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Colonix leading to Liver cleanse?
by Evan23 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
I’m a new member, planning on starting the colonix program soon and I needed some advice. My plan is to go through the colonix system and then do the Clark liver cleanse (epsom salts etc etc).
I’d like to start the Liver cleanse after 1 month on the Colonix and then contiinue on the colonix for one more month.
So to all of you experts out there, please lend me your experience and let me know what you think.
Much obliged.
3,602 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: I'm so confused!
by goldstar 18 y
I am sure you have long completed your colonix program but I just wanted to say that my experience with colonix was great. It did take into my 2nd month and 3rd month to see results - however it was so worth it. I continue to use colonix each year once sometimes 2x. It really keeps everything in tip top shape and in working order. I’ve regained my health and well being. I think colonix is a great product.
3,814 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by #19236 21 y
I have had a clean holistic diet all my life but went on Colonix due to bloating I got last year, which was unusual for me. Anyway, the first two - three weeks of colonix were okay,then into the third week,HUGE 1 -2 FOOT LONG MUCOID IMPACTED FECES ROPES STARTED TO SHOW UP IN THE TOILET!!!! and I FELT MY tummy bloating GO DOWN with each ghastly 1 foot to 2 foot long impacted fecal mucoid ”rope” that was expelled. These freaky giant 10 to 20 inch mucoid ropes were slimy and liver like and had hard ball shaped 1/2 inch nodules on them, yuck. I passed one of these ropes a day and IMMEDIATELY f ...
10,549 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Question Large amounts of muc plaque still on 28th da...
by pugzley 20 y
I’m on the Colonix and have been getting some mucoid plaque. It’s definitely not the fiber in the drink. I can clearly see the difference as you stated in your post. It is rubbery and distinctly darker than the gelled stuff. (stinky too)
I was curious about something you posted. You mentioned clay in Colonix. I checked and double checked the ingredients on the Colonix and there is no mention of it containing clay at all.
There is mention of guar gum as an ingredient on the label, which is a thickening agent, but some research on that appears to indicate that it is something that ...
4,174 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Newbie on 9th Day on Colonix Cleanse
by Stay Healthy 18 y
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Hi everybody. I need some information. Any advice would be helpful. I am on the 9th day on the Colonix cleanse. Yesterday as well as today (9th day) I have been having headaches that don’t seem to be going away. Are the headaches caused by my body getting detoxified from the Colonix? And also when will these headaches go away? I have been drinking lots of water everyday. Since I started the Colonix cleanse I have been having 3-4 bowel movements a day so it seems like the Colonix is working. I haven’t seen any parasites yet. Am I on the right track and anybody have experience with headac ...
5,099 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: mucoid plaque? Dr. Natura, COLONIX, and other cleanses.
by goldstar 18 y
I have been using colonix for several years now and it has helped me tremendously. I suffered from a long list of medical issues and with a change in my diet as well as incorporating the colonix program and the toxinout each year I am healthier and happier.
Each individual is different and will experience different results on the colonix program but I would recommend this cleanse as safe and easy to use. I have tried several over the counter cleanses from health food stores and none have had the positive effect as drnatura’s colonix program. I was even tested via ”Vega testing” while on t ...
13,824 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Debate
Bowel Cleanse Support
Quackery Debate
Re: Best Darn Colon Cleanser Out There!
by goldstar 18 y
The one I have come to stay with is colonix by drnatura. I have tried many other varieties from the health food stores and none have had the success as I experienced with colonix. Several of the cleanses that I did use I experienced constipation for the duration of the program. I did not experience that with colonix. The first day I had 3 bowel movements before noon and another movement in the afternoon.
I have been using colonix for several years and it has helped me maintain my health and well being. I have overcome many medical problems by changing my diet and incorporating yearly co ...
4,720 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
colonix after a juice fast??
by timetomove 19 y
I’m on day 3 of a 7 day juice fast at the moment for treatment of eczema.
I was hoping to tackle any parasites by taking colonix(1 month colon cleanse) and toxinout(1 month detox) soon after this fast while keeping to a light diet.
I was wondering if it might be harmfull to take colonix which is a fiber and herb based treatment so soon after the fast.
does anyone know if its dangerous to take colonix while fasting?
I’m on a juice fast now and still feel clogged up. I have a feeling colonix or fibre based treatment will not help this.
I tried a salt water flush and nothing ...
4,852 hits
Blog: ~Rising Above It All~
colonix after a juice fast??
by timetomove 19 y
I’m on day 3 of a 7 day juice fast at the moment for treatment of eczema.
I was hoping to tackle any parasites by taking colonix(1 month colon cleanse) and toxinout(1 month detox) soon after this fast while keeping to a light diet.
I was wondering if it might be harmfull to take colonix which is a fiber and herb based treatment so soon after the fast.
does anyone know if its dangerous to take colonix while fasting?
I’m on a juice fast now and still feel clogged up. I have a feeling colonix or fibre based treatment will not help this.
I tried a salt water flush and nothing ...
1,625 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
Re: dr. natura colonix or oxypowder
R by LadyJane 18 y
I used laxatives and stool softeners for years, by my doctor’s request. they would help relieve the constipation I had at that moment, but I would be constipated again within a day or so. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean. That’s why I took it on my own to find something that works.
I’ve never done the mastercleanse, so I can’t say much about it.
I have done both Colonix & oxypowder, and by far, the oxypowder worked much better. The Colonix only made me more constipated then I was before I started. I drank alot of water and called the Colonix people. Nothing ever helped. Colonix ...
9,853 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
moreless your thoughts on colonix
by bemmer 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
what do you think of colonix... as you no i have severe candida and want to help my body while i also alkalise and thought that colonix sounded good as it contaians lots of good things and will help to clean my bowel out. is colonix alkalizing with all those herbs?, or would it remove to many alkalne minerals etc. thanks
3,091 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: colonix
by lolita 19 y
I think colonix is great, i mentioned it before in another stream but it depends on personality type - oxypowder works i am sure as i have tried it but colonix makes you drink more water which is a good thing and the results spurs you on further but if you dont drink enough water then it has negative effects so it can go both ways but for me I found oxypowder didnt have any real results and i didnt feel any different = now that i have tried colonix i dont do colonics
5,355 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Anybody know if parasites can exist in my sinuses?
by picapadrero 21 y
Definetely, go to DR. Natura’s website, there are past clients who used the colonix pack and posted their letters,, some were chronic lifetime sinus infections/ related problems, after years of doctor medications no real relief, UNTIL they tried the colonix pack internal cleanse, Paranil, Fiber and Kleri-Tea, ,,GodSend/ Miraculous finally free, almost instantly cleared sinuses/ parasites,,,,Read the letters,,trust the experts at DR, Natura,,,,I am on day 24 of the colon/ colonix pack program ,,,very easy and very effective,,,I recommend it highly,,,Good luck in your research.
2,729 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support
Re: What kind of worm did I pass???
by nobugsplease 21 y
Sorry, I wasn’t thinking clearly when I answered last night (it was late) but it looks like the Colonix is doing a number on the tapeworm(s). I don’t know if it would be necessary to do the CoQ10 or not. I don’t know if it addresses the various stages of eggs and larvae better than the Colonix would. That’s a possibility.
But the Colonix is definitely doing something to make it inhospitable to live in your body...maybe that is enough, I don’t know.
2,279 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
colonix and liver flush herbs?!
by #39211 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
im going to do a colonix & im thinking of doing a liver flush ot two in question is, is it wise to do a colonix while taking liver supplements like chinese tincture and GCG to prep for the flush at the same time? granted ill get off the colonix the day of the flush
note i posted this query in the liver flush forum as well in order to increase my surface area
thank you thank you
2,153 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Where to buy Colonix in London, England? ebay..
by joshkz 19 y
Hello :-),
You can order it through ,just type in colonix in the search field.
The best one i could find right now is
you have to order it from the states,the prices are reasonable though i think. i havnt ordered it myself due to lack of money,but i will eventually.
Best regards,
3,569 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: colonix question
by shelleycat 21 y
You really don’t need P&B shakes if you’re taking colonix, unless perhaps you want a tad more fiber and clay for increased regularity and detoxing. It can be nice to add one’s own shakes to a commercial cleanser as sometimes they don’t provide enough fiber.
1,406 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Here's a recipe idea
by shelleycat 21 y
You really don’t need P&B shakes if you’re taking colonix, unless perhaps you want a tad more fiber and clay for increased regularity and detoxing. It can be nice to add one’s own shakes to a commercial cleanser as sometimes they don’t provide enough fiber.
1,596 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Drnatura help Shelley :)
by sharonamor 21 y
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Hi Shelley
First i want to thank you for all your help )
As i said before i have cystic acne for many year`s
In your last reply to me you said i should get
Colonix Fiber from drnatura website i took a
look at he website wow!! thanks for the link to site.
I want to order the Colonix Pack
Advanced Internal Cleansing Program do you think
i should get the whole kit? or just the colonix fiber.
Thanks you veryyyy much for your time. :)
2,261 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: PB shakes vs Dr natura
by happygrrl 19 y
Hi- I am currently on colonix (I like it!) , and i can give you a bit of info. The main difference between the Colonix program and the protocol for P&B shakes is that the Colonix program comes all packaged together in a box, while the P$B program involves several ingredients that you buy separately form your local store and then mix together and take throughout the day! :)
Seriously, you can go to the Dr. natura site and see the ingredients in the Colonix program: the fiber drink powder (containing psyllium), the kleritea (much like Smooth Move tea from Traditional Medicinals) and the P ...
2,606 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
I'm so confused!
by razbery 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have been doing the Colonix system for almost 40 days now. I planned on doing it for the full 90 days they recommend because I am a first time cleanser. I have inquired with Humaworm if it would be safe for me to use their parasite cleanse after I finish Colonix to be SURE I got everything and they say it’s safe for me to do. I’m just wondering if I should just stop the Colonix altogether and do the Humaworm for parasite cleanse and re-start the glucommanan pills I was taking before each meal prior to Colonix. I had only been taking the glucommanan for about 2 weeks prior to Colonix, ...
3,684 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Colonix v. Dewormer
by #40253 20 y
yes I’m referring to MH’s Dewormer, I’ve already started on the Colonix( I’m on the 4th day today)So far I’ve notice my dandruff is going away, and my BO is subsiding. Yesterday I had a bm ,it looked pretty normal, but when I leaned closer to look I notice embedded in the stool was something that looked like seeds. It was weird so far that’s the only thing that has happened, I already paid $150 for three months worth of colonix, I’m planning on after the three months of colonix doing a month of Dewormer, just in case colonix misses something. I’ve been reading good stuff about Dewormer he ...
2,078 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: $10 Zapper or ParaGONE?
by #48456 20 y
Ideally? Go for the Super Deluxe Zapper with wrist bands (so you can sleep) at 1-800-220-3741 AND the Colonix Kit at, 1-800-877-0414 (Paranils, Colonix Fiber, Kleri Tea...and the Flora Protect Probiotics to recolonize beneficial flora/fauna).
Some folks over at the Zapper Support Forum recommend the $10 Zapper, so it’s probably OK, but it Zaps only at 9V, whereas others go up to 16V or higher (which is what has helped me). I’d only use ParaGone as an alternative when I needed a change from using the Colonix Kit for too long (3-4 months). I do have experience ...
3,529 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Why?
by lovefox 19 y
Hi. I am also taking colonix with the same problems. Last night I thought my stomach was going to explode. How long have you been taking the colonix? I am on day 8, and I have been steeping the tea for like 7 minutes at night. Also, I was wondering, what is your blood type. I am a type O and I’m trying to find out if maybe colonix isn’t suitable for blood type O’s, especially dry ones like me!
When you take the colonix fiber, do you drink a large glass of water right after? I know on the directions, it doesn’t say to, but when taking the P&B shakes, this is how it’s done.
3,218 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Any Colonix users? Probiotics question
by enaj 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
I just finished my 2nd ever liver cleanse, and have been passing a few stones, so I’m exciting, (yet VERY nervous) to see what I’ll pass when I start the Colonix program tomorrow! (Just came in the mail today).
I know, know, know that I’m filled with gunk because I’m always fatigued and have super brain fog, despite the fact that I’m very athletic, and have had what I thought was a very healthy diet. After two weeks worth of research I realize I’ve been poisoning my body with msg, aspartame, and sucralose! Not to mention gobs of other toxins I’m taking in via exposure.
Anyhoo, I ...
2,543 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by southern belle 21 y
View Entire Thread 12
Recently, I began using the Colonix cleansing program. It consists of Paranil, a parasite cleansing, Colonix, the colon cleaner and KleriTea, an herbal tea. It’s so easy to do I thought I would share it with you.
You take two capsules of Paranil with a glass of water in the morning and then 15 minutes later, mix a little Colonix with a liquid. (I use water) The Colonix tastes really good. I was pleasantly surprised. Then just make sure you drink lots of water.
The KleriTea (no caffeine) you drink at night to help move things along.
I will update you guys on my progress.
But, if ...
5,664 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Colonix vs Oxypowder?
by infinitysymbol 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi. I am wondering what do people think is superior for a colon cleanse, Colonix or Oxypowder (or something else completely)? I live in London, UK and getting Colonix is difficult (I need to buy from the US and that is very expensive), whereas Oxypowder is well distributed here and much cheaper. However, at the end of the day money is not that important if Colonix is better than Oxypowder. I want to do a cleanse as I have psoriasis and dry, sandpaper like skin. I also have some excess weight (not much) but most importantly I have very irregular bowel movements and mostly just liquidy stool ...
3,063 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Cleanse to Detox
by #78798 18 y
Couple things concerning Colonix..... One, the herbal formula is good, but there is too much psyllium in Colonix. Thats all that those poop ropes are, is psyllium. There is also too much Senna in the Laxative Tea. I am too scared to take the Senna for longer than 7 days, because I know that it can cause bowel dependancy, as well as other problems with your colon. Why does Colonix require a 90 day cleanse, when they know that use of one of the MAIN ingredients is dangerous??? I don’t get it!
At least OxyPowder has All-Natural ingredients that aren’t going to harm your colon in the lo ...
2,323 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
by #71385 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi everyone,
I am just starting a parasite cleanse after all kinds of trouble with excezma, a twitching eye, pains near my appendix etc etc. I am currently on the Colonix programme since I also feel the need to generally cleanse my insides, but I’m worried about whether the Paranil component of the Colonix programme is actually effective against parasites. I have been on Dr Clarks website and those anti-parasite formulas look interesting, but I’m not sure if I would be wasting money because they could just be the same strength as the Colonix Paranil supplement. Does anyone have any a ...
2,789 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
need advice, please
by ellamacy123 19 y
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I strongly feel that I have parasites. I am hungry ALL the time, even an hour after I eat a huge meal. Isn’t that a pretty good sign? I also am extremely tired everyday, even after a good nights sleep.
I used the COLONIX brand parasite cleanser along with the COLONIX colon cleanse.
I never saw any parasites and I didn’t feel any better.
I am now getting ready for HUMAWORM. Will this work better than the COLONIX?
I am getting so frustrated because nothing I am trying is making a bit of difference. I have tried professional colonics, colonix, colosan, and enemas.
Should I just keep tryi ...
2,452 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Colonix
by goldstar 18 y
Great choice in product. I have been using colonix for 8 years. I would definately recommend you follow with the toxinout after the colonix program. I use colonix at least once and sometimes 2x a year. Toxinout I just incorporate once a year. The cleansing program is very gentle and has helped me overcome a list of medical problems. I have family and friends who swear that colonix made a huge difference in their lives. Great stuff!
2,352 hits
Forum: Cleansing.
Re: Best Darn Colon Cleanser Out There!
by nambu 18 y
I’ve never done a Liver Gallbladder Cleanse, but I’ve heard good things about it. As for colon cleansers, I would recommend OxyPowder or Colonix. In that order.
I did both cleanses, and I liked Oxypowder more than Colonix, for many reasons. But mainly, I felt better during & after the Cleanse, then when I did after Colonix. But you can’t go wrong with either one.
Keep us updated on how the Liver Gallbladder Cleanse goes, because I’m thinking about doing one next.
4,229 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: moreless your thoughts on colonix
by goldstar 18 y
I have been using colonix for many years and it has helped me with a long list of medical problems. Candida was one of them. I found the colonix program easy to use and gentle on my body. I also found a great naturopath who helped me with my diet and I eliminated specific foods that I found out I was allergic to. The changes made in my diet incorporated with the colonix program has helped me drastically overcome all of my problems. Candida is no longer an issue. As was said before diet is a key as well as including a great cleansing program and I found colonix worked great. Let us know wha ...
3,013 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Colonix vs Oxypowder? Please advise!
by infinitysymbol 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi. I am wondering what do people think is superior for a colon cleanse, Colonix or Oxypowder? I live in London, UK and getting Colonix is difficult (I need to buy from the US and that is very expensive), whereas Oxypowder is well distributed here and much cheaper. However, at the end of the day money is not that important if Colonix is better than Oxypowder. I want to do a cleanse as I have psoriasis and dry, sandpaper like skin. I also have some excess weight (not much) but most importantly I have very irregular bowel movements and mostly just liquidy stools. I would also like to use an ...
3,719 hits
Forum: Cleansing.
by southern belle 21 y
View Entire Thread 18
Recently, I began using the Colonix cleansing program. It consists of Paranil, a parasite cleansing, Colonix, the colon cleaner and KleriTea, an herbal tea. It’s so easy to do I thought I would share it with you.
You take two capsules of Paranil with a glass of water in the morning and then 15 minutes later, mix a little Colonix with a liquid. (I use water) The Colonix tastes really good. I was pleasantly surprised. Then just make sure you drink lots of water.
The KleriTea (no caffeine) you drink at night to help move things along.
I will update you guys on my progress.
But ...
4,070 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: About to start Colonix, but a few questions first...
by shelleycat 21 y
Colonix is mroe than enough fiber supplementation, the rest should come from diet. It IS a candida cleanse, really! Just follow the anti-candida diet while you take the Colonix and you should see remarkable results very quickly! yippee! :)
It would be a very good idea to take a bit of probiotics while on the Colonix cleanse. Primal Defesne and a bit of Kefir. I believe there is some acidophilus in Colonix.
It’s a good idea to eat fermented foods periodically to maintain healthy gut flora. They don’t need much help once you’re clean, altho oxygenating agents such as liquid chlorophy ...
2,122 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Inform/critique this program?
by endervas 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
although i think the liver is the main source of my health problems, i have a desire to be thorough and so i’m starting with a colon cleanse. I plan to use the one called ”colonix” from drnatura its a sponsored link. now my question is ”colonix” is a 30 day program and would it be possible to begin a liver flush during this 30 days? or would it be best to wait until the colonix program is complete. Also does anyone have any thoughts on doing *colonix* + a liver flush? is that an adequate program for now or would i be missing something? any comments/ideas?
2,200 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: colonix
by bambam945 20 y
Hi all, I’m new to the forum.
I’m currently on day 12 of the colonix program and I have to agree, the first few days to a week were tough. I still find I feel a bit rough, but my BM’s have certainly started to increase now and I’m starting to pass some mucus like stuff. I only ordered 2 monthes worth of the colonix but I’m thinking I may try the BP shakes once I run out of the colonix.
I’ve never cleansed before and I want to be sure I clear all the gunk I’m sure is probably harbouring inside of me. I’ve put my body through quite a few years of heavy abuse and now I’m feeling t ...
3,970 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: anyone know about Colonix?
by #33901 20 y
I recommend the Colonix program to anyone is doing a ”first time” colon cleanse. The program is very easy to incorporate into your day. The fiber drink is the best tasting one I’ve found.
It’s important to cleanse at a level your kidneys and liver can handle, otherwise you will feel ill. The cleansing pace of Colonix has worked well for me and many others to whom I’ve recommended it.
One thing to note - Colonix will work on the colon, or large intestine. At some point you will probably want to cleanse the small intestine as well, and perhaps do some liver flushing down the road. I r ...
5,801 hits
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Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Any word on the Colonix colon cleanse?
by slawrence 21 y
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Hi there,
I ended up doing just shy of two months on the Colonix program. I did have good results (got rid of lots of stuff!) but ended up having to stop it about a week early. It was a bit harsh for me...I think I was clean after about 5 weeks or so and was beginning to clean out all of the good bacteria along with the bad. Started to experience just some yucky side effects that I can only attribute to the Colonix cleanse. I chatted with Dr. Andreas from this forum and he said while there is nothing wrong with the Colonix program, he d ...
1,928 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support