600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Best supplements to lower Cortisol ?? Carolyne ??
by aijian 15 y
Dr Wilson makes high quality products for adrenal and cortisol. I’ve tried it and my holistic MD says they are the best available on the market.
Take plenty of vitamin C does help.
4,412 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Dr. Wilson's Adrenal Rebuilder?
by Hveragerthi 16 y
Go back and read my post more carefully. I did not say one symptom, I said symptoms! I went on to say especially the orthostatic hyotension, which is a dead give-a-way to adrenal dysfunction. Especially with the other symptoms.
And you can safely address supporting the adrenals whether or not you have adrenal dysfunction. Your line of thinking would be like saying avoid anything with vitamin C since you don’t want to support the adrenals unless you know for sure you have adrenal dysfunction to begin with. This would actually be rather irrational thinking as it is h ...
17,687 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Ashwagandha stopped helping
by joegrane 9 y
Supporting thyroid before adrenals when there is some adrenal weakness can cause a person to experience more fatigue. The thyroid support puts too much stress on already weak adrenals.
A close friend had that situation for over a decade. The endocrinologist supported her thyroid but did nothing for her long list of hypo-adrenal symptoms.
It was not until I got into heavy metal detox groups for my lead problem that I heard reports from many, especially females, who had my friend’s symptom cluster. They said they were benefiting from some adrenal support. Heavy metals are hard on ...
2,243 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Where to start: Adrenal vs. Thyroid? (excerpts)
by #38976 18 y
Where to start: Adrenal vs. Thyroid?
”If both the thyroid and the adrenals are weak, adrenal repair must precede thyroid repair (see Metabolic Scorecard™ to determine whether problem is adrenal, thyroid, or both). If the adrenals are weak, then even normal thyroid activity places an excessive burden on them.”
“Another way of looking at this thyroid/adrenal relationship is to think of the thyroid as ‘generating’ the energy while the adrenals need to be able to ‘handle’ the energy. If the thyroid generated energy is excessive for the adrenals’ ability to handle it, the body will down-r ...
6,881 hits
Forum: Hypothyroid
Adrenal Fatigue
hpa dysregulation rather than adrenal fatigue
by superfob 14 y
View Entire Thread 17
Hey guys,
Here is an explanation by Dr. Mariano on adrenal fatigue. I think it makes a lot of sense. For most of us, its not the adrenal glands themselves that have a problem, but rather stress (chronic or strong acute) that causes our HPA axis to be abnormal and result in lower secretions of cortisol.
”I have long ago stopped using the term ”adrenal fatigue” because it is an inaccurate term. It is also an emotionally inflammatory term that can cause the physician risk to their medical license because it clashes wi ...
13,896 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Veganism and Adrenal fatigue
by Wild0ne 11 y
I disagree, there are other ways to damage your adrenals besides not eating. High Stress jobs, working out too hard, damaging your CNS etc. are all possible. ”Adrenal fatigue” is just a term meaning damaged adrenals. Anorexia damages the adrenals and thus causes Adrenal fatigue. But not every case of adrenal fatigue is linked to starvation. Anorexia is linked to AF, but AF is not always linked to Anorexia
2,011 hits
Forum: Adrenal Debate
Re: Candida how long to feel improvement ?
by JourneytoVitality 10 y
Yes use some adrenal support like adrenal extract or a adrenal glandular.
You can also use adrenal herbs like Licorice and Ashwagandha.
I’ll tell you once you take some sort of adrenal support the candida will get less intrusive and the thyroid will start to function better. There’s no need to take direct thyroid support. Just help your adrenals with vitamin c, a glandular or herbs and then continue your protocol as you go along and your thyroid will come back into order.
1,246 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: Veganism and Adrenal fatigue
by natway 11 y
The only way your adrenals can be damaged is:
Other infections of the adrenal glands
Spread of cancer to the adrenal glands
Bleeding into the adrenal glands
Adrenal insufficiency can also occur if your pituitary gland is diseased.
1,880 hits
Forum: Adrenal Debate
Re: doctors, adrenal stimulants/failure
by Hveragerthi 16 y
Barging in your exchange here, but towards adrenals... one thing that has advanced in our understanding of adrenal function is in the way medications supress adrenal function. Years ago a homeopath talked about one of my sweetie’s required meds, prednisone specifically, for her liver transplant as also being very hard on the adrenals. And that longer term use may crush the adrenal function to where they are hard to get back.
So years later, we are finding out there may be a lot of truth to that. We’ve been working to bring back her adrenals once we considered this as a possible ...
3,342 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: question about trouble converting T4
by Iolite 14 y
Too much of either thyroid or adrenal glandular can cause that hyper feeling, as can low ferritin. The only way to know for sure is to either cut back on the adrenals and see if that helps and then the thyroid (can you cut either in half?). Additionally, you can try increasing iron rich foods. Or you could get some labs done.
Are you tracking your temps? If you take your temp 3 hrs after rising and twice more three hours apart, then take the average for five days to see if they fluctuate, you can see if it is your adrenals. If the average temps vary by more than .3 of a degree th ...
1,603 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Body Logic....Pushes the Scripts
by feo66 14 y
Wow, that’s a lot of prescriptions! If you have adrenal fatigue, taking T3 could make it worse. You body is downregulating your thyroid to protect your adrenals.
If both the thyroid and the adrenals are weak, adrenal repair must precede thyroid repair (see Metabolic Scorecard™ to determine whether problem is adrenal, thyroid, or both). If the adrenals are weak, then even normal thyroid activity places an excessive burden on them. One may begin to feel ‘hypo ...
3,989 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: The difficulty of Mercury Removal
by Marie64 13 y
Hi Craig1129,
Mercury accumulates in the adrenal glands and disrupts adrenal gland function. Two primary nutrients for the adrenal glands are pantothenic acid and vitamin-C. A deficiency of pantothenic acid can lead to adrenal exhaustion (chronic fatigue) and ultimately to destruction of the adrenal glands. A deficiency of pantothenic acid also causes a progressive fall in the level of adrenal hormones produced. One of the largest tissue stores of vitamin-C is the adrenals; it is exceeded only by the level of vitamin-C in the pituitary. Physical and mental stress increases the excretion o ...
18,691 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Candida Support
Re: Girl loses 100lbs by eating 4000+ carb calories!
by natway 12 y
”Stats show that TB has more of a chance of causing AF than starvation”
Your link is talking about adrenal insufficiency, not ”adrenal fatigue”:
Tuberculosis (TB), an infection which can destroy the adrenal glands, accounts for about 20 percent of cases of primary adrenal insufficiency in developed countries. When adrenal insufficiency was first identified by Dr. Thomas Addison in 1849, TB was found at autopsy in 70 to 90 percent of cases. As the treatment for TB improved, however, the incidence of adrenal insufficiency due to TB of the adrenal glands has greatly decreased.
http://w ...
7,616 hits
Forum: Diet Debate
Adrenal Fatigue Debate
Questioning & Criticizing
Quackery Debate
Re: Prednisone dosage for Man. Can't feel anything
by purplepixie 12 y
When i had high cortisol years ago i was not taking any HC or was just being an adrenaline/cortisol junkie, inviting lots of stress in life, physically having a demanding my adrenal state was constantly being triggered at that time.
Like i said, the body can only take that kind of abuse for a few years before other problems adrenal ’burn-out’ and other hormonal imbalances.
High cortisol and insomnia tend to be linked. I too find it easy to sleep - at any time day or night!
It’s important to get as much rest as possible - i would say that completely ...
8,817 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Crohn’s Disease
Addison’s Disease
Endocrine Disorders
Erectile Dysfunction
Re: It's working!!!
by Hveragerthi 16 y
The majority of your symptoms are symptoms of adrenal and thyroid dysfunction.
Yeah sure, I’ll probably forget some, there are heaps.
Fatigue (thyroid and adrenal. Can also be many other things including anemia, diabetes, infections.....)
Foggy feeling (thyroid)
moodiness (adrenals)
food allergies (got worse and worse) (adrneals. All allergies stem from adrenal dysfunction)
IBS (from the food allergies) (IBS results from a lack of intestinal flora)
hives from chemical reactions (adrenals)
blurry vision (can result from the increased stress of poor adrenal fun ...
3,605 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Please help me... I'm desperate and suicidal
by linenup 18 y
sorry to hear about your problems..... I developed Cushing’s many years ago which went undiagnosed.... I know full well of what you are going thru..... I collapsed on the floor in full stage adrenal exhaustion (reference Dr. Hans Selye) and was on the verge of complete insanity and psychosis....
the adrenals are so little understood, what a shame because they are the life force of the body.... my opinion....
very little has been researched or documented... it was an obscure book that saved my life, by Adelle Davis.... entitled ”Lets Get Well” in which she documents in ...
15,705 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: iodine and adrenals
R by #78810 18 y
...considered by some to treat adrenals before moving on to focus on thyroid.
view the matrix scorecard, then scroll to the bottom and check out what the footnotes have to say.
I would consider that remineralization of the body [in general] would be primary to getting on the road in supporting adrenals. Considering what to add or eliminate from diet [caffine, acid v alkaline, etc]... Emotional state plays a part and their affects on the body... suggest some introspection in this regard... i.e. regular exer ...
2,323 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: HELP!!.....(I need adrenal supplement support)
by Zoebess 18 y
I blew my adrenals a couple of years ago, I think
exacerbated by the stress of Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita. What worked for me was using Dr. Christopher’s
Adrenal Formula. I got 3 bottles and went through 2
of them before finally returning to balance. I also
included lots of rest and juices, especially fresh
orange juice. I am sure there are lots of other
things but this was the formula I used. Also, I used
a chi machine and body brushing to move lymph. If
you can get massage this will also be beneficial.
Here is a link to info on Dr. Christopher’s Adrenal
formula but c ...
2,667 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Step to take after DIFLUCAN
by candida123 17 y
I have adrenal fatigue as well. Exhaustion is caused by toxic liver and adrenals. The adrenal glands react from stress in your life. Too much stress over stimulates your adrenals and they stop functioning.
Toxic liver is caused by toxins that you might ingest, alcohol consumption, smoking, diet and the emotional pattern of anger.
Vitamin C and Panothanic Acid is good for the adrenals. And for the liver herbs Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root.
On the iodine forum a member name Newport has an Adrenal Miracle Mix drink which will help with your adrenals & filled with electrolytes:)
5,027 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: A question about adrenal glands
by knows 17 y
Adrenals are energy. The adrenals are like the carborator, the thyroid are the spark plugs. If you have enough energy the adrenals are working fine.
SP’s adrenal PMG stops the adrenal autoimmune process but I didn’t see a lot of use for that if the liver autoimmune was stopped. It takes about three months of Hepatatrophin to halt the liver autoimmune response completely.
Adrenals are rebuilt with SP’s Cataplex B. Whole food, natural B1.
I never had good results with their Livaplex. Couldn’t see any difference whether I took it or not.
If you’ve got plenty of energy the adrenals ...
1,615 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: Senna and adrenals
by finallyfaith 19 y
vitamin C and pantothenic acid (vitamin b-5) are the two most important vitamins for adrenal rebuilding. also the herbs astragalus and siberian ginseng are gret for rebuilding the adrenals, as are REST! you need to learn to relax, yeah i know, easier said than done. but going going going is the way to burn out your adrenals. if you are drinking caffeine, then stop today. ALL forms of caffeine are poison to the adrenals, yes even green tea.
there was a fantastic link i had concerning the adrenals and thyroid (the health of those two glands are related) i can’t find it right now, i will l ...
2,343 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Not getting much better with natural approach
by BalancedStep 16 y
View Entire Thread 4
I was pushed into an adrenal crisis in March after taking Iodoral. I had a feeling my adrenals were fatigued and I have Hashimotos, but I had no idea that Iodoral could cause something like this...
Since then I have had no coffee, black or green tea, no refined sugar, have been drinking salt water to support the adrenals, eating the right diet for adrenal support, but no matter how hard I try, I do not seem to get over the hump and some supplements that are supposed to support the adrenals seem to stress them out even further, like Vit C, magnesium, etc. I have been taking a high qualit ...
5,889 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
The smoking gun to AF
by No Unycorns 15 y
View First 20 Messages of 35
The link is:
3,720 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Girl loses 100lbs by eating 4000+ carb calories!
by natway 12 y
”You whipped everyone up into a frenzy here...with a post about losing weight, which has zero to do with adrenal fatigue.”
Adrenal fatigue, also called adrenal exhaustion or hypoadrenia, is a controversial illness resulting from decreased function of the adrenal glands.
In general, mainstream medicine does not currently recognize adrenal fatigue as a valid condition, though individual doctors might make such a diagnosis.
The symptoms of adrenal fatigue may include reduced energy and ability to handle stress, allergies, anxiety, fatigue, depression, obesity, muscle and joint pain, carb ...
8,696 hits
Forum: Diet Debate
Adrenal Fatigue Debate
Questioning & Criticizing
Quackery Debate
Re: Trying to figure out what my results mean! Can someon...
by Iolite 13 y
Isocort is essentially adrenal cortex. Prednisone is one that is long acting. Hydrocortisone has a half life of about 4 hrs. You multi-dose to provide physiological dose of healthy adrenals. You only run into problems if you take an excess beyond physiologic dose (30-40mg). Join Valerie’s group and get the good docs list.
1,765 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Adrenals & Adaptogens
by Hveragerthi 15 y
When you say adaptogens "support" the functions of these glands, what does that mean?
Most adaptogens provide sterols that aid the adrenals in producing their hormones.
I am confused about how adaptogens can be calming (presumably this means rest the adrenals)
The adaptogens strengthen the adrenals. By strengthening the adrenals the adrenals produce more of a calming anti-stress hormone for the body. This is why people with adrenal issues tend to fly off the handle so easily. One adaptogen, ashwagandha, also stimulates the GABA receptors hel ...
5,561 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Please tell me you had these detox symptoms!
by willwillbee 15 y
Most folks need to have their adrenals functioning before they can do thyroid hormone supplementation. It’s a bad catch 22 - the thyroid hormones support the adrenals but not if they are failing, then they drag the thyroid down.
The iodine may be supporting the thyroid but the hormones may be causing a bad reaction on the adrenals. I took adrenal cortex extract for a couple of years to heal my adrenals. I used Enzymatic Therapies Adrenergize but many people use Isocort.
3,613 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Anxiety and more anxiety?
by Dr. Lam 15 y
anxiety is often associated with adrenal fatigue. See my article ” Adrenal Fatigue related Health conditions” in my site
It is very common to see anxiety improve with adrenal normalization. the key is how to get the adrenals better, for if you do it wrong, you can make yourself worse. See my article ” 7 common adrenal recovery mistakes” at my site.
1,938 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Lam
Re: Alcohol and the Adrenal gland
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Would your adrenal herbs correct an overactive adrenal gland?
In most cases it should definitely help. Most cases of "overactive" adrenal function result from either autoimmunity, or simply the adrenals overreacting to stress. Adaptogens can help in both cases. It would not work though in cases of hyperadrenalism from adrenal tumors.
1,697 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Thank you and what has worked for me
by kmmkids2 14 y
steroids and stimulants stress the body-thus stressing the adrenals. Everyone has a theory. My own is that adrenal fatigue/chronic fatigue are caused by physical/emtotional/mental stress. The way out is to calm the sympathetic nervous system, which, is in chronic overdrive in adrenal fatigue. Once the sympathetic system is calmed, the body/adrenals can heal properly by building adrenal reserves-naturally, and often without the help of ten million supplements! BUT that is just my theory!
6,144 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Quick add - AND you did it all... Re: I hope I haven't sc...
by unyquity 14 y
...with adrenals that have been damaged by SSRI’s & Accutane.
There’s a HUGE difference in parasite & candida ”die off” reactions for people that have adrenal stress on the scale of ’0-3’ compared to those that have adrenal stress on the scale of ’7-10’.
And ray’s recent report of how ’quickly & substantially beneficial’ a few squirts of Adrenal Tincture were, shows him/us just how stressed his adrenals have likely been throughout the entire process (and likely before he even started the ’killing off’).
’Just wanted to add that additional variable in the situation.
Blessings, ...
1,706 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: HV, can you list natural things for adrenal support?
by herbformind 14 y
SIBERIAN GINSENG (adaptogenic), SCHISANDRA BERRIES (adaptogenic), LICORICE ROOT (adaptogenic), ASTRAGALUS (adaptogenic), AMLA (provides vitamin C for proper adrenal function), BEE POLLEN (provides pantothenic acid for proper adrenal function), KELP (provides nutrients for proper adrenal function)
2,043 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Has my adrenal fatigue turned into hypothyroidism as ...
by blueprintfitness 16 y
Reactive hypoglycaemia often occurs with adrenal fatigue, as a direct result of adrenal dysfunction. One of the adrenal gland’s jobs is to release adrenaline/cortisol whenever blood sugar levels fall, but when they stop working properly, this does not happen.
I would suggest getting an adrenal stress index test. Also I have more recommendations in my article on adrenal fatigue here.
Regards, Marek - Basingstoke Nutritionist / Personal Trainer
12,902 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Alternatives for kidney stones
by Maniek 16 y
I recommend read this:
and Adrenal Fatigue
In my opinion, should focus on the entire body, not a single organ, in this case the kidney.
Kidneys - adrenal gland - pituitary gland - pineal-thyroid - liver-ect
Personally, the kidneys and adrenal glands (eyes plus the bonus) applies the herbs:
- Burdock root
- Lingonberry leaf
- Medical Passiflora leaf
- Herb Horsetail
- Fruit blueberries blueberry
- Mint leaf
- Marshmallow root
- Dandelion root
- Licorice root
- Milk thistle
8,231 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Adrenal fatigue question
by Hveragerthi 15 y
I have a question about what causes adrenal fatigue. Let’s say a person was held down and battered and tried to get away and stopped trying out of fatigue. Would that cause adrenal fatigue?
Any source of stress can weaken the adrenals. These include emotional stress and physical stress such as pain. Stimulants such as caffeien and nicotine will also weaken the adrenals as well as adrenal glandulars and steroids like Prednisone.
1,963 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenals & Vitamin C
by Ladywear 16 y
View Entire Thread 17
I believe Magnesium has helped somewhat to improve my adrenals so now I am going to try adding in vitamin c. However I have read that vitamin c ”reduces” cortisol (hormone produced by adrenals)which is good if your adrenals are producing too much but if you already have low cortisol levels adding in vitamin c can actually make the adrenal function worse? Is it best to have tests to check cortisol/adrenal hormone levels before randomly throwing in high dose vitamin c. Anyone felt worse taking high dose vitamin c?
5,174 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Smell Like Skunk
by JoeS2 16 y
I take this stuff called Master Gland by Natures Sunshine which has things in it like pantothenic acid,zinc,dong quai,eleuthero,and kelp which are supposed to support the glands...not sure how much it emphasizes the adrenals though. I also have this other stuff called Adrenal Caps by Solaray that contains bovine adrenal along with licorice and siberian ginseng but I heard someone say on here that you should nutritionally support the adrenals instead of using artificial means to lean on as it could cause the adrenals to become weaker.
56,165 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Ask CureZone
Candida Support
Re: Menstruation and Hypoglycemics
by mdaman 16 y
Have you figured out what’s your daughter’s primary health problem -whether hypoglycemia or adrenal fatigue. Remember, adrenal fatigue (weak adrenals) can casue hypoglycemia, and severe hypoglycemia (pancreas disorder) can cause adrenal fatigue.
I was on hypoglycemia diet and supplementation for long time and my hypoglycemia did not improve at all. I took adrenal fatigue supplementation and my hypoglycemia symptoms disappeared.
7,070 hits
Forum: Hypoglycemia
Re: Hypothrydoidism and Candida?
by ladywear 17 y
I wonder if your adrenals are the underlying cause. The adrenals and thyroid are very closely connected and I did read that you shouldnt stimulate your thyroid function if the adrenals are down? On the other hand it could just be your thyroid but you do have hypoglycemia which indicates liver and adrenals. Sorry hope I am not confusing you more - just wanted you to be aware that it could be your adrenals.
2,338 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Trouble with grains
by Hveragerthi 14 y
What is the adrenal tonic u mentioned?
The Adrenal Tonic is a formula of powdered herbs I designed. It is designed to nourish and strengthen the adrenals. More detailed information can be found here:
1,604 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine