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Bad Breath
by StanksAlot 16 y
View Entire Thread 9
This doesn’t really have anything to do with me but I know a few of you were complaining about breath issues. I came across this in my search for something else, so I thought I’d post it. Hope it helps someone.
Bad Breath treatment and home remedy by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Natural herbs to reduce bad breath, and foods that cause it
Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, create social and psychological barriers , and even affect marriages. Most bad breath occurs when bacteria in the mouth break down proteins, producing foul-smelling sulfur compounds. Keeping and chewing Fe ...
14,631 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Tonsil Stones Tonsillolith
Oil Pulling
bad breath & homoeopathy
by drvenugopal 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
Man is a social animal. His attitude, culture is evident in his behaviour and demeanour. God has also given humans this unique capability of expression through words or conversation. If you have a bad breath all this can be marred and termed under bad manners. If you are also in any profession where interaction with people is more this could be irritating when peopl ...
7,884 hits
Forum: Market Place
bad breath
by #193629 10 y
View Entire Thread 2
bad breath is a great problem all over the world. anybody can have bad breath including adult and children. there are many things that cause bad breath like onion and garlic. you can have bad breath even if you brush three times a day .to get more info about bad breath and how to cure it permanently go here and stop spending hundred of dollars every month on mouth wash and breath mint
1,461 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Bad Breath
by #142293 14 y
Thanks for the advice on bad breath cures. There were some interesting new remedies presented by Dr. Sahelian in your post that I had not tried before.
To add to the info here, I wanted to tell everyone that I found some great info on how to cure bad breath from an eBook called Living Bad Breath Free. It gave me some great tips on getting rid of my bad breath and it is well worth taking a look at it.
11,636 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Tonsil Stones Tonsillolith
Oil Pulling
mouth plate needed
by jamesmatheson 10 y
i am about to buy a mouth plate that sticks to the roof of my mouth with cream to stop my bad breath. The reason for my bad breath is my heart doesnt have enough veins to decompose food and push blood and air into the body so my heart pushes bad smell into my mouth to tell my mouth to put in the substance to make it work better, so I am about to pay $1000 for a mouth plate that i stick to the roof of my mouth , the mouth plate should be sold in the dollar store but my region wants people to be sick so they make money , if you can you should write denture groups to have a mouth plate made t ...
2,141 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Re: My breath smells like poo!
by notplacid 14 y
Thanks for the additions, but my post was to alert folks to the likely causes of CHRONIC and PERSISTANT bad breath that does not respond to the usual over the counter remedies. Believe me, people with difficult bad breath have tried everything and have had to fight against wrong diagnoses and indifference in the medical community in order to get the diagnostic tests and medical procedures done that will actually relieve them of their bad breath.
These are people who have lost jobs, relationships and families and are forced to battle depression and hopelessness because actual remedies ...
152,323 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Bad Breath
Body Odor
Dental Health
Dental Support
Bowel Cleanse Support
Eliminate Bad Breath Causes and Use Natural Remedies for ...
R by Tony Isaacs 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
Eliminate Bad Breath Causes and Use Natural Remedies for Fresher Breath
by Tony Isaacs
Bad breath (or halitosis) can have many causes, including bacteria in the mouth, stomach and intestine problems, sluggish bowels, sinus or throat infections, certain foods, and tobacco and alcohol. Fortunately there are many safe and natural ways to help eliminate the causes of bad breath and freshen breath. Begin by eliminating the causes of bad breath and taking steps to include dietary, lifestyle and other practices which lead to fresher breath.
An improper diet can le ...
2,465 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Re: Has anyone tried ?
by #85615 18 y
i have bad breath and I have used therabreath product with success. I used to have a quite severe bad breath that I can smell my own bad breath easily.
So to the poster below: if you have a quite severe bad breath, you can confirm this by yourself and the reaction from people.
anyway why don’t you give it a try. Therabreath has worked for me for years..until recently when my breath got worse although I still managed to keep my breath relatively mild and tolerable with Therabreath. Good luck
PS. therabreath didn’t immediately eliminate bad breath for me in a day. It took aro ...
4,773 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Tonsil Stones Tonsillolith
quick and easy cure for bad breath
by Irnikuram1 15 y
View Entire Thread 6
Bad breath is full of unhealthy (and potentially-dangerous!) chemical compounds. They are all extremely smelly, and combine to produce the odor we recognize as bad breath.
The report is short but it covers EVERYTHING you need to know to eliminate bad breath. Here’s just some of what you can learn from it...
The single cause of virtually ALL cases of bad breath, and what you can do to control it, no matter how serious your problem, or how long you’ve had it. You need never be self-conscious, or embarrassed, about your breath again.
5 simple things you can do today that can rid you of b ...
6,023 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Dental Support
Re: hydropulse nasal sinus irrigator
by nosesmelly 20 y
no i have emptied my bank account as well. i thought my bad breath was from post nasal drip as well and so i started cleansing my sinuses. i used salt water with baking soda, and sometimes i added the therabreath aktiv oxygen whenever i had it. the bad breath goes away for like 20min then u can feel the stink comming back in the back of your throat into your mouth. my bad breath is from the back of my throat and in my nose but irrigating has only cleared my sinuses not my bad breath. sad i know. my problem is that i dont understand what caused this bad breath why or how and that is what k ...
4,352 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: I believe that if a product is not effective for you
by nosesmelly 20 y
well the way i see it from what i read, the Blis K12 was made for preventing infection in the throat against virus and colds and such. it HAS been around for awhile but not till recently have they found that it has helped bad breath. so i dont see how it can be some great bad breath cure if it was never known before to cure bad breath. so really what u say doesnt make sense. i dont see them as scamming us. blis never says it cures bad breath for everyone, nor does Dr.Katz. his product has oviously worked if its made itself into stores everywhere if it didnt cure bad breath then it would j ...
3,010 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: O/T Bad Breath
by Ginagirl 12 y
Yes, chlorella helps body odor in general.
when it comes to bad breath a combination of zinc supplement (30-50 mg daily)and vit B + either chlorella or barley grass powder (or similar green powders) should help within a month or two.
Zinc / vit B helped my teeenager`s bad breath, together with iodine etc. The vit B is for the uptake of zinc, and also helping the digestion in general.
”Instead of bacteria binding to surface proteins and releasing sulfur gases, available zinc ions bind to protein receptors, disallowing new sulfur gas from being created. Zinc ion technology offers a lo ...
2,608 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Oral probiotics? Can anyone help ship them to me?
by archus 10 y
Majority of people who have bad breath have some issues with their gut. If you clean your gut you will have clean breath.
You are in China, Chinese are the expert in all herbal help.
Temporarily chew cardamom and cloves.
2,964 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Abuse Support
my 4yr old has bad breath, help
by vk260 16 y
View Entire Thread 8
for about a month now my son has bad breath, i am trying to give him more fruits and have him drink water, healthier foods, anyways lately his breath is noticeably stinky...though he does wake up in the middle of the night but i dont think that should be much factor, can someone tell me why that is that he’s having bad breath all of a sudden, we do have a small dog in the house and i recently dewormed him as well not my kids yet...but what could cause my son to have bad breath, and what can i do to fix that problem?
thank you
7,486 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Fecal Bad breath with NO fecal body odor? Why?
by #225704 8 y
I have always suffered from Fecal Bad Breath Odour for as long as I can remember and have been self-conscious about this for most of my life.
On bad days, I didn’t even need to open my mouth to affect other people with my Fecal Bad Breath Odour as it seemed to just leak out from my mouth and nose. The reactions from people who were near me would usually consist of people covering their noses, usually struggling to hide their surprise and disgust at what was coming from my mouth, stepping back from me and turning their heads away. I experienced these react ...
4,466 hits
Forum: Body Odor
fecal bad breath odour cured
by #225704 8 y
I have always suffered from Fecal Bad Breath Odour for as long as I can remember and have been self-conscious about this for most of my life.
On bad days, I didn’t even need to open my mouth to affect other people with my Fecal Bad Breath Odour as it seemed to just leak out from my mouth and nose. The reactions from people who were near me would usually consist of people covering their noses, usually struggling to hide their surprise and disgust at what was coming from my mouth, stepping back from me and turning their heads away. I experienced these rea ...
5,252 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: a solution to bad breath
by saywhydoi 14 y
Hi, I like your idea of using yoghurt for a mild probiotic. It could indeed help a lot of people.
Together with this I’d also recommend cutting down on sugars (because sugar feeds the bad bacteria that cause bad breath), drinking plenty of water (because dehydration exacerbates bad breath) and most importantly of all keeping good oral hygiene.
Also in cases of chronic bad breath - check to see if there may be another underlying health condition behind it, like constipation or a sluggish liver.
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6,425 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
few questions for people who are either on the candida di...
by ReyanneP 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
for anyone who has done the candida diet, how long did it take for the fecal bad breath to go away? i hear that having a diet that is low in carbohydrates also causes bad breath... but is that a different kind of bad breath? the bad breath i get after i eat something gross is in my MOUTH but the bad breath from candida overgrowth comes from the back of my THROAT :( how long does it take for that to go away? sometimes (depending on the positioning of my neck) i can smell it even when my mouth is CLOSED... (so embarrassing...) (oh, also, did anyone also have a lot of phlegm in the back of th ...
1,696 hits
Forum: Candida
Ask CureZone
Re: A Great Tip for BadBreath! Clean out those tonsil sto...
by henri2398 9 y
Tips to get rid of bad breath:
For more:
1,508 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Help, can't take this.
by pilare 15 y
Consulting a dentist first would be a good idea as they know all diseases related to dental hygiene including bad breath...also they can rule out dental abcess as the cause of your bad breath(because as you might know, bacterial infection does not smelle good!).
If you have a white coating at the back of your tongue, mouthwashing with grapefruit seed extract(GSE) can really help you as it kills germs related to bad breath, including candida albican.
Good luck!
8,015 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Candida Support
Acid Reflux/GERD
Bad Breath
by #142293 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
How to start curing your bad breath with an extremely easy and fast-acting system today. Implement it for three days and you won’t even need the mouthwash any longer because your bad breath will be a thing of the past. Your bad breath will literally be CURED IN JUST 3 SHORT DAYS!
Check out
1,942 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: halitosis?
by Mathias78 17 y
Halitosis home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Bad Breath Halitosis cure home remedies:
* Consume a very green raw guava, as it serves as an excellent home remedy for halitosis.
* Take a green cardamom and chew it after meals for a longer duration.
* Avocado is considered valuable in treating the problem of bad breath.
* Fruit and vegetable juices help a great deal in getting rid of bad breath.
* Prepare tea from fenugreek leaves and drink it everyday.
3,706 hits
Forum: Home Remedies
Bad Breath
Body Odor
Ask CureZone
Have severe GB attacks and chronic bad breath.
by bmead144 22 y
View Entire Thread 6
Surgery scheduled for monday.It’s thursday and I think i’ll call the doc tommorow and postpone.I’m going for the flush!Has anyone sufering from gall bladder trouble/stones experienced having chronic bad breath-despite fairly good dental hygene?A friend told me his wife had her Gallbladder removed and that she never felt better and the chronic bad breath she had went away!Anyway I’ve suffered from the bad breath for years and am hoping to kill two birds with one stone!(no pun intended).
6,039 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Update on tonsillectomy
by fcbm10 11 y
Hi everyone I just had my tonsillectomy done yesterday. I am 22 yrs old and and the recovery isn’t so bad yet I’m on the second day and I’m sitting up and watching tv just a sore throat nothing major. I’m hoping that the tonsillectomy will cure my bad breath. I also live in Canada so the procedure was free thank god. All my friends in their honest opinion said I don’t have bad breath or bad body odor but I would get reactions by people on the bus plus I would have this poo smell taste in my breath and saliva. I have a crazy good oral hygiene and it’s weird after brushing I would have bad ...
4,848 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: bad breth
by Zoebess 18 y
Hey Budman,
I would recommend you consider oil-pulling~!
I use some oregano oil in my sesame oil, just
2-3 drops, and not that I had bad breath, but
my mouth sure feels wonderfully fresh and clean.
Here is a link to our forum here on Curezone~~
Of course, it is also a question of why your
breath is bad. There are many reasons, some
which are connected to digestion.
I used the search engine at the top of the
Candida forum page (upper right) and plugged
in bad breath, and you can find many posts
to look at on the subjec ...
2,445 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Social Anxiety and Bad Breath, how are going to deal ...
by abnormalgirl 9 y
I beg anyone on here a real effective cure for bad breath.
I’m so fed up and disappointed with having bad breath. I’ have become antisocial and isolated at my job and life.
Can’t stand people offering me gum, covering noses when i talk, or moving away from seats when sitting next to me.
I’ve tried many things and spent so much money and I still have the bad breath. I feel hopeless. I tried supplements, thera breath, salt water gargling and rinsing, coconut oil pulling, oral probiotics, peroxide rinsing,food combining, apple cider vinegar upon rising and throughly day, and so ...
1,487 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
I beg anyone on here a real effective cure for bad breath
by abnormalgirl 9 y
View Entire Thread 7
I beg anyone on here a real effective cure for bad breath.
I’m so fed up and disappointed with having bad breath. I’ have become antisocial and isolated at my job and life.
Can’t stand people offering me gum, covering noses when i talk, or moving away from seats when sitting next to me.
I’ve tried many things and spent so much money and I still have the bad breath. I feel hopeless. I tried supplements, thera breath, salt water gargling and rinsing, coconut oil pulling, oral probiotics, peroxide rinsing,food combining, apple cider vinegar upon rising and throughly day, and so much ...
2,804 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Body Odor
Ask CureZone
Oil Pulling
Dental Health
I beg for a Bad breath cure after trying almost everything
by abnormalgirl 9 y
View Entire Thread 8
I beg anyone on here a real effective cure for bad breath.
I’m so fed up and disappointed with having bad breath. I’ have become antisocial and isolated at my job and life.
Can’t stand people offering me gum, covering noses when i talk, or moving away from seats when sitting next to me.
I’ve tried many things and spent so much money and I still have the bad breath. I feel hopeless. I tried supplements, thera breath, salt water gargling and rinsing, coconut oil pulling, oral probiotics, peroxide rinsing,food combining, apple cider vinegar upon rising and throughly day, and ...
4,535 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Body Odor
Cleansing & Detox
Re: Has anyone tried ?
by #136675 15 y
Oraltech Laboratories Diagnostic Testing of Bad Breath Causes has shown the therabreath products and the breath cure products to be of no use in reducing or curing bad breath. To this date we have no product that cures bad breath. So before you waste your money on the spam products remember the safe cost effective way is to find the cause of bad breath and eliminate it. After that it’s simple:Take these 4 steps after each meal and before bed. They are 1: Floss 2: with a soft bristle tooth brush, brush your entire mouth. #3 scrape your tongue and brush it 3 times. 4: drink as much water as ...
4,120 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Tonsil Stones Tonsillolith
Re: update
by luckyhope84 12 y
Bad breath smell can come from the nose and the mouth if you have bad tonsils. I forgot what I read but it said something about bad breath through the nose is a systematic problem. If you just have bad breath from bacteria it would only come through the mouth.
If you have bad breath coming out of the nose people could only smell it when you are sitting next to them. But if you talk it would smell further away and you would have a cloud of bad breath around you.
It didn’t take me 6-9 months to get my tonsils out. It took a few months. Maybe 3 at the most. I just visited the ent twic ...
1,777 hits
Forum: Body Odor Cure
Bad Breath cure
by spuddy1971 19 y
View Entire Thread 6
I believe most of the people with Bad breath have probably cured themselves many times and they just dont know it because they rely on taste. That is the worst way to tell if you Have bad breath. By the way most of the taste that you perceive is bad breath is mucus .Every time you try a new method as soon as bad taste comes you think that this product or method did not work then they go on these forums and say this didnt work or that didnt work when in fact they are just can be cured of Bad breath in one month if you really want to.
The first and hardest step is to find two t ...
6,786 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Oil Pulling
Dental Health
Tonsil Stones Tonsillolith
I BEG YOU PLEASE HELP! bad breath, stomach problems
by #197489 10 y
View Entire Thread 14
Please i beg you please help me. Im 21 years old and have been suffering for almost 4 years. I’ll try and make my story quick so here we go....
I went to Beijing, China to study abroad in high school and about two months after coming back to America I started feeling sick. One day I wokeup with really bad diahrea really bad stomach pain and digestive problems and ever since then it has only gotten worse. I would skip school and not reply to any of my friends because I was embarassed and because my stomach pain was so bad. After the stomach problems started I started having REALLY bad brea ...
6,182 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Lactose Intolerance
Re: mouthwash
by wombat 14 y
Sweets do not make me sweet, that’s for sure. This is interesting, I always suspected that overgrowth of ”bad” bacteria caused bad breath, here ya go:
Have you started to notice some nasty smells coming from your breath over Christmas? You might find a lot of people are suffering from bad breath over the Christmas festivities. Why? Well it could actually be as simple as to much of that Christmas pudding? That’s right; Sugar is one of the many causes of bad breath. I will tel ...
2,227 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
The bad breath cure
by rl4444 20 y
View Entire Thread 6
Dental research shows effective way to kill odor-causing bacteria
More than 90 million Americans can sigh comfortably because of new relief for their bad breath. Dental experts today revealed research highlighting a new treatment option that can eliminate halitosis or chronic bad breath at the Academy of General Dentistry’s (AGD) 53rd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
”Bad breath is no laughing matter and can actually be an indication of more serious health concerns such as infections,” said general and cosmetic dentist, Louis J. Malcmacher, DDS, FAGD and AGD member.
The research s ...
4,826 hits
Forum: Body Odor
bad breath didnt totally go away like i thought
by vanmel 21 y
Hey guys, I guess I got too happy about the bad breath going away, but its still here not as strong but still here, but the mucous smell did go away, anyway I will do a liver cleanse hopefully that will help this darn bad breath go away completely
I will keep you guys updated, but my bad breath has improved some what, I will continue cleaning my body since I think that is the answer, since obviously deodorants and mints are not helping me at all and just cover the problem but the first week on the cleanse i could feel a great difference, so i will continue teh cleanses and pray to god t ...
15,088 hits
Forum: Body Odor Cure
Bad Breath Cure
Success Stories
Home Remedies
Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: truth about bad breath
by Thanatos 20 y
Don’t give too much credibility to the whole cleansing theory as it relates to bad breath. So many people have gone though the whole colon/kidney/liver flushes with literally no improvement on oral malodor.
What nosmely said was accurate and scientific. The colon and kidney flushes are not. The liver flush has merit but it does nothing for bad breath.
You’ll find that most people who go nuts for flushes are also vegetarians or vegans. Both of these groups consume much less sulphur-producing amino acids then meat-eaters.
There are people who eat nothing but fast food every day, dri ...
5,559 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Body Odor
Bad Breath
Ask CureZone
Post Nasal Drip
Throat Mucus
How To Cure Your Bad Breath Forever
by #145183 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
Most cases (85–90%), bad breath originates in the mouth, sinus and throat. If you suffer from persistent bad breath visit as my patients get very good results from them. The intensity of bad breath differs during the day, due to eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish, and cheese), obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. A very good site to help you is Oraltech Labs. Since the mouth is exposed to less oxygen and is inactive during the night, the odor is usually worse upon awakening (”morning breath”). Bad breath may be transient, often disapp ...
4,647 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Activ-k12
by thanatos 20 y
Please do not fall for that scam. Dr. Katz purchases Streptococcus K12 from a New Zealand company at a cheap price and highly inflates it.
If you want to test this product out, please order the same product here:
Every dose of Aktiv-K12 contains 100 million cells of streptococcus K12. In a mouthwash form, you’re going to spit out at least 3/4ths of it, meaning only 25 million cells of K12 will remain in your mouth. Every lozenge from the pharmacy from the link above contains 100 million cells of Stre ...
3,132 hits
Forum: Body Odor
bad breath cure
by Baby Blue 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
Oil pulling has been a miracle for my bad breath. Over the many, many years that I have suffered from bad breath (including fecal breath) I have not found anything to work until I stumbled on the wonders of oil pulling. I have been at it for only 2 weeks and can say that my breath feels fresher than I have ever, ever experienced - it even stays okay after drinking a cup of coffee. Please check out oil pulling on the internet, there is plenty of info out there on how to do it.
3,804 hits
Forum: Bad Breath
Re: pimples and bad smell in mouth
by Mike1953 13 y
From the Mayo Clinic - hope this provides more clues
Diseases. In about 10 percent of bad breath cases, the bad odors do not come from the mouth (extra-oral halitosis). For example, illnesses, such as some cancers and metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odor as a result of chemicals they produce. Diabetes and kidney or liver failure can lead to a fishy smell. Uncontrolled diabetes can also cause a fruity breath odor from chemicals called ketones. And chronic reflux of stomach acids (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) has been associated with bad breath. In additio ...
4,414 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper