600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Dr. Hulda Clark, a true hero...
by parazapper 9 y
A couple of in-depth discussions of Dr. Hulda Clark.
And the zapper:
3,773 hits
Forum: Hulda Clark
Ask CureZone
Zapper Support
Which one of these zappers should I buy?
by HelpMe0 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
4,241 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: hulda clark has passed away?!
by Zoebess 16 y
Here are a couple of good links~~
2,346 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Is Dr. Hulda Clark a fraud??
by Newport 18 y
Go here to debate Hulda:
All I can say is that I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Hulda. I also wouldn’t have become as sick as I did if I stuck to Hulda’s protocol instead of following my quack (MD) in the 90s.
But frequency healing and bio-feedback have leaped in those 20-30 years since Hulda ...
13,437 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
PURE ABSURDITY: How Hulda Clark uses Animal Parts to Diag...
by sammytom 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
Sound far fetched? It is. Below is a documented, step by step explanation of how Hulda Clark uses chicken, pig, turkey, beef, and fish parts, along with crushed snails, to diagnose cancer and other diseases in human beings.
Hulda Clark’s General Hypothesis is: Everything broadcasts a unique radio frequency. This unique frequency can be used to identify the thing broadcasting it like a fingerprint can be used to identify a person. (P.8 ”The Cure for All Diseases” by Hulda Clark)
Below is how Hulda Clark claims to use radio frequencies to diagnose cancer:
(1) Hulda says that ortho ...
10,450 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Dr. Clark Debate
Anyone w/Candida problems? I Need some help
by #57396 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
I’m new Dr. Hulda’s book, but been fighting off a Candida overgrowth problem for the past 6 years. I am a 25 year old female with many symptoms like: chronic fatigue, memory loss, recurrent vaginal infections (the worst symptom of all) etc
Has anyone been successful following Dr. Hulda’s recommendations? I would love to hear real stories from people who were able to get rid of these stubborn bacteria especially women who know what I’m going trough :(
Many thanks!
1,645 hits
Forum: Vitamin C Support
Re: Hulda Clark passed away Sept 3rd
by jessesmom1987 16 y
On the evening of September 3rd 2009, Dr Hulda Clark’s celebrated life came to an end.
3,384 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Also
by Johny Apple Bomb 18 y
But I find the Hulda scripts far better, now I don’t have the EMEM so maybe this is why but regardless if there is Hulda Script for it I will use it.
As for Shingles aka Herpes Zoster, my SCIO tests show it down to a negligible level after treating it once a week with Hulda script ~1h 42m long.
So you used the 418 KHZ single frequency for 1h 42minutes? Or is there some other frequencies that are called Hulda Scripts?
5,398 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Let's all take a deep breath...
by #76749 17 y
I think we’re pretty much in sync.
After many of Hulda’s flushes, I too took a some what different tack and do a
Dr. Lewis (Are You Stoned) type and some of my own, combined with a bit of
Hulda’s. In the end I think we each have to listen to what our bodies are
telling us and I think that’s what the majority on curezone and MMS Support are
doing. Perhaps I’ve been listening for too long a time because my results
and feelings don’t always jive with those of others.
5,417 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Re: Black walnut tincture
Hulda Clark’s parasite program
Hulda Clark’s 18-Day Herbal Parasite Cleanse Handy Chart
Hulda Clark’s 18-Day Herbal Parasite Cleanse Handy Chart ... before attempting any self health complementary care program. For more of Hulda Clark’s ...
If you take a large dose instead of increasing small doses a person may have a severe die-off reaction and develop a cold, too.
I put the drops of the alcohol tincture in warm water to evaporate the alcohol.
3,901 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: DR hulda Clark Parasite cleanse cure Diabetes & hiv
Dr.Clark. Hulda Regehr Clark Diabetes Can be Cured by Hulda Clark All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic …
You may also want to be tested for Celiac Disease as some diabetics also have problems with gluten sensitivity. Recent studies have show that a gluten free diet is beneficial for Type 1 diabetics.
11,023 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Experts only please!
by #69656 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am looking for an evaluation or comparision of these zappers:
The Harmonic Quad zapper with reflective blanket,
the one on Ebay listed as ”Dr. Clark’s doesn’t work this good”,
C-TronixHealth New Target Zapper 2006 with Syncrometer function (also listed on Ebay right now)
and the Ultimate Zapper. I don’t know if these are powerful enough to do the job or if I should just go straight to a rife. Currently have a zapperplans zapper and a mini Terminator II. They help but not the whole answer.
Thank you, I really appreciate your input.
Here are the Ebay links:
http://cgi.eb ...
6,049 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Beck / Hulda Clark / SOTA
by Ladylove 18 y
Hi Newport :),
I use both the Hulda Clark Zapper and the Beck Silver Pulser.
I think the reason SOTA only carries the Beck unit may be:
1. The SOTA Inst. Silver Pulser is the only manufacturer’s blood electrifier which is personally endorsed by Bob Beck.
2. I have seen a video of Bob Beck lecturing live, in which he said flatly that Hulda’s unit couldn’t work, and that only his did.
I was really surprised to hear Beck say that, especially because I am in possession of both units, I use them a lot, and I already know that they *both* work quite well, although there are diff ...
5,478 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Whoa..rummble rumble, Whoa! Who's done Co Q-10?
by #19236 21 y
I did CoQ 10 with Hulda Clarks program and Colonix to push the dead parasites out faster. I FREAKED out when I saw the 12 to 24 inch ropes in the toilet! Dead parasites. It was awfull to realize these parasites and old impacted fecal matter live inside of us and KNOW NOTHINGB DUMB STUUUPIPD KNOW NOTHING DOCTORS are so MISEDUCATED and KNOW NOTHING due to their miseducation arrogance and greed that they do not deparatize and detox people 23/7 to CURE them.
Traditional KNOW NOTHING doctors actually think it is normal to be full of toxic waste, old impacted fecal matter parasites worms bacter ...
2,844 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Where's the fluke?
by jayson 18 y
"without knowing if this fee schedule is accurate,
without knowing exactly what products and services these fees include, and
without knowing the cure rate of hulda’s clinic, its absolutley impossible to
conclude whether or not these fee or too high or too low."
The person I was in communication with, spent $12,000 in her Mexican clinic
in two weeks. Too high or too low? Have you been to Mexico?
Have you spent any money on a dentist or a doctor down there? I know a guy
who got a set of false teeth down there for under $100, and they were ...
6,616 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Debate
Re: New member. Help please.
by Janetmarie 21 y
Thankyou very much indeed for all of your help. I think I’ll buy the Terminator 2 to get me started on something, but I will continue to research this more as I am a true novice. I am in touch with a lady who is an expert (well, you know what I mean :)) on Hulda Clarke and she swears by Hulda’s A5. I haven’t yet asked her what her thoughts are on the Terminator but I will.
I like to have as much info as I can before I make decisions, but I need to get started and think I’ll start with the Terminator. Because I don’t know much, (anything in fact) about zappers, I don’t know if it’ ...
1,777 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
hi annuaki building a zapper for acne--need help
by bkcrazy 21 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hello Annuaki,
I emailed Don Craft about a Zapper for acne. He said it was really easy to make my own zapper. I would like the circuit diagram for the zapper. I have the Hulda Clark one but since you had mentioned that Hulda’s zapper had a frequency of 30KHz which is way too high to cure acne, could you help me with this. What frequency should I use? And should I build everything else in the same way as hulda’s original zapper circuit diagram? Thanks and your help is much appreciated!
1,766 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Interstitial Cystitis (bladder inflamation)
by mother 22 y
I am thrilled to have found this site and I have Dr. Hulda
Clarke’s book, Cure for All Disease and I had 13 amalgam
fillings replaced in 1999. I had left in three crowns and
then had a root canal placed one year ago. After reading
Hulda’s book, I have had the root canal extracted 3 weeks ago
and one crown with Nickel and maybe Pladium removed four
days ago. I plan to have another crown like it replaced
in a week and the last one after that. After reading Hulda’s
book, I am wondering if it is the Nickel that has caused
so much immune dysfunction and horrible bladder in ...
2,719 hits
Forum: Interstitial Cystitis
Urinary Frequency
HELP! Parasite Cleanse Break- How long/often?
by keephope11 9 y
If anyone could please shed some light on parasite cleansing. I am on day #8 of Dr.Hulda Clark’s parasite cleanse and I have passed quite a few parasites. I still feel A LOT of movement in my intestines and throughout my body. It’s almost like I can feel them and they stay in the same locations. After Hulda’s cleanse I plan on taking the maintenance dose but I still want to keep parasite cleansing because I have loads of Candida and I’m sure 18 days will not be enough (and it’s my first time cleansing ever). How long should I wait after I am done with Hulda’s protocol before I can ...
486 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: Hulda Clark products - read between the lines
by Ohfor07 19 y
Don’t know if there is a 100% conclusive answer, but I did eventually stumble upon an answer several months back when the same question arose. An answer seems to be related to the ever increasing vagaries and fictions that in large part dominate what goes for modern law these days.
This old thread may help..... or may not.
In terms of what was once loosely considered practical, common every day langauge and conversation that used words with readily accepted meaning, Hulda Clark is affiliated with and ...
2,518 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
richard schulze
by flagstaf 22 y
I have no problem with richard but then again I have not studied him the way i have studied Hulda.
Would you like it if hulda told you that your child had AIDS based on some homemade $20.00 radio shack device that emits a ”tone”?
Would you be happy if you then paid $50,000 to treat this imaginary AIDS case?
In favor of Hulda, I think that her focus on parasites is something that medicine greatly overlooks.
8,149 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Dr Schulzes Liver/gallbladder flush
by Tracey 22 y
Is this the 5-day flush you’re talking about?
I’d like to try it too....because a diet goes along with it - concoctions and potassium soups and all, I’m sure it’s more healthful than just doing the one night Hulda’s Flush...but for instant flushing and healing effects the Hulda Clark Flush is a good one!!
T 5-Day Liver Flush
3,362 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Classic Coke Flush
by Tracey 22 y
Click on the link below....the Classic Coke Flush is there. You may want to follow the protocol for the Hulda Clark Flush (everyone uses this one)...and if you really want to use the coke instead of the grapefruit, just substitute the coke/oil/lemon drink for Hulda’s.
It’s all there!!
Join us on the Liver Flush Forum! Liver Flushes
2,377 hits
Forum: Healed
?clark bowel cleanses to remove mucoid plaque?
by TheSower 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
It is my understanding that the Hulda Clark Bowel Cleanse is mostly to kill parasites with the bowel contents themselves and I have not read anything describing removal of mucoid plaque with the Hulda Clark bowel cleanse. Does the Hulda Clark bowel cleanse have this action? If not, which bowel cleanses would be recommended to remove mucoid plaque and could such a cleanse be used in conjunction with a Clark Bowel Cleanse? Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
3,481 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: hulda clark has passed away?!
by Zoebess 16 y
This is new, posted yesterday~~
From Ken Adachi, Editor
September 7, 2009
...and her memorium~~
2,536 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: liver.
by Newport 18 y
You may want to read Hulda Clarks book, mostly liver flukes attack the liver and the excess toxins created by either parasites and/or mycoplasma fermenters will plug the liver.
Iodine as in Lugol’s, Coffee Enemas and anti-oxidants should be your first step.
Here is a free copy in PDF:
1,860 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: can internal parasites cause muscle ''twitch''?
by Newport 18 y
From Hulda Clark:
She was full of Ascaris, amoebas and pinworms
which kept her legs twitching and jerking in bed at night,
even waking her up. She was so much better after the kidney
cleanse and parasite program she was eager to cleanse her liver.
Before two months had passed her eye pain was gone.
7,406 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Am I allergic to humaworm parasite cleanse?
by Newport 18 y
Giardia (aka Travelers diarrhea) becomes a problem when killing larger critters.
Turmeric and MSM will help but you may require GSE.
Lots of Hulda wisdom here, including a milder more controllable parasite treatment
1,863 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: New, please direct me to a starting place and "how to...
by Newport 18 y
A good message thread:
Zapper Support:
Hulda Clark Book in PDF:
1,528 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Co-Enzymated necessary with B2/B3?
by Newport 17 y
AFAIK there is no further processing done for B2/B3 for those intended purposes so no need for these high doses to be Co-Enzymated.
The iodine Docs recommend slightly lower B2 than Hulda Clark but from experience I would stick with Hulda’s recommendation of 100mg of Niacin (not Niacinamide) and 2-300mg of B2 with every meal.
Now for therapeutic doses you could take as much as 4g of Niacin a day but taking it up too high to fast can detox so much that your liver is overworked never mind the flush most get.
1,789 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Hulda Clark interview- Garlic/onions feed F. Buski
by jessesmom1987 17 y
View Entire Thread 10
I was listening to Dr. Sutter’s radio interview, and after it was done I clicked on Hulda Clark in the right side ”tags” to hear her interview- I had been eating alot of raw garlic--not so good after all!
You can hear her interview here:
Dr Sutter is here:
7,023 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Hulda Clark radio interview
by jessesmom1987 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
After I listened to your radio show Doc, I clicked on Tags on the right side of the page and listened to the Hulda Clark interview.
I had been eating alot of raw garlic over the last months--very interesting what she says about it, it’s not so good after all.
I wondered if you use, or have used the ozonator Dr. Sutter, and what is your take on it while killing the parasites?
2,159 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: Hulda Clark
by ParaZapper 17 y
- been reading ”Quackwatch”.
Quackwatch is the last place that I would count on for reliable information.
Basically,a quack on that site is anyone who tells you something that the medical profession wants to keep from the public. For even better info about if Clark is a quack see .
1,919 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Little more on that
by Newport 17 y
After reading this I wanted to use Hulda Clarks frqs to run an EBV script but while searching her PDF I stumbled over the part where she claims that the Pancreatic Fluke carries the EBV virus.
Having long learned not to doubt Hulda I ran a Pancreatic Fluke script first even though the SCIO showed no Pancreatic Flukes and bingo, huge reaction and die off and even some visible critters the next day.
The moral of the story...Hulda may be correct and this Fluke creates the EBV to stop reactivity to itself.
9,642 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Re: Mold exposure
by Steve888 10 y
Doing liver and colon cleanses is a good idea. Zapping helps too as per the Hulda Clark protocol. I have used this one and it helped get rid of a cough due to chronic mold exposure:
Coffee enemas are also a great way to detox the liver quickly without to much stress on the body.
2,269 hits
Forum: Toxic Mold
Brain Fog
Re: NEW: Pineal Stimulation
by Johny Apple Bomb 15 y
Since Totakun was talking about Hulda Clark it was probably the Hulda Clark Mold frequencies.
They are in this pdf book towards the end.
2,236 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: variable output, variable frequency zapper? How hard?
by Johny Apple Bomb 15 y
Your F-165 by default puts out a positive offset square wave just like a Hulda Clark Zapper. And it will go to any frequency with a variable voltage output. Program 30,000 Hz and you have a basic Hulda Clark Zapper with a variable voltage output.
You could also take a basic Hulda Clark circuit and put a variable resistor in place of the resistor that determines frequency.
example below
7,510 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Dr. Beck
Re: Para cleanse and high blood sugar
There is an intermediate type of diabetes and those people have anti-insulin antibodies but not all of them are insulin dependent. Dr. Hulda Clark developed a program for diabetics:
Diabetes - Dr. Hulda Clark Information Center
Hulda Clarks cleanses like liver cleanse, kidney cleanse ... Diabetes. All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, ... Kidney cleanse • Liver cleanse • Bowel program
6,166 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Hulda Clark is a FRAUD! by coolzone
Moved from the suppo...
by pepe 21 y
View Entire Thread 7
Hulda Clark is a FRAUD! Be carefull!
Then you got the message wrong. See I care too thats why I posted this information. I am really really sorry that you are unable to whatch the show since it’s only in danish but I am truly sorry for people falling into the scam of Hulda Clark who by the way isn’t a doctor at all.
I have no interrest in this subject myself but I surgest to all that they look deeply into the matter, search the net to find what ever you can of information and even contact which is the danish network.
In the show the reporter doing the show established hi ...
9,248 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Debate
Parasite program for Tapeworms and Ascaris
R by margo765 21 y
View Entire Thread 4
My husband and I have been on Hulda’s parasite program for eight years now. We don’t take the black walnut, wormwood and cloves every week, but once a year. I and my six year old daughter zap with the zapper, but my husband is stubborn on this one. I got him to do a kidney cleanse once ( since he already had painful kidney stones, in fact, he was ”ONE MOAN” away from having me drive him to the emergency room on night. After the cleanse, no complaints.), and the liver cleanse once.
I have not had my six year old on the parasite program, being unsure it is safe for her to swallow ...
6,492 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support