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Re: probiotic
by dennishardyND 17 y
for kids i like to use for Primal Defense Kids
Q: What is Primal Defense® KIDS?
A: Primal Defense® KIDS is a combination of prebiotics and probiotics that support normal bowel function and a healthy immune system in your child.*
Q: What are the probiotics in Primal Defense® KIDS?
A: Primal Defense® KIDS contains Sacchoromyces bouiardii, Bifidobacterium ion gum, Bfidobacterium breve and Bfidobacterium infantis. This unique formula uses three Bifidobacteria strains that have been clinically studied in children and are found in a healthy child’s digestive tract.
Q: How is Primal De ...
2,104 hits
Forum: Ask Dennis Hardy ND
Re: Fungal Defense
by bdgood 21 y
I’ve been taking Primal Defense and Perfect Food for about 3 weeks for candida and it’s working well. I’m up to 4 PD tablets a day and have been having symtoms of die off but also feeling better at the same time if you know what I mean.
I didn’t know about Fungal Defense before I started this. Should I go on the 14 day Fungal Defense and then return to the Primal Defense?
Also, before I bought Primal Defense I bought a big can of ThreeLac and started taking it for a week. It really made me feel great. Then I stopped to take Primal Defense and have been on that since. ...
4,603 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Question about Primal Defense and colonizing the gut
by Zapp 19 y
Several of the strains found in Primal Defense are capable of permanently colonizing human intestines. To me, the thing of greatest interest in Primal Defense is Bacillus Subtilis. Bacillus Subtilis, a ground dwelling bacteria, reportedly is the natural predator of Candida Albicans, a ground dwelling fungus. Bacillus Laterosporus is another ground dwelling bacteria that reportedly loves to have Candida Albicans for lunch.
My major question about Primal Defense is how much probiotic is in each capsule?
The probiotics are listed as part of a ”probiotic blend” that includes barley and oat g ...
4,142 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Primal Defense or ThreeLac?
by jez 19 y
Primal defense I don’t think is unsafe but it’s very expensive..If your willing to pay the money I would personally recommend Syntol instead( To be even more effective, take something like CandiZyme or Candex 30minutes before taking the probiotic and take all of this on an empty stomach.
Between primal defense and threelac I’d definitely take primal defense
5,674 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: has anyone else had panic attacks with primal defense?
by tdc 21 y
enemas really have a way of flushing out the microbes from your intestinal tract though too...that may be why you are feeling better, the primal defense has been flushed out of your system.
for me primal defense is the only thing that makes me feel normal. i have systematic candiasis, and anytime i do an enema i feel like absolute trash after...actually nothing really makes me feel worse. i have to take about 6-8 primal defense a day for two weeks straight to feel better again.
2,344 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
A Shout out for Primal Defense
by leakygut 14 y
View Entire Thread 5
Here’s a shout out for primal defense:
I’ve been taking primal defense, 7 a day for a couple months, I’m no where near cured but I know flairs and it hasn’t caused any I think I’m on the right track. The only negative I’ve read about primal defense is by one of its competitors.
2,577 hits
Forum: Candida Support
fungal defense
by koronakid 21 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have a bottle of fungal defense as well as a couple primal defense. I been taking the Primal defense for about a week now, and im getting ache, that crazy stinky,burning,red exzema type rash under my arms. I’ve taken anti-fungals in the past, but not for about 2-3 months. I was wondering should I stop the primal defense and do the fungal defense for 2 weeks again? I can see my body is slowly returning to normal on primal after a week Im starting absorb , water and nutrients better. If my bowels were to move properly as they should, I wouldnt havea any problems. So should I just stick to ...
3,096 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Primal defense, Garbage or does it work?
by #1727 21 y
primal defense wasn’t as potent as i expected, especially for the cost. i used to think it was great, but now i’m starting to question it after trying something else.
it does definitely help with regularity, and when i was taking anti-fungals if i took primal defense at night and my progress sped up considerably.
however, primal defense on its own doesn’t seem to be capable at all of doing anything for candida. at least not for mine. it’s good for helping maintain intestinal flora, and maybe it is ok for recolonization once you’ve beat the hell out of candida with anti-fungals. it’ ...
3,063 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Liver Flush?
by natalie_31 21 y
primal defense wasn’t as potent as i expected, especially for the cost. i used to think it was great, but now i’m starting to question it after trying something else.
it does definitely help with regularity, and when i was taking anti-fungals if i took primal defense at night and my progress sped up considerably.
however, primal defense on its own doesn’t seem to be capable at all of doing anything for candida. at least not for mine. it’s good for helping maintain intestinal flora, and maybe it is ok for recolonization once you’ve beat the hell out of candida with anti-fungals. it’ ...
1,629 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Primal Def/Threelac/Fungal Def
by MentalNomad 22 y
I took Fungal Defense first, then per the instructions on the bottle Primal Defense at maintenence afterwards. I really liked the Primal Defense, I felt that it was very high quality stuff. I had great results with teh Fungal defense, and really liked it. That oregano smell made all my other herbs in the same compartment taste like it, it was pretty strong! I haven’t ever tried the Threelac. Threelac only has 3 strains of good flora, the Primal Defense has many many (can not remember exactly but I know more than 12) if that makes a difference. I want all I can get! And the Primal Defense i ...
3,668 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Me likey Primal Defense!
by Zapp 19 y
In my opinion, there is only one thing ”special” about Primal Defense. Primal Defense contains Bacillus Subtilis, a ground dwelling bacteria. Bacillus Subtilis is touted as being the natural predator of Candida Albicans, a ground dwelling fungus. Is this assertion true? And even if it is true, is there enough Bacillus Subtilis in Primal Defense to be effective? Unfortunately, there is almost no worthwhile information on the medical use of Bacillus Subtilis on the entire web. And Primal Defense does not list separate amounts or weights for the various components of Primal Defense. So, we’re ...
5,094 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: ? about primal defense
by Zule 20 y
PRimal defense.
I took primal defense last year and I did not feel any imporvement at all.
Now I am takign Jarrow-Dophilus with FOS and I can tell it is working.
I am getting bloated and gassy, and It is clear that it is because the probiotic.
I took Bio-K pLus in the past and I also think it is a good product.
THree-Lac or Primal defense did nothing for me.
I think I have a severe case of candida, I had stool analysis showing it, ad also urine test with abundant yeasts.
So, I thin the bloating I get is because the die-off. MAybe some people have had good results with Pri ...
2,075 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Primal Defence & Hydrotherapy
by alex 22 y
View Entire Thread 4
HI there,
I just started to supplement with Primal Defence last week, this has been the best thing ever happen for me, with a supplement i mean. It really fixes up your GI trac..
My question to this educated forum is that, would it be safe for me to do a Colon hydrotherapy or enema simultaneously with me taking Primal Defence. Since I believe i will be on Primal Defence for at least 4 months or so.
I mean would it be wise to have hydrotherapy done or would that just waste or clear out the Primal Defence which I am supplementing with, by the way it does not come cheap eh, very ...
1,948 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: Primal Defense, HSO probiotics: a warning I received
by #24769 21 y
RE: Garden of Life’s product ”Primal Defense”. After reading the author’s book, ”Heal Thyself” I purchased his expensive supplements, including Primal Defense. After two weeks of consuming it, I became VERY ILL with a staph/strep infection in my blood resulting in open sores on my skin. I cannot take antibiotics so I have to cleanse the sores with food grade hydrogen peroxide, and iodine. My regimen includes dry skin brushing, table salt baths, and saunas. I am doing Hulda Clark’s Kidney cleanse & will proceed with her Liver cleanse. I believe my ill health is the direct result of con ...
58,927 hits
Forum: Candida Debate
Candida Support
Supplements Debate
Re: Is there probiotic good as Primal Defense but cheaper?
by steve04 21 y
I know all about the Primal Defense Price Woes. :(
I order mine from this one eBay store that sells PD for much less than the local health food store.. $95 + free shipping for two 180 cap bottles, which is a one month supply if taking 12 caps per day. to visit the sellers eBay store. Another soil based organism probiotic that I’m interested in trying one of these days is ”Natures Biotics” which is similiar to primal defense, except it’s ALL probiotics and not a mix of greens/nutrients + probiotics like primal defense is, so technically your getting mo ...
2,308 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Took my first dose of primal defense!
by shelleycat 21 y
I don’t recommend things like Pau D’arco except at the beginning of the process, before diet changes have been implemented etc. You can take it with Primal Defense, but it will kill some of the friendlies. Better to take PD With Primal Defense than to take it alone. If you’re consistently taking Primal Defense then you probably don’t need Pau D’arco.
I got reactions from it when I moved up to 2 pills a day - a rash on my thigh that quickly went away. Guess those yeasties were a’fightin’ back and lost! woo hoo!
As long as you take the psyllium and Primal Defense apart from each other ...
2,258 hits
Forum: Candida Support
primal defense and natren
by helpme17th 19 y
i am taking primal defense probiotics. base on what i’ve been reading it’s not a resident probiotic (transient). i plan to use natren probiotics.
but i dont want to give up using primal defense yet as it is helping my
yeast infections.
my question is if i take natren and primal defense at the same
day would they compete with each other?
with primal defense being more aggressive would it just kill natren’s probiotics?
i wont really take them exactly the same time as natren is taken during meals while PD is on empty stomach.
1,556 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Spore formers in probiotics
by debraw 18 y
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I have just bought ”Complete Probiotics” from Dr. Mercola as he recommends them above all other probiotics because they contain Sporogenes - a spore former. But I have just found this article at
which claims the spore formers could be dangerous and almost impossible to get rid of once established in the gut. These spore formers are also in ”Primal Defense”. Please, does anyone have long term experience of Primal Defense, Complete Probiotics, or any other probiotics containing spore formers which can re ...
6,228 hits
Forum: Probiotics
Re: Primal Defense and Liver Pain
by mackenzie2 18 y
Primal Defense is the Number One selling probiotic in the world. One reason why I decided to use it was because when I went to my local Vitamin Shoppe looking for a probiotic, the store had a whole case devoted to Garden of Life products, the maker of Primal Defense. And two shelves of that case were filled with Primal Defense. I decided that it must be a good probiotic or others wouldn’t be so eager to buy it.
I’m not saying that Primal Defense is the ”end all and be all” of probiotics, but I do know that what I have read on Curezone attacking Primal Defense has consistently been pr ...
6,223 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Candida Support
1 wk primal defense and fell off boat
View Entire Thread 8
Greetings fellow Candida sufferers. Question for the knowledgeable amongst us. If you were taking a moderate dose of primal defense, and after a week developed such a strong reaction to it, that there is no possible way you could put another drop of it in your mouth, what conclusion would you draw from that.
Would it be
A) The primal defense was working well, and you just developed a normal cleansing reaction to the primal defense.
B) Your body, aside from the Candida die off, is reacting to the Primal Defense. It caused your immune system to deploy forces, and your body for a c ...
6,047 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Probiotics Question?
by apc360 20 y
When I was on antibiotics, I started having bad acid reflux, didn’t matter what I ate. I started taking Garden of Life product called Primal Defense (it’s a probiotic) and they also have Acid Defense, which I haven’t tried but I bet it works just as well. Anyhow, with Primal Defense, I got rid of the heartburn, digestion improved, I started having bowel movements after every meal, etc. It helped me a great deal. Also, aloe vera juice is good for helping digestion. Hope this helps
2,411 hits
Forum: Acid Reflux/GERD
Re: Candida in stomach, please help
by CALLIE12 21 y
2,489 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Candida in stomach, please help
by kellykebby 21 y
2,334 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Ready to start fighting Candida!!! Please help with a...
by jjjnnn 21 y
Try primal defense probiotics--many people here have reported success with their products. The link is:
It’s best to take these at a time when you’re not doing p&b’s or anti-fungal stuff (for candida). Although you can take them at the same time, the probiotics have less of a chance of implanting during the p&bs or anti-fungals, so you could be spending your money and only getting partial return! Primal Defense also has ”Fungal Defense” which is a new candida treatment, which you could look into, but I have not heard much about the results people have had wi ...
3,140 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Candida
by READER99 21 y
I’ve had significant recovery from candida with Primal Defense probiotic and homeostatic soil organism product. I took acidophilous for years and all it did was keep me from getting worse. The Primal Defense has really turned the tide. It worked best when I took an ever-increasing dose up to 12 tablets per day.
I suppose it woule be most effective taken between flushes, so as not to flush out the new probiotic colonies before they are fully established.
2,733 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: question for kathryn
by kathryn 101 21 y
I chose Primal Defense over Fungal Defense because Jordan his book, says Primal Defense is for ”overall
health”. I had been having tummy problems for four years...
had all kinds of tests...but medical doctors couldn’t find
anything...Now, my tummy problems didn’t slow me down...I’m
naturally very hyper...always wasn’t a debilitating
problem...just slight nausea, cramping on occasion...horrible
constipation...but within one week of starting Primal Defense,
I was so much better I couldn’t believe it. Shelley suggested
Bernard Jensens’s very, very ...
1,534 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
When to incorporate Primal defense...
by Bananarep82 21 y
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i was just wondering since im on a very strict diet for over 3 weeks now(due to acne and maybe candida), can i incorporate primal defense or is it a better idea to kill the parasite using paragone and then do the primal defense? I guess what im trying to say is what are the steps to killing the parasite. im not doing anything else besides the dieting.Waiting for my enema bucket to come in the mail.
2,442 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
3lac vs primal defense
by sicillian 21 y
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hi shelly
just started taking primal defense after being on 3lac for 4 months,all my symptoms have returned since stopping 3lac 2 weeks ago,ive just ordered another tin of 3lac,i was thinking of taking 3lac strong dose for about a week then giving primal defense another go strong dose straight after that and continuing high dose probiotics for a while!do you think would help or hinder candida??
2,089 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley 1[A]
Re: Which is better: Primal Defense or Nature's Biotics??
by kathryn101 20 y
Hi roselinville....I have a friend who ordered Primal Defense
from and their prices are pretty
good compared to others.
I’ve heard a lot about Nature’s Biotics...but never used it or
know anyone who has. I just don’t hardly see how Primal Defense
can be beat. Lots of the major supplements on this website...
glad I heard about it myself. kathryn
Have a great day and a better tomorrow!
1,641 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: BTW Primal Defense
by shelleycat 21 y
You do take it orally, but they patented a special method of delivery so that the organisms make it to the gut alive. You can read about it here:
I don’t sell it or anything, I just like to save people from wasting their money. :) Soon after I took it, I had a rash on my thigh, which meant yeast die-off and general restructuring of my microbes, so that was good enough for me! :)
1,252 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: What about our good bacteria?
by guploo 21 y
Hi Drew
Clarkia has black walnut hull, cloves and wormwood. I am not sure which / all of above 3 are considered herbs. I read somewhere herbs destroy good flora.
I have read good reviews about Garden of Life products, and I believe it’s Primal Defense that introduces good bacteria. Instructions said clearly not to take it with herbs as it will counter the effects of Primal Defense.
2,230 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: For what its worth ...
by #15482 21 y
thats weird...anytime i feel an onset of candida, if i fast and take about 6 primal defense, over a course of about 6-8 hours, it contains it better than anything else ive used...but the results didnt happen right off the bat, i think you have to take it for a while for the organisms to start multiplying in your stomach.
but simply put primal defense has been the most effective supplement ive come across yet for candida, and ive tried a lot of different stuff.
57,382 hits
Forum: Candida Debate
Candida Support
Supplements Debate
Re: still not so hot
by hopinso 19 y
Primal Defense is good, I use it too. I wouldn’t worry too much about a little digestion, although I doubt if there is enough in the Primal Defense to begin enzyme and acid production. The main thing for you is to recover and not risk getting any sicker. Remember the Master Cleanse will always be there when you are ready to try again. Personally, I don’t believe even short efforts at cleansing is wasted, what you have already accomplished is a gift you’ve given yourself.
1,973 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
by guv 19 y
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I’ve been struggling with thrush (white dry tongue, no saliva) and constipation (even when I gi it never seems like much at all). I’ve been on the candida diet for over a week and started taking GSE and primal defense. I read that when taking primal defense you shouldn’t do enemas or anything of that sort. Also, I was wondering if I should do something to help cleanse my liver (former alcoholic). New to this, any advice would be appreciated.
2,313 hits
Forum: Candida Support
by guv 19 y
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Can esophageal/oral candida make one’s glands swell. The glands in my neck have been swollen for months along with trouble swallowing, white tongue, and dry mouth. I’m taking Primal Defense but should I take diflucan or nystatin as well? I’m on a strict diet, and I was taking GSE but I heard it kills the good bacteria from the Primal Defense. My digestion seems to be getting better since I started taking PD.
2,515 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: for real or bs?
by MJai 20 y
Hi Shelleycat,
Glad to hear to you are feeling well, I have started taking Primal Defense, and its really helping me. But I am interested in doing a liver flush, but I’m really scared, can you let me know which method you used to do the liver flush and do we need to do parasite cleanse first, also when I do the flush, do I need to stop taking the Primal Defense.
Your advise would be grateful.
Thank you
2,441 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
primal defense
by sicillian 21 y
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hi guys
just started taking primal defense yesterday and it seems very potent,since taking ive had 3 bm’s today already and feel awfull,ive being on 3lac and oe+ for 4 months now have got some improvment from that but it seemed to only cure me so much then it stopped,im also taking whey protein and amino acids to help my exercise dunno if that helps candida or makes it worse,and ive being using vitamin b-complex every other day,wondering if many people had good success with primal defense??
2,460 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Does Primal Defense contain gluten?
by garcia 21 y
There is a list of ingredients online (link below).
Barley grass and Wheat grass are both very healthy products and not to be confused with the adult grains. As far as I remember they don’t contain gluten. In fact they (being superfoods) are 2 of the healthiest things you can eat.
Barley grass is particularly good for detoxing and alkalising the body.
1,522 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Primal Defense and Wheat Allergy??
by LisaM 22 y
Hi Patty,
I don’t have a wheat sensitivity. Mine is to corn and dairy and not sure what else but I was checked on the wheat and it is o.k. I am taking the primal defense though. Do you think there is wheat in the primal defense? I actually do not have my bottle with me so I cannot look to see what it says but I would think you could call garden of life to make sure there is no wheat in there.
3,162 hits
Forum: Candida Support
by Robbie 22 y
Hi Fil,
I’ve heard of this with the primal defense too and the fact that it is battling the bad guys so maybe the same applies with the kefir grains too. I have a friend ai bought some primal defense for and he told me he hade the gas situation happen to him and I told him it was normal because of the war between good & evil that’s going on. They instruct you to go slow because of the detox reaction, so maybe you just answered my question below about kefir and causing colds and detoxing.
6,080 hits
Forum: Kefir Grain