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30 baking soda tips. (Bi-Carb soda)
by spudlydoo 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
30 baking soda tips
By Green Living Tips | Published 09/26/2007 | pets , home , garden , cleaning
Baking soda - 30 handy tips
My original article on baking soda being an earth friendly household chemical replacement was mainly about what the substance is and how it’s made. I also briefly touched on a few useful tips in how the substance can be used, but in this article, I’ve jotted down a stack of baking soda tips - some of these I’ve tried myself, others I’m yet to give a whirl.
Special note: always spot te ...
1,556 hits
Forum: Renewable & Sustainable
Re: sodium bicarbonate has no aluminum
by wellnessyoga 10 y
Unfortunately there is a widespread misunderstanding on the internet which causes a lot of confusion, but here is no aluminum in baking soda ( bicarbonate of soda), only in baking powder!
I use Arm and Hammer baking soda all the time internally.
Here is a link that explains it, but you can also do a google search.
Wishing you much health!
4,964 hits
Forum: Cancer
Alternative Energy
Re: Flavor Enhancer MSG Added to Flu Shot
RR by grzbear 12 y
mom and dad’s families both used baking soda to brush teeth and in cooking/baking...
Baking Soda to Treat Colds and the Flu
”In 1918, the Spanish flu was sweeping the country. This deadly strain of the flu ended up killing an incredible 50 to 100 million people worldwide, 3-6% of the world’s population at that time. And yet doctors eventually figured out that there was a fairly effective way to prevent the flu, or cure it in its early stages. The answer lied with baking soda. A prominent physician named Dr. Volney S. Cheney discovered that very few people who took baking soda contrac ...
3,810 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Sodium bicarbonate
by #39179 15 y
Actually I have two theories:
First I believe baking soda render the skin terrain difficult for yeasts and fungal forms to reproduce and second I truly believe that mites on our pillow and bed can reproduce even faster eating dry and dead skin of SD people. So after a while when using baking soda millions of mites will dye for sure because some baking soda will stay on your bed. People with SD improves a lot when they sleep in hotels why??? Because in hotels they change the clothes every single day. Do SD people have time to clean their beds on a daily basis on their homes ? No !
Why ...
37,389 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Seborrheic Derm.
Re: Baking Soda!!!!
by TruthSeeker888 11 y
Baking Soda has benezene in it. The only pure baking soda that I’ve found is at drclarkstorecom
Scientific research is available online on how 1 tsp baking soda at night (when you don’t need an acid stomach/digestive system) helps prevent kidney disease and detoxes the body from chemo therapy (very stupid thing to do) and helps with detoxification of the body while helpin out the kidneys. Maybe don’t use it all the time and only with Hulda Clark’s store’s purified baking soda, since Benzene is a known carcinogen and in Soda Pop!
16,904 hits
Forum: Herpes
Baking soda as toothpaste - am i doing it right
by bullmatterson 11 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hello there :)
I am using KAISER Natron (german baking soda), which i found to be alright.
Then i found some ”organic” baking soda in my nearby drugstore, which was of a very small structur, powderlike.
The baking soda i am using is more like very small sandparticles, not that powderlike.
So i wonder, which baking soda do you use in your country - and what is the structure?
1,288 hits
Forum: Dental Support
Re: Sodium Bicarbonate to peel off the outer layer of the...
by stilljillofark 13 y
3,039 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: sodium bicarbonate
by MadArtist 16 y
You’ve gotten excellent advise from great people.
I am posting this for your review, in case you are still curious about the source.
Best of luck to you.
Here’s a source for aluminum free baking soda:
and a link to a write up of all different protocols in ”Cancer Tutor” including the baking soda & Vitamin C ( I am sure you have visited but posted it just the same just in case.)
Vitamin C and Baking Soda (about $15 a month) (Vitamin C and Baking Soda)
Very Important Note: USE ONLY baking soda which is ...
19,473 hits
2 of 4 (50%)
Forum: Cancer Support
Alternative Energy
--calcium vs Baking soda--
by moreless 19 y
Hi JS,
Calcium and baking Soda do not work in the same ways in the body against the Protein Isotopes!
The Baking soda may just raise the pH in most cases, but it to has some variations on the pH effect!
But in most cases the Baking Soda may raise the pH, but it does not supply the body with the same Electro-magnetic Energy which the Calcium may provide, so you may have your pH up with Baking soda, yet not be providing your body with the Needed Electro-magnetic Energy!
Smile Tis your choice.
2,254 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Sodium Bicarbonate for ‘The Bath’?
by moreless 19 y
Hi Dave,
There is a Hugh difference between Baking Soda which is what is recommended for the Detox bath Soak and what some people are calling Baking soda which has phosphate and aluminium in it!
The Baking soda which is for the Detox bath is just Sodium bi-carbonate and has no added phosphate and or aluminium in it!
The product which has any phosphates and or aluminium is also called Baking ”POWDER”, which is not the name used for the product which is just Baking Soda!
There is a HUGH difference!
One is Baking Soda and the other is Baking POWDER!!
The Baking Soda may be u ...
4,703 hits
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Debate
--Protein Isotopes vs Calcium or Baking Soda--
by moreless 18 y
Hi Ya’ll,
Calcium and baking Soda do not work in the same ways in the body against the Protein Isotopes!
The Baking soda may just raise the pH in most cases, but it to has some variations on the pH effect!
But, in most cases the Baking Soda may raise the pH, but it does not supply the body with the same Electro-magnetic Energy which the Calcium may provide, so you may have your pH up with Baking soda, yet not be providing your body with the Needed Electro-magnetic Energy!
And Calcium may Cause a change in the Protein Isotope from it being Alkaline forming into Acid forming, whe ...
1,157 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Warning-Baking Soda by Jim Humble
by r4000 17 y
I am posting this new message (received April 11th 2008 )in view of its importance
Here is the response Jim Humble told me in regards to BAKING SODA-sodium bicarbonate
”Yes,the baking soda(sodium bicarbonate)cancels out the continuing benefit[of MMS].
The MMS kills all of the bacteria present,but the baking soda eliminates the continued protection until the next brushing[of one’s teeth]
Generally this would not be a problem as you will always be brushing in a few hours and the baking soda has its benefits as well”
Jim Humble
Notes: 1-This for to a response that a person ...
2,395 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Baking Soda
by refreshed 17 y
Welcome Cerph, here is an older post that may help you understand more about baking soda. Hope it helps. :)
Hi 82374,
Here are several earlier posts explaining”WHY”:
Hi Ya’ll,
Many folks may have tried using Baking Soda to raise their pH, thinking that
then ”ALL” their Problems would go away ?
Because now their pH is up after taking Baking Soda, but then they later find
out that continued use of Baking Soda is not Solving their problem, in Fact it
may Cause some problems?
”WHY” may this come about ?
Could it be th ...
20,886 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Sodium bicarbonate plus coconut oil IS THE ONLY CURE !
by straw 15 y
um....actually, i am still suffering from SD (there are still rashes on my face now) and I am still testing how to adjust 39179’s method.
as i said before, my face had become very dry after using baking soda, so now i kinda change the way to use baking soda and coconut oil. since i just changed it for a week only, so i donno how it will go, but please let me share the way i am trying!
i drink a half spoon of baking soda in the morning and at night. when i wake up, i will just wash my face by tap water (i don’t have pure water), WET my face, and then use a paste-form baking s ...
53,865 hits
Forum: Seborrheic Derm.
Re: ph balancing
R by refreshed 17 y
Here are several earlier posts explaining”WHY”:
Hi Ya’ll,
Many folks may have tried using Baking Soda to raise their pH, thinking that
then ”ALL” their Problems would go away ?
Because now their pH is up after taking Baking Soda, but then they later find
out that continued use of Baking Soda is not Solving their problem, in Fact it
may Cause some problems?
”WHY” may this come about ?
Could it be that Baking Soda may ”ONLY” provide a Release of Electro-magnetic
Energy from the Baking Soda and any Acids reacting against this ...
2,601 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
--answer--Why is Baking Soda not good to alkalize the body?
by moreless 18 y
Hi 82374,
Here are several earlier posts explaining”WHY”:
Hi Ya’ll,
Many folks may have tried using Baking Soda to raise their pH, thinking that
then ”ALL” their Problems would go away ?
Because now their pH is up after taking Baking Soda, but then they later find
out that continued use of Baking Soda is not Solving their problem, in Fact it
may Cause some problems?
”WHY” may this come about ?
Could it be that Baking Soda may ”ONLY” provide a Release of Electro-magnetic
Energy from the Baking Soda and any Acids reacting against this Baking Soda ?
Now, what if the b ...
50,534 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Baking powder!?!toothpaste
by lupas 14 y
Thank you for the info (clarifying) :)
Baking powder is Baking soda and cream of tartar.
A natural form of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is found in Nahcolite and Trona, it is also produced naturaly by the bile, and can be produced artificially,
Sold Baking soda is a highly processed product!
So baking soda is a component of baking powder.
But is there any thing that is bad about baking soda?
Any other natural suggestions for tooth cleaning?
Thank you for any info.
1,790 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Arm&Hammer baking soda
by TruthSeeker888 11 y
Store brands of baking soda contain benezene, which is also high in bicarbonate drinks aka soda pop. Hulda Clark’s store has purified baking soda without benezene and without other chemicals. I can’t find purified baking soda elsewhere thus far. I’m mixing it with 1 part potassium bicarbonate and 2 parts baking soda. Check out the year long double blind research done on kidney patients who stayed off of dialysis thanks to baking soda. Only use at night when you don’t need the acidic stomach acid for digestion and don’t use more than 1 to 1 1/2 tsp. It does make you feel better when you wak ...
2,733 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Moreless, Question about baking soda
by west4 16 y
View Entire Thread 6
You have said that baking soda in the long run will make you acidic. This an interesting story of somebody who was taking baking soda with vinegar and ended up in the hospital with no muscle function.
What’s the difference between taking baking soda with grapefruit which is ok and taking baking soda with apple cider vinegar. Both of them are acids which should neutralize the baking soda and prevent you from becoming too acidic.
But apparently one makes you acidic and the other doesn’t when taken with baking soda.
3,010 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
--answer--Question about baking soda & ACV vs Grapefruit
by moreless 16 y
Hi west4,
Your question:
You have said that baking soda in the long run will make you acidic. This an interesting story of somebody who was taking baking soda with vinegar and ended up in the hospital with no muscle function.
What’s the difference between taking baking soda with grapefruit which is ok and taking baking soda with apple cider vinegar. Both of them are acids which should neutralize the baking soda and prevent you from becoming too acidic.
But apparently one makes you acidic and the other doesn’t when taken with baking soda.
Answer: ACV is a fermented product ! ...
2,940 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
No, it isn't
RR by Dquixote1217 16 y
First of all, a teaspoon of Baking Soda contains between 1100 and 1300 mg of Sodium. Secondly, baking soda can raise blood pressure. And third, there is the issue of maintaining a steady blood pH. From
The real issue is getting the baking soda past the digestive tract. (When baking soda is injected) This creates a localized area of the body which has a high concentration of baking soda. It is an effective treatment.
. . . . getting the baking soda past the digestive tract does not create a localized area of high concentrations of baking ...
7,559 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Baking soda for white tongue
by Zoebess 18 y
The ingredient you are thinking of with aluminum
is baking POWDER. Baking powder contains baking
soda, so it is easy to be confused. Baking soda
by itself can be ingested safely and does not have
aluminum in it. You can find aluminum-free baking
powder or make your own using baking soda and cream
of tartar. I get mine from the health food store.
21,939 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: This actually works and works FAST
by Suzanchick 10 y
Ted, why do you need sodium carbonate or washing soda, instead of just baking soda? I’ve had a couple people tell me they used baking soda to cure their condition - one told me a teaspoon of baking soda in a 1/4 cup of water day and night. This is the first I’ve heard of washing soda too. Wondering if I have to go out and get that too.
21,796 hits
Forum: Eczema
Re: Fungus and getting rid of it
by bakingsoda 11 y
The key is altering your pH levels to be high or more Alkaline than acidic. Fungus thrives in acidic environments. If you apply baking soda to any skin affected from a fungal infection it will kill or stop the fungal growth. I drink baking soda and have changed my diet to all Alkaline foods. I am a Type 1 diabetic and it does indeed thrive in a sugary environment. Sugar is very acidic. If you google pH and fungus and baking soda you can find research that shows the stats on baking soda and the mechanism in it that kills or stops the growth of fungus. I have taken expensive antifungals and ...
18,134 hits
Forum: Ringworm
Re: Diflucan substitute?
by Syrena 11 y
After I can get my system a little more balanced, as I don’t think my system could handle the candida die off, right now, I will be using a protocol of molasses and baking soda. I think that it is safer than using diflucan, and probably more effective. However, until my system is more balanced, I don’t want to overload with sugar and die off from the yeast. Got to get my liver detoxed, and strengthened, and get adrenals and thyroid back in balance. Also plan on balancing electrolytes and ph. Then, I’ll go after the candida with molasses/baking soda. Some people use maple syrup with t ...
4,003 hits
Forum: Candida
Enema & Colonics
Sleep Apnea
Adrenal Fatigue
Re: yellow stuff
by erictarzan 13 y
Make a paste out of baking soda, Baking soda and water. Put the paste on your lips leave it on until it totally dries and then put water in your cupped hands and gently rinse off baking soda slowly dont let lips rip they have too heal without ripping. Other than that any kinds of good shea butter mixed with neem oil or doctor prescribed creams will help.If its really infected use vinegar on ur lips as needed too kill infection before you use the baking soda. The main thing you should use until your totally better is baking soda though.
1,997 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Baking soda and sea salt instead of toothpaste
by brillig 13 y
Pay close attention to any skin reaction of your lips, mouth and gums, as some people are sensitive to baking soda. I know I am (at least my skin is).
I found out when I tried to make my own natural deodorant using baking soda. I had been having such excellent results with all my natural products, that I was sure the baking soda natural deodorant would work great for me. Instead I got a very bad rash under my arms. Even when I reduced the proportion of baking soda significantly, I still got a rash. Lots of people use baking soda with no negative effects, and you might be one of the ...
3,226 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Sodium bicarbonate plus coconut oil IS THE ONLY CURE !
by straw 15 y
hihi, although baking soda works for SD, the amount of dosage is hard to measure!
since i get a very dry skin, using baking soda worses the problem!
so i suggest you that you may try the honey treatment instead of baking soda treatment.
since u’ve used baking soda for few days or a week, part of yeast has been killed. so you can just continously use honey instead of baking soda to kill the remaining yeast!
that’s only my suggestion, think about it!
good luck!
53,415 hits
Forum: Seborrheic Derm.
Re: why is baking soda on the "foods that kill" page?
by herbalnutritionistcmt 15 y
there are many ingredients in baking soda that r harmful aluminum is one example. in addition, when one uses baking soda it changes the ph of your stomach and neutralizes digestive juices... in other words it affects your digestion process adversely. whenever one gives the body a substance that it makes on its own(the pancreas produces baking soda to neutralize acidic food) it then gives a signal to the organ that makes the chemicals the signal to atrophy and die. consuming baking soda will over time tell the pancreas to stop making baking soda and atrophy. I dont think destroying the panc ...
4,172 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Candida Support
Diet & Nutrition
Ok to ozonate water w/baking soda in it?
by LoricaLady 15 y
I have been having an awful time getting alkaline & my diet is at least 80% alkaline. The only reliable thing for alkalizing has been apple cider vinegar & baking soda & even that is not long lived in terms of effect.
My filtered & ozonated water is around 6.5. I want to add baking soda to it, as some suggest, to alkalize that way. However, I also like ozonating my water. So, does anyone know any reason why I can’t ozonate water that has baking soda in it?
I notice some people give their wheatgrass plants ozonated water with baking soda to kill mold & it doesn’t hurt hte wheatgra ...
3,169 hits
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Support
Baking soda test for stomach acid
by gibby 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
Marilyn found an article at that describes a safer test for stomach acid. Remember those old science classes where you mixed vinegar and baking soda and watched it bubble? When baking soda comes in contact with vinegar or any acid, then carbon dioxide gas is released. If you ingest baking soda on an empty stomach, and the baking soda comes in contact with sufficient stomach acid, you may burp up the gas. Dr. Joseph A. Debé suggests putting a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and then drinking it first thing in the morning, before eating anythi ...
3,232 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Sodium Ascorbic Acid or Plain Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin C and Baking Soda (about $15 a month)
Mix baking soda with Vitamin C in a glass of water (1-2 TEAspoons of baking soda with 5-10 grams of Vitamin C in 12 ounces of distilled water). Vitamin C and baking soda make sodium ascorbate and CO2. This carbonates the water and nutralizes some of the acid making it more drinkable.
2,367 hits
Forum: Vitamin C Support
--answer--Article on baking soda "sodium bicardonate" as ...
by moreless 18 y
Hi sethie,
Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate !
So where is the body that has a problem with Cancer and is Lacking in many of the Alkaline Minerals and Trace Minerals, like Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper etc, going to get the Electro-magnetic Energy from these needed Alkaline Minerals and Trace Minerals, when these are ”NOT” in Baking Soda ?
Sure, Baking Soda may Alkalize Acids, but it cannot supply the other needed Alkaline Minerals !
So, Baking Soda may ”ONLY” be an short term Emergency to help cut the Excess Acids ?
But, it will not Solve the ...
3,412 hits
3 of 3 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Baking powder
by hopinso 19 y
Sometimes its good to be careful. Even some baking soda boxes have warnings about using the product as an antacid. It can produce gas, extreme bloating, and over alkanilize the stomach which needs to be in an acid state. I doubt if it really does much to affect the alkalinity of the whole body since once the soda hits the stomach acid it creates lots of gas (CO2). If the stomach is full of food and very acid, the excess gas could damage the stomach itself.
Here are some cautions from one site that started out looking for natural cures, but felt it necessary to warn readers to avoid the ...
16,604 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Support
Re: Ascorbic acid and baking soda?
by muzikl1 14 y
Recently I have started experimeting with Baking soda and Ascorbic Acid, partly because baking soda by itself is not very tasteful, and partly I read somewhere that Dr Linus Pauling used to make a baking soda ascorbic acid concoction. Although I have not been able to find his exact formula.
In fact my online researching led to a website phkillscancer, and tv clip of a guy who had stage 4 cancer, and used baking soda successfully in his self treatment. He would mix it with Molasses. He also uses Arm and Hammer which has no Aluminum. He also demonstrates how to make his mixture. I ag ...
3,558 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Sodium bicarbonate plus coconut oil IS THE ONLY CURE !
by #117180 15 y
@ #39179. Hi, I made a summary, based upone what I read here for everyone and myself. Please tell me if something is wrongly put here. Cheers!
SD cure posted by Username: #39179
* Eat coconut oil and drink sodium bicarbonate ( Must be 100% baking soda and powder form not the crystals. ) on a daily basis.
* Spread coconut oil over your scalp face, ears, nose, and other SD areas mixed with a bit of sodium bicarbonate powder.
* Start with very low amount of sodium bicarbonate like half coffee spoon.
* Drink a half coffee spoon of baking soda (night) and a half c ...
54,127 hits
Forum: Seborrheic Derm.
I've found the cure for arm pit odour. No jokes.
by magician11 10 y
This is no joke. I’m 26 years old and with the same embarassing problem you guys have.
It’s kind of weird because body odour doesn’t run in my family. My dad doesn’t even need deoderant, and my brother/mother are fine as long as they wear antiperspirant.
For me it’s different. People and my fiance don’t tell me I stink....but I can really smell my body odour sometimes. I have one friend who basically told me I smell like B.O.
During my teen years nothing worked for me. After 4 hours after a shower I stank quite bad. Old spice and antiperspirants made me smell worse.
At univer ...
864 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Baking soda - 101 uses
by mark007 22 y
View Entire Thread 16
Here’s what it says on the baking soda box that i buy :
LAUNDRY BOOSTER - Add 125ml(1/2 cup) to the wash with your detergent to boost cleaning power and neutralize tough odors.
CAT LITTER DEODORIZING - Cover the bottom of your cat’s litter box with baking soda before adding litter. To freshen in between changes, sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter, after cleaning.
GENERAL PURPOSE CLEANING - Apply to damp sponge, wipe and rinse well. Safely cleans kitchen and bathroom surfaces without scratching. Try it on microwaves, sinks/counters, pots & pans, tubs and showers.
BATH A ...
16,542 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Home Remedies
Body Odor
Underarm Odor
Smelly Feet
Re: Moreless Detox Bath
by moreless 19 y
Hi Invincible,
Baking Soda is called Bicarbonate of soda or Sodium bicarbonate!
Baking Powder is the other product you mentioned with phosphate in it and there is a world of difference between the Baking Soda which I have recommended and the Baking Powder which you mentioned!!
Use the Baking Soda or the Bicarbonate of Soda or the Sodium bicarbonate, which every you want to call it, it is cheap and works!
The Baking soda provides extra Sodium in the water which may help neutralize the Excess Acids which the Epsom Salts pulls out of the body among other things, thus helping the b ...
4,000 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
--Baking Soda & pH--
by moreless 18 y
Hi Ya’ll,
Many folks may have tried using Baking Soda to raise their pH, thinking that then ”ALL” their Problems would go away ?
Because now their pH is up after taking Baking Soda, but then they later find out that continued use of Baking Soda is not Solving their problem, in Fact it may Cause some problems?
”WHY” may this come about ?
Could it be that Baking Soda may ”ONLY” provide a Release of Electro-magnetic Energy from the Baking Soda and any Acids reacting against this Baking Soda ?
Now, what if the body is needing Calcium or Magnesium or Iron or Potassium or any othe ...
730 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH