600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
--Tomi--now "YOU" are talking about 35% hydrogen Peroxide...
by moreless 18 y
FDA Regulated Items
As you may see, there may be ”MUCH” ”YOU” could Learn about Chemistry ?
I just did some foot work for you, so you may become enlightened on these subjects !
Do not feel so bad, for we all may have to eat Humble Pie some time in our Life !
You need to look at the Positive side of this encounter, and consider what you may Learn to Benefit yourself in Bettering your Education of the Facts !
Smile Tis your choice.
6,144 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Good Article on H2O2 including Different Grades.
by Neo2_000 21 y
From a well researched article on H2O2 hydrogen peroxide therapy:
3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety)
Made from 50% Super D Peroxide, Diluted. Contains stabilizers - phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, tetrasodium phosphate among them.
6% Hydrogen Peroxide (Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair)
Comes in strengths labeled 10,20,40 volume. Must have activator added to be used as a bleach. Stabilizers used unknown at this point.
30% Re-Agent Hydrogen Peroxide
Used in medical research. Also con ...
4,166 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxid
Home Remedies
Re: Pus on gums????
by limabeans 18 y
can i use hydrogen peroxide, if i have couple of mercury or silver fillings(the one that looks black). how does hydrogen peroxide react with these metals?
when you say hydrogen peroxide, is this the same as you get in walmart, target stores in drugs section(normally comes in brown plastic bottles). i am asking this because till now i thought hydrogen peroxide is a cleaning agent used to clean carpet and other household stuff!!! correct me if i am wrong.
3,263 hits
Forum: Dental Health
Hydrogen Peroxide - Many Uses
by InvisiGyrl 20 y
Household Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2
Throw out your harmful toxic disinfectants, cleaners, bleaches and insecticides!
Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process. When hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water.
Mouthwash: Use 3% hydrogen peroxide for germ ...
12,228 hits
Blog: Chronic Experts
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
by #111279 16 y
#122453 do you remember where you found those testamonials from people who had serious health issues while doing HP therapy? I searched around but all I found was this:
and this:
”The dangers and side effects of hydrogen peroxide are few and conflicting. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% hydrogen peroxide and 40% hydrogen peroxide. A 2 year old female swallowed one mouthful of 35% hydrogen peroxide. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. ...
22,457 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
The "Peroxide Priest"
by nordskoven 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
Per this article from Hospital Santa Monica, we almost lost the fruits of the work of the Mayo Clinic physician and researcher who verified the benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide. Thank God for the tenacity of his friend, Father Wilhelm, the Peroxide Priest.
At HOSPITAL SANTA MONICA, we have pioneered the administration of hydrogen peroxide to treat cancer and other conditions. Our doctors have administered over 40,000 infusions of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) intravenously and have treated thousands of patients with oral doses. Other clinics offering alternative cancer trea ...
18,475 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Re: what is the correct percentage?
by golfskiyoga 21 y
You can use h202 (3%) as in your 50 cent bottle for lots of things.
You can use it as a mouthwash.
You can put it in your ears to prevent colds and flu.
You can put it in your bath to detoxify. (16 oz of 3%).
I wouldn’t use it for candida as you have candida for a reason, ege, heavy metals still in your body such as mercury or and immune issue. Others do use this to provide the body with extra oxygen but there are other easier ways.
If you take by mouth you will oxidize the food in your stomach. So never take with food if you would like to try that route.
QUESTION: What a ...
6,126 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine, dear to my ...
by torn2tears 16 y
Hi all,
As you will see below Dr. Cortelyou in 1888 used HP as a fine mist, along with Iodine and other medicines to treat ailments. I will keep a spray bottle of HP with me in case I should have another heart attack. I trust it better than asprin or nitro glycerine, as nitro only gives me headaches. Like Potassium Iodide, Hydrogen Peroxide was shown to remove Plaque with long term effects.
But money rules the planet, as a relative, who just had open heart surgery has a medical bill approaching 200,000 dollars.
The below site has all this info and more: Enjoy!
In the earl ...
3,912 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide
by monica999 14 y
Dr Oz said that moms often reach for the Hydrogen Peroxide in the brown bottle whenever their child gets a cut or scrape, but does the foam and bubbling action of Hydrogen Peroxide on a scrap really help to prevent infection? Dr Oz said that Hydrogen Peroxide is ineffective at cleaning wounds, because your body releases a chemical that can neutralize the hydrogen peroxide before it even goes into you. Surgeons use hydrogen peroxide to clean infected wounds sometimes, but you should not do it because the Hydrogen Peroxide kills bacteria along with your own healthy cells.
Dr Oz and Scie ...
7,580 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
H202 Therapy and Trace Minerals
by mygutleaks 13 y
I want to try h202 therapy but I also take ConcenTrace trace mineral supplement. I’ve read not to take minerals when using h202, but does that mean during the entire day, or if i space them out is that ok? Thank you!
”Never take hydrogen peroxide with food in your stomach. For most people this means an hour and a half either side of food. However if you feel a little nauseous after taking the H2O2 it could be because you haven’t left it long enough. Vitamin C, iron and fats in the stomach change hydrogen ...
1,824 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Candida Cure Forum
Hydrogen Peroxide
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
by #64643 16 y
srry maybe my post seemed pessimistic. i didn’t say it wouldn’t work, but you’d have to address the lips also. like if your going to do this are you going to keep the skin on the lips, or use lip balm?... i’d think it will negate the effect of hydrogen peroxide. I did use hydrogen peroxide on my lips, in the form of ear drops. and it was working, if you remember my otex posts, but when i stopped using it, EC came back.
i did like a week long research on hydrogen peroxide, the stuff i got was 35% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water.. i didn’t get past week 3 because the stuff was s ...
20,641 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: hydrogen peroxide for enemas?
by Fondues 11 y
I read that important to be cautious if your doing a hydrogen peroxide enema all you need IS few drops of of FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE in a liter of water if you do too much you could really end up a BIG mess in the hospital with serious damage that is irreversible! I’ve read of a cases where someone went way overboard was hospitalized. Here is my thought maybe daily enemas with few drops of Food grade hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water over time is much safer and better . I think food grade hydrogen peroxide, . I still think PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS WITH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ENEMAS! ...
43,602 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse
Mononucleosis -Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation?
by deadegad 11 y
Would Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation therapy effective in fighting Mononucleosis?
I noticed three different points of view using Google:
First this one form a Naturopath which says yes to H202 IV for mono:
This next one is just a blog post which says no way (2nd to last post at bottom):
I also just found another post form Dr Biamonte which says h202 could activate EBV:
I have a candida problem and came down ...
1,537 hits
Forum: EBV Epstein-Barr
Re: MMS vs. Hydrogen Peroxide
by #154340 8 y
I’m in total agreement, with you.
regarding MMS and safety. It is individual choice, but if you take MSS take iodine to protect your thyroid
My integrative medical doctor did UVI light, followed with MEDICAL GRADE hydrogen peroxide IV’S with me. So, it is totally safe, Apparently, he considered hydrogen peroxide much safer, that MMS. And explained why which you have covered here
I felt much better with hydrogen peroxide IV’s and I also did a series of ozone IV, and I seriously think Hydrogen peroxide for me was way more powerful
11,026 hits
Forum: MMS
Re: ACK! Help!
by Boldyloxx 20 y
Before the Oregano Oil, i would dab some hydrogen peroxide on it. When it fizzes,you know the oxygen in it is working. Parasites hate hydrogen peroxide also- but i would only use the regular hydrogen peroxide sold in drugstores on the skin. There is a certain grade you can take internally- but its not sold over the counter in drugstores.
Hydrogen peroxide has also been said to tackle cancers as well! After the hydrogen Peroxide, the Oregano Oil will give whatever it is a double Whammy!
3,314 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Ear Candles
by sachit 20 y
You may also use 3% hydrogen peroxide and pour one teaspoon or two into your ear. Hydrogen Peroxide will zap any bacteria/parasites that do not belong in your ears. Hold it in for atleast 15-20 minutes or atleast until the fizzing sound stops. Repeat the process until the fizzing sound stops for both ears. Repeat this process once in six months and you should always be clean in your ears.
The Hydrogen Peroxide bottles should be opaque and not transparent and they should not be exposed to the sunlight. You can always check the potency of the 3% hydrogen peroxide by takin ...
2,386 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: MMS vs. Hydrogen Peroxide
by iloveamma 16 y
I totally asked this a few weeks ago when I first found about MMS. Do a search and you will find some threads on this.
I have taken internally hydrogen peroxide and I just started MMS...
I have gotten up to about 20 drops a day with hydrogen peroxide for a few months.
Hydrogen peroxide is NOT EVEN CLOSE TO MMS!!! MMS IS WAYYYYYY stronger of an oxidizer! Not even in the same league in terms of results.
I use hydrogen peroxide daily to clean my veggies...but DRINKING IT..has SUCH a strong after taste, it is unbearable to me.
With MMS, you can mask it with juice...
MMS is in a cla ...
29,913 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Re: URLs to the DANGERS of H202!
by stockwiz 22 y
The third sites says hydrogen peroxide is bad, and yet they are selling ozone generators. Methinks they want you to spend hundreds on their expensive generators instead of buying hydrogen peroxide.
Another site says it burns the skin, which doesn’t even happen at 3% concentration, and the oral therapy consumption is at concentration at the very maximum around 1% under most cases, and in larger amounts it can simply be diluted with more water.
I’m not going to come out and say it’s harmless, because I haven’t tried it yet, but I do know that there are a vast number of companies and pe ...
12,509 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxid
Re: Question about baths
by InCharge 22 y
” what kind of magnetic clay do you use... and how to you do it?..”
Here is the site that I purchased the clay. It will also tell you the how’s an why’s of clay bathing. As you will see, besides mercury detox there are other clay formulas for different detoxes. Without getting some tests done it would be hard for me to tell you if they have done any good. I should have been tested before then again after, but I didn’t.
”also what is the Hydrogen Peroxide bath for?”
Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide, the partner to ozone, is ...
2,832 hits
Forum: Amalgam Support
Re: My symptoms
by hestia1965 16 y
I was using the technical grade, 6% diluted, but I wasn’t taking it internally. So the small amount that was absorbed in my mouth and managed to get down my throat was enough to damage my cells. I don’t know how much food grade H2O2 can be taken internally before it starts to damage the body - but I certainly wouldn’t touch any form of hydrogen peroxide again. Just please be very careful of this stuff because we don’t know what the long term damage this can inflict on our bodies. This is an excerpt from a document on the web about H2O2 and i’ve also provided the web address so you can ...
3,730 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Answer to PM
by TheObserver 16 y
Lets post this so that others may benefit from it as well....
thanks for responding to my message.
I’m interested in finding out more about this technique -- do you know where I could find out more about this, like where to get atomizers, and what kind of peroxide to use, etc.?
I found this online:
"Emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide is best. Emphysema is destruction of the alveoli, the small air sacs in the lungs. A vaporizer improves night time breathing by using at least 1 ounce of 35% hydrogen peroxide ...
3,860 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Ask CureZone
Re: ACV & Hydrogen Peroxide
I searched for ’peroxide enemas’ - some of the reslts below
If increased acidity is what would help you then using the distilled vinegar may help, or lemon, Betaine HCl or HCl drops.
H2O2 --- Hydrogen Peroxide
MAINTENANCE DOSAGE. In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 ... If you are going to use hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) in your enema regimen use only ... · Cached pageDamage post hydrogen peroxide enema - Gastroenterology - MedHelp
A week and a half ago, I did a hydrogen peroxide enema (apparently ill-adv ...
9,128 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide
by #114746 15 y
Thoughts on IV Vitamin C instead? Here is an article on it:,2933,169204,00.html
Here is a portion of that article:
”Vitamin C’s Role
Vitamin C didn’t directly tackle cancer. Instead, it may set the stage for hydrogen peroxide production, says Levine.
”One would never want to give intravenous hydrogen peroxide,” says Levine.
“If hydrogen peroxide formed in the blood or were given directly, either blood will destroy it or if enough hydrogen peroxide is given, hydrogen peroxide will break the red cells and cause havoc to the kidneys,” he says.
W ...
12,558 hits
Forum: Candida Support
by InCharge 19 y
View Entire Thread 11
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Drinking or injecting high-strength hydrogen peroxide products sold online to treat serious diseases such as AIDS can be extremely harmful, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.
The ”35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide” products are highly corrosive and ingesting them could cause stomach irritation and ulcers, the Food and Drug Administration said.
Injecting the products intravenously could lead to blood vessel inflammation, bubbles in blood vessels and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, the agency added.
The FDA said it had not approved ...
3,213 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Oxygen
US issues high-strength hydrogen peroxide warning
R by InCharge 19 y
View First 20 Messages of 55
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Drinking or injecting high-strength hydrogen peroxide products sold online to treat serious diseases such as AIDS can be extremely harmful, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.
The ”35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide” products are highly corrosive and ingesting them could cause stomach irritation and ulcers, the Food and Drug Administration said.
Injecting the products intravenously could lead to blood vessel inflammation, bubbles in blood vessels and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, the agency added.
The FDA said it had not approved ...
11,961 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: News
H2O2 and footpads
by carrot top 22 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have been trying a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide added to the water. Following the bath after drying feet I apply foot pads.Where I normally would feel some tingles where the foot pads are on my feet (during the night), following bath with hydrogen peroxide and then using foot pads my feet do a lot more tingling. Once I felt the tingling up to my ankles.The hydrogen peroxide seems to somehow activate the acupressure points. Does anyone know if this means more toxins are being pulled out?
3,650 hits
Forum: Ask Dr Vinograd
Re: H202 and Hepatitis C
by jani 21 y
Here is a book : Hydrogen Peroxide & Ozone , = Copies of this booklet are available from Nutri Books 800-279-2048, 303-744-9383 or from the publisher, Vital Health Publication 414-329-0648 . The intravenous use of hydrogen peroxide is in chapter II. Bio-Oxidative Medicine Fdn. can be reached at 405-478-4266 for the latest peer revied protocols on the use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone, IBOMF , PO Box 891954, Okla City, OK 73189. All the best Jani
3,074 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hepatitis C
dr donsbach
by say2themtn 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Has anyone tried the oxygen capsules from Dr. Donsbach? I am a little afraid to use the liquid hydrogen peroxide. Heard some negative things that it is not good for your stomach. But I am interested to hear from anyone who has either taken these capsules or taken the liquid hydrogen peroxide. Also,---does hydrogen peroxide help high blood pressure? Thanks everybody! Love this website. Susan
4,258 hits
Forum: Oxygen
Re: Mouthwash and how to extract Iodine from PVP
by cora 17 y
These researchers evaluated 10% povidone-iodine versus a number of other treatments including a 50/50 mixture of 10% povidone-iodine and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Although they were unaware of it, mixing hydrogen peroxide with PVP causes the formation of molecular iodine via the reaction of Iodide with hydrogen peroxide. In essence, these researchers were improving the 5% PVP formulation without knowing it. These researchers evaluated 10% povidone-iodine versus a number of other treatments including a 50/50 mixture of 10% povidone-iodine and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Although they were unaware of ...
14,582 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Mouthwash and how to extract Iodine from PVP
by Newport 17 y
from that link:
In the late 1970s researchers at the University of Florida ran controlled clinical trials to evaluate the ability of molecular iodine to inhibit plaque formation and to treat gingivitis. These researchers evaluated 10% povidone-iodine versus a number of other treatments including a 50/50 mixture of 10% povidone-iodine and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Although they were unaware of it, mixing hydrogen peroxide with PVP causes the formation of molecular iodine via the reaction of Iodide with hydrogen peroxide. In essence, these researchers were improving the 5% PVP formulation w ...
5,204 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: When can I take a bath again?!
by boldyloxx 18 y
I just want to add a footnote for future mildew cleaning-- Have you tried Hydrogen Peroxide as a mildew/mold killer in the tub? I found some pharmecuetical grade hydrogen peroxide that really killed our mildew. Even if you just use the typical store brand hydrogen peroxide and spray it in mildew prone spots after each shower, it may prevent you from having to resort to using chlorine bleach again.
Just a thought
2,417 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Can hydrogen peroxide or oxygen therapy cure hpv?
by mykneehurts2 13 y
View Entire Thread 3
I’m looking into natural treatment options for high risk, high grade hpv. Would cleansing vaginally with diluted hydrogen peroxide help to get rid of the abnormel cells? What about ingesting the hydrogen peroxide? Right now I have come up with a bunch of herbs which are suppose to stimulate the immune system and kill viruses but maybe I should be looking into taking an oxygen supplement, hydrogen peroxide or cleansing with it??? Any advice? Thanks.
8,058 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Skin Problems Cures
Warts HPV
Re: drinking H2O2; suggestions?
by o2 13 y
Make sure u take it with distilled water. I buy arrowhead distilled water from safeway. I buy food grade hydrogen peroxide 17% on ebay and i buy glass droppers on ebay.
If ur serious about oxygen therapy i suggest reading ”flood your body with oxygen” by ed mcgabe. There is a ton of free ebooks u can download online:
1.the truth about food grade hydrogen peroxide
2.hydrogen peroxide medical miracle
4,426 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxide
Re: Old vs New Protocol Effectiveness
by SilverFox 14 y
Hello Petluvr10,
The products you linked to are based upon hydrogen peroxide. This is an oxidizer similar to MMS.
If you decide to try those products be sure to do your research because hydrogen peroxide can be damaging to the body. Be sure to double check the amounts you are thinking about taking for both amounts per body weight and concentration.
With that said, many people use hydrogen peroxide successfully.
9,788 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: this is what helped my body odor!!!
by Jenny2014 7 y
Hi, I want to say that hydrogen peroxide is not harmful at all. The colonic person told me she uses it to clean out my intestines when she do the colonic therapy. I drank some hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. I poured in a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water 8oz. I did that 2 times for a month. It never harm me.
10,699 hits
Forum: TMAU
Body Odor
DMSO plus Hydrogen Peroxide Solution for Topical Applic...
by mtl777 10 y
View Entire Thread 5
Has anybody tried applying a mixture of DMSO and hydrogen peroxide topically on a tumor? I think in theory it would be very effective because DMSO will potentate the hydrogen peroxide and make it sink deep into the tumor and annihilate the pathogens there. But browsing around the Internet, I could not seem to find any people using this combination in this manner. I am very interested in trying this approach and so I’m looking for testimonials as well as instructions for the proper proportions of DMSO and hydrogen peroxide to use.
6,784 hits
Forum: Cancer
Re: nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide or sliver
by chw777 11 y
Hydrogen peroxide will get treat emphysema better than anything. Check out ”” for excellent testimonials. Google ”Bill Munro hydrogen peroxide method”. All you need is hydrogen peroxide from the drug store and a spray bottle. Check it out.
27,705 hits
Forum: Emphysema
Colloidal Silver
Re: BV frustration!
by #42412 19 y
The Vitamin C is my own. There are no dosage instructions, although I can tell you what I do that works for me, though it has not been a cure... just a treatment.
Firstly, I’ll tell you why I felt that Vitamin C might work that made me try this.
If you do some reading on the nature of BV, why it causes problems (the overgrowth of the anaerobic(bad) bacteria and coincidentally the undergrowth of the good flora - which is most notably hydrogen peroxide producing Lactobacillus)
Then, do some reading on the specific species of Lactobacillus that makes up the majority of flora in the hea ...
17,414 hits
Blog: BV - Bacterial Vaginosis
Re: hydrogen peroxide promotes cancer?
by shelleycat 22 y
It makes a difference. the cheap weak stuff is hydrogen peroxide, meaning it has the capability of creating lots of hydrogen free radicals as it degrades.
The one-electron reduction steps of O2 generate superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical. Hydrogen peroxide is not itself a radical, but is considered a reactive oxygen species because it is easily converted into the hydroxyl radical.
This is something that Vit C prevents.
The food grade is H202, which for some reason we call hydrogen peroxide, but it isn’t, it’s actually hydrogen DIoxide. Only the two oxygen at ...
5,594 hits
Forum: Oxygen Therapies
Hydrogen Peroxid
Cancer Cures & Alternatives
Re: Recurring fungal infection
by HanSolo 16 y
”There is a humongous difference between ozone and ozonated olive oil, which forms lipid peroxides, and ozone-steam, which forms hydrogen peroxide.”
I don’t agree that steam and ozone form hydrogen peroxide in great enough quantities to really say it is forming hydrogen peroxide.
Even the ozone coming out of the tube is probably less than 3% at most. I’m sure there is a reaction that SOME H202 is formed, but I reckon it is probably well less than 100th of a percent of total solution.
If one were to say ozonating water will form hydrogen peroxide water, yes I’m sure there is a ve ...
3,895 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine