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Re: *LARGE* Bird Flu News/Section/Site
by LGB 19 y *PRIMARY* *Secondary*
( archives as of/on 01/18/06 ) ...
2,256 hits
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Forum: Bird Flu
Re: 2014 H1N1 Swine Flu Has SPANISH FLU Viral Segments
by Megabite 11 y
Heads Up!
2014 H1N1 Swine Flu Has SPANISH FLU Viral Segments.
Similar to the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Ukrainian style.
I got this Flu and treated it with F165 Rife Machine and got ”hits” for the 1918 Spanish Flu.
This 2014 H1N1 Flu should be treated as the 1918 Spanish Flu and apparently it’s not being treated as such, and this is why people are not getting better and many are dying. And many people who have taken the Flu Shot are getting the Flu and getting sicker and dying with pneumonia. Avoid this Flu shot like the plague itself!
3,024 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: 2014 H1N1 Swine Flu Has SPANISH FLU Viral Segments
by Megabite 11 y
Heads Up!
2014 H1N1 Swine Flu Has SPANISH FLU Viral Segments.
Similar to the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Ukrainian style.
I got this Flu and treated it with F165 Rife Machine and got ”hits” for the 1918 Spanish Flu.
This 2014 H1N1 Flu should be treated as the 1918 Spanish Flu and apparently it’s not being treated as such, and this is why people are not getting better and many are dying. And many people who have taken the Flu Shot are getting the Flu and getting sicker and dying with pneumonia. Avoid this Flu shot like the plague itself!
4,469 hits
Forum: Chemtrails Support
Vaccination: Anti-Vax
Flu Vaccine Reactions
Injustice, Fraud & Crime Watch
Next Season's Flu Shot Is Going To Be Very Different
by befurther 10 y
Next season’s flu shot will contain two new flu strains that weren’t present in last season’s shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Health officials are making the change in the hope that next season’s flu shot — which will be released in the autumn — will be a better match to the strains that are actually circulating, and will do a better job of preventing flu cases.
Last season’s flu shot was not very effective at preventing the flu: People who got the shot were just 19 percent less likely to ...
356 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Influenza vaccine is downright theft by the AMA
by dquixote1217 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
(with apologies to longtime CZ member #23 for stealing their post from the News forum and re-posting it here - DQ)
Flu shot: Your best shot for avoiding influenza
This year’s flu vaccine had little or no effectiveness against influenza-like illnesses, according to a preliminary study released Thursday.
The flu season is getting worse, and U.S. health officials say it’s partly because the flu vaccine doesn’t protect against most of the ...
1,432 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Article - Flu Vaccine raises risk of H1N1
by Karlin 16 y
Note - this info about seasonal flu vaccine making people succeptable to Swine Flu is NOT being told to American audiences, most of who are still getting BOTH vaccines this autumn; they should not be getting the seasonal flu vaccine before the H1N1 vaccine according to Canadian health officials.
This opens up the question of vaccines for flu - are they helping? Polls show that the people who most often get the flu each season ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO GET FLU VACCINES EACH SEASON. They don’t necessarily get the same flu they are being vaccinated against, but just in general they get mor ...
1,401 hits
Forum: News
This Year Use Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
by LuellaMay 12 y
This Year Use Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
by Luella May
(Health Secrets) Cold and flu season is right around the corner! Everywhere we turn, we will soon see signs advertising Flu Shots, while over-the-counter flu and cold medications line store shelves in prominent locations. This year instead of giving in to the fear and hype about flu and colds and taking marginally effective and dangerous flu shots and medications, take a stand and go with natural cold and flu remedies. Read More.
762 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
‘Bat Flu’ Scare Hits Media Among Weaponized Bird Flu Rele...
by befurther 13 y
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Amid the controversy surrounding the potential release of heavily weaponized H5N1 bird flu, scientists are now reporting that they have found evidence of flu in bats, and state that the risk to humans is unclear.
Being labeled as ‘bat flu’, the discovery marks the first documented report of a flu virus in winged mammals. For now, scientists have not been able to grow the virus and are unaware of how easily the virus can spre ...
1,290 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Flu Vaccine Misses Flu Strains....Again
by bewnyfur 17 y
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”This year, the CDC is wisely admitting that this year’s influenza vaccine does not match the circulating strains and is advising common sense strategies for prevention and management of flu, such as hand-washing.”
2,214 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Bird Flu Protection
by Undersizeme 20 y
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Bird flu protection could be as simple as bowing instead of shaking hands.
Japan never suffered an outbreak of SARS despite being surrounded by countries where outbreaks occurred.
The most likely reason is that viruses like SARS and the bird flu are most commonly passed through hand to hand contact and in Japan it’s more common to bow than shake hands.
Hand hygiene is also promoted heavily in kindergarten and schools across Japan.
This combination of excellent hygiene and a lack of formal hand to hand contact could be huge factors in Japan’s avoiding the SARS ou ...
2,165 hits
Forum: Bird Flu
Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu...
by befurther 10 y
View Entire Thread 4
Health Impact News Editor Comments
The CDC has already admitted that this year’s influenza strain is not a good match for the current flu vaccine. And yet, as in previous years, the universal message given to the public from the government and mainstream media is to “get the flu shot anyway.”
But what if the flu shot itself is part of the problem? Is it possible that the financial investment in stockpiling flu vaccines each year creates a conflict of interest in this public health message encouraging everyone to get their flu shots, even when it is not ...
1,639 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
This year’s flu shot kills. DO NOT get it.
by befurther 10 y
Look around the local news reports nationwide, and you will see report after report of vaccinated people dying from the flu, often with the following detail specified:
“They become septic with a bacterial bloodstream infection and then all the organs shut down,” said Dr. Lee Norman.”
A woman in my state just died under the exact, same circumstances, which set me looking around for more info, and I found this same story repeat ...
470 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
The Cochrane Collaboration study reported: No Value in An...
by kwanyin 12 y
The Flu Vaccines have have been causing deaths all over the world for over a decade. In addition to that The Cochrane Collaboration study reported:
No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine:
The authors attempted to find and investigate every study that has evaluated the effects of flu vaccines in healthy adults aged 18-65. To this end, they “searched Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library, 2010, issue 2), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2010) and EMBASE (1990 to June 2010).” They included 50 reports. Forty of them were clinical trials adding up to over 70 ...
3,910 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Mass vaccination by MH
by MH 108 16 y
Everyone with a computer is being sent links to things like this world wide. They are going to go crazy if any large number of people get the flue and it is almost certain, all these cases came from the pre-flue shots and we can only guess how many are going to be poisoned with the new flue shots....the governments have the entire world buzzing:
First Swine Flu Vaccine Arriving in Cities
Washington Post - Rob Stein, Ashley Surdin - 15 minutes ago
Harry Smith spoke with Dr. Jennifer Ashton about who should receive the H1N1 flu vaccine and risks to watch for. By Rob Stein ...
1,138 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Bird Flu and Swine Flu Hoax
by Megabite 16 y
View Entire Thread 3
Bird Flu and Swine Flu Hoax
Contains 12 YouTube Video presentations 9 to 11 minutes each. Identifies all the players in the deliberate spread of disease for Population Control and Reduction going back several years. A very interesting, eye opening and detailed must see. Identifies the Timelines and such guilty parties as Bush Sr. and Eli Lilly, Kissinger, the World Health Organization and more:
2,283 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Specimen of 1918 flu recovered from frozen body in Alaska
by Shenandoah 22 y
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NOTICE THE DATE ON THS ARTICLE ’THEY’ HAVE HAD TIME TO DUPLICATE IT. SARS came last spring just like in 1918 and the killer came back in fall NOW!
Specimen of 1918 flu recovered from frozen body in Alaska
Specimen of 1918 flu recovered from frozen body in Alaska
Broadcasted on BICNews 9 February 1998
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A specimen of the influenza virus that killed 21 million people in the 1918 worldwide epidemic has been recovered from the frozen remains of a flu victim buried in A ...
3,102 hits
Forum: Flu Support
All About Bird Flu
by #57233 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
I afford to post this site in your forum because there is a ganger of Bird Flu Panic in all world. It’s better to inform the people about Bird Flu and similarity virus infections. you can visit - very simple, non-comersial site about Bird Flu, with information about Honk Kong Flu, Spanish Flu, Asia Flu and the latest news about Bird Flu all over the world.
Thank you about attention.
Best Regards and Good Luck
*Thank your colleague that you not delete this post because this is not a spam or advertising and this site may save us fr ...
2,925 hits
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Forum: Bird Flu
Grandmother dies from swine flu soon after receiving swin...
by befurther 14 y
View Entire Thread 7
(NaturalNews) A 68-year-old UK grandmother named Eleanor Carruthers has died from the swine flu. Importantly, she was given the swine flu vaccine shot several months ago and was told the shot would offer her absolute protection from the flu.
Her daughter, Carole, was quoted in a Dailymail article saying, ”’What we don’t understand is that mum had the vaccine in October, because she was in an at risk group.”
Carol goes on to explain how doctors assured her the vaccine would offer her mom bulletproof protection against the flu: ”I had been ill at New Year, and asked the doctors whether ...
1,962 hits
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Forum: Vaccination Debate
Specimen of 1918 flu recovered from frozen body in Alaska
by Shenandoah 22 y
Specimen of 1918 flu recovered from frozen body in Alaska
Broadcasted on BICNews 9 February 1998
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A specimen of the influenza virus that killed 21 million people in the 1918 worldwide epidemic has been recovered from the frozen remains of a flu victim buried in Alaska.
Researchers at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology announced Thursday that biopsy specimens from a frozen corpse exhumed from a cemetery in Brevig Mission, Alaska, contain genetic material from the killer flu.
3,136 hits
Forum: Conspiracy Debate
Re: Vaccinated people are spreading the flu. The mutant ...
by kwanyin 10 y
When will people wake up? This is such a racket. We’ve discussed on this board the fact that flu shots DON’T WORK.
Government pays compensation to 80 flu vaccine injuries and deaths:
-Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu Outbreaks, Including Deaths?
The above link takes you to reports on the deaths of three young girls who died after receivi ...
944 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
CDC admits to flu vaccine's ineffectiveness as huge influ...
by befurther 12 y
Untold thousands of people from nearly all 50 U.S. states have continued to flood hospital emergency rooms in recent weeks due to widespread outbreaks of flu-like symptoms. And because many of these people have already been vaccinated for the flu this season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is basically having to admit that the flu shot is not nearly as effective as we have all been told it is -- but be sure to get it anyway (they continually say).
As reported by CBS News, the most recent statistics show that at least 24 states and New York City are e ...
483 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Latest Bird Flu News
by Undersizeme 20 y
The latest bird flu news is a critical first line of defense against bird flu for the ordinary person on the street.
At present the bird flu virus is not spread easily from human to human but if it mutates to a human to human virus health authorities predict a bird flu pandemic which could kill anywhere from 200,000 to 150 million people.
With the potential for wild and domesticated birds to carry the deadly bird flu virus it’s wise to know where the bird flu has spread.
So far most bird flu cases have been reported on a migration route between Asia and Australia.
772 hits
Forum: Bird Flu
Just in from Dr. Mercola
by traderdrew 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
This is part of an email sent to me. The emphasis in blue is mine.
Flu Shots Have NEVER Been Proven to Prevent Flu-related Deaths in Those Over 65.
You may also be shocked to learn that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grossly distorts the facts about flu deaths. If you go to the CDC’s main flu page, you’ll see their statistic that about 36,000 people die from the flu in the United States each year.
But if you search a little harder, you can find the actual number of people who died from the flu in 2005 (this is the most recent data ...
1,561 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
CDC Panel Calls for Flu Vaccine for All
by bewnyfur 15 y
View Entire Thread 8
Syringe Heil!
Everybody, not just those at risk of complications, should get a yearly flu shot, the CDC’s immunization advisory panel says.
The CDC almost certainly will make universal flu vaccination official U.S. policy for this fall’s 2010-2011 flu season, as it consistently follows the advice of the panel of outside experts, called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Now flu vaccination will be advised even for healthy adults ages 19 to 49 who do not come into contact with infants or elderly people, who are at highest risk of flu complications.
http://w ...
1,545 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Swine Flu or Allergies: How do you tell the difference?
by mo123 16 y
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Swine Flu or Allergies: How Do You Tell the Difference?
Pictures of Swine Flu and FAQ
Swine Flu FAQ Slideshow
View Swine Flu FAQ Slideshow
By Michael W. Smith, MD
Given that allergy season is upon us, people are wondering how to tell the difference between allergy and swine flu symptoms.
Ev345 asks, ”My question is how do you differentiate between swine flu and seasonal as well as indoor(to cats/dogs/dust mite etc.) allergies?
It’s actually pretty easy.
Symptoms of swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, ...
1,582 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Flu Outbreak Spreading Rapidly In Usa, So Far This Season...
by befurther 11 y
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Flu season is picking up steam just in time to ruin a lot of people’s holidays. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports widespread flu activity in 29 states, primarily in the South and Midwest. That’s twice as many states as the previous week.
Most of the patients who have been hospitalized with severe cases of the flu are either very young or the very old. In recent days flu outbreaks have forced schools in Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina to close.
So far this season, the virus has killed 11 children.
Describing the patter ...
1,078 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Universal flu vaccine closer
by kwanyin 12 y
-The Cochrane Library
Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults
No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine: Cochrane Collaboration Study
-Study Reaches Pro-Flu Vax Conclusion with No Support from Data
-Flu Vaccines Can Make Influenza Worse: Study
http://gaia- ...
1,753 hits
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Forum: Vaccination Debate
The CDC Says The Current Flu Vaccine Everyone’s Taking Mi...
by befurther 11 y
Health advisory to doctors noted flu virus samples showed that just under half were a good match for the current influenza A flu strain...
A sampling of flu cases so far this season suggests the current flu vaccine may not be a good match for the seasonal flu strain currently circulating in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday.
The U.S. health agency issued a health advisory to doctors noting that flu virus samples the agency took from Oct. 1 through Nov. 22, showed that just under half were a good match for the current influenza ...
347 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: viruses are sentient?
by Newport 16 y
The strange swine/avian/human flu strain in Mexico may indeed confirm our worst fears
One has to appreciate the stupidity of the sheople.
Bio-engineer a new bug in your Lab, the same Lab that Wiki tells us the Spanish Flu was first observed in Kansas in 1918. It is a cocktail of Spanish Flu, Human Flu and two strains of Swine Flu that don’t exist together nor are prevalent in the area of outbreak. You then release this bug world wide as they did with the Spanish Flu, interesting reading about the strain appearing simultaneous, we now get word that there are outbreaks without swine flu ...
1,603 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Swine Flu
Good info - here is a link to more. Antivirals may be a m...
by Dquixote1217 16 y
That is good stuff! I will have to add it to my article on avoiding and beating the flu:
which I uge EVERYBODY to read since this new hybrid flu is reported to contain elements of swine, avian and human influenza. If the flu contains elements of the avian flu which we have no antibodies for due to not being exposed to an avian flu since the horrific Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918-19, it may be extremely important to begin boosting our immune systems AND taking antivirals as far in advance as possible. In the event o ...
2,814 hits
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Re: Flu Vaccine - don't work...
by Jesoph 16 y
I have never knowingly taken a flu shot, mainly because the person who first told me flu shots existed died of flu complications the following winter. Her words on the subject were something to the effect of ”I could never make it through winter without my annual flu shot.”
Others I know that take the shot every year get the flu anyway, while I continue avoiding both.
Now I’m not a fan of all the hype about mercury, or flu shots CAUSING the flu, autism, alzheimer’s, etc., but it seems to me that I would be at the top of the list for risk factors(lost a kidney to wilm’s tumor, living with ...
1,870 hits
Forum: News
Swine flu jab hype after virus claims its first victims t...
by befurther 15 y
-All pregnant women have been urged to have the seasonal flu jab for the first time in the wake of a resurgence of swine flu.
-Doctors told to watch for Guillain-Barre syndrome during Swine flu vaccination programme
12 Dec 2010
CDC Falsifies Pregnant women stats-ignoring up to 3, 587 miscarriages
http://va ...
994 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Bird Flu Pandemic Tamiflu
by Undersizeme 20 y
I actually agree.
It doesn’t hurt to have some anti-viral medicine handy as long as...
1. It really is what you’re paying for - there’s a lot of charlatans out there.
2. It will work against the virus you want to protect yourself against. No real way of knowing this until and unless the bird flu virus mutates to a human to human virus but research so far suggests that Relenza will be more effective than Tamiflu.
3. You’re not thinking that is the most effective preventative measure.
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
You can get a more d ...
1,684 hits
Forum: Bird Flu
Tamiflu For Bird Flu or how to prevent bird flu...
by AndrewGloriousHealth 20 y
If you rely on tamiflu for bird flu prevention you could be in trouble if a bird flu epidemic does hit.
But why rely on a drug after you’ve caught the bird flu when bird flu prevention can be so simple, cheap and effective.
Check out the simplest, most effective way to protect yourself and your family from bird flu, SARS, the common cold, influenza and moe at the curezone Bird flu blog How to prevent bird flu.
Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
www. How To Prevent Bird Flu .com
1,556 hits
Forum: News
10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than The Flu!
by befurther 11 y
The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict:
1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots are only able to protect against certain strains of the virus, which means that if you come i ...
174 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
The Influenza Deception
by befurther 11 y
Activist Post
With the latest round of hysteria regarding the prevalence of the annual flu season and the “need” for the flu vaccine in full swing, one unaccustomed to reading the details of government statistics and the arguments for or against vaccination might justifiably be terrorized into running to their local vaccine dispensary and rolling up their sleeves. Indeed, the average person encountering the reports of infection, hospitalization, and death will justifiably be stirred into a frenzied state of panic.
The vaccine makers, pharmaceutical companies ...
461 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
"Swine Flu - The Final Jab"
by Karlin 15 y
Jan 27 2010
”Swine Flu - The Final Jab”
This will probably be my final jab at the Swine Flu pandemic, but I hope there were some lessons learned that we will all remember for the next time we hear about a flu pandemic coming.
In the final tally, released this week, ”there were only 14,000 deaths from the Swine Flu [H1N1], which is LESS than in a normal annual flu season”.
So in general, it appears that what the natural health proponents were saying is true - flu pandemics are not going to kill massive numbers of people anymore. Decades ago, those flu pandemic’s high death rates ...
3,622 hits
Blog: Path of my Life
CDC "promotes" alternatives for Flu prevention
RN by Karlin 21 y
We keep getting warnings about how bad the flu season will be, or that there is a terrible outbreak of some avian-human virus.
And only a few frail people have died of complications - A total of only 257 people have died in 2001 [the last year for available stats], and people don’t end up missing work any more than any other year. Nobody who is healthy dies of the flu...
The FLU shots are promoted on the evening news [collusion!], along with the dire predictions of deadly flu outbreaks - a perfect sales pitch, free of charge {the same people own the news media, and the ...
1,067 hits
Forum: Flu Support
by #42275 19 y
i used to get full blown flu or cold without having an outbreak at the same time and OB at different times. in the last year, i am having outbreaks without having the symptoms of the flu or cold.
does anyone know what causes the flu or cold without an outbreak and what causes the OB with very mild or even without any flu or cold symptoms?
how does the body chooses to go into proper flu mode or into OB?
thank you
672 hits
Forum: Herpes
flu vaccine
by #69264 17 y
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Recent news reports say that children should get flu shots , not because children are dying of the flu , but because they are dying of secondary bacterial infections, especially staph, that they contract when they have the flu.The reason people get secondary bacterial infections when we get colds or the flu is that we use cold and flu medications which suppress fever and other symptoms such as coughing and prevent the elimination of viruses and toxins.
1,659 hits
Forum: Adverse Reaction