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Colonic while on MC
by nutty709 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi Everyone,
I have been going to my Dr. for Colonics (before the MC) and now my 4th appt. colonic is coming up. If I don’t cancel my colonic appt. it will be on Day 8 when I go to my appt. I know Mr. B. is against colonics and he suggests doing the SWD instead because he says its cheaper and does a better job.....but I already bought a series of 6 colonics and I’m wondering it anyone has had a colonic while MCing?
2,313 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Juicing during MC
by miracle 20 y
Hi Everyone,
I have been going to my Dr. for Colonics (before the MC) and now my 4th appt. colonic is coming up. If I don’t cancel my colonic appt. it will be on Day 8 when I go to my appt. I know Mr. B. is against colonics and he suggests doing the SWD instead because he says its cheaper and does a better job.....but I already bought a series of 6 colonics and I’m wondering it anyone has had a colonic while MCing?
1,556 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
PERFECT Bowel Cleanse...
by Help-Im-TOXIC 21 y
View Entire Thread 6
Is there such a thing? If you had unlimited money and time - what would you do to cleanse your bowels?
Oxy-Powder? (which claims to be superior to colonic)
Colonics? - is there a difference between a colonic and high colonic? How many colonics would you get in a 1 month period? Any bad side effects or problems associated with Colonics? I once heard a recommendation of 30 colonics in 30 days.... too much???
some other suppliment? enema? laxative?
I am starting from the beginning (never had an enema, colonic, etc) and would love to hear your input as I am sure a ton of us other f ...
2,306 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Stones may be trapped in colon after flushing. How many c...
by iandthou 9 y
View Entire Thread 17
I suspect that I may have a stone or more stuck in my colon. This is because after beginning to do liver flushes - I have done 3 of them - my health problems have gotten worse. I have always had eye pain and stiff, but it increased many times in the last month or month and a half. From what I understand, I have lymphatic congestion in my head area, which causes the eyes to get tired and achy.
I found a colonic facility where I live and have taken 2 colonics in the last week. I want to understand whether 2 colonics are enough to have removed the stones, or if I need to take more. Does ...
3,511 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Ask CureZone
Enema & Colonics
Lymph Cleanse
Colonic in conjunction with LF
by Moody Fox 19 y
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So I’ve heard time and time again that it’s best to have a colonic before and after a liver flush? And exactly how many days should I wait after my colonic to go ahead with the liver flush? during the same day right after I have my first colonic?
and how long should I wait to get a colonic after my first liver flush, because some of you advise to give the body a rest.
BTW I’m scheduled for a colonics this coming Friday.
2,389 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
My experience w/beginning colonics
by ZekeMan 20 y
I have been receiving colonic for REGULARLY for over 20 years. It has been my experience in speaking with others and with my colonics person that when first starting colonics one really needs to have three (3) colonics treatments in a row... that means three days... one colonic each day. OF COURSE this frequency is ONLY for beginners. REASON: One has MUCH ’stuff’ to get out of the way and ONLY one colonic, for most folks, just will not do the trick. ps: I have NO monatary connection, other than paying my bill LOL, with any colonic person or equipment manucacturer, so I’m only speaking ...
7,280 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Any medical or "cursory" exam given prior to colonic?
by #11672 21 y
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Has anyone gone for a colonic or an enema at a clinic, and been put through a quick ”cursory” exam by a MD or RN? When I started going for colonics years ago, I was at a facility for my initial visit, where a holistic doctor gave me an initial ”once over” after which the nurse who came into the treatment room to administer the colonic had me lay face down on the treatment table. Being I’d never had a colonic before I wasn’t aware that a colonic, as I know now, is usually started on your left side. Well, I soon found out why I was face down, when the nurse pulled my underpants down, opened ...
3,673 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: All Systems go, but....
by molly bloom 19 y
I have been doing my colonics on the day after the flush, but they say you need to do it within 3 days after, so I think you are just fine.
I have a suggestion for you. While you are doing your flush, wipe yourself with pads that have witch hazel. Then, when you go for the colonic, relax, don’t push, let the colonic work. I ended up with a big hemorrhoid after the colonic, and I think that might have been with all the gravel I expelled, then immediately getting a colonic. My sphincter was definitely over taxed with all the toxin release.
I will continue to get a colonic the day ...
2,135 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by florian 19 y
I would try and find a colon therapist in your area and get in to get a colonic done as soon as possible. I have had many colonics done in the last three or four years, they are very healthy for you and should have a colonic done day or two after a liver flush anyway. If you don’t have the book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz, I would highly recomend it, I bought the book a couple of weeks ago and it has a lot of great information in it. He mentions in the book a few times how important it is to have a colonic before and after a liver flush. If you are interest ...
4,477 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: colonics at end of mc?
by Zoebess 19 y
Somer used to get colonics every ten days. I love colonics and will get a series eventually but post cleanse I plan on doing the P&B shakes as a mop-up to my cleanse. I think though that Burroughs said no to these options because in years gone by, colonics were not as safe as they are now. There was danger of infection and that is not an issue in these days with disposable apparatus and great machinery which regulates everything. It is very sanitary.
”Various forms of colon cleansing have been used for centuries to maintain health and treat a wide spectrum of disorders. The modern colo ...
1,619 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Colonics and candida
by jameskep37 14 y
I have colonics done once a week to get rid of mucus, candida waste, and to help relieve me of my constipation. I dont recommend colonics unless you have severe constipation/have no flora in the colon. I think too many colonics can disturb the friendly flora too much. Im pretty sure that My colon has been taken over by candida fungus due to the reaction I have when I do anti-fungal enemas+the amount of gas produced by the candida at the end of my colonic.
Colonics itself might help to get rid of some candida but does not eradicate the deep rooted fungal candida. Thats been my expe ...
7,132 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Brain Fog
Allergies & Intolerance
Comparing Various Cleanses
by Gary 23 y
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I have been reading about the various cleanses and I would like an opion or two on weather the Master lemonade cleanse is as effective as the more involved colonic cleanse that Bernard Jensen recommends. Or if Larry Clapps’ Ultimate Fast, sort of combining the two, less the colonics is effective. I guess what I would like to ask is, are these cleanses without colonics as effective as those with colonics?
4,678 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: liverflush if severely underweight?
by milgurl 19 y
thanks, im focusing on bowel cleansing too by getting colonics and recently started with dr. shlzes IF#1, but I am also scared that the cascara in it is not good for me...ive been taking one per night for a week just to have a BM, should I stop these before its too late? Or should I continue until my next colonic in a week? Im planning to LF in Sunday night/Monday morning and get a colonic on Thursday of next that tooo long in betweetn flush and colonic do you think?
2,008 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: how much are colonics?
by Somer 20 y
You definitely want to check out the therapist and the equipment they are using. The excellent Enema & Colonic forum here at curezone has ALL the info on how to do this!
A series of three professional colonics might run around $150 (for three). You can learn MUCH about the state of your colon from a good colonic with a qualified therapist. I could never have done the work I have without colonics and juice fasting.
1,590 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
All Systems go, but....
by Evan23 19 y
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Okay things are looking good for my first flush this Sunday but I have one question: I have scheduled a colonic for the tuesday after the flush but should I wait and do the flush on monday night so that the colonic will follow immediately the next day or should I go flush on sunday night, recover monday then colonic Tuesday? I don’t want to risk toxic build-up pushing its way out of my body after the flush so I want to do the colonic ASAP afterwards to make sure its all out. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
2,273 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: can i do an enema or have colonic done when
by Rich 22 y
Hi. Colonic is much more effective than enema so if you can afford it go for the colonic. Use the days before to prepare your colon by doing a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable juice (in a juicer not shop bought), and staying away from heavy, binding food. That way the colonic will take quicker and get more rubbish out. Ask their advice when you book the colonic but I’m sure it will be the right thing to do. Good luck.
1,706 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Agree! Re: Fecal Impaction During Cleanse - Ouch!
by unyquity 19 y
Thanks for adding the colonic information! I have no colonic therapists in my area, and have never had the opportunity to have a I ALWAYS forget about them.
You’re so right...and a good, qualified colonic therapist should be able to not only release the impaction (or significantly lessen it), but also provide some great insight for continued bowel health.
Happy New Year!
79,061 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Sick of being Sick
by #11630 21 y
Colonics just weaken my body further. I have a severe magnesium deficiency (which does not respond to oral supplementation). The colonic further upset this electrolyte balance - making my readings dangerously low. My liver enzymes are usually raised on my regular liver function tests (ALT and Bilirubin levels - Gilberts Syndrome) - the colonic made these enzyme levels raise even higher. It was all very worrying - maybe I could just try the Colosan - colonics just seem to be a no no for my situation.
2,764 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: Need advice with cronic constipation
by valerie_cct 19 y
Hi, your comments about your situation are quite common, and you have lots of company out there in today’s fast paced world.
Have you ever had a colonic? Sometimes, in addition to getting your colon completely cleansed, a good colon therapist can offer advice and recommendations based on observations of the waste matter that is eliminated from your system during the session.
For more information about colon hydrotherapy (colonics) see
6,164 hits
Forum: Constipation
don't do colonic on yourself !!!
by ZekeMan 20 y
I have been taking ’colonics’ for over 20 years. I KNOW I would not be alive today if not for colonics. Sounds like you did a ’do it yourself’ treatment. Unless you have been taking colonics, given by a VERY experienced person for a long time, YOU SHOULD NOT ’do-it-yourself.’ THERE IS AN ART to giving a colonic, and until you have been trained and have LOTS of experience under you belt.... DANGEROUS!!!
6,311 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Quackery Debate
Re: My experience with CI
by ZekeMan 20 y
I have been taking ’colonics’ for over 20 years. I KNOW I would not be alive today if not for colonics. Sounds like you did a ’do it yourself’ treatment. Unless you have been taking colonics, given by a VERY experienced person for a long time, YOU SHOULD NOT ’do-it-yourself.’ THERE IS AN ART to giving a colonic, and until you have been trained and have LOTS of experience under you belt.... DANGEROUS!!!
5,884 hits
Forum: Quackery Debate
Re: I need help!
by health_deva 17 y
I was wondering about colonics too as I’m about to start my first liver cleanse. It would seem that a colonic would be a good thing but as you say expensive and therefore not something everyone can take advantage of. I seriously doubt that it would make or break a liver cleanse and I don’t plan to have a colonic. Hopefully someone who has had a successful liver cleanse without a colonic will weigh it.
2,222 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: trade offs of colonic vs coffee enema? is
by #136305 14 y
In my experience being I’ve had both enemas and colonics, I often had coffee implants given near the end of a colonic session. As I understand colonics, they are primarily designed to cleanse the colon, whereas coffee enemas,not implants, as far as I know, are used in the process of liver detox. If you go for colonics or are thinking of it, then when you contact the facility/therapist, inquire as to whether they give a coffee implant, and ask why they do it.
2,087 hits
Forum: Enema & Colonics
Re: Colonics/Ropes Question
by LuellaMay 7 y
I do hope you are doing colonics with a therapist.
Anyway, I really don't know much about colonics, so I am giving you to links that, hopefully, answer your questions.
My Best,
865 hits
Forum: Ask Tony
Re: Water gain?
by Zoebess 19 y
The MC cleans your colon. You could be like Somer who did a 60 day fast under supervision of her naturopath. She had debris *velcroed* to the walls of her colon and she also experienced a late in the game loosening. If you can go in the archives and find one of her posts and then click to see all her posts, you might find her story relative to yours.
Are you perhaps talking about a *colonic*?? I personally do like colonics and Somer, because of her circumstances got a professional one every 10 days of her 60 day cleanse. I had a blockage for years and after a series of 3 colonics, the b ...
1,580 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Considering colonics...
by valerie_cct 19 y
Hi, colonics don’t hurt! Many people have described a colonic as less uncomfortable than a home or hospital enema. Here are a couple of links with some more information:
In fact, many people who have come in for their first colonic have arrived uncomfortable and tense, but leave afterwards feeling relieved and with a smile on their face.
But it is important to visit your prospective therapist in advance of your first colonic so you can evaluate the cleanliness of the facility and to s ...
2,336 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Liver Flush, Epsom Salts and Colonics....
by chardy 19 y
I read that you shouldnt combine epsom salts with a liver flush if you intend to go for a colonic the day after.
I just want some clarification on this issue (Im intending to flush Wed and go for a colonic Thu).
Would it be ok to use epsom salts on the Wed (following the Clarke method) and then omit the early morning Thu epsom in lie of getting a colonic at 1pm?
Would the previous day’s epsoms salts be out of the system by then and not interfere with the colonic?
Ideally I’d like to find a way to combine the two (I cant change the days around or have a colonic at a later da ...
1,299 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: What kind of doctor for colonic?
by GeoD 19 y
Medical dodctors do’t usually do colonics. As a matter of fact, they generally don’t approve of colonics and are not trained in the procedure. Also, most do not favor enemas and are inclined to recommend laxitives and drinking lots of water and eating fiber. This is all too bad that the trend is in this direction since I feel there is benefit to colonics and enemas. Personally, I’m inclined toward enemas because of the minimal cost and feel that done properly they are as effective as colonics. They are, however, more time consuming.
Most colonic practitioners are not of any particu ...
1,802 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Colonics and candida
by sans sucre 20 y
Hi. Just thought I would share an experience. I had candida pretty much under control, and just was dealing with toxic aftermath. Then, I started colonics a couple months ago (have had 3 so far and going for 4th Friday). I noticed that my candida symptoms began again a bit after my 2nd colonic, altho at the time I did not realize that was what it was. Anyway, it soon became clear it was the candida making an encore appearance. I then read that colonics will wipe out beneficial intestinal bacteria along with all the baddies. This made sense, so I started back on a really good probiot ...
6,554 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Candida Debate
Parasites Support
Liver Flush, Epsom Salts and Colonics....
by chardy 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
I read that you shouldnt combine Epsom Salts with a liver flush if you intend to go for a colonic the day after.
I just want some clarification on this issue (Im intending to flush Wed and go for a colonic Thu).
Would it be ok to use epsom salts on the Wed (following the Clarke method) and then omit the early morning Thu epsom in lie of getting a colonic at 1pm?
Would the previous day’s epsoms salts be out of the system by then and not interfere with the colonic?
Ideally I’d like to find a way to combine the two (I cant change the days around or have a colonic at a later da ...
2,249 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: First flush one week ago
by #37444 19 y
colonics may not be necessary for everyone, but when someone ends up with a headache that lasts for a week, its a good clue that a colonic is necessary for this person. $300 is cheap, a drop in the bucket compared to getting worse if a bowel cleansing/colonic is needed and not done. after my first liver flush i had a bitter taste in my mouth, and weakness - which ended the day i had my colonic. i’ve done them ever since, after every liver flush, and have never had that bitter taste last, or the weakness last, since.
per andreas, if you don’t do colonics after a flush, don’t even flus ...
1,561 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Time interval between colonics
by shelleycat 21 y
Hiya Rei! :)
It depends on the person and whether they’ve had a long history of constipation, what exactly they’re treating etc. If there is a lot of impacted fecal matter, then it would be smart to do at least 3 colonics once a week or even more frequent than that to start, and try to do as many as 6 just to be sure you get it all.
It rather depends on the healing crisis. If the healing crisis is bad, then it’s best to go again right away to get all the junk shifting about OUT of you.
When I was doing series of colonics (got a discount for buying 6) I did them once a week and t ...
3,749 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Getting a colonic - what should I ask for and prepare?
by #16852 18 y
I have had several colonics done in the past. A colonic in itself will not cure candida. What it does it remove candida that is weakened or destroyed and other waste that is in your colon. You need to continue a regimen to destroy the candida then follow up with a colonic to remove the waste. This can help limit die off symptoms.
To prepare for a colonic:
-do not eat for at least 2 hours before the procedure
-if you are really backed up take a stool softner so that the colonic can remove as much ”stuff” as possible and reach up higher in your colon.
- ask for them to give you ...
1,299 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Andreas -can colonics remove electrolytes and good bacteria?
by shiny 21 y
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Hello Andreas. I’m considering having a series of colonics but I’m concerned that this may cause a loss of electrolytes and probiotics.
I mention this because last year I had a colonic every 2 weeks over a period of 6 months (to help with liver flushes/detoxing. After stopping the colonics I became constipated (I was not constipated before the colonics).
Even a vegan vata pacifying diet has not resumed my BMs (used to go twice/day regardless of a high animal flesh diet).
I can only assume that the colonics caused my constipation as I have eliminated all other factors (Chinese B ...
4,552 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Colonics and a loosening of the sphincter muscle
by North Star 12 y
I have done 20 colonics, I believe it was. It seems to me that perhaps my colonics contributed to having a loose sphincter muscle. Does anyone have any comments on this or has anyone experienced this? Also, I now have gastritis. I wonder if colonics contributed to this. Certainly, my digestive system is messed up because I have taken antipsychotics for about 10 years, but I wonder if the colonics or the colonics in combination with the medicine may have caused this. I have only developed this problem recently. Also, I have developed a rectal discharge of mucous and sometimes mucous ...
1,002 hits
Forum: Enema & Colonics
Re: Colonics while on master cleanse
by sannyc 16 y
Hi there
I had my first colonic yesterday, Day 13 of 40.
It was quite an experience ;)
I think colonics could help to expedite the removal of waste and toxins in your colon.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the original MC protocal is awesome. I just found the colonic useful in getting rid of the bloatedness I was feeling in the past few days.
For myself, I intend to go for another colonic in 2 week’s time, and once more when I end my MC.
I didn’t do one at the start of my fast because I didn’t think it was necessary and I didn’t want to incur additional expenses. But I do kno ...
1,884 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
by Djehuty 16 y
by Djehuty Ma’at-Ra
Tell a Friend
Many people ask me my opinion of colonics (also known as colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, high colonic, or lavage colonic) all the time and I tell folks that Djehuty Ma’at-Ra is PRO colonics.
Performed by a professional and skilled colonic irrigation specialist in a safe, hygienic, and pleasant facility and utilizing modern and state-of-the-art colonic hydrotherapy equipment, colonics are very safe. Colonics help to cleanse the large intestine (colon) and the sigmoid (lower bowe ...
868 hits
Forum: Articles
My colonics experience
by lookergirl76 20 y
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I got colonics for the first time 2 weeks ago. I am always bloated and hoped this would help. I had heard you feel great after a colonic, not me. I felt nausea during and after I had a major headache just felt blah. I did a series of 3 colonics 3 days in a row with each time I felt better. My colonics lady said I felt so bad because of all the toxins being stirred up. I completed my 3 and my bloating was gone and I feel so much cleaner. I didnt have really much release until my 4th colonic then it all came out. I was so stuffed with hard matter that it took some soaking of the 3 co ...
2,673 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: To Rod (or anyone else) - need opinions
by Rod 22 y
Hi Eileen,
That’s great that your daughter will start with the colonics soon, I will start tomorrow Friday with my first one, in the mean time I am doing enemas every day trying to move my bowels as much as possible before the colonic so in that way I will eliminate more toxins on the colonic. In general enemas have help me to fill lighter and better in general so I am looking forward to the colonic as a great help to get rip of Candida. As per your question I don’t know anything about colloidal minerals but in regards to probiotic implants they have to be done after colonics to encoura ...
2,163 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Thanks Ptree
by #3649 21 y
I’m not sure why the water would stop during a colema...possibilites include:
- a crimp in the inflow tube
- a blockage in the inflow tube...perhaps clogged with fecal waste
- improper placement of the tube so that the tip opening shifted up against the colon wall...make sure that you do not insert it at an angle
There is no harm in doing colemas as often as you’d like...provided that you keep the equipment clean and disinfected, use purified or distilled water, and maintain a good electrolyte balance by regularly using minerals that include trace minerals. I also suggest that yo ...
1,106 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support