600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Cure for Cheyletiella & Scabies Mites
by grizz 9 y
Since I had suffered with Scabies myself, I am extremely happy to report this cure for mites. This is a fully documented & proven Cure for Cheyletiella & Scabies Mites. Colloidal Silver kills mites & their eggs on contact.
Bottom line up front: Mix a tablespoon of 20ppm Colloidal Silver with 2 ozs coconut oil, shake well and apply to affected areas. Cures both animals & people. Complete details here:
Also suggested to use colloidal silver Gel.
The miracle of Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, ...
7,706 hits
Forum: Scabies
Skin & Face
Parasites: Skin
Re: Are my chapped lips from a yeast infection on a new a...
by grizz 9 y
I suggest that you use ”Colloidal Silver Lip Balm”
Also apply coconut oil, which is a great antibacterial.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects.
More about Colloidal Silver:
2,178 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Skin & Face
Peeling Lips
Re: Iodine cures MRSA and pneumonia - Update
by grizz 9 y
MRSA is also successfully killed by Colloidal Silver. See Testimonials-MRSA here:
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures
See colloidal silver details here:
Best to you,
4,004 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Scared I got HIV from making out
by grizz 9 y
I suggest you immediately start on 2 tbsp a day of Ionic Colloidal Silver.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva & mites
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures see testimonials for more details
See details:
See Testimonials:
Especially read the last chapters about DMSO mixed wi ...
2,786 hits
Forum: AIDS
Herpes Simplex 1
Re: Please help - parasites, Morgellans, candida, - am fe...
by grizz 9 y
I suggest that you take 4 tablespoons of Mesosilver Colloidal silver spaced through the day.
Also rub Colloidal Silver Gel over your lesions daily. Get a colloidal silver nasal spray for nasal problems. All are available at Amazon.Com
More on the Colloidal Silver miracle: ...
2,794 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Lyme Disease
Parasites: Skin
Multiple Sclerosis
Parasites Protozoa
Re: Colloidal Silver Resources is Finished, more
by grizz 9 y
New Alternate File Names
To make it easier to promote these important files to everyone across the internet, here are the new alternate file names:
Colloidal Silver Main Resources:
Colloidal Silver Handout for friends
Colloidal Silver Testimonials:
Colloidal Silver Generator Reviews:
All files are cross-linked to each other, so any one file can easily get to the others.
As usual, I am taking suggestions ...
3,476 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Debate
Re: Ionic Colloidal Silver dosage.
by kscmac 11 y
True Colloidal Silver
Just distilled water and silver Check what the PH would be? 7 to 8 maybe?
Read up on this and draw your own conclusions!
True colloidal silver has no acid, only water and silver particles. It is also more resistant to breakdown by stomach acids. All true colloidal silver has ionic silver present in it.
Colloidal silver particles absorb light by blocking the light from passing through, making the liquid appear darker. Colloidal silver has high levels of electric conductivity and low pH levels
Read more: ...
11,859 hits
Forum: Dr. Beck
Hepatitis C
Colloidal Silver
Sinus Problems
Re: Silver positive or negative
by parhat 21 y
The level of H202 is 0.5% or 1/2 percent concentration using food grade hydrogen peroxide DURING PRODUCTION of colloidal silver NOT 5%. A YELLOW OR GOLD COLLOIDAL SILVER shows that colloidal silver particle is too large, many colloidal manufactureres keep mum of this fact. You can also try bubbling with an fish aquarium pump DURING PRODUCTION of colloidal silver. You can also use oxygen of any grade DURING PRODUCTION of colloidal silver.
You can do this way: after colloidal silver production put in 2 drops of H2O2 you buy from a drug store. The colloidal silver will instantly be cloudy. ...
6,342 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: Anyone else herx from Elderberry syrup?
by grizz 9 y
I suggest that you take colloidal silver.
The Colloidal Silver Miracle kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures see testimonials for more details
See details here:
See Testimonials here:
2,992 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Re: Ever feel it's all a scam? Everyone lying to you?
by grizz 9 y
There is a simple cure for Lyme Disease.
Please refer to the subject Lyme in this document:
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures see testimonials for more details
See details for colloidal silver here:
3,333 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Re: Bartholin Cysts-I Now Know Why I Get Them
by grizz 8 y
Time tested & proven cure for bartholin cysts and cysts of all kinds:
See the MIRACLE of Colloidal Silver here:
Learn more about Colloidal Silver here:
Available at health food stores &, it kills all bacteria, fungus & virus safely and without side effects. It provides a power boost to our immune system.
10,245 hits
Forum: Bartholin’s Gland
Re: How to kill Klebsellia
by grizz 9 y
I suggest using the miracle of colloidal silver.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
See Testimonials:
1,224 hits
Forum: Probiotics
Leaky Gut
Lyme Disease
Re: child with recurring staph infection
by grizz 9 y
Colloidal Silver is the magic bullet that kills ALL bacteria, virus & fungus including antibiotic resistant germs.
Please see complete details here:
See Staph in Testimonials here:
Colloidal Silver has been a miracle in my own life,
3,464 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Impetigo, Intertrigo
Baby Nutrition
Re: Doctor could not help, threw me out.
by grizz 9 y
I suggest that you take Ionic Colloidal Silver.
It kills ALL bacteria, fungus & virus safely and without side effects.
See details here:
See testimonials, Candida here:
Take the Ionic version of colloidal silver, not the particulate version.
2,565 hits
Forum: Candida Debate
Supplements Debate
Parasites Debate
Re: Body odor
by grizz 9 y
Body odor is caused by bacteria.
I suggest taking 1 tablespoon 3 x daily of Mesosilver brand of Colloidal Silver, and spray colloidal silver into your arm pits daily.
Colloidal Silver safely kills all bacteria, virus & fungus, far better than antibiotics.
Colloidal Silver references:
See testimonials at the end of the report:,Colloidal+Silver/?a=s
2,443 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Body Odor
Help Me
Re: My Life with UTI's
by grizz 8 y
UTI’s are cured with Colloidal Silver.
See complete details in the Testimonials, chapter UTI
See the Miracle of Colloidal Silver in this report:
Never suffer with UTI’s again,
7,934 hits
Forum: Urinary Tract
Re: Is it safe to use the silver as eye drops?
by grizz 8 y
It is totally sxafe:
2,092 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Eyes Problems
Re: 60 day abx protocol using Minocycline and Tinidazole...
by grizz 8 y
I suggest that you take the Miracle of Colloidal Silver for your Lyme Disease. Study the testimonials for Lyme here:
Now read more about Colloidal Silver here. It is a natural antibiotic that kills all bacteria, fungus & virus. It even cures disease that is resistant to antibiotics.
1,192 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Re: Natural remedies mobile app survey
by grizz 7 y
The miracle natural remedy is Colloidal Silver (20ppm) read the following research report:
Also go to the Colloidal Silver forum if you have any other questions.
1,660 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Success Stories
Colloidal Silver
Herbal Formulas
Proven Cure for Candida
by grizz 9 y
View Entire Thread 9
New Study Proves Colloidal Silver Decimates Fungal Pathogens, Candida; Even Superior to Popular Anti-Fungal Drugs
”A recent study (see study overview at the end of this article) conducted by the Department of Microbiology at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Korea, and published in the prestigious Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, demonstrates what tens of thousands of colloidal silver users have already known for years, i.e., colloidal silver is one of the most powerful and effective natural anti-fungal agents in the world.
”The study authors tested silver nanoparticl ...
3,645 hits
Forum: Candida Debate
Re: too depleted to do antibiotics
by grizz 9 y
Colloidal Silver is superior to antibiotics, and even cure disease that is resistant to antibiotics.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
You buy the Ionic Silver which is the very best colloidal silver at your health food store or Amazon.Com.
Ionic Silver Products Recommended
Argentine 23 for Doctors - 95% Ionic
Advanced Ionic Silver
Utopia Ionic Silver
Good State Ionic Silver
Invision Silv ...
1,096 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Collodial Silver & 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
by rudenski 21 y
View Entire Thread 5
H2O2 and Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver combined with H2O2 is quickly proving to be an effective combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments. Please keep in mind that IV treatments should be considered highly experimental.
Adding H2O2 to a completed batch of colloidal silver ionizes silver particles remaining in the solution. In fact, observations demonstrate that extremely small amounts of ionic silver often plate onto glass surfaces. By taking a glass dropper exposed to colloidal silver and adding a 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution, this reaction ...
8,728 hits
Forum: Flu Support
Re: Does hairshave generate prostate problems ?
by grizz 9 y
You need Colloidal Silver to cure your Candida, and you also need iodine for your prostate.
See Candida here in our Colloidal Silver Testimonials:
See this link for iodine:
See Prostate in our iodine testimonials:
More about Colloidal Silver:
Best to you,
1,109 hits
Forum: Prostate Problems
Re: Colloidal Silver Resources is Finished, more
by grizz 9 y
I just found out that Big Pharma actually got Colloidal Silver BANNED in Europe !
” In early 2010, colloidal silver was actually banned in Europe.[2]....
” colloidal silver has been banned in Australia if the manufacturer or vendor makes health claims.....
” In the USA, the FDA tried to ban colloidal silver products in the late 1990s, but was unable to. Similar to Australia, colloidal silver was labeled as ineffective by the FDA and manufacturers or vendors are not allowed to promote colloidal silver as a product that has medicinal benefits......
” Ditto Canada....
” ...
3,277 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Debate
Re: Desperate for help with metastasised melanoma and Lug...
by grizz 9 y
I have 2 things for you.
1) Iodine For Cancers:
2) Ideal for skin cancers:
Mix 25% DMSO with 75% Collidal Silver and apply directly to your skin cancer. See photos of cancer cures, a cat and a man’s face near the end of this report:
Notice the cat was completely cured of a LARGE facial tumor without harming any of his cells.His face is perfectly normal after the ...
2,093 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Please Help Me Complete my Home-made Ionic Footbath P...
by grizz 9 y
Ionic Colloidal Silver is a true MIRACLE that cures a wide range of disease, even including disease that is immune to antibiotics !
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures see testimonials for more details.
It has been a true miracle for my own chronic lung problems: Pneumonia, long lasting chest colds & asthma. I had been suffering for deca ...
1,923 hits
Forum: Ionic Foot Bath
Detox & Cleansing Forum
Help Me
Re: Help 6wks pregnant and taking advair
by grizz 9 y
I have found the ultimate solution to my 30 years of suffering asthma, terrible chest colds and even pneumonia last fall.
It is called Colloidal Silver liquid. We take it orally at 2 tablespoons daily or inhale it from a nebulizer 15 minutes 2 x a day. The results are DRAMATIC !
My pneumonia cleared up in just a few days. Ditto chest colds. But now since curing my pneumonia & chest colds, I rarely need my inhalers anymore. What??? I discovered it is the bacteria and fungus in our lungs that cause allergies & asthma, and inhalers just make it worse in the long run, where colloidal s ...
1,751 hits
Forum: Asthma
Re: Carcinoid tumor caused by drinking a lot of CS?
by grizz 8 y
”can drinking a lot of CS (this is her case) cause this kind of cancer?”
What do you mean by ”Drinking a Lot?”
I have done extensive research on colloidal silver and have never seen anything that could cause cancer. In fact, colloidal silver has been used to cure many cases of cancer. See shocking photos & reports at the end of my document:
The worst I have seen from drinking a LOT of colloidal silver, as in 16 ozs a day for years, is bluish tinted skin.
It is recommended to take no more than 1 or 2 ozs a day to prevent disease ...
2,407 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Colon Cancer
colloidal silver & peroxide
by #2853 21 y
H2O2 and Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver combined with H2O2 is quickly proving to be an effective combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments. Please keep in mind that IV treatments should be considered highly experimental.
Adding H2O2 to a completed batch of colloidal silver ionizes silver particles remaining in the solution. In fact, observations demonstrate that extremely small amounts of ionic silver often plate onto glass surfaces. By taking a glass dropper exposed to colloidal silver and adding a 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution, this reaction ...
4,498 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Asthma Cured by Colloidal Silver
by grizz 9 y
View First 20 Messages of 30
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Colloidal Silver used in a nebulizer cured my Pneumonia, asthma and chest colds last fall & over the winter.
However I wanted to add the many testimonials at this site all confirming my own experience and the miracle of colloidsl silver:
Also see many lung related testimonials here:
http://www.colloidfor ...
10,217 hits
Forum: Asthma
Common Cold
Pulmonary Diseases
Re: borrelia muscle soreness around bite
by grizz 9 y
To be on the safe side, I would immediately soak a large bandage with Colloidal Silver (Ionic Silver NOT Particle Silver), place over the area,
and then take a tablespoon of 4 times a day to kill the disease. You don’t want to take any chances with potential Lyme Disease. It is just TOO Terrible!
See Lyme Disease here in Testimonials:
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
This report will clear u ...
877 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Re: Commonly prescribed drugs containing fluoride or bromide
by grizz 9 y
For ALL lung problems, the best treatment of all time is to simply inhale colloidal silver from an ultrasonic nebulizer or from an ultrasonic humidifier.
I have suffered DECADES of chronic lung problems including asthma, terrible chest colds, pneumonia. ALL cleared up with Ionic brands of Colloidal Silver.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Complete details here: ...
16,801 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Why Do I need so much Iodide?
by grizz 9 y
If you have Candida, try taking Ionic Colloidal Silver. CS kills Candida better than any drugs. See Candida in our testimonials:
For more on CS see this:
1,763 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Lugol's for Ear Problems?
by grizz 9 y
Put drops of colloidal silver into your ears.
Instantly and safely kills bacteria, fungus & virus without side effects.
Colloidal Silver for Tinnitus:
Colloidal Silver Resources:
Best to you,
13,502 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Colloidal Silver IV ingredients
by kylewilson 9 y
View Entire Thread 11
I’m looking into starting colloidal silver IVs for a chronic candida infection. My doctor stated that she uses a saline (salt/water) solution to along with Argentyn 23 colloidal silver. From what I’ve read you are not supposed to use salt with colloidal silver. Can anyone who has had colloidal silver IVs tell me what their doctor used in the IV bag along with colloidal silver... Thanks
4,256 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Debate
Re: beard and head dandruff
by grizz 8 y
Colloidal Silver kills ALL dandruff on contact and it will take a good 3 months to return. So apply Colloidal Silver to the scalp & beard about 4 x per year or as required. This treatment for dandruff sometimes lasts much longer.
More on Colloidal Silver:
1,398 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Need natural cure for high risk hpv and advice on my ...
by grizz 8 y
Please see all of the links to HPV here:
More here:
Much more, do a Google Search on ”colloidal silver hpv”
4,472 hits
Forum: Warts
Ask CureZone
Herbal Formulas
Natural Hygiene
Re: Research Evidence VS Business Opinion
by MrCuddly 9 y
"Once again you are confused by the Mumbo Jumbo BS & Hype used by CS marketing reps to drive us all crazy. You are confusing marketing hype with research. The term " Colloidal Silver " includes both ionic silver and particulate silver. There is no such thing as "True Colloidal Silver ," just another marketing hype term used to confuse the consumer."
No, this is why I said "preponderately colloidal silver" allowing that ionic is also in the mix. The reason I (and marketers) use the words "true colloidal silver" is since ionic silv ...
2,361 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Benefits: The Truth About Colloidal Silver
by befurther 11 y
Have you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver? The basic reason for any colloidal silver efficacy and safety controversy is that the medical establishment (medical mafia) and the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) see colloidal silver as a financial threat. While you may have been cautioned against using colloidal silver, know that colloidal silver benefits are tried and true.
Both the medical establishment and Big Pharma have put silver medical products to work in hospital equipment and medical tools as well as anti-infection burn remedies to ...
848 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Need natural cure for high risk hpv and advice on my ...
by grizz 9 y
Your first line of defense should be Colloidal Silver.
It is TOTALLY SAFE when used as directed.
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell parasites safely & without side effects
Also Kills all parasite larva
Kills all disease that is resistant to antibiotics
Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation
Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures see testimonials for more details
See complete details here:
Best way to apply to the vagina is to soak a tampon in colloidal silver:
http://www.edennu ...
8,088 hits
Forum: Warts
Ask CureZone
Herbal Formulas
Natural Hygiene