense feeling of cold, especially my legs. I can deal with most of these, but the itching is really difficult. It’s an itch that won’t go away. My head especially is itchy with a rash. (some rash on other plac ...
1,806 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: How I cured Jock Itch
by chrsto 9 y
The whistle blows, your team just has won a hard fought victory in the final seconds! Now, heading back to the showers you think about all of the great things you’ll receive for your efforts. Trophies, bragging rights, admiring glances from that special someone.
But there’s something else you’re getting for your troubles…and it’s starting to burn!
You’re now getting up close and personal with the blasted enemy of men the world over – Jock Itch. This very common villain is a fungal infection that targets the upper thighs and into the groin. To put in in doctor speak the medical term i ...
12,095 hits
Forum: Ringworm
hot water on eczema euphoria phenom; anyone?
R Educational by Ohfor07 17 y
View First 20 Messages of 50
There have been a few separate aspects of this ongoing skin condition, which I’m content to label broadly as a form of Eczema, that have puzzled me the most since I first began dealing with it in ernest during the Spring of 06. One of these is the discovery of the rather peculiar, brief but prominent rush of euphoria that manifests upon putting the affected part (foot, for instance) into rather hot water. Does anyone know what this phenom is or have a simple explanation for it? In my travels over the web the past year or so, I have found a few other ...
148,576 hits
6 of 6 (100%)
Forum: Eczema/Excema
Some Good News.........
by sanctuary2 17 y
For a long time I had terrible anal itching, from what suspect was pin worms. I tried several parasite cleanses, the last one was Humaworm. Even two weeks after completing humaworm I was still itching like crazy. It was extremely frustrating and the itching would even wake me in the middle of the night.
With all the excitement of starting a new protocol (mms) and the stress of moving, I didn’t even notice that I have stopped itching. It dawned on me yesterday that I haven’t itched once. I am not even sure when it stopped, but it has only been since I started taking mms.
It may h ...
2,503 hits
Forum: MMS Support
40 days after my second Cleanse...
by #77665 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
I developed a hemorrhoid for the first time in my life(48 years old), after it dissolved with help of some herbs, I got this uncomfortable itch near the top of my 2 buttocks muscles(not really an ”anal” itch but higher), that now 40 more days later , is starting to drive me nuts, it comes and goes throughout the day and even though I very seldom itch it, the area is raw and bleeds at times. I used to have another crazy itch at the bottom of my right foot before my first Humaworm and it went away(I thought maybe Candida) and now this goofy itch in a different area. I was thinking I maybe di ...
2,785 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
vaginal and rectal itching
by #78426 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi peeps!
I have been having chronic vaginal and rectal itching that led to pelvic muscle spams and alot of pain...the muslces have calmed down but I CANNOT get this rectal itching to go away...and then it leads to vaginal itching and chronic inflammation. Could this be because of parasites? I esp notice the burning/itching when I try to wear pants too. ALso, i don’t seem to notice more itching at night (as supposedly that is when the pinworms are most active)
Any thoughts and advice would help!
5,215 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Clay packs good on itchy spots
by relpub3 19 y
From my experience, practically all itchy spots disappear after using clay. The main reason why itchy spots occur is because toxins are being removed through the skin at that spot hence the itch. by putting clay there, it pulls out these toxins at a faster rate and so the itch disappears because the toxins are now drawn inside the clay and out of your body.
it is also possible for new itch spots to occur because your body has sensed that it has removed internal toxins successfully and so will program for another group of toxins to come out in a different part of the body. these are n ...
3,680 hits
Forum: Clay Packs
by lindajean59 19 y
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Please help I don’t know where else to seek help,two years ago went to the regular doc for intense itching of the skin that leaves raised fingernail trails--I will itch until I am black and blue--this mostly starts on my arms or neck but it is not particular where it starts.I mostly get this at home but I have occaisonally had it when out.I am at work all day and don’t usually itch. I always seem to get itchy at home in the eve.My doc gave me allegra which does seem to stop this itching but she did not really check to see what is causing this malady.Also it seems if I disturb my skin,like ...
2,252 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Conclusive results or not?
by maggymoo21 19 y
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In october i had unprotected sex. Then i guess a few months later i had a lot of external vaginal itching. I went, it had been 4 months, to the doctor and got tested for all STD’s. The guy says he tested negative and is clean. They all came back negative including the test for herpes. I went back again and he said i’m fine, he doesn’t know what it is but to just use an anti-itch cream. The itching is mainly around the inner hairline. I don’t have any blisters, it’s just dry and itches and is a little red. My question is if the test was negative after 4 months is it safe to say i don’t have ...
2,187 hits
Forum: Herpes