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Re: oral cancer
by Steve888 13 y
I have heard many testimonials of dogs being brought back from the brink of death using essiac tea. You can buy it inexpensively in bulk and they are very nice about answering questions about dosage etc.
3,494 hits
Forum: Animals & Pets
Home Remedies
Help Me
Herbal Formulas
Re: What has helped my kidney
by Appendix 12 y
Hello. On this website: is said that If you have kidney disease or are prone to kidney stones, some sources advise not taking essiac tea because of the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel ”sheep sorrel is one ingredient in Essiac Tea.” Turkish Rhubarb also puts stress for kidneys cause of detox process. So would like to know that is it really good to use when low kidney function ?
24,891 hits
Forum: Kidney Failure
Re: Essiac Tea -8 or 4? And where to buy? (ovarian cyst)
by blueciel 15 y
Definitely avoid the Romanian supplier. I bought mine at Starwest Botanicals in the US. A pound will cost you $20 and adding shipping will still be a lot less expensive than the racket those guys are offering.
Bulk-essiac orders their tea from Starwest Botanicals, so they’re very reputable.
6,203 hits
Forum: Essiac Tea
Re: Medicine Man Tea, Ojibway Formula, Essiac Tea
by Celcius 18 y
Medicine Man Tea, Ojibway Formula, Essiac Tea!
Discovered among the Ojibway indians in 1922, Essiac tea is made with herbs. The primary herbs in the Essiac formula are Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark and Rhubarb Root. Four other herbs, kelp, red clover, blessed thistle and watercress, are added in small amounts.
7,657 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
heat, herbs and raw food
by #18837 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
I drink herbal teas (especially Essiac tea and eyebright tea and I’m trying to understand why foods that are cooked over 104 degrees destroys the enzymes and nutrients and yet water needs to be boiled to make herbal teas. I would think that the boiled water would kill the enzymes and nutrients in the teas as well and yet the info. I have for making Essiac tea list all the nutrients and the benefits from the tea. Herbs are a type of food too...sort of.
2,561 hits
Forum: Herbal Formulas
need advise
by snowie1 17 y
Hi..i am very encourage by your posts.My mum, 68 yrs old, has breast cancer.she is doing hulda clarks parasite and kidney cleanse.I am thinking of letting her try Essiac tea too.Will it clash? Also want to try IP6 and inositol.Any advise?
You recomend getting essiac tea from
found this site ... difference?...they claim they are the original distributor.Pls advise...thanks
4,732 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Stomach Cancer
Compatibility issues and schedule = Enzymes, Pau D’arco, ...
by luise 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
Dear all,
Would you know if you have to take separately Essiac tea from MGN-3 (Biobran) sachets(perhaps 2 hours apart). I learned that it is better to take Essiac and MGN-3 two hours apart from other supplements, but I am not sure if you can take them together, one after the other.
Can you take Essiac tea with Pau D’arco capsule together or you have to leave some time between them. Can you take enzymes with essiac tea?
Would you know in general if Vitalzym, pau d’arco, essiac is good combination in cancer treatment- are there any conflicts? Any feedback would be greatly apprecia ...
12,528 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Hay Ruffneck(edit)
by TheObserver 16 y
No caffine that I am aware of. I suspect it is very good for candida sufferers...
Here is info from where I got mine:
Essiac tea ingredients need to be blended according to a specific ratio for the eight-herb blend to have the desired effect.
There is more to essiac just the essiac tea ingredients. While the most effective eight herb essiac formula isn’t in the public domain (isn’t public information), the eight herbs that make it up are no secret.
Rene Caisse is the woman who first started to spread the word ...
15,480 hits
Forum: Essiac Tea
Cancer Support
Candida Support
Liver Cancer
Liver Hemangioma
Gallbladder Remedies
Re: Non-hodgkins lymphoma...pancreatic enzymes
by tfisher 22 y
I don’t have information on pancreatic enzymes, but I know someone with non-hodgkins who feels that Essiac Tea has helped them.
The following is a summary of the cancer treatment and recommendations from my experience, reading, research and naturopath Doctor.
In September of 2000 I was diagnosed to Hodgkin’s Disease Stage 4 B (Stage 4 is the last stage of this cancer/ B means with symptoms).
I went to Dana-Farber for treatment and researched who specialized in Hodgkin’s Disease.
My treatment was 6 months of Chemo (ABVD - the type of Chemo I had)
I also used an alternative t ...
10,299 hits
Forum: Lymphoma Support
Cancer Support
Hu-mana-tea question (temperature of tea)
by summerhaunt 17 y
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I read a research report that if Essiac tea is frozen, it has to be reboiled to restore medicinal value (one of the reasons why researchers in the old days had said in the past Essiac tea did not work was that they were going direct from melted ice cubes of the tea, which negates the health benefits; when that was discovered they reboiled after thawing, and then observed it working).
So my question is when Hu-mana-tea is refrigerated, can you drink it straight from the refrigerator cold, or with some warm water thrown in to warm it somewhat, or is it necessary to bring to a boil again a ...
2,942 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Essiac Tea
by Iolite 15 y
The problem with Essiac tea is not the formula, but the folks who make it. There are some folks who make and sell ”essiac tea” and do not put honest to god real sheep sorrel in the blend. From what I understand, it’s on the pricey side and the folks who don’t use it and then sell the tea at exorbitant prices are criminals in my opinion.
So you need to find a reputable source.
2,980 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Cancer Support
Stomach Cancer
Re: Cancer and Iodine?
R by #82374 17 y
I just found this website today about Organic Essiac Tea. They have a tremendous amount of testimonials from people of how they no longer have cancer after using the tea for a period of time. Many other health issues resolved also. A few said they took colloidal silver along with it. If I had cancer I would take the iodine with Essiac Tea because my alternative health care provider said I didn’t test well for the silver, but I do need the iodine.
There are many testimonials and I’ve also heard great things about Essiac Tea, so I am going to order it. ...
3,874 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Dr. Brusch
by need to know 18 y
I was personally taught the correct essiac tea formula by Dr.Charles Brusch in 1992. My web site,, provides a letter, written by Dr. Brusch and addressed to my mother. He states in this letter that we are using the exact same formula that he and devoped in his research in Camridge, Massachusetts from 1959-1967. Unlike many others, we provide the PROOF of our direct link to Dr. Brusch. Sincerely, Bryan Paulhus
21,287 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Cancer Support
Brain Cancers
Essiac Tea Reaction
by Dean1978R 12 y
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My first post however frequent visitor to the site
My problem: food sensitivities, insomnia, skin problems, possible leaky gut
Symptoms: headaches, acne, bloating, insomnia
Professionally Tested: food sensitivities , organ scan, parasite (scans done electronically on hand)
Test: results; sure enough food sensitivity confirmed, liver sensitive to COUMARIN, *NOT* THE CURRY SPICE ;) And parasite presence did show up(everyone has parasites, this test did not specify severity)
Professional paid Treatment: chinese medicine and accupunture 2 months but little results in my opinion
M ...
4,738 hits
Forum: Toxins
Re: Given 6 months to live, she healed herself from cance...
by grizz 11 y
She did some excellent research for her cancer in finding Essiac Tea & her raw green diet, loaded with nutrients.
”I detoxified my body and my mind to get rid of any stresses and traumas that I had faced in my life.”
She lived by a strict regime of certain herbs, raw foods, wheat grass and essiac tea.
Essiac Tea is a well know cancer cure, detailed in this video.
It was originally developed in Canada by indian medicine men, and was later us ...
3,009 hits
Forum: Cancer Forum
Brilliant Healers
Success Stories
Women’s Forum
Re: Alternative health with aggressive cancer a good idea
by #85605 10 y
Other stuff you can try is Essiac Tea Hoxey formula, mistletoe. But you’re going to have to clean out the liver and colon to get well. Your lymphatic system is going to have to dump after the first 2 are accomplished, or you are not going to make it, either. Use high nutrition whole food supplements and good, organic food. Do juicing and coffee enemas.
Barefoot herbailst’s PW anti-parasitic formulas are listed on his website Stay on them until you are well, then do maintenance.
10,795 hits
Forum: Cancer
Breast Cancer
Anyone bought from bulk-essiac-tea?
by otersan 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi, I came across some sites selling essiac tea. I come across one that seemed to have a good price for 1 lb 2 oz powdered herbs. It’s called Before ordering I just want to make sure it a legit payment site. The initial site looks good but when you want to buy the stuff online, it transfers to and the pages look very amateurish. I am slightly bothered about using my credit card there (I just registered for paypal but my CC is not verified there) without knowing if it is a honest site.
Can someone please tell me if you have bought using your CC at bulk ...
7,336 hits
Forum: Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea - Has anyone tried it for detox?
by bluelotus8 17 y
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One of my big problems with taking MMS is detox. I have been taking MMS for over 3 months now and still not able to get to 15x2. I have heard many good comments about Essiac Tea for its detox qualities. I know Essiac tea is mostly used by cancer patients but I think we can probably use it to help the body getting rid of the toxins from the pathogens killed by MMS.
Has anyone used Essiac tea for detox? What is your experience?
5,791 hits
Forum: MMS Support
by heartsdesire 22 y
My dad likely has pancreatic cancer and I have been researching graviola/paw paw and essiac tea. I have an aunt who is thirteen years cancer free from colon cancer that had spread to her brain and nodes. She was given two months to live-- she is still cancer free -- she drank essiac tea.
Now with my my research on paw paw the doctor Jerry Mclaughlin who researched it extensivly said that one should not take it with antioxidants. Has anyone here ever been told not to take graviola or paw paw together with essiac tea?
Apparently antioxidants reduce the effectiveness of paw paw (a specie ...
13,422 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
does anyone take Graviola or paw paw and essiac?
by heartsdesire 22 y
My dad likely has pancreatic cancer and I have been researching graviola/paw paw and essiac tea. I have an aunt who is thirteen years cancer free from colon cancer that had spread to her brain and nodes. She was given two months to live-- she is still cancer free -- she drank essiac tea.
Now with my my research on paw paw the doctor Jerry Mclaughlin who researched it extensivly said that one should not take it with antioxidants. Has anyone here ever been told not to take graviola or paw paw together with essiac tea?
Apparently antioxidants reduce the effectiveness of paw paw (a speci ...
3,288 hits
Forum: Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer Support
Re: Everyone is different
by snowman 21 y
Hi anunnaki,
Your anticancer regiment is one of the best. However, the major cancer fighter in your regiment is Essiac Tea. As we both know Essiac Tea does not work for everyone. If Essiac Tea is not going to be effective for a person, wouldn’t it be a good idea to find that out right away. If a person used biofeedback and determined that Cantron was the most effective treatment for them, then many of the other supplements that you recommend should not be taken because they conflict with the Cantron. In other words a completely different regiments should be worked up.
You can g ...
3,832 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: Essiac or Medicine Man Tea and other treatments
by luise 18 y
Thank you very much for such detailed response. I have read it with a great attention.
I have already purchased Essiac tea couple of days ago, but when I called one store to order new supplements for my mum, they told me that they have a Medicine man tea which differs from Essiac tea. They explained to me that it is original formula, it is more effective, work for all types of cancers while Essiac is very good for only some types. My mum is in serious condition and I do not have time to experiment with different teas and supplements so I wanted to check one more time if I have to buy ...
6,489 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Essiac Tea
Cancer Support
Want to live forever?
by #18153 21 y
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Hi There,
There are so many different things you can do naturally. If you visit the cancer archives, you will find some amazing testimonials on using Essiac Tea, Flax Seed Oil, Glycos and phytonutrients. Below is a really excellent link for Essiac Tea.
Although I would recommend beginning small amounts of glyco powder - Byrds or anyones - initiallly, I would work up to an aggressive amount. This is true for Essiac Tea, drink large amounts, consume large amounts of Flax seed oil mixed with cottage cheese. Get rid of bad things in your diet. Some people love the Hallelujah diet, some a ...
2,432 hits
Forum: Glyconutrients
Re: Information on lymphoma
by tfisher 22 y
Hello Lynn,
In September of 2000 I was diagnosed to Hodgkin’s Disease (Lymphoma) Stage 4 B (Stage 4 is the last stage of this cancer/ B means with symptoms).
I recently had my amalgams removed. My naturopath had me do a 24hr urine mercury test before any amalgams were removed to make sure that I wasn’t already mercury toxic. I also did the mercury tests during the removal process.
Please call the Huggins Diagnostic Center at 800-331-2303 to find a dentist who knows how to properly remove amalgams. You could read Dr. Huggins book to gain more insight on amalgam removals (It’s all i ...
10,864 hits
Forum: Lymphoma Support
Cancer Support
Lymph Cleanse
Re: losing my memory
by sunflowergem 19 y
I understand your concern. I have encountered that frustration personally for many years. My memory got so bad that I was constantly losing things. Must have been a problem since the day I had amalgams in my mouth.
It was only last year that I had 9 amalgams replaced. As I read that chlorella powder could be used for mercury chelation on Dr.Mercola’s website, I took it for 3 months on high dosage, about 20-30 grams a day. It could have been beneficial, but it nothing in the memory department.
It was Essiac Tea that helped me purged a good deal of toxins from my system within 2 months ...
3,730 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Re: How do you heal liver between flushes?
by myne3 22 y
I have been using essiac tea between flushes since the last one (2 weeks ago) didn’t go too well. Lots of pain and swelling in the liver area and clay colored stools, which indicate bile backup in the liver. It fixed after 5 doses of essiac tea which I took 1 oz with 2 oz of water at bedtime. Got the recipe from and ordered the herbs from Mountain Rose herbs. They are cerified Organic. I am gonna stay on essiac indefinately, because it has helped me.
1,987 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: What does Essiac Tea do?
by CANDIDA123 17 y
I guess its suppoes to help cure cancer, control diabetes and release toxins within the body. I believe its similiar to pau d’arco which is an antifungal.
I suggest you do some Liver Flushes and focus on cleaning your liver first before introducing antifungals which are temporary effects. You have to keep buying antifungals to maintain the results where as once your liver is cleansed everything else will fall into place. I am not talking down on essiac tea or pau d’ arco because some had amazing results with candida releasing, but it can get costly for long term use.... Just my two cents
3,090 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Cat's Licking Danger
by Megabite 15 y
That is good at least the Black Salve is made for animals. But because I know how it acts, I would be still hesitant to use it if the Tumor has spread to the belly and lungs because it will follow the Tumor line and be too painful in those areas. And I would also be hesitant because of her age.
What Dq suggested is good, and what lolite suggested about Essiac is really good, I forgot about that.
Cats are so picky you will have to give stuff to her with a pet feeding Syringe. Here’s what one looks like, Easy Feeder Hand Feeding Syringe, scroll to down to bottom of page:
http://www ...
5,414 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: Trying Essiac Tea for first time...
by rayken 22 y
My wife took essiac tea last year along with a strict diet stopping all sweet, sugars, bread, pasta and red meat. It did not stop her cancer from returning. She has tried the 4 and the 8 herb tea’s.
We buy it from a local man who makes his own fresh tea but it did not work for my wife and we have not seen any of his successes.
Reading Bill Hendersons book from the site along with other sites, you should not be eating any sugars,sweets, red meat, fried food, rehydrated or proceessed foods. I have learned recently that essiac tea is acidic, and the body needs to b ...
18,558 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Coughing out blood - While using Essiac Tea
by Flojo71 20 y
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Hello folks,
I recently added Essiac tea to my arsenals against my breast cancer that metastasized to my left lung. It has been 4 days of taking 30ml of essiac tea in the morning and before I go to bed. This morning when I awoke to brush my teeth. I can’t stop coughing. I would cough occasionally but not as bad as I did this morning. I spate out blood because of the harshness of my coughs. If I were to measure the blood in a cup i think I could have filled it. I was wondering if there was anyone who has any similar experience as I have? Is this a good sign or should I be troubled?
I ...
4,959 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: Very frustrated!
by Dquixote1217 16 y
Essiac tea is not recommended as a standalone treatment for cancer. It is a good overall tonic and is good for cleansing but is now considered a fairly weak cancer treatment that is best used in combination with other more potent cancer fighting and immune boostiing elements.
When Rene Caisse had her successes and the early users of essiac tea had success, the nutrients in our food were much greater and the additives much less. Also there was much less carcinogens and other chemical compounds in the air we breathe, food we eat and water we drink.
There are a lot of prot ...
9,696 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: Cancer questions
by tfisher 22 y
The following is a summary of the cancer treatment and recommendations from my experience, reading, research, nutritionist and naturopath Doctor.
I used an alternative treatment (Essiac Tea) the Tea helps boost the immune system to help fight the cancer. There have been many cases of cancer patients only using Essiac Tea and getting rid of the cancer. Terminal cancer patients who Doctors said only had weeks to live, lived for several years with just using the Tea.
I also used several supplements to boost my immune system: Multi-vitamin (2 to 3 times a day with food), C (2 to 3 times a ...
13,239 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: its there any thing that can cure hpv, protocols anyt...
by grzbear 19 y
I am using ”rene’s tea”, but can not remember where I purchased it. It does say ”Oregon’s Wild Harvest” on the bag with their logo. But in going there it is not packaged the same as mine.
It is okay for me, It is actually very soothing. It is the 4 herb and not the eight herb though, which I would like to try next. I understand the 8 herb is a bit bitter, but I can deal with that too.
It has been a long time, but the taste reminded me slightly of peyote tea...
I have to tell you that of all the things I ...
2,155 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Essiac Tea Herbs - Where Can I Buy Quality Original A...
by 2Health 15 y
Thanks GH,
I went to your website and was really moved by your story...thank you! Very inspiring.
I’m trying to heal my 14-15 year old cat of bile duct (liver) cancer (2 inches large) that has spread to her lungs, she also has hyperthyroidism. Her Vet said she only has days or weeks, that was 1 month ago, she was really sick...and dying.
I’ve been giving her an essiac formula for 3 weeks B.S.S.T. I also brewed Essiac tea (pre-packaged) for the last 3 days along with other herbs for immune and a grain free natural diet.
She is doing REMARKABLE these past few days, like she was ...
19,996 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Essiac Tea
Yes, it is safe, Re: Essiac and Diabetes,
by White Shark 16 y
Yes, it is safe to drink Essiac Tea for people with diabetes, as long as a person is not allergic to Essiac herbs, which is generally true for anyone using Essiac or any other herbal remedy.
If you are not allergic to herbs used in essiac, it will not harm you, it will help you.
To find out if you are allergic, always start the therapy with a small dose, and increase slowly to the full recommended dose.
White Shark
4,955 hits
Forum: Essiac Tea
Re: Essiac and Diabetes
by knowledge seeker 16 y
I just was diagnosed with diabetes this week and was going through a box of books I left at my son’s and saw that essiac tea was good for dsabetics sometimes curing them; however, I just saw a caution on this site about essiac and diabetics. If she is on insulin, if she does not monitor her blood sugar, she could go into insulin shock. See the site for more
4,646 hits
Forum: Essiac Tea
Re: Have you considered water fasting?
by Stratman 11 y
Hi Archus
I’ve been recently diagnosed with 2 cysts on my left kidney and was wondering if you had any success with any of the treatments you’ve tried. Also did you purchase the Essiac tea?
I just finished watching the videos and read an article about Essiac and Rene Caisse. Rene Caisse was a very remarkable woman. The main concern i would have when purchasing Essiac is getting the authentic Essiac formula.
7,220 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Cat's Licking Danger
by Iolite 15 y
Essiac tea is another thing you can start giving her. You can get that at your local health food store and start that right away. As for food, make some chicken broth with a carcass and throw a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (raw if possible) and let it simmer for hours until the bones are quite soft and it’s a deep rich yellow color and makes your tummy rumble when you smell it. The broth will be nutrient rich, you can simmer vegetables in it too to add more minerals. Offer her that to drink with the silver in it and give her the essiac tea too. You may have to force feed her the br ...
5,012 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: my doctor says i only have six to eight months to live
by HealtheLiving 20 y
Hi Shirley,
I read your message & felt the urge to respond. Have you ever looked at Dr. Lorraine Day’s videos? She has a couple that are very inspirational. One is called ”You Can’t Improve on God” & another one that may be helpful is ”Cancer Doesn’t Care Me Anymore”. She’s medical doctor that cured herself of cancer. Her website is
Also, I have been making Essiac Tea for my FIL who has melanoma cancer & the doctors gave him 2 months to live. That was 6 months ago. So, you may want to do a Google search on Essiac Tea or Jason Winters Tea.
I’ll be prayin ...
8,482 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re: alternative brain cancer meds????
by woody7 20 y
what type of cancer is it,my brother had a glioblastome grade 4 and was given 3 months to live, he did the operations and the chemo and radiation which did nothing.he finally started taking essiac tea and the cesium protocal which you can find at essiac tea can be purchased at get the rene caisse one its the only one that is exact.the dosage for the tea is as follows take 2 fluid onces twice daily for a week then 2 fluid onces three times daily for a week then take 3 fluid ounces three times daily thereafter. god bless
1,568 hits
Forum: Cancer Support