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cloudy urine - what's up with that?
by warthog 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have been taking MSM for the past few weeks. I started at 1/8 tsp. and am up to 1/2 tsp. Here are some of the effects I believe to be associated with taking it:
- occasional cloudy urine - not every time I urinate, but once almost every day
- in the first couple of weeks, but not anymore, I had headaches in the back of my head/neck that felt a bit different from other tension headaches I’ve had in that area.
I associate yellow/green urine with the vitamins I take, but I don’t know what to make of this cloudy urine. Actually taking a sample to a lab would be a real annoyance, and ...
3,847 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
try to give yourself cloudy urine
by omo 13 y
Bananas, beets, and goji berries, among other food items, are high in potassium. Try eating a bunch of these things (carefully) and see if they result in cloudy urine.
Goji berries seem to do it for me. They’re very high in potassium.
I’ll try bananas tomorrow if someone else with a cloudy urine tendency (carefully) tries another high potassium food. (With sodium salt handy to put the ratio back in balance.)
11,021 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Cloudy urine
by boronia 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi Shelley,
What would be the main causes of cloudy urine? I’ve had it today and yesterday and thinking it could be either due to
an oat addiction I’m trying to get over....started to give it up and then had a craving and ate 3 bowls the other day too fast and without enzymes!;
or kidney infection/stones or bladder infection. I had my urine tested a couple of weeks ago due to backache and I’m sure I had cloudy urine then but the results said no infection;
Or could it be due to detoxification as I’ve been drinking juices (including parsley) and today had some potassium bro ...
2,497 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: potassium : sodium balance important
by omo 13 y
Oh gosh, not sure. I expect that not only is it important to have just the right ratio between potassium and sodium, but that you have enough of each.
The only things that I can think of that help me monitor my electrolyte levels are cloudy urine, salt craving, and dehydration. With dehydration and salt craving, your body needs more sodium. With cloudy urine your body needs less potassium.
I mention in another post here that bananas used to make me feel weird. Like I was having high blood pressure. Try to pay close attention to your body and how you feel. Note the feelings and ...
3,798 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Addison’s Disease
Kidney Cleansing Tea
by daizymae 13 y
My last 3 liver flushes produced nothing. However, I would like to do some further cleansing, so for 3 days now I have been taking the standard Kidney Cleanse Tea (marjoram, cats’ claw, comfrey, gravel root, fennel etc.) I read about this in Moritz’ book.
Well, it’s been 3 days now and I am producing cloudy urine. Is this anything to be worried about? I have no bladder or kidney or back pain, but a long time ago, I did. I did have cloudy urine several years ago with no other symptoms, but then it went away spontaneously.
I am not sure where on curezone to put this question, so i ...
961 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Cloudy Urine
by dizzyfingers 15 y
Check out articles at this link:
4,203 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: although, with not being able to dowse
by kairae 15 y
Here’s where I get confused....I started the thread about cloudy urine. Then not sure if NP reply with the malt was for me or for JSmom?
I did read after that excess calcium can cause cloudy urine, so I don’t understand what all this stuff is about bromide? how it relates to possibly excess calcium intake causing cloudy urine?
NP added a note about everyone taking their iodide? I didn’t know this, but also
I did an iodine patch test this past year and got a very itchy rash/hives where it touced my skin immediately and lasted a day..
I would really be fearful to ingest something tha ...
2,899 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Stress/Thyroid Or Adrenals?/Iodine Protocol/Alarm!!!
by MissCast 17 y
Just from my recent experience, I would say not because my metabolism is revving, I’m still waiting for a consistent 98.6 temp, or just to be in the mid 90’s. And my bromine/mercury events always come with physical signs, which don’t need repeating.
In a nutshell: clear urine - clear sailing!
cloudy urine - hit the decks!
4,591 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Tapeworm segments???
by Caravaggio 8 y
After some months of 50k IU of D3 per day I noticed cloudy urine and even calcium crystals in the urine. With this huge absorption of calcium you don’t need any calcium supplements.
Now I try only 3x 50k IU a week.
6,313 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Parasites: RX
Helminthic Therapy
Parasites Protozoa
Re: Question re foamy urine
by wombat 18 y
Yup, Julie, I’ve had foamy, cloudy urine and now that I’m up to 31.25 mg. I’m getting brown & green(or shall I say caramel & chartreuse)urine as well. Heck, I think we’re peeing out the bromides & that’s a GOOD thing! :)
7,578 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
The side effects reported
by newport 18 y
The side effects reported with the use of inorganic non-radioactive iodine are:
• acne-like skin lesions in certain areas of your body
• headache in the frontal sinus
• unpleasant brassy taste
• increased salivation and sneezing
Based on the experience of clinicians with several thousands of patients on Iodoral®, with daily amounts ranging from 6.25 to 50 mg for up to 3 years, the incidence of the above side effects has been estimated at 1 percent.12,13 Orthoiodosupplementation induces a detoxification reaction in some patients with high b ...
1,389 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Iodine Debate
Re: Heya Trapper :) A question or two about Candida?
by hoppimike 14 y
Thanks for the advice man, I really appreciate it :)
Is perhaps 8oz of 10PPM CS a day ok?
I don’t actually have cloudy urine, so perhaps my candida (if that is what I have) hasn’t gone too systemic. I did just notice today though that (and sorry for TMI) but the water in the loo goes quite cloudy throughout after I go number 2s, and also sugar REALLY, REALLY made my stomach hurt yesterday evening (it’s more of a rarity these days for me to eat lots of sugar, so it took me by surprise).
Candida is definitely a possibility I think...
EDIT -- Oh my bad... it IS in fact ...
1,941 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Bladder Infection
by Eve2012 15 y
I had a rough bladder infection with pain and awful cloudy urine then I tried to alkaline my body which worked great for me! I herd that bacteria cannot live in an alkaline environment so I started by drinking alkaline water which is cheap, & taking wheat grass powder which more expensive but works great and helps quickly. I aslo just herd that lemon is a great alkaliner you may want to consume 3 a day.
11,205 hits
Forum: Dr. Beck
Interstitial Cystitis
Candida Support
Vitamin C Support
Women’s Forum
Urinary Tract
Re: Can anyone identify my issue? Parasite or not?
by forbetterorworse 10 y
It sure sounds like parasites, the lumpy stool, mucas in stool, cloudy urine, undigeted food. I couldnt tell anything from the pic. Maybe u should do a round of humaworm ( garlic wormwood and green black walnut hulls) and then see what comes out. Most doctors cannot diagnose or treat parasites anyway.
27,750 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: peeing your bones out n/m
by refreshed 18 y
If you continually have cloudy urine it could be kidney stones (early warning) or kidney dystunction, bladder infection or infection elsewhere in the urinary tract. It can sometimes be due to diabetes, sexually transmitted disease, lymph system problems or possible tumor at some location of the body. You can test many problems with an at home dipstick (Multistix) to test things like Leukocytes, Nitrates, Protein, pH, Ketone, Glucose and other things.
I would try the ML drink and the other protocols.
3,588 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: kidney herbs - question to 38680
by #38680 20 y
Hi 37444,
My tea tasted consistent throughout (I thought the flavor was pretty good). Andreas’ response makes sense (I tend to mix the herbs up each time before I make it anyway, just to make sure it seems like a good balance).
Just as an aside, I had cloudy urine right after my last liver flush, and started taking the kidney herbs right away, and it was clear again within a couple of days...seems like they’re doing their job ...Happy cleansing!
1,539 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
461 help
by holysin 9 y
View Entire Thread 5
461 you asked me to think back when I first got sick. The very first thing I can remember is my urine smelling horrible and being very cloudy.
I would also have problems peeing. Would get pains in my groin and not have the sensation that I need to pee I would just get the groin pain.
Any idea what that could be? The cloudy urine is gone. Smells bad some times. I have taken cranberry helps some what.
Nothing I’m taken now is helping. Few weeks ago I got dick drip and burnt like hell. I got tested for urine track infection and kidneys stone both came back negative.
I don’t have ...
907 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Prostate help
by NikGreat 15 y
So I bought a zapped cc1 from parazappet
the first night I zapped in mode one
I drank lots of water in between
when I urinated at the behining of my zap my urine was clear
after the third 10 min zap I urinated again and my urine was cloudy
this would suggest that something got killed during my zapping session
I have zapped for two more days in a row after that and have not got any cloudy urine again
the thing is that my symptoms are stll present
I stll have pain in the area
the method which I used was to put the red copper handle in the prostate area and I held the green ...
4,387 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Parazapper help please!
by NikGreat 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
So I bought a zapped cc1 from parazapper
this is about my zapping for a prostate infection
the first night I zapped in mode one
I drank lots of water in between
when I urinated at the behining of my zap my urine was clear
after the third 10 min zap I urinated again and my urine was cloudy
this would suggest that something got killed during my zapping session
I have zapped for two more days in a row after that and have not got any cloudy urine again
the thing is that my symptoms are stll present
I stll have pain in the area
the method which I used was to put the red co ...
2,528 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: What makes urine yellow?
by flowerchild59 21 y
Here is a sampling of what I found about urine. Basically it is waste products and how well your body is working is a reflection in the color:
Urine color changes: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Urine color changes as a symptom. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.
Certain foods or drinks - various types of foods or drink affect urine coloration.
Beets - turn urine reddish
Borscht (beet soup) - turn urine reddish
Asparagus - may turn urine green color
Blackberries - may lead to red urine
R ...
2,960 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Another excellent overview on iodine supplementation ~SAL...
R by wombat 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
I cut and pasted this portion in particular because magnesium chloride is suggested and ALSO because of this:
”Some patients require up to 2 years of iodine therapy to bring post loading urine bromide levels below 10 mg/24 hr, if chloride load is not included in the bromine detoxification program.”
Chloride competes with bromide at the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide[xii] thus magnesium chloride is ideal for magnesium supplementation. Some patients require up to 2 years of iodine therapy to bring post load ...
6,274 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Urine Therapy
by Andreas Moritz 22 y
Dear Janaki,
It is likely that your kidneys continue to release old sediments, mineral crystals, sand. etc. It may not be a bad idea to repeat the kidney cleanse after your next liver flush.
In the meanwhile, it is Okay to use the cloudy urine for enemas. Urine is basically blood plasma that has been filtered out of the blood stream some minutes before, along with urea, ammoniak and other liver products. If there are more noxious things in the urine, they tend to stimulate the immune system, which results in the benefits so known for urine therapy. The hormones, vitamins and minerals ...
3,686 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: O/T ....Mercury Poisoning
by Ginagirl 14 y
I am sorry to hear this, Kirsten; cant be easy to see your loved one going down like this.
First of all I would put him on a full iodine protocol; if he is not already? -if so I would increase iodine considerably. +Boron.
Beware that depression is a part of hypo thyroidism, the tooth extraction/ mercury may well have triggered this.
” Dr. Brownstein indicates that iodine is also a chelator of mercury and had tested quite carefully the amounts removed.[xxiii] Mercury not only poisons the nervous system and digestive tract, it can also poison the thyroid gland. There are 4 iod ...
4,039 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: one drop of iodine in bath and I am...
by uchihaMadara 15 y
What are you trying to accomplish by taking iodine baths?
Your iodine sensitivity may be attributed to your unique physiological makeup. In a warm/hot bath, the pores open up more and the iodine more than likely is absorbed to a higher degree than when the pores are less open. But, such a low dose effect may be specific to your iodine sensitivity. I’m under the assumption that a regular bath does not have the same effect. Have you considered the placebo effect as well?
Cloudy urine is difficult to diagnose by visual inspection alone without some type of lab testing of the specimen.
7,076 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Mercury, Lead, and Candida--My Health Nightmare & Rec...
by gatorkea 14 y
hey buddy glad your feeling better now. I have a couple questions
1. DO you think the cloudy Uring is really white blood cells?
I have extremely cloudy urine very often..... thought it was blood sugar or yeast related
2. for sinus issues, did you ever hear noises inside your head? Like I know I do and there not ”in my head” ;mentally but physicaly i hear sorta crunching sounds kinda in my sinuses, especally after I had eaten something that feeds candida.
6,852 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Chelation Support
Autoimmune Diseases
Brain Fog
Re: New to urine therapy- information please
by illys / elisah 10 y
Info from Vairagi, some of her posts are very good on the subject
UT is best when you are on a raw fruit diet- aka fruit fasting
Meat and cooked foods give acidic urine and can make you feel worse
UT is also good with water fasting, but only a few oz/day, diluted with fresh water
Sampling can also be done- just a tablespoon or so of morning U held under the tongue for a few minutes so that the materials are absorbed through the mucosal membranes
starting on UT needs to be done lightly since U can make the stomach react queasily if the U is undiluted.
acidic urine has a b ...
2,972 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy
Re: Cloudy Urine
by Hveragerthi 15 y
There are a number of things that can cause cloudy urine, but iron does not cause white cloudiness. You do not mention anything like pain or fever so UTI or kidney stones are unlikely. Protein in the urine can cause this but usually also causes a lot of foaming, which you also did not mention so this is unlikely. So what I wold recommend is taking a sample then adding some vinegar to the sample to see if the solution goes clear. If it does then the cloudiness was from phosphate in the urine. This could be from something as simple as consuming too much phosphorus or from h ...
4,436 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
sweet vs. salty
by #19010 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
Im sorry for all the questions but I have to ask. I really need to get my health back.
I read that urine should taste sweet. I read an article yesterday that states that if it tastes salty you should discontinue therapy. I am not too familiar with the taste of urine, but the last 3 days it was salty. Also it was yellow not clear. I have read onthis forum that people evan drank the cloudy urine.
I skipped UT this morning but will continue tomorrow if it would benefit me to. Is it ok to drink if it is salty?
Also, sometimes in the morning I dont ave to urinate until I drink a ...
14,475 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
IBS or something else??
by please help me 22 y
View Entire Thread 8
hello to everyone, i am a 19 year old male, i have a question about some complications i’ve been having, they started when i was diagnosed with IBS and depression but i have other symptoms that get ignored by my doctor, recently i’ve been noticing mucus and blood in my stool, aswell as very pale stools, i’ve also had a dull ache in my right side/abdomen and back that doesnt go away, i’ve also had very dark/cloudy urine, and a burning sensation when i urinate, aswell as fatigue, insomnia, pale skin, excessive amounts of flem and a wieghtloss of 160 lbs. to 145 pounds. the doc. cant find any ...
2,897 hits
Forum: IBS
Same for me!! Thinking of gall bladder surgery.
by mm 23 y
I, too, have done a number of flushes (6 total). I have very bad problems to digest fats - i.e. periodic loose stools, even to the point of nausea and vomiting if I eat fatty foods like nut butter. After a bad episode with fats, I even can see cloudy urine or dark urine.
The first flush I did produced NO stones. My second through 4th produced quite a few stones. However, these last two flushes produced virutally NO stones again. I have tried Julia Chang’s herbs, as well as choline/inositol and NONE of these have helped.
I am seriously considering to have my gall bladder r ...
2,125 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
has anyone got rid of a lot of candida with the parasite ...
by sooz29 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
hi guys, hope youre all doing well
day 3 of the parasite cleanse for me (taking the herbs, they taste disgusting but what the hell)
i felt kinda sick yesterday, a bit moody and nausesous and sweaty. im wondering if these herbs work for candida, or just for any other parasites i might possibly have..
this morning my urine was really foamy, all white stuff floating at the top! ive had cloudy urine before but this looked like more stuff was coming out. does it sound like candida? or other parasites? also, ive noticed i can hear better! i didnt really think candida had affected my ea ...
1,892 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: OK to do 2nd liver flush?
by shelleycat 21 y
Oh yes! Is that cloudy urine still happening? Any lab test news on that situation?
Glad the scope went well!
If your urine is basically clear I’d say you were good to go for a flush, but I’d avoid Epsom salts if you can. They put a LOT of pressure on the kidneys. If you can do a colonic post-flush rather than take the ES that would be great, plus be sure to take at least one stone-softening agent.
Happy flushing! :)
2,624 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Frequent Urination
by MH 108 17 y
I would have the chiropractor work on it, muscles/ribs/spine, etc. all play a part in alignment. It sounds like an irriatation or just as easy a stimulation. I would make sure all extra weight off and Chiropractor say everything in its proper place.
Christopher has a herb formula to help, but I see it more of a weight issue or out of alignment issue where the urine function is being stimulated because of various reasons. The cold hands, etc. and cloudy urine may all me explained some what in the iodine book in the web school, but Iodine is not always the single cure-all, diet/habit/etc. ...
2,029 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Mouthwash For Plaque Removal?
by beesting 13 y
Dear Rosemary9,
If you are concerned with removing plaque within body, consider taking a tea called, chanca piedra. This removes calcium type plaques out of the digestive and urinary tracts combined and can be taken for the long-run. I usually take a three finger pinch of chanca piedra herb, and put into 3-4 liters of boiling bottled water for 10 minutes. Let cool down and store in refrigerator. I usually drink 1 to 2 liters nightly which makes one go to the bathroom a few times nightly.
The amounts of calcium (not calciums from living bone marrow), but free floating calcium stored i ...
31,361 hits
Forum: Dental Support
Alternatives for salt-loading
by wombat 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
in response to Scouter:
”Hi, I cannot do the salt laoding to remove bromine as I have lymphedema and my legs are swelling a LOT. Can one do iodine without doing the salt loading even if they are experiencing exacerbation of symptoms with 1 tablet of Iodoral?”
The salt recommended for salt-loading is sea salt, such as celtic sea salt, & a lot of folks here use redmonds. Huge difference between plain old table salt and sea salt...and I hope that ...
5,527 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Liver getting worse fast
by n8 kay 17 y
thanks. i’ve been eating mainly fruits the past few days. i might start the LF tomorrow..
the heart pains are weird and scary like you said, thats why i dont want to wait around much longer. you said you’ve had a really bad liver before, did yours feel sore and ”full” like mine or was it worse? i also am having other occasional pains in random parts of my body. and just recently i had some weird smelling, cloudy urine.
you’ve been in my position before, i won’t die anytime soon will i? as long as that doesn’t happen and i don’t get any sharp pains anywhere i can take this..
5,349 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Urgent help/ advice please
by n8 kay 17 y
don’t be nervous about the epsom salt, it tastes bad i know, but trust me it is what relieves the pain in the liver, it relaxes the ducts so they don’t hurt. you’ll feel it be relieved after 10-15 min. of taking it.
i had cloudy urine the other day and that was the result of taxing the kidneys because of the stones. i also had occasional pain in the kidneys, i had pain in the heart area too. i had some pain in the liver with pressure and a fullness feeling. then i got some sharp upper back pain and thats when i said i have to do the flush today.
i will be doing another flush once i ...
2,473 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: reason for salt loading
by #81774 18 y
Wombat,after I did a salt push last week I kidney problems for three days. The second day the dull, nagging low back started. That day and the third day I had very cloudy urine with an rainbow hued oily film on it. All this despite making sure I drank a lot of water. Is this kind of response to a salt push normal? I was afraid I had kidney damage. If I need to salt push again I am gong to come online first with you guys and have someone who has been there walk me through it.
2,132 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: me too! same thing
by Trysten3000 18 y
I take 550 mg {or more} a day in supplement form.
I also eat plenty of green veggies most days, fruits and stuff.
I dont know, Im sure Im taking in a lot of magnesium.
To test the ”body lacking magnesium” theory I took colosan drinks a week before leading up to the flush before last. I was sure with as much magnesium in those drinks, my body would absorb any it needed BEFORE using the epsoms for the flush. Well when I took the epsoms that time, they worked even less than before!
Im so confused. Either way though, I know in my case, a kidney cleanse is DEFINATELY in order. Ive begun ...
2,346 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
R by molly Bloom 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
I think I over-did the painting.
I was painting in and around my belly button for a couple of weeks. I was really slathering it on.
I stopped because I got a huge rash on my stomach. It has come and gone for over a week now.
Gotta be careful with the painting and don’t go crazy like I did.
I was doing 25 mg of Iodoral a day. I was really painting a lot on my body. At one point I started peeing mucus and then the cloudy urine for about a week. I was detoxing like crazy and was so damn tired which was a good thing.
It seems painting can be just as powerful as the ingestin ...
2,219 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation