600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Faith healing in Islam
by mo123 16 y
Faith healing is a subject not understood by many Christians as our complete faith in our Lord is where we get our cure. Many religious people never go to doctors as we feel that the belief in the cure is enough. We do believe in the curing properties of black seeds and other natural herbs and we do believe when necessary it is permissible to go to doctors but me personally, I choose to depend on Allah for all things.
Saying La hola wala quarta illah billah is curing in it self. So when an affliction comes I say this one hundred times.
Have faith in your Lord and he will cure you ...
633 hits
Forum: Islam Support
Re: M*******h Sues Glycobiotics For Patent Infringement
by bamboo1 19 y
I disagree. The product in question contains some additional ingredients (better ingredients in fact than A*****ose, as well the similar ingredients in different proportions. In my experience (i have worked a few patent cases) I think this may be enough to win. Besides, this assumes M*******h’s patent is actually valid. most patents get by with very little scrutiny from the PTO. I suspect M*******h’s will not make the cut in end. there is nothing new about what M*******h has done. in any event, time will tell unless glycobiotics gets weak knees and gives in. I hope they don’t, look ...
2,605 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Re: Is it legal to copy A*****ose?
by pilotlight 19 y
This is an interesting question and one that has been tangentially touched on before on this forum. I don’t think there is any doubt that if someone were to market a homemade version of A*****ose, assuming that they were following M*******h’s exact formula, that this would be considered to be a violation of M*******h’s patent. Whether copying M*******h’s exact formula only for your own personal consumption is a violation is an interesting question. One could make a convincing argument that it is because you are using someone else’s invention and depriving the company that owns the paten ...
2,123 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Glyconutrients
by pursuinghealing 16 y
Wow, ciscokid, Miss Helfinger is right! You deserve BIG hugs :) My hubby is a lot like you and Miss H’s. Sweet man, knew I was sick, but married me anyway over 7 years ago! I say the same thing on my bad days, ”why didn’t you marry someone healthy who could do more and give you more kids than I can?” and he always smiles and says b/c he loves ME. I just don’t get it, I feel I don’t deserve him. I’m blessed, and so is Ciscokid’s wife and Miss H’s hubby and anyone else who has a loving, supportive and caring partner in this life!
I wish you all the best and hope your wife makes a full rec ...
6,054 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: no TOS violation.
by wombat 16 y
the topic post in that thread is 13 days old, older than H’s forum. When webmaster creates new forums, he typically cross-posts posts:
on page one of H’s forum, you’ll find quite a few cross-posted posts, some dating waaay before he had his forum:
and another forum, ask Hopinso, you’ll also see cross-posted posts:
the VWT forum was born out of the iodine discussion forum, now called iodine debate. Cross-posted posts on page 1 of VWT: ...
958 hits
3 of 4 (75%)
Forum: Webmaster Support
Re: urine therapy
by jchase 16 y
OK look, your posting on H’s forum and asked a good question and got a some great answers he is very tolerant of opposing view points but will not tolerate attacks.
If H says it is not necessary to drink my pee than I will not drink my pee!! 91053 was voicing an opinion not attacking you. Please don’t get so personal.
I’m sure there is a (we drink pee and like it) forum out there. The purposes of this forum is to get H’s opinion and he dose tolerate a lot of banter but we are all friends here.
3,893 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: M*******h Sues Glycobiotics For Patent Infringement
by rlhenson 19 y
Even if they have the money they would be foolish to fight. On there own website they have side by side comparisons touting that their product has everything that M*******h’s has and then indicate that they got all of their info for the comparison from M*******h’s patent Application and even provides the patent application number. It would be impossible to claim they they did not know about M*******h or it’s patents. Kind of reminds me of some of these crime videos where the criminals video themselves doing the crime then the video gets used in their own prosecution.
2,401 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Re: I've read that one
by hope2succeed 21 y
Thanks for the feedback. If you read my initial post closely, however, you would see that I did not suggest Espen H’s diet as a ”variation” to the MC but as ”additions” he does along with the MC to make it work for him. So, I guess on that point, we agree! Maybe my title is misleading but that wasn’t the intention. And I’m curious...what’s your opinion about Espen H’s additions on this MC forum? Seems contradictory, does it not?
3,860 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Doctors
by longterm 13 y
Read this, Healing. Note Lichen planus on the bottom of the list.
What is the relationship of H. pylori to diseases of the skin?
H. pylori has been implicated in a variety of diseases that are not related to the gastrointestinal tract. The skin is an example and several studies have suggested an association with the following conditions:4,5
Chronic urticaria – Several studies have found a link between H. pylori infection and chronic urticaria. It is thought that infection with H. pylori increases the permeability of the stomach lining and thus increases the exposure to allergens ...
4,638 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
ELECTROMEDICAL Bacterial & Chronic Infection Alternative ...
by gregorymboelter 8 y
Alternative treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori)
* Successful, pure electromedical, no antibiotics results have been achieved for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections. Initial infections and Helicobacter Pylori Alternative Treatment outcomes were diagnosed and monitored with standard laboratory C-14 urea breath test and histology techniques. Conventionally, H. pylori is treated with a first line triple or quadruple drug combination including two or three antibiotics, sometimes needing repeat treatment and often accompanied by severe side-effects. Chronic H Pylori infection ...
728 hits
Forum: Market Place
--Success Testimonial--Feel & Look Great & Not Sick for 3...
~RN by moreless 16 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi Ya’ll,
I pulled this from H’s forum where AAK replied to H’s post using AAK orginal post from this forum asking about Calcium ratios in the drink.
H was trying to mis-quote what AAK was asking about Calcium to support H’s ideas claiming Calcium contracts muscles!
Post by AAK: Hi,
Wanted to let anybody who was interested know that I have been following the moreless protocol for around three years now,and everything is going very well.
I feel and look great,have not been sick at all in 3 yrs.eventhough every yr.all my family members get routinely sick,I sleep like a baby , ...
2,030 hits
3 of 3 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Don't do HPI orally
by dvjorge 15 y
I will give you my opinion.
It is the most probably you didn’t get any H. Pylori from the HPI.
H. pylori is a bacteria that don’t give symptoms from night to day. In fact, most people who get H. Pylori have it since the the first years of life without any gastrointestinal symptoms. If I were you, I won’t take any antibiotic until a test shows H. Pylori. H. Pylori ( the bacteria itself ) isn’t found in stool but the antibody against it. Antibodies in blood have memory so, the only relieable test to detect H. Pylori is an antigen in stool or an intestinal biopsy. The breath test can give f ...
3,085 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: h.pylori
by jessesmom1987 17 y
We’ll see what Charlie has to say, but I have been thinking about it recently too, and would like to know what Charlie has to say about taking Betaine.
Just a few words from the start of the description-
Helicobacter pylori (pronounced /ˌhɛlɪkəˈbæktɚ paɪˈlɔəraɪ/) is a gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium that infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum. Many cases of peptic ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, and cancers are caused by H. pylori infections. Howeve ...
2,492 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Charlie
Re: Licorice root or DGL for H Pylori???
by Hveragerthi 14 y
is it possible that the parietal cells be damaged after suffering from H Pylori and Low stomach acid for years??
Will killing the H Pylori and also restoring acidity heal the parietal cells if they are damaged?
Studies have shown that there is no parietal cell antibody formation or permanent damage to parietal cells from H. pylori infection. Function of the parietal cells returns to full, or nearly full, function after eradication of H. pylori.
25,504 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: H Pylori
by djrn 12 y
Before anyone with H.Pylori dismisses the Baking Soda theory, they ought to watch this video featuring a lecture on H.Pylori by Dr. Amy Yasko: It’s not a single action. You must follow the B.Soda with an H. Pylori antimicrobial/herb (or two) and be taking guaifenesin, which is known to break the mucus bond H.Pylori depends on.
8,614 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Iodine kills H. Pylori
by paraboy 13 y
DRUG RESISTANCE: Strains have been found to show resistance to antibodies such as clarithromycin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, and metronidazole, and show low levels of resistance to tetracycline, amoxicillin, fluoroquinolones, and rifabutin
SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Readily inactivated by free chlorine, iodine treatments can inhibit its vacuolation toxin activity ( 22) , thus practices used for treating drinking water, apart from ozonolysis, should be sufficient for disinfecting H. p ...
3,170 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Try Cranberries for H pylori
by tay19 13 y
Thanks for the replies , I can barely keep my eyes open , the sedative seems to have kicked in more after I’ve left lol.
Reading from this website :
it seems as though h pylori can cause just as many symptoms as candida and could possibly b related to my weight loss and malabsorption among other problems.
What I find strange though is the fact that it was antibiotics that triggered my problem. Surely they can’t cause H pylori.
Although today I’ve been diagnosed with something I was completely unaware of it seems to have actuall ...
6,117 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Bad Doctors
Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori Bacteria...
by Hveragerthi 16 y
View Entire Thread 11
Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori Bacteria Connection
(NaturalNews) Most doctors don’t test for or treat the H pylori bacteria except in cases of unrelenting heartburn or in active ulcers and consider it an ’asymptomatic’ pathogen that lives with most of us without hurting us. However, research shows that simply having the H pylori bacteria could be a risk factor in the development of the recent epidemic of both immediate and delayed reaction food allergies that so many people are reporting.
The Helicoba ...
10,011 hits
Forum: Truth in Medicine
Stomach Ulcer
Duodenal Ulcer
Re: Matula Tea also cures my Husband too!!!
by winingteam 18 y
In most cases, ulcers are caused by helicopter pylori bacteria und proper remedy would b e an antibiotic combined with another stomach remedy that
reduces production of acid (Omeprazhol e.g.).
Other causes can be certain medication for rheumatism
(acetylelnic acid) etc., if no helicopter bacteria
(pyloris) are found in the stomach. Best thing to do:
consult a doctor.
On Matula tea see source:
14,398 hits
Forum: Ulcer
Acid Reflux/GERD
Re: MMS and Ulcers?
by Electric Mind 17 y
H.Pylori is a common and perfectly normal denizen of the stomach that is normally kept in check by healthy gastric acidity. Chronically inadequate or suppressed hydrochloric acid production can cause H.pylori to overgrow and spread throughout not only the endothelium of the the GI tract, but ultimately the vascular system, as well. It is well covered in the literature but little known that H. Pylori is also a major vector for cardiovascular disease, as the chronic inflammation sets up a cascade of pathological changes to the cardiovascular system.
Hypochlorhydria (or chronically low g ...
9,214 hits
Forum: MMS
H. Pylori
by outoftime44 13 y
View Entire Thread 4
For those self-treating candida without labtests, watch out for H. Pylori. H. Pylori is common, but can become infectious with the terrible state of your intestines if you do have candida. I believe you would be hardpressed to get better from candida first without addressing the H. Pylori.
I took all the standard labtests from Dr.’s, etc, but only Metametrix showed I had H. Pylori. Then a stomach scope also revealed it. So I treated it. I did not eradicate candida, so H. Pylori came back and I treated it again.
Anyway just want to let people know to consider or test for it if ...
3,233 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Getting back to normal after adrenal/digestion issues
by halam 12 y
I had also an endoscopy and test for H-Pylori came back negative. After that I did a Gastrointestinal Function Profile in Genova labs and H.Pylori came positive with very high elevated values... . But H.Pylori infection has about 75% of population and the reinfection is very high as well. If you want to treat H.Pylori, you should treat your family members as well.
For the H.Pylori treatment can be used mainly Matula Tea, GastroMend HP, Pyloricil.
6,404 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Ask CureZone
Leaky Gut
Liver Flush Support
Re: H pylori
by ericbakker 12 y
You need to treat for H.Pylori and ignore the test results, especially if you can relate to the S & S of H.Pylori. Gum mastica does not ”damage” kidneys as far as I know. Probiotics work well, especially if you take plenty on a very regular basis. Lactoferrin and Colostrum are also good supplements for H.Pylori. Don’t waste you money on Matula, I’ve seen no good results myself from the several patients I recommended it too with H.Pylori. A fool and their money are soon parted, especially when a herbal treatment is as ridiculously expensive as Matula. Stool tests are accurate, but sometimes ...
3,032 hits
Forum: Ask Dr Eric Bakker
Re: Can't feel it no matter how much I take - input? advice?
by GoodAlien 17 y
I was listening to one of Jim H’s talk this morning and he mentioned that one will have quite a different experience taking drops on an empty stomach vs. with food. Given the amt of MMS you’re taking, if it were me, I would consider stopping the DMSO temporarily and cut the dose of MMS in half and take it on an empty stomach for several days 2x a day, increasing the amt of sodium chlorite until you get nauseated, D, V. Hope that helps.
2,741 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Homemade A*******e?
by pilotlight 20 y
Well, because M*******h received their patent for A*******e recently, you probably can’t buy it, at least legally. What you can do, however, is make it yourself by buying the ingredients separately and putting them together in accordance with M*******h’s formula as contained in their patent application. If you read my posts you’ll see how to do it. It’s easy, it’s fun, and you will save lots of money. Good luck.
1,568 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Glyconutrients
Re: M*******h A*****ose Glyconutrients
by cancerfighter 20 y
Hey I am a Natinal Director for M*******h. In my experience with hundreds of clients, the PLUS & A*****ose will regulate the body’s endocrine system not stimulate to produce hormones. You can read about the implications of M*******h’s products @ .
Zach You can get more info at:
1,034 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Pregnancy and Glyconutrient Supplements?
by bec 21 y
View Entire Thread 5
Can anyone tell me whether there is any evidence supporting the safety of glyconutritional supplements during pregnancy?
Can anyone tell me whether there is any evidence supporting the safety of M*******h’s glyconutritional supplements, which include other ingregients, during pregnancy? Manna-C states not to use it during pregnancy and Catalyst says not to use for young children. Other brands of shark cartiledge (which I believe is in A*******e and therefore most M*******h products) say not to use during pregnancy as a caution.
4,020 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Re: please tell us, how has the zapper helped you
by naturalman 20 y
Hello, Ohfor07
A bacterium called pylori may well be involved in your digestive problem. The Zapper may be reducing the Pylori temporarily. Other methods to completely remove it are, Mastic powder, muluka honey, and several others I have heard of. You may want to find something to to aid the zapper to completely remove Pylori. Here is some general info on it. You may have to look deeper to find a good natural remedy to help to zapper. Good Luck, Naturalman
2,459 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Glyco News
by Greg Smith 18 y
The short answer to your question is, yes. Some of M*******h’s ”glyconutrient” supplements contain vitamin K, which can influence coagulation. This is a particularly important consideration for the patient who is on anticoagulation medication. You should notify the attending physician(s) as to what supplements are being taken. Also, M*******h can provide you with specific information as to the ingredients in each supplement they manufacture. Contact them directly.
3,287 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
New anti-ulcer yogurt suppresses H. pylori bacteria in hu...
by hunt3r 15 y
New anti-ulcer yogurt suppresses H. pylori bacteria in humans
”Hatta’s team created the antibody after noting that H. pylori relies on the protein urease to attach to and infect the stomach lining. They injected chickens with urease in hope the birds’ immune systems would produce an antibody that could shield the stomach lining. The antibody, IgY-urease, was then harvested from the chicken’s eggs, put in yogurt and tested on people with a known H. pylori infection.” ...
8,852 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: The Christopher CD is only an "outline"... Re: I'll...
by Willowley 15 y
Yep, I saw that when I got home and started clicking on the unclickable lol.
When I saw it in the link I thought it was weird that the kids would allow it out there for free!
I can probably put Windows for Mac on my laptop but I’m not so sure I wanna do that but maybe Miss H’s man knows a better way. I guess I can always swipe my son’s Dell laptop since he never uses it.
1,475 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori Bact...
by #126801 15 y
Do you know if H. Pylori and acid reflux can be associated with difficulty breathing? My doctor did an H. Pylori test and determined that I am infected so he put me on a treatment of antibiotics to no avail. I have tremendous trouble breathing and have been on inhalers and anxiety medication but I’m still not sure what’s causing it. I’ve read tons of websites ( cnn articles, h pylori treatment, Wikipedia, etc.) but I can’t find it ever having been linked to H. Pylori? Could it be something else? This is really bothering me lately and my doctor can’t figure it out. I am constantly ...
8,705 hits
Forum: Truth in Medicine
Stomach Ulcer
Duodenal Ulcer
Re: Banned from posting???
by spudlydoo 16 y
I think it shows a great deal of tolerance for peoples opinions and ideas that moreless is given a forum. As in nature , balance. I’ve learned a great deal about health and human nature from the forums on CZ :) Thankfully there are some exceptionally good ones, like this one, Miss H’s Salon , Trappers and many others, where questioning is encouraged, how else will we find answers?
kindest regards, spud
2,978 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: eucalyptus oil question
by cora 15 y
In the event you learn that the essential oil you’ve ordered is indeed not suitable -- this is what I use:
I also use the essential oil topically - blended with sesame, almond, lavender, and clove oils.
You can vaporize or steam inhale the essential oil.
I’m also eager to learn H’s response to your concern.
2,671 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: I feel like I dropped a big bomb!
by wombat 17 y
ok, one more post. Just click on ”hide message and replies”, starting with Miss H’s original Q!
AKA ”thread be gone”
:) hehehe...they’ll never know:)
1,749 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: Study Links H. pylori to Causing Stomach Cancer
by Hveragerthi 17 y
Actually science shows it is not a ”normal” part of the digestive system. If you read the link posted by neo... you will find the following, which backs up what I said earlier about it being an aquired infection, and not everyone having it:
”Acquired in young childhood, H. pylori persists in the stomach essentially for life unless eradicated by antibiotics (14, 15).”
”In developed countries, however, H. pylori has been progressively disappearing over the course of the 20th century (20-22).”
”Numerous ...
1,952 hits
Forum: News
Re: HELP PLEASE!!! H. Pylori and Iodine, etc.
by #70428 17 y
Hi there :-)
I’ve suffered from the h-pylori bug. I had it diagnosed after an endoscopy/colonoscopy through my own doctor. I was given a course of anti-biotics (can’t recall the name, sorry). I’m not sure how iodine would help with h-pylori, iodine helps with lots of ailments but you need to do some research on it first. You could try visiting the Iodine Supplementation Support Forum here at Curezone. I’m sure they could help answer some of your questions too.
Here is a useful link which may help answer some questions about h-pylori bug. ...
5,638 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
H. pylori
by MsBoja 15 y
What would be the most accurate test for H.pylori.
Four tests are used to detect H. pylori:
Blood antibody test. A blood test checks to see whether your body has made antibodies to H. pylori bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means you either are currently infected or have been infected in the past.
Urea breath test. A urea breath test checks to see if you have H. pylori bacteria in your stomach. The breath test is not always available.
Stool antigen test. A stool antigen test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H ...
9,407 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Inexpensive String Test For Helicobacter pylori
by rabbitears 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi All:
This is an interesting study using an old-fashion string method to find the H. pylori bacterium. It works and effective. I wonder if someone will patent a “special medical string” and charge a $100 bucks for it – j/k, but you never know! Anyway….
Best of Health!
String Test: Effective and Inexpensive Method for Detecting Helicobacter pylori
Mar 11, 2006 - By American Society for Microbiology, [RxPG]
Swallowing a string may offer a simple and effective alternative to costly an ...
2,237 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Re: I have symptoms of low and high stomach acid and I've...
by tay19 13 y
Thanks for the reply Dave , it’s much appreciated.
When I first lost weight and started developing symptoms I’d just finished the course of tetracycline and I had an endoscopy done , they didn’t find anything although they didn’t take biopsies either for some reason ( this was the first endoscopy I done , the second found h pylroi not so long ago ).
After they told me there was nothing visually wrong with my stomach other than slight gastritis and erosion of the esophagus ( which I now know was most likely caused by the h pylori even back then ) reading information on the internet I ...
9,440 hits
Forum: Candida Support