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Nazi's in NYNY killing Children with TOXIC drugs
by anunnaki 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
DECEMBER 24, 2004. Liam Scheff HAS DONE IT AGAIN. After he exposed a treatment-torture facility in NYC where kids were given (by force, if necessary) incredibly toxic AIDS drugs, he came up with a list of OTHER AIDS-drug experiments IN NYC using kids.
A few other experiments?
The Nazi mind set is alive and well.
43 studies were found.
1. Recruiting The Effects of Anti-HIV Therapy on the Immune Systems
of Children Infected With HIV
Condition: HIV ...
3,450 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
aids figures from google
by justagoodlistner 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
well if & when mms cures aids here is a list suppose we can be assured the previous 75000 cured? malaria patients can’t have aids because they are cured?
save to my maps
import edit done saved
aids in africa
map and information about the aids crisis in africa.
54,350 views - public
created on apr 12 - updated apr 13
by dan.stout -
27 ratings - 14 comments
28.5% of pregnant women has aids/hiv. aids/hivis prevalent in 17.7% of adults. life expectancy at birth is 42 years old.
28.5% of pregnant women has aids/hiv.
aids/hivis prevalent in 17.7% of adults.
life expec ...
2,508 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Re: Clark's protocol and HIV/AIDS
by parazapper 16 y
Just a couple of points about HIV here.
1) I have looked extensively and can not find anywhere that it is documented and proven that a person identified as HIV positive actually had an active viral HIV infection. The HIV test only tests for antibodies and then for the presence of similar DNA in the blood. There is NO TEST for actual HIV viri. The HIV test is ”NOT FDA APPROVED” for determination of either HIV infection or for AIDS.
2) There is not any proven relationship between HIV and AIDS. A large percentage of people who die of AIDS related symptoms are HIV negative.
For more i ...
5,678 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: AIDS Support
Dr. Clark Support
Dr. Clark Debate
Ask CureZone
Herbal Formulas
Questioning & Criticizing
Re: Truth about HIV and AIDS
by ParaZapper 17 y
-- strong evidence that the HIV test you took is very often wrong.
Even if you are HIV positive, this may be meaningless. Over 95 percent of people found to be HIV positive never develope AIDS and many who are NOT hiv positive do develope AIDS. The is little correlation between HIV and AIDS according to several sources. See: HIV and AIDS reconsidered.
3,067 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: AIDS Support
Will bananas prevent HIV?
by parazapper 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
Will Bananas Prevent HIV?
posted by Melissa Breyer Mar 16, 2010 2:01 pm
I always knew there was something special about bananas. As it turns out, a strong new inhibitor of HIV derived from bananas may pave the way to new treatments to prevent sexual transmission of HIV, according to a newly published study from the University of Michigan Medical School. According to findings to be published March 19 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, BanLec–a lectin found in bananas–may become a cheaper component of topical microbicides that can help prevent transmission of HIV. Lectins, naturally o ...
3,677 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
'HIV tests for all' proposed
by befurther 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
“UK experts call for universal HIV testing in a bid to reduce infections,” BBC News has said. This widely reported news is based on recommendations in the Health Protection Agency’s (HPA) annual report on HIV in the UK. The HPA says that the number of people living with HIV has reached an estimated 91,500, but more than 21,000 of these people may not know that they have the infection. It wants everyone who attends a sexual health clinic to be tested to reduce the number of people who are unaware that they have HIV.
In areas where rates of HIV infection ...
1,481 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Obama’s New Executive Order: Doctors to Screen All Individua
by befurther 12 y
HIV Care Continuum Initiative
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further strengthen the capacity of the Federal Government to effectively respond to the ongoing domestic HIV epidemic, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Addressing the domestic HIV epidemic is a priority of my Administration. In 2010, the White House released the first c ...
616 hits
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
claim of virus Isolation '96
by NewlyPositive 20 y
View Entire Thread 8
In 1983, Montagnier et al isolated a retrovirus, now termed Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), from a patient with lymphadenopathy and proposed that HIV may cause AIDS. Antibody against this virus has since been found in many, but not all AIDS patients (1) and in 17 million healthy people (2).
Eleni Papadopulos, Val Turner, John Papadimitriou, David Causer, Bruce Hedland-Thomas & Barry Page (3) and Stefan Lanka (4) maintain that the very existence of HIV is dubious because (i) HIV has not been properly isolated and thus could not have been properly identified (according to Papadopulo ...
4,074 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: Mythical HIV
by NewlyPositive 20 y
It just occured to me... no one has satisfied me with a DETAILED, scientific explanation of the symptoms associated with HIV being EXPRESSLY linked to other condistions of the human body. On this particular thread it was expressed with an anticdote and a reply that we should research MYCOPLASMA, although when we were given information on why HIV does not exist, there was a long list of facts, and references to support that Idea. To date, I have not SEEN, posted scientific evidence that cooberates the fact that HIV symptoms are or can be specificly caused by other abnormalities, IN INSTAN ...
5,385 hits
1 of 5 (20%)
Forum: AIDS Support
AIDS Virus Myth
by #87118 10 y
1,097 hits
Forum: AIDS Conspiracy
Smoking More Lethal than HIV
by #136970 13 y
As a former two and a half pack per day smoker, I know for certain that one
can quit. Yes, if you do your research you will discover that it is more
difficult to quit smoking than to quit heroin, yet it can be done. Yet
many years later I’ve had lung cancer - in each lung, and have had them and a
lung lobe removed.
Smoking M ...
1,505 hits
Forum: News
Addiction: Tobacco
Lung Cancers
Re: HIV theory?
by Hveragerthi 15 y
What do you think of this?
"Dr Young Do you think that MMS can cure Hiv? CLO2 Dr. Young’s answer: HIV does not need to be cured. HIV is not a disease it is an antibody created to reduce excess tissue acid. Reduce the acidity and you reverse the titers of HIV antibodies. You do this with the Young pHorever pH Miracle Nutritional Products.
The person who write that is clueless. They were right that HIV is not a disease, HIV is s virus. AIDS is not a disease either. it is a syndrome with multiple causes, HIV not being one of them under the original defini ...
5,637 hits
Forum: MMS Support
AIDS Support
Re: Oleander, HIV cure? want to know more please
by happyhealthygal 17 y
”Have you heard about anyone actually getting a positive to negative test result?”
I assume you mean a negative result on one of the tests use to diagnose a person as HIV-positive. This is not something that any effective therapy is likely to do, and it is not even something you would really want it to do (from a health perspective, not a psychological one. There’s currently a stigma to being HIV-positive, but I imagine that if an effective cure came along, much of that stigma would be lost).
HIV is, in the vast, VAST majority of incidences, diagnosed on the basis of antibody tests. ...
5,015 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Re: HIV is NOT curable, but it can be managed.
by StratRebel 17 y
Let me first of all say that I am glad someone who talks about this subject actually knows something about what they are talking about. Too many people try to discuss a topic without any good background or information.
You mentioned two good points:
1. Parent vs. Child
First, one needs to realize how important the placental barrier is: most bacteria and viruses do NOT cross it. As long as you can keep your viral load low, the fetus has a 95% chance of NOT being exposed to the virus at all. This means not only do they not have viral particles being created, they also do NOT have A ...
8,014 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: causes of aids
by happyhealthygal 17 y
Yes, anal sex carries the same risk regardless of whether the receptive partner is male or female. However, most of the HIV transmission worldwide still occurred as a result of VAGINAL transmission.
”That makes sense since rectal trauma would allow passage of infectious fecal matter into traumatized healthy tissue”
No, that does not make sense at all! Think about the mechanics of anal sex: a penis enters another person’s anus. Anal sex does not involve the insertion of foreign fecal matter into the anus. The only person’s whose fecal matter is in your rectum following anal sex is ...
6,182 hits
2 of 4 (50%)
Forum: AIDS Conspiracy
Blacks hardest hit by HIV in U.S. [I wonder why]
by -2tuff- 20 y
View Entire Thread 11
Don’t you just love the fact that the Medical Mafia wants pregnant women to be tested knowing that an astounding amount of these poor women will flag up as HIV on their pathetic tests because pregnancy is a common false flag. Again they give the HIV result with false tests then load the population on the drugs which give the AIDS symptoms and ultimately death. AIDS is nothing to do with HIV and HIV still DOESN’T EXIST its a complete fraud. AIDS has many other causes but not HIV, read the HIV/AIDS forum for more information on the Medical Mafia fraud, profitting and depopulation scam. ...
4,376 hits
3 of 7 (42%)
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: Prove my information is false! Come back when you have
by irockz 21 y
You are a crack head! Get your selv some ATZ and shut up!
Stop *%#&¤?§*ing about AIDS.
A) Hiv causes AIDS
B) HIV is incurable
C) Hiv Destroys the immune system
D) HIV is sexually transmitted.
E) HIV will eventually kill you ( if u have it)
stop putting *%#&¤?§* out there online. Hiv, caused by a virus, is an incurable STD. So all of you with it better not be having unprotected sex like dirty fuks and passing on your nastiness. I feel bad for people with Hiv/aids, but it is a part of your lives that you’ll have to live with.
3,485 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Top 100 AIDS Science Inconsistencies - HIV=AIDS=Death dogma
by HH 22 y
Top 100 AIDS Science Inconsistencies
by John Kirkham 11th January 2003.
All the inconsistencies below can be substantiated by independent
research. The persistence of the HIV=AIDS=Death dogma is truly
astonishing, in the face of so many specific scientific flaws.
1 A new medical definition (Idiopathic CD4+ T-cell
lymphocytopenia) was created to avoid the fact that AIDS occurs in the
absence of HIV (65, 87)
2 HIV does not satisfy Koch’s postulates, the criteria that must
be met in order to prove that a microbe causes a disease (90)
3 Anti-HI ...
3,647 hits
Forum: Quackery Debate
No vaccine needed: Many children have become resistant to...
by befurther 9 y
A strange new phenomenon is taking place in South Africa, where a group of children has somehow developed resistance to the progression of HIV into full-blown AIDS. According to reports, this rare bunch of youngsters will never develop AIDS, even without the usual antiretroviral treatments for HIV, and scientists aren’t entirely sure why this is the case.
Despite harboring high amounts of HIV within their blood, these children all show a clean bill of health when tested, perplexed doctors say. Known as HIV non-progressors, it wouldn’t even be apparent that these children hav ...
495 hits
Forum: Drug Legalization
Re: What is actually being tested when they test for vira...
by 2Sirius 17 y
By Paul Philpott & Christine Johnson
Reappraising AIDS October 1996
For those who still think that HIV causes AIDS, the latest fad -- along with protease inhibitors -- is ”viral load.” There was a time not so long ago when one of the best arguments against the HIV theory was that there simply was not enough HIV in AIDS patients to account for any disease. Actually, it’s still one of the best arguments! No, you say? You’ve heard there’s some new technique that finds tons of HIV -- high viral load -- in AIDS patients? The old virus-counting method just wasn’ ...
4,200 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: AIDS Conspiracy
Re: Christine Maggiore, vocal skeptic of AIDS research, d...
RN by happyhealthygal 16 y
People use the word ”co-factor” in a variety of ways, some meaning ”you can only get AIDS if you also have this factor present”, others meaning ”X will speed up progression to AIDS, but it is not necessary for the development of AIDS”. Other than HIV, nothing has been found to be a necessary co-factor (and people have looked!). Plenty of things fall into the latter category - all sorts of differences between people with HIV (genetics, age, nutritional status, other infections, viral strain.......) are known to influence the speed of progression.
The interview with Gallo is from 1995 - ...
8,198 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: News
AIDS Conspiracy
AIDS Support
Kids and HIV
by mybiosource 10 y
Impact of HIV on the Immune System
Individuals who test HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive have to face up to the virus destroying part of their immune system. More specifically, it affects T lymphocytes or T cells, a type of white blood cell, which is regarded as a ‘fighter’ cell which helps the body to fend off all sorts of diseases.
Once HIV has entered the body, it piggybacks on T cells and works its way inside. Upon entering, it uses the cell as a virus-making factory and duplicates itself very many times over. The new virus leaves the cell to move ...
2,229 hits
Blog: elisa kit
Hiv-TB double trouble warning.
by mo123 16 y
HIV-TB ’double trouble’ warning
TB pneumonia
TB can lead to pneumonia
One in four TB deaths is HIV-related, twice as many as previously recognised, experts say.
Co-infection remains a major challenge and more efforts are needed to spot and treat the two conditions in tandem, says the World Health Organization.
HIV and tuberculosis services must be joined up if we are to achieve global disease control, warn disease experts.
Despite TB killing more people with HIV than any other disease, in 2008 only 1% of people with HIV had a TB screen.
Problems compounded
HIV dis ...
848 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: Clark's protocol and HIV/AIDS
RRR by happyhealthygal 16 y
(in reply to Hvergathi’s post)
LOL! Are you just making this stuff up as you go along?
You apparently can’t decide which (90% incorrect) beliefs about HIV and AIDS you want to hold!
You have written (twice!) that “HIV infection CANNOT cause any diseases in man” (, and then, later, you wrote “I seriously doubt that you have been infected with HIV for 20 years. If you were actually infected with HIV for that long then you would be a walking miracle.” ( EDIT: fixed link that didn’t ...
6,353 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Dr. Clark Support
Dr. Clark Debate
Ask CureZone
Herbal Formulas
Questioning & Criticizing
Re: Have you ever seen somebody cured of aids ?
by africana 17 y
Does this statment make any sense ”HIV-positive to HIV-negative on an antibody test? Not with my own eyes, but it does happen. However, when it has happened, the people were not actually cured - in fact, they often have advanced AIDS.”
If HIV causes AIDS, how come when someone who tested positive before tests negative only to have full blown AIDS? According to what you said about someone testing negative only to have advanced AIDS how is that possible?
Doesn’t HIV causes AIDS? And if so one SHOULD test positive for HIV if they have full blown advanced AIDS.
Becau ...
3,467 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: Is a 'Mycoplasma' the cofactor for HIV to become AIDS?
by Karlin 17 y
I certainly have heard of Mycoplasma...
Dr. Garth Nicolson says it is the basis for many illnesses, basic immune system disruptor etc.
As for AIDs, sure, it could be what makes the HIV virus deadly. I think HIV is not as bad as we have been led to believe, and that a bunch of other factors are what causes HIV positive people to get sick, including the HIV/AIDS drugs themselves!!
Then again, there is the idea that there is no such thing as an HIV virus, but I am still skeptical about that, but how do we know, how can we find out? I would like to hear from people who have been test ...
8,603 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: AIDS Conspiracy
by newlypositive 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have been HIV positive for about 3.5 years. Some of you might remember me, I used to come to this forum during its more popular days. In those 3.5 years, I have learned a many interesting things about HIV, and the most important issue is that, in this battle that is the HIV epidemic, there are three types of people. The first are the most common, they believe HIV exist, and that there is no cure, they believe HIV came from wild chimps in africa and mutated, They believe that attempts to use alternative therapies are dangerous, and that all HIV infected individuals should line up and s ...
2,534 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: OPC Does it really Work
R by happyhealthygal 17 y
Hi Healthierlife!
A good rule of thumb: anything that promises to turn you HIV-negative is almost certainly a scam. Is it possible that a true cure (a treatment that eliminated every virion and every HIV-infected cell) could turn you HIV-negative? Yes, after a long enough period of time, it is a possibility. However, there is just as much possibility that you would remain HIV-positive for the rest of your life. At this point, seroreversion (going from HIV+ to HIV-negative) following a cure is purely hypothetical (and since people differ in the persistence of their antibody responses ...
3,099 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Is hiv/aids transmitted from sex?
by #77336 18 y
View Entire Thread 15
I have read your posts about this subject, at the start it seems that hiv is not from sex but from chem trails and alum. But then you say the US gave prostitutes in Africa an antidoit and all their customers got hiv but they were ok, so does this mean they got hiv from the prositutes??
Please help me understand which one, is it ok to have sex without condoms as hiv/aids is not transmitted from sexual intercourse??
Thank you
2,959 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: The bad thing about biofeedback...
by Newport 16 y
reaction people have when HIV comes up too
Sure, because Chlamydia, Syphilis and HIV are all only sexually transmitted diseases and ”good” people need not worry...
10m with a search engine and you can throw that out the door, but that is how one can dump massive amounts of mycoplasma penetrants and create HIV without the sheople figuring it out.
Mycoplasma penetrans - HIV, urogenital and respiratory tracts infections, attaches to the host’s epithelial (skin layer) cells
2,776 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Vitamin D status related to immune response to HIV-1
by parazapper 10 y
Vitamin D status related to immune response to HIV-1
”Vitamin D may be a simple, cost-effective intervention, particularly in resource-poor settings, to reduce HIV-1 risk and disease progression,”
409 hits
Forum: News
Re: Old med ivermectin and moxidectin being patented for virus treatment , wonder why 🤔, so we pay more 😡 including HIV
1,307 hits
Forum: Parasites: RX
Bananas May Provide a Key to Preventing the Spread of HIV
R Educational by Dquixote1217 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
Bananas May Provide a Key to Preventing the Spread of HIV
by Tony Isaacs
Could bananas provide a key to preventing the spread of HIV? A new study published last month in Journal of Biological Chemistry has found that a lectin compound known as BanLec found in bananas is as effective in preventing the spread of HIV as two commonly prescribed drugs.
The study was conducted at the University of Michigan Medical School, where researchers found that BanLec was able to stop HIV from entering the body by connecting to the HIV type 1 envelope protein. Lectins are sugar binding protei ...
5,753 hits
Forum: News
AIDS Support
Bananas May Provide a Key to Preventing the Spread of HIV
~RN by Tony Isaacs 15 y
Bananas May Provide a Key to Preventing the Spread of HIV
by Tony Isaacs
Could bananas provide a key to preventing the spread of HIV? A new study published last month in Journal of Biological Chemistry has found that a lectin compound known as BanLec found in bananas is as effective in preventing the spread of HIV as two commonly prescribed drugs.
The study was conducted at the University of Michigan Medical School, where researchers found that BanLec was able to stop HIV from entering the body by connecting to the HIV type 1 envelope protein. Lectins are suga ...
1,151 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Manganese blocks HIV replication
by anunnaki 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
Manganese blocks HIV replication;
Lab finding points to potential new class of HIV treatments
Johns Hopkins scientists have found that simply increasing manganese in cells can halt HIV’s unusual ability to process its genetic information backwards, providing a new way to target the process’s key driver, an enzyme called reverse transcriptase.
By measuring DNA produced by a related reverse transcriptase in yeast, the Hopkins team discovered that higher than normal levels of manganese, caused by a defective gene, dramatically lowered the enzyme’s activity. The scientists then proved t ...
2,621 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: Christine Maggiore, vocal skeptic of AIDS research, d...
by _O3_THE_WAR_IS_ON 16 y
Well the argument is far from settled with the so called dissidents. Their questions still remain unanswered.
Now apart from exceptions people who test HIV antibody positve develop AIDS I accept this and do not dispute it, but correlation does not mean causation. My problem of accepting the HIV = AIDS hypothesis is there is AIDS without HIV* and at THE VERY MOST HIV only infects 1 out of every 500 immune cells.
Now it is 24+ years later since Gallo and the U.S goverment declared ’HIV is the probable cause of AIDS’ on April 23rd 1984 (the same day that Gallo and the NIH patent HIV ant ...
7,336 hits
Forum: News
AIDS Conspiracy
AIDS Support
Wheres the binmen, I smell a stench of RUBBISH
by -2tuff- 20 y
Again more rubbish trying to claim HIV causes AIDS when there is no STILL no proof of this. When we go deeper we find they have never seen the HIV virus let alone II,III,IV,V....... If people get this it will be from either serious R.F exposure or more deadly potent Anti-retroviral toxic sluge.
Please learn all the real information on HIV and AIDS quickly because its a freaking nightmare how lame this fraud.
Again more rubbish trying to claim HIV causes AIDS when there is no STILL no proof of this. When we go deeper we find they have neve ...
3,729 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
If you don't believe its a fraud still dont use ARV's
by -2tuff- 20 y
If you cannot get your head round how easily it is to manipulate both the populance and medical establishment on the fraud of HIV then don’t go to Anti-RetroViral drugs. You can still use ver y high dosage Colloidal Silver and especially Beck style devices. Even the alternative health world is fooled that HIV exists. The sample of so called HIV which was killed in Einsteins school of Medicine with microcurrents will have just been taken from a person who came up HIV this certainly don’t mean he had HIV. The viral loads will have perished and I don’t mean HIV Viruses.
3,539 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Re: Please help - Friend has HIV - An Angel
by -2tuff- 20 y
There was a report somewhere I came across which disproved the HIV isolation and it might have been by Jon Rappoport who Peter Duesberg claimed had written the best book on HIV called ’HIV INC’. In HIV INC, Jon Rappoport says the same as me and other microbiologists that HIV doesn’t exist and certainly doesn’t kill or cause AIDS. Duesberg says AIDS is not caused through HIV and I think he has said that its not sexually transmitted.
Personally I feel the SOTA ZBB5 is the best device and its a Beck and Colloidal Ionic Silver generator.
6,489 hits
Forum: Dr. Beck
Re: We all are now a Online Support Group
by Blueduck 21 y
I do not think I understand your question. It is kind of like asking can you catch a cold from your self. If you are HIV positive, how can you catch it again if you already have it.
If you are asking if sperm from an HIV positive person came in contact with a cut on another person, would that person catch HIV I would have to say that is highly likely. HIV is spread by body fluids. Sperm is a body fluid.
If you are asking if you can get HIV from your own self by playing with yourself, spanking the monkey and getting sperm into a cut and you do NOT have HIV, then the answer to this question is NO.
25,830 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bowel Cleanse Support