Re: Monique
by cora 18 y
But even my doc who can Rife me wanted me on other things first. Keep this in mind if you will. Vibac, Ultra Catechu (betel nut) were the natural compounds, but Vibac has REALLY strong oil of oregano and puts my entire body on FIRE - makes me dry heave to NO end.
You know what I went on, and all this has been per his recommendation to my MD. The Praz, Alb, and now Ultra Catechu - but it is hard for me to get in.
ONCE I’m a little better he will Rife me. That will be very soon.
4,163 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: EPFX/SCIO a little shaky on parasite identification?
by cora 18 y
Bearing in mind what you (assumption coming) are aware that (call me lucky) I have the people to Rife me, medicate me, provide exhaustively researched and cultivated herbal formulas (Ultra Catechu/Vibac), teach me how to Rife (which is a year’s program, labs included), and can look at my blood through one of the most powerful microscopes in the US (Zeiss-custom built - I’m ”told” it is a $150,000 machine) - would you (if you were me, much as it would disgust you to be) be interested still in the Scio?
This is also a very real question. Field it how you see fit - I’m prepared for no a ...
5,278 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Strongyloides and other parasites
by #98618 17 y
View Entire Thread 6
I’ll make this short.
I’ve been fighting GI problems for 2 years now. Started as upper GI discomfort and chest pain as well as overall feeling off and crappy. Being a 23 yo male in EXCELLENT health before hand we thought something was up.
Went to PCP and was on several PPI’s with no luck. Went to several GI doctors only to be told I was crazy. Here is just a sample of the tests I had done: xrays, mri’s, HIDA Scan, stomach emptying test, small bowel follow-through, catscans, every blood test known to man, several expensive Crohn’s and UC tests (none of which showed anything), endosco ...
4,697 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Okay kids.
by cora 18 y
We’ve all got the same symptoms, and shared experiences w animals. I can only find that foul odor in my ears, though - and after the many many times I’ve cleaned out dog/cat ears - I can with complete certainty confirm it’s the same damn smell. And like NO other.
My doctor INSISTS I will not EVER get beyond reinfection unless I avoid animals altogether. He looks at my blood under a microscope. On Saturday I saw him. He was in tears once he opened his scope. He told me this time that he really thought I might die before they could ”fix me”. He was thrilled, that he thought 75% w ...
9,257 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Strongyloides and other parasites
by cora 17 y
Did you see Monus? If not, see him too. He’s not all that expensive, but a total madman. You’ll like him if you’re inclined to the paranoid eccentric. I am also in Florida and love my doctor who I drive to see (right near you). She’s an MD but totally encourages the use of electrotherapy (anything Rife-like) above anything else. She will prescribe Rx’s if you can’t handle the Vibac. (I couldn’t.) Frankly, I believe it’s a major combo thing (microbially speaking), whole body thing. Mind over body also. It’s about immunity, building it, redirecting how your system attacks invaders ...
4,804 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Bunnyfawns protocol
by monique_1 18 y
Betel nut source
Here ya go... on the info about Betal, they do not saying anything about worms, it’s the same stuff as Betel Nut. It will the you on the bottle when you receive them on the bottle... Betel Nut on it.
I take both of there products together... Para Cleanse and Betal Nut.
Hello everyone!
First of all, please, excuse my writing and I will do my best so that all you can understand what, I’m trying to say.
I will try to put all the informations toget ...
4,174 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Interview - while long winded, the best is toward the end...
by cora 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
And again, he’s totally editing his comments. He’s got some VERY strong an unexpected beliefs/approaches which extend WAY beyond that of a typical naturopath. I’ve seen three in my life, and none had a microscope like his - the size of a refrigerator - or had one at all for that matter.
And before I let go with it, let it be known that I was and am interested in any discrepencies to what he has to say. I try to believe him as much as possible (there’s no refuting what he sees in his monster ’scope which I then can see on a monitor) but I’d like to know what others think of his stat ...
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