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Re: day 3-- feel horrible
by valerie_cct 16 y
Try an enema using an enema bag. I find enemas essential during a fast and far preferable to a SWF. When done properly, a gentle cleansing enema can be virtually without discomfort, particularly when you are not constipated.
I’ve found that when I have a headache and take an enema, my headache is usually gone before I’m finished eliminating on the toilet.
Here are some links with more information on how to go about giving yourself an effective enema with minimal discomfort:
3,433 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
New to this, can somene recommend me an enema kit?
by #108015 12 y
View Entire Thread 4
There’s so many different types online,
Can anyone recommend which of t ...
2,235 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Enema & Colonics
Candida Support
Re: enemas
by Jhan 18 y
Salt enemas are not for us. Most of people with candida have sodium deficiency and a salt enema will turn bad as the body will try to absorb the sodium instead of letting it out as it should.
Enemas are a good way to clean the colon or even the liver (coffee enema). They are also a good way to insure a bowel mvt (bm). When you start expelling candida it often causes constipation, daily enemas can insure a daily bm.
ACV enemas is famous for helping candida threads out.
Coffee enemas, ACV enemas (antifungal), water enema and probiotics enemas are all great for candida
Here is where ...
3,597 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Candida Support
Re: tummy ache after BM
by valerie_cct 19 y
Hi again, in general I believe an enema can’t hurt, it can only help. In fact, even people who are in good health without obvious symptoms can benefit from an occasional cleansing enema.
Here are some links with more information on enemas:
Most of the larger drug store chains like Walgreens, CVS, Eckerds etc sell enema bags. A combination hot water bottle, douche, enema syringe will probably be the most convenient and costs under $15.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate ...
3,131 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: How can I acheive a GOOD bowel cleanse?
by ET 23 y
Just Do enema two times a day, for a week or longer, and watch what you are eating ... you can even fast for a week ... juice fasting ...
And, it will help...
You can use clean water, or you can experiment with different recipes:
- epsom salt enema (1 tbsp per enema)
- seasalt enema (1 tbsp per enema)
- applecider enema (2 tbsp)
- herbal tea enema
- coffee enema
- probiotics enema
- whatever else ..
wash your colon and enjoy!
4,952 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: s.a wilson coffee blend and enema bags
by propaul 20 y
On S.A. Wilson’s catalog sheet on the wb the item directly under the enema bag is a rectal tube often called a colon tube.
Their enema bag is fine. You can also order their coffee blend, make sure that you specify ”grind coffee” otherwise you will get whole beans.
You will need to take a cleansing enema before the coffee enema. See my reply to chris i am, above this message.
Copied from reply to chris 1 am:
”I always take 2 or 3 cleansing enemas before taking a coffee enema.”
”Depending on the purpose, my coffee enema could be a 2 cups enema with 20 minutes or more retention o ...
10,524 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: I am very constipated, help?
by valerie_cct 16 y
Hi Shari, sorry it’s been a while since I was able to check in here and I hope by now you have had some relief from your constipation. But regarding the enemas you have taken, it’s difficult to obtain best results from an enema when using water at room temperature and not lying down in a comfortable position.
Here are some links with information how how to take a safe and effective enema while minimizing discomfort:
6,358 hits
Forum: Constipation
Re: How to go about a HOMEMADE ENEMA? I'M ONLY 18!!
by valerie_cct 17 y
At 18 you are surely old enough to give yourself an enema, but realistically I don’t know how to advise you to go about doing it without an enema bag. For under $15 you should be able to purchase one at a local pharmacy.
Once you have an enema bag these links will give you a better idea of how to go about it.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Good luck!
25,509 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: question for Valerie
by valerie_cct 19 y
52320 predicted correctly! Yes by all means proceed with the coffee enema, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start off with a saline cleansing enema first, followed by the coffee enema a half hour or so after you are finished elimination from the saline.
If you would like more information on how to proceed with a cleansing enema, see and
Best wishes, Valerie
3,253 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: help give me strength to do an enema
by valerie_cct 20 y
Before you do the coffee enema it would be a good idea to take a gentle cleansing enema to empty the colon of waste matter so the coffee will be able to achieve maximum therapuetic results.
A coffee enema with a clean colon is much more effective than one with a colon filled with stool.
For information on how to take a safe and comfortable cleansing enema, see:
3,343 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Colon cleanse when trying to conceive
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi Katyc67, if you are experiencing constipation, the safest and most gentle means of cleansing your colon while trying to conceive and during pregnancy, is a salt solution enema. You can take a soapsuds enema the first time to get started, but follow it with a salt solution enema afterwards to rinse any remaining soap residue from your colon.
After that first time, just use salt solution for subsequent enemas. You can take enemas as often as needed while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. The last thing you want is to have your baby developing when your body is in a toxic cond ...
9,704 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Constipation after coffee enema
by #158885 13 y
View Entire Thread 14
I’m fairly new to trying coffee enemas but I’m wondering if anybody else has had issues with constipation after using them.
I’ve found that I have a decrease in bowel activity following the enema. Recently i’ve tried doing the coffee enema followed by a plain water enema to clean it all out. Last time I even did 2 plain water enemas. I was amazed at how much wast was expelled following the coffee enema.
should I try doing a cleansing enema before I do the coffee enema? maybe a soap suds enema with some castile soap?
what about a different kind of enema following the coffee enem ...
16,169 hits
Forum: Coffee Enema
Bowel Cleanse
Liver Flush
Enema & Colonics
Home Remedies
Can I use these for enemas?????
by journeytohealth 11 y
View Entire Thread 23
I’m currently doing nystatin enemas to help eliminate candida and seb derm. I’ve been thinking of other enemas to do which are;
-Apple cider vinegar and garlic enemas
-black wormwood parasite tincture (now foods brand) enemas
-Slippery elm enemas
-Crushed probiotic enemas
-wheatgrass powder enemas
-spiriulina powder enemas
-coconut oil enemas
Has anyone tried any of these in enemas?
If so, what results did they have using them?
I think I may also have intestinal parasites so that’s why I want to try an enema using a parasite tincture.
8,540 hits
Forum: Parasites
Apple Cider
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Re: NEWBIE with questions!
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi massagelady, regarding which enema is best, in your case I would suggest keeping it simple at first, and if you haven’t been using enemas to this point, I’d recommend a gentle salt solution cleansing enema.
Prepare the solution using one teaspoon of sea salt or non-iodized table salt for each pint of filtered or warmed bottled spring water, and use a bath thermometer to insure that the temperature is about 102 -103 degrees F at preparation time. If this is your first enema, try to take a quart, and after expelling, fill the bag and repeat, this time trying to take as much as you can. ...
2,244 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Juicing, do I need to do enemas or colon cleansing at...
by valerie_cct 19 y
Whenever you are fasting, I believe a cleansing enema every day is essential. With the particular program you are following, any day you don’t have a natural movement on your own I think you would find an enema helpful.
Here are some links where you can get more information about how to give yourself a safe, natural and effective cleansing enema:
I recommend that you use one teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt for each pint of warm filtered or bottled water at 103 degrees F (39.5 C) at preparat ...
2,612 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Juice
Re: I need some major help on something that can get me t...
by valerie_cct 19 y
My suggestion is to take one or two warm sea salt cleansing enemas as a start. Enemas are gentle on your system and act where they are most needed, the lower one third to one half of your large intestine.
Compared to colonics, enemas are practically free, the only cost being the one time price of the bag (typically about $15 USD), a box of sea salt ($2 or $3), and some lubricant.
For more information on how to give yourself a safe, natural and effective enema, see:
Hope this helps, Valerie
2,387 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: PUFFY EYES- Enemas!!!!
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi Tasha, as a first step I would suggest one or more salt solution cleansing enemas. If the first one eliminates a great deal of waste matter, take a second and see if the elimination continues at the same rate or if the return is more clear. You could even take a third enema, but I wouldn’t recommend more than 3 enemas during any single day.
Following is some information you may find helpful if you are not familiar with enemas:
11,344 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Oil Pulling
Raw Vegetarian
Re: PUFFY EYES- Enemas!!!!
by valerie_cct 18 y
I concur completely with the advice Beth (b2reflect) offers in her reply above. If your enema kit doesn’t have a line on the tube indicating how far to insert it, the the general rule is no more than 4 to 6 inches (about 10 to 15 cm).
For more information about how to do a cleansing enema see:
The best information on coffee enemas is available at
and a comfortable position to receive an enema is
But it will take time to see results, so be patie ...
11,274 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Oil Pulling
Raw Vegetarian
Re: Today is week 3
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi starfruit, enemas are nothing to dread, especially when you are not constipated as you are almost surely not at this point during your fast. But you are likely not eliminating all the low volume toxic residue that fasting promotes.
Enemas under these circumstances are easy. I actually look forward to my enema each day while I’m fasting.
Here are some links and a position to take the enema in that many people find especially comfortable:
Happy fasting! Valerie
2,415 hits
Forum: Fasting: Juice
Re: had a colon hydrotherapy had diarhea with the release...
by valerie_cct 17 y
Following are some links that may help you get started. Just be sure to use an enema bag and not one of the chemical disposable enema units that come in a small squeeze bottle. You can use a fountain syringe or combination enema-douche-hot water bottle type which you can buy in most pharmacies or on the Internet. Just search on enema bag and you’ll find lots of sources to purchase one.
Best wishes and good luck!
3,235 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: Who here has had a COLONIC?
by valerie_cct 20 y
Hi Lava, here’s a couple of links to help you get started at home with time-tested old fashioned cleansing enemas.
How to Give Yourself a Cleansing Enema
Taking a Comfortable Enema©
Coffee Enemas
Hi Lava, here’s a couple of links to help you get started at home with time-tested old fashioned cleansing enemas.
How to Give Yourself an Enema
Taking a Comfortable Enema©
2,122 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: first enema
by Jhan 20 y
Great now you are all set... remember feeling die-off? any kind
an enema is a good solution
Here are two sites about enemas.
the first one gives plenty of enema recipe at the vey bottom of the page
2,821 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Can fasting cure twisted intestines?
by valerie_cct 19 y
From these images of the colon (on the enema forum image gallery), you can see the parts of the colon where it is most likely to become twisted or ”kinked”.
31,097 hits
Forum: Fasting: Juice
Coffee enema
by ProPaul 17 y
Retention enemas In general A retention enema - an enema that is held in the body for a specified period of time - This type of enema is not hard to retain, since it is usually only 1 or 2 cups of liquid. To maximize the benefits of a retention enema, use a cleansing enema first. Retention coffee enema (small volume) When used as a retention enema, coffee does not go through your digestive system and does not affect your body as a coffee beverage does. Instead, the coffee solution stimulates both your liver and your gallbladder to release toxins, which are then flushed from your body. Thi ...
7,355 hits
Blog: My challenge
Re: Bowels stopped after giving birth
by valerie_cct 19 y
Hi, I agree with the recommendations in the links posted above by finallyfaith, but if you are constipated right now, the safest, most natural and quickest relief is from a gentle cleansing enema.
Allong with eliminating accumulated waste matter in your colon, the enema will also cleanse your colon of toxins and help release intestinal gas.
For more information on how to take a comfortable and safe enema see the following links:
Hope this helps,
2,142 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Salt water flush as opposed to enema??
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi, the first few times most people try an enema it can be a bit ”clumsy”, difficult to accept more than a pint or two, and may be somewhat uncomfortable. Nevertheless, before too long, as you figure what works out best regarding position, height of the bag, best place to take take the enema etc, things get easier, it’s more comfortable, and results are better.
As far as temperature, it should be about 103 degrees F at preparation time. Rather than guess, a bath thermometer is highly recommended. If you have a baby bath thermometer, that works great.
Here’s a few links with some mor ...
20,420 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Fasting: General
Fasting: Juice
Re: Need some advice - Please ????
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi louizoz, even after those 3 colonics your colon may not be completely free of old hardened waste matter, so I would highly recommend periodic cleansing enemas at home as an added assist. Your constipation problems didn’t begin overnight, and relief won’t come overnight either.
If you don’t already have an enema bag or bucket, it’s a worthwhile and inexpensive investment.
If you are not familiar with how to go about giving yourself an enema, here are some links that may prove helpful:
2,597 hits
Forum: Constipation
Re: 4th Enema!!! First Coffee enema!!...more observations...
by propaul 20 y
Hi Mantonia,
From aprevious reply of mine to another forum question.
”I always take 2 or 3 cleansing enemas before taking a coffee enema.”
”Depending on the purpose, my coffee enema could be a 2 cups enema with 20 minutes or more retention or it could be a 1 quart coffee enema with 10 to 20 minute retention. Since I strain my coffee solution before use there are no coffee grounds to remove from my bowels. So no need for an ”after” enema.”
During a liver flush or in preparation of a liver flush I take a 2-cup coffee enema. However if I feel toxic then a take a 1 quart coffee ene ...
11,701 hits
Forum: Enema & Colonics
Coffee Enema
Cleansing & Detox
Home Remedies
Soapsuds enema, is once a week ok?
by steve f 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
I recently found a home health care worker who has started coming by and administering enemas once a week. When she came to the house I explained I had had a problem with constipation most of my life and wanted to try two or three enemas in a series. She agreed to do the enemas, and after discussing the details for a little while she recommended starting with a soapsuds enema followed by one or two plain water enemas. She also agreed to come by on a weekly basis if I felt it would be worthwile after taking the enemas.
She gave me a 1000cc soapsuds enema using a packet of castile soa ...
14,735 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: Best Bowel cleanse?? pls help
by valerie_cct 19 y
The program you are following is a good one, but when you are feeling like you need to eliminate more, a gentle cleansing saline enema using an enema bag is the easiest way to achieve immediate natural relief.
Use 1 teaspoon of sea salt for each pint of filtered warm water at 103 degrees F (39.5 C) at preparation time, which equals 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of salt for a full bag.
See the following links for more information:
A comfortable position to take the enema is the Sims position, espe ...
2,100 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Kalcker Protocol Simplified
by Allium7 11 y
View Entire Thread 8
Day 1
DE 2x/day
Day 2
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 3
Castor oil 2 T fasting
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 4
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 5
Pyrantel pamoate
DE 2x/day
Day 6
Castor oil 2 T fasting
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 7
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 8
Mebendazole 2x/day
DE 2x/day
Day 9 to 18 (first month)
Castor oil 2T fasting
DE 2x/day
Neem infusion 9 days
Tea throughout the day
Enemas as continuously as possible
Da ...
3,936 hits
Forum: Parasites
Enema's making symptoms worse
by wm88 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
I started doing daily coffee enema’s along with liver flushes every 2 weeks, I’ve only done 1 liver flush but also recently completed a 2 week water fast during which time I saw improvements in my skin problems, eczema, oily skin etc...
since starting the liver flushes and enema’s I’ve noticed my symptoms have worsened, pores are blocked worse than before. I’m eating good.
I’m doing coffee enema’s daily, sometimes 2-3 in a row. Is this simply toxins being released? I’ve not noticed anything unusual in the enema’s, just bits of undigested food(nuts, seeds etc).
Should I continue ...
3,002 hits
Forum: Coffee Enema
Color Therapy
Re: Enemas , soft bulk and post coffee enema?
by #148959 13 y
I am not sure how you mean by the enema being more difficult.
I am far from an expert in these matters, but I have looked over several sources of information for enemas and have done many enemas myself.
I cannot say if and what I eat effects the enema itself. I think the general idea here is, does having stuff in your large intestine impact the ease of taking in and holding an enema. I do 1 or 2 water enemas in the morning before my first coffee enema of the day. I honestly feel it aids in both receiving and holding an enema. I could be mistaken, it could be imagined.
A lot ...
4,923 hits
Forum: Gerson Therapy
Re: How do you make a coffe enema?
by valerie_cct 18 y
Hi ivygreen,if you haven’t already visited S.A. Wilsons organic coffee website, be sure to go there at
. They have the most extensive information on coffee enemas that I have found anywhere.
Also, understand the benefits and differences between colon hydrotherapy (colonics), cleansing enemas, and coffee enemas. Cleansing enemas and colonics evacuate waste matter from the large intestine, whereas the purpose of a coffee enema is to cleanse the liver.
If you will be using enemas in place of a colonic, you would probably want to take 2 or 3 cleansing enema ...
5,795 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Bowel Cleanse Support
Andreas Books
Re: 22 y.o. severely constipated
by valerie_cct 17 y
My own personal experience with enemas has made me a believer in their ability to provide gentle relief from irregularity with few if any negative consequences. My family on my mother’s side has a history of ”lazy bowel syndrome” as it has been called , going back generations, and I have been no exception.
As far as being too young to use enemas, my age is not far from half way between your age and that of the 22 year old original poster, and I have been using enemas since I was younger than she is now. It was just something in our home that we grew up with, and I am grateful that I was ...
16,934 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Constipation
Addiction: Drug
Re: So where does WholeFoods sell their "enemas" anyway?
by valerie_cct 18 y
You may find it more convenient to purchase an enema bag on the web. Just do a search on ”enema bag” and you’ll find a number of places that sell them. Most national pharmacy chains have them for sale on their web sites.
It’s a good idea to have an enema bag even if you don’t plan on using it now.If you ever decide you need to go right away, relief is only minutes away. And I wouldn’t worry about stirring up the wastes in the colon, it’s a lot less healthy to let the waste matter stagnate inside your colon. You can always take a follow up enema afterwards and the results of that will he ...
16,123 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Need advice on enema please
by propaul 17 y
Hi #70434, You could take a salt water enema or a soapsuds enema. What volume for the coffee enema again depends on how often you are going to take this enema and for what purpose. Please read my blog titled “My challenge”, I cover the pre coffee enema preparation and the volume of the coffee enema, Propaul
My challenge
2,556 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: no bm after day 7
by valerie_cct 19 y
I think an enema is overdue here! Use warm water (103 degrees F at preparation), and one teaspoon of sea salt or plain salt per pint of water. The enemas may be a bit uncomfortable, but will provide welcome relief.
Best wishes,
1,556 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Edema and Enema question
by valerie_cct 20 y
Mage, 5 enemas in a 3 1/2 hour period are way too many on a weekly basis! I would suggest an initial cleansing enema first using a filtered or warmed bottled water saline enema - one teaspoon of sea salt or plain table salt to each pint of water, or 4 teaspoons for a full bag.
After releasing, follow with the coffee enema. You shouldn’t have to take cleansing enemas after your coffee enema, in fact, they may dilute the coffee’s effectiveness.
Best wishes, Valerie
8,398 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Coffee Enema Instructions
by rudenski 19 y
The coffee enema should consist of 1 quart of coffee solution, held for 15 to 30 minutes. Some people, children especially, can take and retain only a pint (2 cups) of enema solution at a time. If this is the case, one should take 2 coffee enemas, one right after releasing the first enema, and hold each for 15 to 30 minutes.
8,838 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Coffee Enema
Enema & Colonics
Cleansing & Detox
Home Remedies