Good Cop...Bad Cop( I am the reflection of Anunnaki)
by peacepatriot777 20 y
I know you are attempting to build a rational argument for free speech and you have eloquently done so. But you are walking in long after Anunnaki’s endless rants about Jews, Catholics, Homosexuals and accusations of all kinds for anyone who disagrees with David Icke or Anunnaki. If I can defend my own actions though... You are walking in on the scene after the fact. I admire your way of thinking in a calm and collected sort of way though. If I am to be accused of hyperbole might consider some of the outragous comments that I have read by Anunnaki and its’ warped worldview t ...
3,058 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
My response to anunnaki's whine to the Webmaster
by peacepatriot777 20 y
Anunnaki(Lizards from outerspace) does not want to debate. Anunnaki(Lizards from Outerspace) wants the conspiracy forum to be Anunnaki’s own personal hate site with no dissenting opinions. If I am removed, and other dissentors are removed as well, there will be no voice of dissent in the Conspiracy Debate Forum. Is this what Anunnaki really wants? Of course it is. Anunnaki is full of abuse to people who do not agree with Anunnaki’s view of an Alien(Shape-Shifting Lizards from Outer Space) ruled world. My debate strategy has been to use Anunnaki’s own posts about Aliens, Americans, Jews, Ca ...
3,072 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Debating in a Debate Forum is not Permited?R by peacepatriot777 20 y
Anunnaki(Lizards from outerspace) does not want to debate. Anunnaki(Lizards from Outerspace) wants the conspiracy forum to be Anunnaki’s own personal hate site with no dissenting opinions. If I am removed, and other dissentors are removed as well, there will be no voice of dissent in the Conspiracy Debate Forum. Is this what Anunnaki really wants? Of course it is. Anunnaki is full of abuse to people who do not agree with Anunnaki’s view of an Alien(Shape-Shifting Lizards from Outer Space) ruled world. My debate strategy has been to use Anunnaki’s own posts about Aliens, Americans, Jews, Ca ...
2,541 hits
3 of 4 (75%)
Forum:Webmaster Debate
Response to Icky about why I debate the AnunnakiRRR Educational by peacepatriot777 20 y
View First 20 Messages of 31
I know you are attempting to build a rational argument for free speech and you have eloquently done so. But you are walking in long after Anunnaki’s endless rants about Jews, Catholics, Homosexuals and accusations of all kinds for anyone who disagrees with David Icke or Anunnaki. If I can defend my own actions though... You are walking in on the scene after the fact. I admire your way of thinking in a calm and collected sort of way though. If I am to be accused of hyperbole might consider some of the outragous comments that I have read by Anunnaki and its’ warped worldview th ...
11,183 hits
2 of 3 (66%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
by peacepatriot777 20 y
I think you missed the point. When Anunnaki disagrees with someone with AIDS or Cancer, who is coming to Curezone for help, Anunnaki offers an over the top statement and when they challenge his views he call them ”pyjama people” or worse. Subtlety is not Anunnaki’s strong suit. In a support forum, a little sensitivity to others is needed to help newbies get over the shock of alternative health to the senses. I do not trust doctors at all and I am sure not going to trust someone in Curezone without questioning and researching the topic from many sources. I have added many things I have lear ...
11,143 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
This is a debate forum
by #12621 20 y
Anunnaki did not come to this Conspiracy Debate Forum to heal anyone or even to debate but rather this misguided soul came to the Conspiracy Debate Forum to proselytize new believers for his Anti-American & Anti-Jewish world-view. All the while, Anunnaki was doing wonderful alternative health research in many forums, while in other forums giving health advice to hundreds of Americans & even Jews. Does that make sense to you? Openly calling for nuclear attacks on America & Israel and giving health advice to his sworn enemies? This is true: Anunnaki advocated the nuclear annihilation of Ame ...
4,081 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
2tuff IS Anunnaki.....and other monikers I believe as well.
by The_Comeback_Kid 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Anunnaki has used his second choice moniker 2tuff for many many months on other forums and I have pointed this out possibly 7 months ago. C., if you weren’t so abusive/hateful towards others, I would have not said a thing. Take a look and question every poster that runs to his aid and seems to know all about Anunnaki’s own thoughts/ if the poster is in effect Anunnaki doing the posting. You follow the bread trail and it all becomes very clear.
2,594 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: 2tuff IS Anunnaki.....and other monikers I believe as...
by Blue Stone 20 y
Anunnaki has used his second choice moniker 2tuff for many many months on other forums and I have pointed this out possibly 7 months ago. C., if you weren’t so abusive/hateful towards others, I would have not said a thing. Take a look and question every poster that runs to his aid and seems to know all about Anunnaki’s own thoughts/ if the poster is in effect Anunnaki doing the posting. You follow the bread trail and it all becomes very clear.
2,655 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Response to Icky about why I debate the Anunnaki
by peacepatriot777 20 y
”David Icke will notice, time and again, he insists if some information or opinion he has presented doesn’t feel right or true to you personally, beyond the walls of our conditioned minds, then walk away...” It is like a prescription drug warning...
If this drug causes nausea, vomitting, hairloss, seizures, heart palpatations, loss of sexual desire, high blood pressure, or death....or in the David Ickish plausible deniability way...the end of mankind,”walk away.” David Icke, like Anunnaki, speak out of both sides of their mouth. At least Icke throws out a few pitches about love in his boo ...
10,917 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Helter Skelter- David Icke & The Anunnaki(2TUFF)
by peacepatriot777 20 y
Chaz metioned an 80/20 formula of a disinformation specialist. David Icke and Anunnaki are perfect examples of this type of pusher of disinformation-80%truth(predictions Icke & Anunnaki take from conspiracy authors/20% fiction. Icke & Anunnaki’s 20% delusions are the added twist of shape shifting lizards plus fascist fanatacism and hate. Icke & Anunnaki(2Tuff)connect the dots to that 20% fiction in a cult-like way. David Icke uses this same technique to sell books. Icke is very convincing in the same way Adolf Hitler was convincing but Hitler seduced the German people into believing an Ary ...
3,015 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Peace is Patriotic
by peacepatriot777 20 y
It comes down to war. When you maginalize anyone else’s race be it white or any race, you are treading on dangerous ground. Anunnaki and his followers hate white people if they are not he wants to nuke America...Jews he hates(he has posted his hate for months about rounding up every Jew on earth and moving them to Argentina to murder them);He hates Latin People..he blames Catholics for the Worlds Problems(The majority of Latin People are Catholic)...He hates homosexuals...that is all races.... Who does he not hate? He doesn’t hate paranoid fascists from England who believe in ...
3,036 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Anunnaki: Are you an Alien from another planet?
by anunnaki 21 y
Unfortunately the evil YAHWEH entered this dwelling and has forever since created evil amongst man. If exposed the Anunnaki are most times made out to be evil acting and the bad ones. This is YAHWEH’s method of teaching to covertly help his self to do what he has allowed others to teach of the Anunnaki. Anunnaki created man and gave you all you have today. Anunnaki would have given you more and sooner if it wasn’t for YAHWEH and the reason why we left when we did. After splitting up because of the Sinai detonations and then YAHWEH the Anunnaki left.
4,248 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Question for Anunnaki
by Klyd 21 y
Thanks for your imput on the question meant for Anunnaki. But it seemed as though you were trying to insult me by saying ”I laugh that you query someone who doesn’t even own or use an Fscan about this comparison”.
Thanks again for your imput. I query now for the advice of Anunnaki
”Anunnaki, please respond if you can. You advice and imput would be much appreciated.”
1,370 hits
Forum:Zapper Support
There you go again
by Karlin 20 y
View Entire Thread 7
As I am about to post to anunnaki’s reply, I get shut out, cut off, have to log in again.
i am sure it was a coincidence, but you can see why I worry that it may be YOU. YOU protect anunnaki like he is a little girly boy.
I mean, it sure looks bad that I get cut off when I am posting to anunnaki. You gotta admit it is suspicious.
And the editorialising, once again I must say it is close to censorship when you do that. /Keep the peace, but please dont steer the issues towards any fundamentalist leanings.We have to start seeing the lgiht eh?
1,836 hits
Forum:Webmaster Debate
Anunnaki: Are you an Alien from another planet?
by #30325 21 y
View Entire Thread 4
Updated 22 August 2003
Genesis 6:1-4 reads:
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There were nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” [emphasis added]
Nephilim is often translated as “giants”, a legitimate and a ...
4,861 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Peace is Patriotic
by peacepatriot777 20 y
View Entire Thread 11
Anunnaki is the plant who shouts to the world how he hates Jews, Catholics, and whatever the NWO orders him to hate this week to fire up the microchips under every person’s skin and cameras on every corner. He spreads the hate and the NWO rakes in the bucks. It is funny how anunnaki and his New Age cult twists the truth to feed his racist agenda. Aryan White Supremists want war and they are just the other side of the coin of the Military Industrial Complex... His type of blind hate creates the need to spy on White Supremists who rage on and on about Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, and whatev ...
3,296 hits
3 of 4 (75%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Aliens & the Vatican 2013...
by turiya 12 y
Bill Ryan of Project Camelot - Inside Scoop on Sitchin: ”According to Zecharia Sitchin (recently passed) - who ’translated’ many ancient Sumerian texts - and whose work has been dismissed by conventional archeologists but widely accepted among the alternative community - one reason the Anunnaki came to Planet Earth was to mine gold, which they had a strong desire for and attributed a great deal of value and importance to. It’s possible that our own love and value and fascination for gold in the present day is a throwback to the attitude introduced by the Anunnaki. One veteran research ...
3,761 hits
Forum:Turiya Files
Cloak And Dagger
by Blue Stone 20 y
Anunnaki says:
Anunnaki wants to destroy curezone in the areas it will deal with. More information will be available when and if it happens. Curezone is nothing without Anunnaki and people know this.
Well at least you put the word ”IF” in your statement. That should save any long term embarassment.
I think many of Anunnaki’s posts were on track but I think his angry tone at times crossed the line of acceptible/respectible behavior. The angry tone also discredits, otherwise good info in my opinion. Reasonable minds tend to tune out squaking, demeaning behaviour and sheer arroga ...
2,298 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Response to response
by peacepatriot777 20 y
I believe that Anunnaki/2Tuff is a Dr Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde type of personaility. When he posts his cut & pastes perhaps he doesn’t reveal the frightened inner child...that dark part of its’ personality? We are all its’ patients and twisted experiments. Try using an anonymous name and challenge his views in a support forum and watch the type of reaction you will get. In this debate forum 2tuff refuses to debate because it reveals how very hateful this creature is.
I am not saying the Anunnaki doesn’t have relevant information to give about AIDS. What I find distubing is its desire to viscious ...
11,004 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
I am not Anunnaki, CB
by -2tuff- 21 y
Well I will chat with anyone but my names not Craig and I will not disclose my real name to anyone. So now we have found out what Anunnaki’s real name is shame its of no use 8(
Vitamin C is a wonderful creation and we all must pay respects to LINUS PAULING and not his now turn coat Institute which Linus is rolling in his grave mad about right now.
Yes I too am aware of MIB’s and I dont think they are funny, respectful or for the good of anyone. You are correct they are everywhere.
I take it that GB stands for Great Britain well thats going to be hard because I reside in Ma ...
10,126 hits
Forum:Zapper Support
Ditto on the vit-c
by Corey 21 y
I was bothered with sciatica for years and trips to the chiropractor was a waste of money for that particular ailment (although they can be money well spent for others). When I would take large doses of vitamin-C to combat a cold coming on, I noticed my back would improve. I learned to take large doses of C when my back acted up, and it always got better. Then in the JAN 2000 issue of Reader’s Digest, it was mentioned that researchers had discovered that sciatica is a bacterial infection. Seems that a tear in the muscles leaves an opening for bacteria to enter. Now that made sense. As with ...
4,388 hits
Forum:Zapper Support
Anunnaki Debunked
by turiya 11 y
The above video is for those that have over-indulged in drinking too much from the Zecharia Sitchin/Anunnaki/Enlil/Enki/Nibiru/GoldMining Koolaid punchbowl.
It is known that Zecharia Sitchin never had any formal training in the ancient Sumerian language, let alone being able to translate or transcribe Sumerian language from cuneiform clay tablets (See Michael Heiser’s website Also the following videos:
Anunnaki - AA Debunked
Ancient Aliens Debunked - (full movie) HD
URL: ...
1,402 hits
by Karlin 20 y
quote: ”I am also tired of the constant battle with people who think they are in the know yet they know nothing.”
He may be referring to me. I continually pointed out Anunnaki’s Anti-Zionist tendancies, and I was told by the Webmaster here at CZ ”dont say that, HE might leave Cure Zone”. And now he has, and not long after I mentioned zionist matters again. Maybe the devil did run from scrutiny.
So for this, I am sorry it has to be this way. Anunnaki was liked and loved by quite a few here.
But others were equally despised at his Anti-Jew rhetoric. It disturbs them too that a ...
3,539 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
I didn't hate Ozzies...They were just a prison colony in ...RRR Educational by peacepatriot777 20 y
I was twisted by what people said about gays. I was a racist too. I remember as a young child seeing a black beggar on a street corner and yelling out of the window of my father’s car, ”Look Daddy! Look at the dirty nigger!” My parents rolled the windows up and sped away in humiliation but imagine what that pour soul on that street corner felt. I was so excited and you can bet my parents never used that word again. They said nothing to me but I believe this woke them up to the impact their words had on a child. Anunnaki’s words are feeding hatred to readers in the exact way my parents fed ...
10,888 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Anunnaki(The NAZI Pawn): The Final Answer
by #12621 21 y
Anunnaki’s burning desire of genocide and de-population? What does Horowitz think of Anunnaki’s NAZI genocide de-population agenda?
REDDEN: And the goal of the Fourth Reich is population control?
HOROWITZ: That, and genocide.
REDDEN: Who are they targeting for genocide?
HOROWITZ: The populations that have traditionally been targeted for
genocide. I have a series of slides taken just weeks ago from the Denver
Airport. There’s a capstone, a dedication stone in the main terminal
building of the Denver Airport dedicated to the New World Airport
Commission by the Freemaso ...
3,976 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
And Cell Phone Users Should die of Cancer?
by #12621 21 y
Subject: Re: Study Links Mobile Phones, Benign Tumors
From: anunnaki | All anunnaki’s Messages | | Block anunnaki |
Date: 10/15/2004 9:47:00 AM ( 40 days ago )
0 of 1 people found this message interesting / helpful / useful. Hide votes What is this?
Bloody excellent LCD another study proving these phones are a depopulation tool and making profits at the same time. They know these death transmitters are dangerous but wont admit it. Look at what the cell industry is worth alone let alone the new money making scheme with *%#&¤?§*y ringtones etc. To be honest I kn ...
2,021 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Re: Crusty unchanging and blunt
by Jawg 20 y
Thanks for that compassionate response, #11...
We should be learning all the time, and that means we will also be changing our views all the time. We have basic truths, and then there is the larger unknown arena that should see changes.
The trouble with anunnaki is that he never once changed any of his views, as if none of our words ever meant a thing.
quote: ”I for one debated these points with Anunnaki but only in a rare case did he debate back. Mostly Anunnaki just flung insults when he did debate and never backed down once from the hate filled propaganda used by the enemi ...
3,717 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Did Vitamin C improve your health in
by Owen 21 y
View Entire Thread 9
I hope you read Willow’s recent post
about her success in using vitamin
C to heal a long-time lung condition.
Is there anyone else out there who
used large doses of vitamin C in
2004 with significant success? Anyone besides Corey, Anunnaki,
Willow, and me?
If so, I hope you’ll
share your story with all the visitors to CureZone. Who knows?
Your post might inspire someone to
emulate you, and regain his or her
I’m halfway through my 29th year of
daily mega-doses of vitamin C. I
haven’t had so much as a cold since
Jimmy Carter was in his first weeks
as President. ...
3,252 hits
Forum:Vitamin C Support
will the real nephilim please stand up?
by johng 13 y
View Entire Thread 11
continuing on the archon theme, came across an interesting discussion of the so called Anunnaki/nephilim... can’t say I agree with everyhing this guy writes, but he seems to have a valid point concerning what the Anunnaki really were... not giants, but ”fallen ones”:
”Bible scholars and students this one is for you. Defining the Nephilim is critical to understanding our future according to Bible prophecy. Early Biblical scholars erroneously translated the word Nephilim to mean “giants.” It was later correctly translated to mean the “Fallen Ones”.
Jude 1:6
And the angels which kep ...
1,806 hits
Forum:Ask Trapper
Re: Anunnaki Debunked
by turiya 11 y
We once had a poster that went by the name ANNUNKI.
Yes, I have seen the Annunaki Curezone member name. Also heard he was banned. Kerry Cassidy is a real big fan of the Anunnaki ETs. I remember for a time there wasn’t an interview that she did whereby suddenly she would bring in the topic of the Anunnaki agenda & where’s all the gold going? Many of the people you could see had puzzled looks on their faces. As though saying ”Now, why is she asking me about this?” Funny though, it was Bill Ryan that said on his forum that they both knew a person that worked very closely with Zec ...
1,449 hits
Peace is Patriotic Today & Forever
by peacepatriot777 20 y
”If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,” Nikka - age 6
In response to threats of burning coal falling on my head;
I actually admired anunnaki’s health advice but he mixed fiction and fact in the same sentence here in the Conspiracy Forum, along with a serious dose of hate. I would not mind if anunnaki came back if he would leave his racial and national hatred for others at the door. I could put up with the fantasy world he lived in if he could put up with a Jew, American, or Argentinian’ s right to exist. Racial and national hatred is pret ...
2,446 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
hey you
by trapper/kcmo 20 y
i dont know who you are, but anunnaki has stated in no uncertain terms that he hates jews and israel and wants to see israel and the united states to disappear in a mushroom cloud. otherwise, i find him a fascinating and intelligent person. this position of his makes even less sense when you consider he is from england, and england is joined at the hip with israel and the US. i choose not to fight with him over this, as he is entitled to his beliefs, but #12621 has chosen to battle this out with anunnaki and i think he has asked for it. what concern is it of yours?
my 2 cents
1,523 hits
Forum:Conspiracy Debate
Icke Disinformattion
by #12621 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
Do people really believe this garish drivel? Unfortunately, many do, as the proliferation of books, Internet Web sites and radio shows dealing with Anunnaki, shape-shifting, shamanism, psychics, UFOs, time travel, and similar far-out topics testify. The problem is that Icke and many others like him have interlaced nonsensical fabrication with genuine fact. The Anunnaki reptilians are fantasy; the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission and similar organizations of ruling elites are very real. By combining the two, Icke and his ilk serve to discredit others who responsibly ...
2,256 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum:Conspiracy Debate