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Re: Help to clear shoulder pain/neck pain without full fl...
by Steve888 5 y
Chances are very low using natural calm as it opens the ducts and reduces liver/gb pain very quickly. I use this brand of gold coin grass: if you can’t get it in the UK you may be able to order directly from them in Hawaii.
1,786 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Gold Coin Grass reaction - ?
Search for gold ’coin grass side effects’
Here’s one result:
What Is Gold Coin Grass? |
Although no adverse side effects have been reported with gold coin grass, any herb can cause an allergic reaction. People who react to plant-based foods (such as whole ...
2,902 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Consecutive liver flushes
by bsmitty 15 y
Thanks for your quick response. I was just reading on Julia Chang’s site that using Gold Coin Grass (GCG) for 3-6 weeks is effective in crushing gallstones:
”An important difference between my procedure and that of many other flush procedures is that I use the Chinese herbal tincture Gold Coin Grass (GCG) to soften and crush the gallstones before flushing. This makes the flushing easier, more efficient and complete, especially for larger stones...
”It is recommended that one to two 250 ml bottles of Gold Coin Grass (GCG) tincture be used before attempting gallbladder flushing descri ...
3,545 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Gallbladder Remedies
Re: Chinese Bitters and gold coin grass
by Andreas Moritz 20 y
If you cannot tolerate apple juice or other stone-softeners for some reason, you may substitute the following herbs: Gold Coin Grass and Bupleurum. The herbs are made into a tincture and sold as Gold Coin Grass (GCG), 250 ml or 8.5 oz.
If you suffer from gallbladder disease or your gallbladder has already been removed, you may need to take Gold Coin Grass for 2-3 weeks (approximately 1 bottle supply) prior to liver cleansing.
2,754 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Usage of GCG, Chinese Bitters and Coptis question
by downfall100 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Having now decided on purchasing 3 of the herbal liver tinctures, GCG, Chinese Bitters and Coptis from, I would like to know the correct way in which to combine and use the 3 products.
I have learned after a few searches on these message boards that Chinese Bitters and Gold Coin Grass should not be used at the same time. I did see someone though who alternated every day, with Chinese Bitters one day, Gold Coin Grass the following, and repeating like that. Would that be a good option to take, or would every other day of Chinese Bitters and Gold Coin Grass lose t ...
5,649 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
How much GCG and Chinese Bitters is required daily?
by downfall100 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have ordered Gold Coin Grass and Chinese Bitters through the Chinese names:
Gold Coin Grass - Jin Qian Cao
Chinese Gentian - Long Dan Cao
Bupleurum - Chai Hu
I have noticed both Gold Coin Grass and Chinese Bitters formulas on both have Bupleurum in.
So my question is, having ordered Gold Coin Grass, Chinese Gentian and Bupleurum, how many grams of each do I take per day to equal roughly the dosage of formulas? From what I understand the herbs I have ordered come in 100g packages. So on for example, it says 15ml of ...
3,559 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Gold Coin Grass
by wellnessyoga 20 y
Aside from sticking to a full dose of Epsom Salts twice before and twice after the flush( or 800 mg of Magnesium Citrate, that’s what I prefer to take), I think taking Gold Coin Grass for at least three weeks before a flush is a very good idea.
In fact, you may want to stick to Gold Coin Grass for a while longer. I have been giving Gold Coin Grass to my mother (now 93) for abt 2 1/2 years straight. Her gall bladder is full of stones, she had been to hospitals several times with extreme attacks. They don’t dare to operate ( she has also heart problems), and I don’t dare suggest a liver fl ...
4,233 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: GCG instead of flush?
by Telman 14 y
Gold Coin Grass is a herb that alter the chemical composition of bile primarily by lowering cholesterol LDL levels. The changes normally take 2 weeks but just to make sure 3 weeks is often recommended. At this point it is usual to liver-flush as the bile is thin and stones are more likely to be mobile.
The Gold Coin Grass supplement is more likely to help people whose liver congestion is caused by high cholesterol content in the bile; the most common condition. Less likely to be effective where people suffer from low bile salts or poor gallbladder contraction.
Many soft stones consis ...
2,858 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Chanca Piedra vs. Gold Coin Grass anyone who's tried both...
by Gardeninginthefog 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am trying to decide which to use and am leaning towards the Chanca Piedra by Raintree. I’m deciding between Gold Coin Grass and the Rainforest gallbladder formula with: artichoke leaf, chanca piedra whole herb, boldo leaf, carqueja leaf & stem, erva tostão leaf, gervâo leaf, and jurubeba leaf. The information they have is so really indepth and documented. I put a link to the site below. And also one to the Gold Coin Grass. The info on GCG is kinda far down on the sensible health page under heading number 3.
”3. Gallbladder flush and gallstone treatment - alternatives to
gallbl ...
6,860 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: which herb to do leading up to a liver cleanse?
by just_peachy 20 y
Well, malic acid isn’t actually an herb, but it has been proven to soften ’stones’ and is highly recommended by Andreas Moritz. Between chanca piedra and gold coin grass, it’s almost a matter of personal physiology and preference. Personally, I’d use chanca piedra and it’s what I recommend to my parents (considering I got my genes from them), but I’ve heard and read wonderful things about gold coin grass as well.
Best bet is to see what *your* body prefers.
2,933 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: It worked!
by Rick67 20 y
Did you just use the standard liver flush protocol? Did you use any of Julia Chang’s stuff like Gold Coin Grass?
I’m not even close to doing a liver flush (still working on Candida and then I’m going to do a colon and parasite cleanse) but I’m starting to worry about a stone getting stuck and was thinking I might want to buy some Gold Coin Grass and some of the other stuff Julia Chang sells.
2,673 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: gallstone herbs
by Lynn 23 y
I think ”there is more than one way to skin a cat.” The south americans used chanca piedra herb and the Chinese used gold coin grass. You should look at the website to read all about gold coin grass. I plan on trying that one too. I have been on chanca piedra since April 30. I feel a good deal of relief and occasional pinching in my gall bladder and liver area.
3,667 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Successes with Gold Coin Grass, anyone?
by wellnessyoga 22 y
Yes, I had bought Gold Coin Grass tincture from After abt. four or five weeks of taking it( abt 1 1/2 bottles) the subsequent liver flushes did indeed produce many broken down pieces of stones. I did stop with the Gold Coin Grass after finishing the second bottle though, and now the stones are whole. I think mine are all cholesterol stones, so can’t talk about calcified stones.
3,549 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
ps thanks Shelleycat fo rthe web thru email/ posting it here
by Wrenn 21 y i ordered teh gold coin grass
was 19.95 plus 11 shippign to get form cananda to usa and custom hcarges etc.
15 $ shippign total if order 2
the gold coin grass is what breaks up teh stones so youpass samller ones/ in pieces easie r to pass../less chanc eof lodged big stones.
they also seel teh chinese bitters.
but i jstu go tteh gcg sicen can’t do teh bitters and gcg at same itme anyhow.
1,143 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
information overload!!
by maddie 22 y
View Entire Thread 8
There is just so much info here - I get confused. I did the parasite cleanse using the zapper and the old amish but didn’t see anything exciting.
I have the psyllium and the bentonite - ready for a colon cleanse
I also have the gold coin grass to help prepare for the gallbladder flush ( I do ahev some pain).
SO here is my question...can i take the gold coin grass and do the bentonit,psyllium at the same time for abotu 2 weeks and then do the flush?
2,396 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
If worried about doing liver flush:
by beht 20 y
Another thing to help lessen the fear is take Gold Coin Grass for at least 2 weeks before the liver cleanse, as this is supposed to help crush and soften the stones so that it’s easier for them to come out AND much less of a possibility of any getting stuck - not that there are loads of cases of stones getting stuck. But I thought I should mention the Gold Coin Grass because many have used it with great results.
2,945 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: The product in question is gallcleanse by BioNeutrix
by mooney 18 y
There are a number of products like this Julia’s Gold Coin Grass
can be used over a long period of say a year and in this way can compensate for not being able to flush...which is what I am doing, along with Coptis Chinese Bitters. There is also Chanca Piedra; a really cheap herb that can do the same is the Gold Coin Grass...both will help to decongest the Liver.
Best Thoughts Moonie
4,772 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Liver Cleanse: Desperate for Help!
by spanky3311331333 10 y
I got a bit itchy after 1 teaspoon of Gold Coin Grass. What do you think? Reaction or just my liver doing work on congestion? I have severe pressure in my liver area right now, but this was there before the Gold Coin Grass. I’m hoping this will help relieve it.
I’ll try another teaspoon when I finish digesting.
5,401 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Gallbladder Remedy
Dissolving Stones with Chinese Gold Coin Grass Causes Fat...
by Telman 11 y
Gold Coin Grass is also used the loosen the congestion in the liver. It is commonly used when the gallbladder can not produce the pressure necessary for a liver-flush. If you have been using the Gold Coin Grass for 4 to 8 weeks you are in a very good position to liver flush.
If you are going to flush I wouldn’t do anything because you have already do adequate preparation.
A congested liver and poor biliary pressure is a cause of no stones on a liver-flush.
2,410 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Gallbladder Remedy
Re: fatty liver
by Telman 11 y
Julia Chang does have her contact via email. You could ask her directly.
My understanding is that her basic liver cleanse consisting of taking Chinese bitters, with added support from Coptis Chinesis and Curcuma Longa. After 3 weeks you can either go into the 1 week flush prep with apple juice or switch to the Gold Coin Grass (Jin Qian Cao) with Coptis and Curcuma. You then do the liver-flush part of the protocol.
If you want to parasite cleanse then you could slot it in between the Chinese Bitters and Gold Coin Grass or after the Gold Coin Grass. You keep taking the Coptis and Curcu ...
1,878 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Gold Coin Grass Source in UK
by rajk 10 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have done three liver flushes and have not had the results I expected but I will keep on going as it is still early days. I have been using 90ml of Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water as my preparation formula for six days before the flush. I see other people have had good success with gold coin grass. I am in the UK and I wonder if anyone has used the tincture from Andreas Moritz website
I don’t know who is making these or the quality of them so having any feedback is appreciated.
1,231 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Big stone that dosent remove after the 6th flush
by Heavensky 11 y
Have you been using lots of Gold Coin Grass in tincture form?
I’ve carried out over 60 flushes and there were times when I would flush ten times with not results as the stone at the front was too big to let the others pass.
I then switched from high doses of malic acid to Gold Coin Grass in tincture form.
Within two days of taking it, I had a reduction in symptoms, as if the stones had either softened and shrunk or crushed into smaller pieces.
The two flushes since I started on Gold Coin Grass yielded tons of gravel, crushed stones and big huge stones - I am amazed at how p ...
1,818 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Gallbladder Polyps
gold coin grass - when to take it
by gingersnap 22 y
Hi All,
I received my first ever bottle of gold coin grass yesterday. The instructions say to take it 30 mins before breakfast.
Is it important to eat 30 mins after you take it?
The reason I ask is because I go the gym first thing in the morning. I roll out of bed, eat an energy bar and go to the gym. I really don’t want to get up , take my gold coin grass and sit around for 30 mins before I can eat so I can go to the gym. I won’t work out w/out eating (bonking once was enough to learn my lesson).
So, my plan is to take the gold coin grass some time in the middle of the ...
1,053 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Gallstones STAY crushed after GCG/malic/apple juice?
by #21204 21 y
Hi there
I am having a bunch of 1/2 inch calcified gallstones which can be seen through Ultra-sound. I am preparing myself for liver flush however affraid of stones got stuck in the ducts so I think I need to break them into smaller pieces before flush. Please tell me the best recipe to crush the stone. Should I use Gold Coin Grass only or a combination of Gold Coin Grass, Malic Acid and Apple juice? Where can I find the Gold Coin Grass and Malic Acid? Thanks for your help. Julia.
4,372 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
apple juice/gold coin grass
by janaki 21 y
I always use apple juice for 6 days. For the last 4 flushes I have used gold coin grass as well and have taken a longer preparation period. I suspected that I had larger clustered stones (I passed one...looked like a blackberry) and wanted to use something which would break these down. The addition of gold coin grass really did get things moving from the liver, but not as many stones as I had hoped. I probably will continue to use it for another flush or two.
Gold coin grass is helpful for breaking up calcified stones (if you know that you have them) as well.
Hop ...
5,361 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: still looking for anyone who has actually used gold c...
by wellnessyoga 20 y
I have used Gold Coin Grass tincture before my first few flushes and believe it helped break down the stones, so that most came out in broken up pieces. When I lost my fear of flushing I stopped using Gold Coin Grass, the flushes then procuced larger stones; yet I never had a stuck stone. But I believe that my stones are not calcified ones.
Abt 2 years ago my mother ( now 93) was diagnosed with gall stones and had numerous very painful attacks. Operation was out of the question. Daily Gold Coin Grass tincture kept her attacks away for about a year, then they started again. We then add ...
1,663 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
How to crush the gallstones
by #21204 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi there
I am having a bunch of 1/2 inch calcified gallstones which can be seen through Ultra-sound. I am preparing myself for liver flush however affraid of stones got stuck in the ducts so I think I need to break them into smaller pieces before flush. Please tell me the best recipe to crush the stones. Should I use Gold Coin Grass only or a combination of Gold Coin Grass, Malic Acid and Apple juice? Where can I find the Gold Coin Grass and Malic Acid? Thanks for your help. Julia.
4,445 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Using Chinese herbs to assist in a flush
by sparkletoes 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
I’m using several Chinese herbs to assist in preparing for a liver/gallbladder flush (Gold Coin Grass and ”Chinese Bitters” aka Chinese Gentian & Bupleurum). Does anyone have experience using them? I’m a little fuzzy on the proper procedure. At this point I am thinking I’ll do the following (does it make sense?):
1) -Three weeks of Chinese Bitters (Chinese Gentian & Bupleurum) to decongest the liver.
2) -A few weeks of Gold Coin Grass to break up the stones.
(I would like to throw in an intestinal cleanse with p&b here to help prepare as well, but can I consume p&b at the same tim ...
5,828 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Does anyone do the liver flush without the Gold Coin ...
by beht 20 y
Most people have not used Gold Coin Grass actually. Gold coin Grass is to help soften, crush and loosen the stones so that more come out or the whole process is a little easier, but most people have not done this. An alternative to this is apple juice. On an empty stomach - from 8 am to 8 pm, you drink to 8 ounce glasses of apple juice every 4 hours starting at 8 am and ending at 8 pm - all on an empty stomach, until 64 ounces have been consumed. You do this all on an empty stomach withi only water in between. Next day you do the liver flush protocol. Or alternatively, you can drink 2 glas ...
2,275 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Strange Occurance with GCG (long)
by PainIsMylife 20 y
”What is ”Gold Coin Grass” (GCG) and how does it work?
The efficacy of Chinese herbs has been established through centuries of user experience. One major advantage of this is that any significant long-term side-effects would have been discovered through centuries of usage. This cannot be said for many pharmaceutical drugs whose side-effects are only dicovered sometimes after decades of use. The great majority of Chinese herbs have not been clinically tested in the Western sense, under controlled ”double blind” conditions. The way ...
2,602 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: My "own" versions of GCG and Chinese Bitters arrived ...
R by downfall100 20 y
Willow, I’m not using the tinctures from SensibleHealth anymore due to the alcohol content, so I’m making my own without alcohol.
I think I already mentioned it in my last post, but incase not these are the main 3 ingredients used for the Gold Coin Grass and Chinese Bitters used at Sensible Health:
Jin Qian Cao - Gold Coin Grass (used in GCG formula at Sensible Health)
Long Dan Cao - Chinese Gentian (used in Chinese Bitters formula at Sensible Health)
Chai Hu - Bupleurum (used in both GCG and Chinese Bitters formula at Sensible Health)
According to these links below, these are t ...
9,665 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Problems with flushing
by WillowS 20 y
You could try making your own tincture for Chinese bitters without alcohol. There is someone making them with water.
Here is her recipe:
”these are the main 3 ingredients used for the Gold Coin Grass and Chinese Bitters used at Sensible Health:
Jin Qian Cao - Gold Coin Grass (used in GCG formula at Sensible Health)
Long Dan Cao - Chinese Gentian (used in Chinese Bitters formula at Sensible Health)
Chai Hu - Bupleurum (used in both GCG and Chinese Bitters formula at Sensible Health)
According to these links below, these are the ...
3,411 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: hi shaun
by jenny 23 y
i have seen the same web site you are talking about to use the gold coin grass to soften stones,,, i have looked and looked in all the stores for this but there are some web site i am going to check and get back to you..
the coptis and cucuma are rather easy to find especially if you have an herb store close by ,,,,,,
I purchased a bottle of the Gentian tincture and then also a bottle of a mixture of chinese herbs which included (Bupleurum, coptis, and curcuma ) all in it together. The chinese bitters is the combination of the gentian ,and the (oh shoot i forgot but it is ...
2,659 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Planning Another liver flash. Questions. :)
by Heavensky 10 y
If you flush every two weeks but only had say three weeks left before you had to leave, I would take longer to carry out one flush than try to cram two into that time - it’s safer and in most cases more effective.
You can drink the apple juice for a longer number of days and even a little bit more per day as well if your body doesn’t react negatively to it. I am a believer in upping the dosages if your body accepts it without adverse effects.
Gold coin grass is known as ’stone breaker’. It is very powerful at breaking up and crushing cholesterol-based gallstones, which is what 90% ...
1,711 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Alternative to gold coin grass tincture?
by downfall100 20 y
hi maff,
Gold Coin Grass is known in Chinese as ”Jin Qian Cao”. About a month or so ago I also looked for an alternative due to the alcohol. I’m also from the UK, and after finding out that Jin Qian Cao IS Gold Coin Grass, I ordered some from one of many UK sites that sell it.
I got mine as a dried herb form. In this form the only real option is to make a tea out of it. I bought it from here:
Interstingly enough though, I have just found a site that sell it in capsules about halfway down the page (note it says ”Go ...
13,372 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Pain in gallbladder area after over ten years of flus...
by Steve888 5 y
I’ve had excellent results releasing stones with gold coin grass tincture. I take 3 dropper fulls throughout the day. I also take a cayenne capsule once/day to help carry the tincture into the gallbladder/liver. The result is I can physically feel my liver and gallbladder opening up and releasing stones/sludge. I’ve been on the malic acid for a few months with very limited success. For me the gold coin works way better. Here’s the one I use: ...
2,939 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Andreas Moritz
Recipe for using Gold Coin Grass.
by the23rdman 19 y
Hi Fellow Travellers :-)
As GCG is a bit of a buzz herb around here, and rightly so, I thought I’d ask Julia Chang at sensible health how best to use it. I did this as ordering tinctures from her proved very expensive last time with shipping and import duty.
The following is the exchange we had...
Dear Julia or Rebecca,
I’ve used your Gold Coin Grass tincture in the past and found it excellent.
Unfortunately shiping to the UK makes purchasing more prohibative.
Therefore I’ve got hold of some cut herb and wondered if it would be ok to
use it in tea form and if so ...
2,712 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: chronic fatigue syndrome
RR Educational by Andreas Moritz 22 y
Dear Lynn,
Certainly, people with chronic fatigue respond very well to liver flushing, not surprising given the role the liver plays in cell metabolism and detoxification.
This is the section in the new edition of The Amazing Liver Cleanse that deals with Gold Coin Grass:
Intolerance to Apple Juice
If you cannot tolerate apple juice (or apples) for some reason, you may substitute the following herbs: Gold Coin Grass and Bupleurum. The herbs are made into a tincture and sold as Gold Coin Grass (GCG), 250 ml or 8.5 oz, for US$16.00. It is made available by Prime Health Products ...
5,513 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas Moritz
Adrenal Fatigue Cure
Candida Forum
Liver Flush Support
Cleansing & Detox
by littlewings 22 y
shiny i am happy for you! thats good to hear.
i have also been doing some liver cleanses, but have not had success with them yet. i took chinese bitters for almost a month and did a cleanse but it didnt help my breakouts. i talked to julia today from prime health and told her how i was looking for something to really bring out those stones, and she recommened gold coin grass, coptis, and something else to take....didnt you take gold coin grass too? do you think thats why you were successful in liver cleansing? just curious. ive done 5 liver cleanses so far and still havent seen much stone ...
5,188 hits
Forum: Acne Cure
Accutane Surv.
Liver Flush
Liver Flush Evid.
Skin & Face
Oily Skin
Re: Malic Acid & Liquid Phosfood
by shelleycat 21 y
If you’re taking Julia’s Gold Coin Grass, you don’t really need to take malic acid or liquid phosfood. :)
The malic acid with the magnesium is okay, no problem there. The acid will actually help increase stomach acid but not raise or adversely affect blood PH balance, as it has a base/alkaline effect post-digestion.
It’s tough to find either in stores but several places online have the acid and liquid phosfood. Currently I use just gold coin grass and freshly squeezed apple and carrot juice as my prep for flushes. OH dear I should do one soon, but we lose an hour this Saturday! yikes!
2,539 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley 1[A]