Re: genital parasite??? plz HELP
by wicked_itch 21 y
Please go to
I have these damn things and so do a lot of other people; no doctor will be able to treat you as this is an as of yet unidentified opportunistic parasitic infection.
ps i was unable to access the skinparasite link tonight, it may be down for some reason. if this is the case, try Morgellons
if these symptoms are yours, I’m sorry we have no cure, but there are tons of sympathetic sufferers who have tips that can make living with these things almost bearable.
best of luck.
lv. christy
2,409 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
NUSPA board
by #17913 21 y
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This board has been down for awhile and there are rumors of foul play by hackers.
Some of these forum users are being directed to this site:
How can a support forum for the NUSPA board users be set up on this site?
1,347 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY on Unidentified Skin Parasites
by wicked_itch 21 y
I am sorry for your plight and I wish I had better answers. Unfortunately, seems to be down this week. This happens, on occaision, which is unfortunate because there is a lot of support and good advice there. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s up.
Until then, hang in there. apple cider vinnegar (diluted w/ water so it doesn’t burn) rinses on the skin is what seems to help stop the biting for me the most. The site has a whole tips column for advice on everything from cleaning your laundry to your ears!
Best wishes,
lv. christy
15,106 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportParasites: USPParasites: Skin
Unidentified Skin Parasite Association
by Newport 18 y
This site is dedicated to the millions of men, women and children worldwide presently suffering from Unidentified Skin Parasite Infection.
Welcome to NUSPA!
If your symptoms include black specks, granules, fibers, fiber, hair, lint balls, lint coming out of your skin, a rash, burning, stinging, biting, itching, crawling, iridescent crystals, microscopic hairs, wormlike creatures, hairlike creatures (the size of an eyelash to several inches long, and colors ranging from transparent to shiny black) ”lintlike balls” bloody and/saltlike granules and threads, emerging from your skin. You ...
3,408 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: skin parasites-mop up?
by zooii 20 y
I have had parasites in my body for a long time but just got skinparasites as well, so am a newbie to that. I just got them a few months ago. I have done the things you want to try for a long time and after getting the skinparasites as well, and it didn’t help at all for me, but might be working for you though. I have an ozonator at home and doesn’t work against that. I haven’t tried to apply it to my skin yet, but extremely doubtful it will help. I will give it a try though. I have gotten a tiny bit better after washing my bed sheets often, having plastic above the mattress while I ...
2,837 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Does Anyone have Skin Parasites?
by Boldyloxx 20 y
View Entire Thread 6
Just wanted you guys who may be reading our forum here but afraid to post your situation of having skin parasites- not to be afraid. We wont think your crazy.
This is a valid condition. I have posted a request at the ”suggestion” forum that they make ”skin parasites” a brand new forum for those suffering from this.
In the meantime, please feel free to post your experiences with this and what you are trying to do to help yourself here.
You may be interested in the following Non-curezone forum as well: Lots of people visit that forum and share wha ...
1,714 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY on Unidentified Skin Parasites
by wicked_itch 21 y
Amelia and anyone else with these symptoms should really visit
The message board is comprised of people with your same symptoms trying to figure out this bizarre skin infection by comparing stories and sharing advice. The new message board is up and running. Before I found this site I was struggling to convince myself that I was delusional. Now I know without a doubt that we are struggling with an unusual, as yet un-identified opportunistic infection that doctors don’t know about yet. It may be a co-infection of Lyme disease, as a growing number of p ...
15,196 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportParasites: USPParasites: Skin
Re: What can I buy ?! Itchy FLYS coming out of my nose !!...
by 21 y
I have tried everything. One thing that seemed to help was ”Lady Bugs”. I let them loose all over my face and body and even in my ears and nose! It hurts like hell when they grab one out but you take it. I wish I had a video camera so I could video them while they fight to the death with these invisible things! They kill the lady bugs off within a few days but the itching subsides for awhile. Where are other groups I can post to on this. Thank you very much for the information on The TIME
1,763 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
new products that kill parasites
by powderpuff 20 y
Notice the ingredients in all of the NEW PRODUCTS, coming out in the marketplace, they all have citric acid, sodium, coconut, palm oils, castor oil, raspberry, pomegranante,blueberry extracts all ingredients that we know kills off parasites. And the prices are cheap to entice us to buy. SOMEBODY knows something is spreading. This will all come out in the open, eventually, if we all keep fighting for the truth. We must all continue to help each other get through this until the truth is revealed.
posted on
9,957 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Weird itchy skin experience
by #35289 20 y
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I’ve been doing cleansing for awhile now, but still experience skin itchies. (I’ll try some of those suggested methods from that recent post from, sounds great) I usually do okay with showering often and using clean towels and scrubbing my skin with washclothes, but last night when I went to bed I was insanely itchy all over. Well this went on for awhile, and when my husband came into bed, it disappeared instantly. Did they all jump on him? Is it something in my bed, when prefer my husband over me? Very odd, no?
1,341 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: 9 more Ascaris down the tube!!!!
by powderpuff 20 y
Ok I have something to say to you my dear. I want to share with you so we can all get well.
I had ALL these symptoms until I started taking:
pomegranate with 40% elligiac acid
ionic silver
ionic copper
Hulda Clark parasite cleanse for 18 days now I am on maintenance once a week.
I am now going on the 6 week kidney cleanse.
worms/parasites hate minerals
go to
I think that you do will take much longer to rid yourself of worms. You might do this in addition to enemas.
My friend on told me about all this, it seems many on this ...
2,338 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY on Unidentified Skin Parasites
by wicked_itch 21 y
you are not in this alone. please stop cutting yourself. I think you’re right that they prefer to enter through cuts and scabs; why make it easier on ’em?
Most of the people with this infection reside in CA, I think TX is second and I can’t remember the exact order, but there people with this in most states as well as internationally. I imagine the parasite or whatever it is, prefers a warmer climate. I mention local, because I’m in the SF bay area and KTVU news did a story on us up here. The reporter believes us and there are a growing number of bay area ...
15,122 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportParasites: USPParasites: Skin
Re: TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY on Unidentified Skin Parasites
by wicked_itch 21 y
I am sooo sorry, really, no intention to offend; just saw the word scalpel and scrape and I know I used to do lots of harmful things to my skin in effort to get rid of it, but probably only succeeded in spreading it further. I am sure you are far wiser than I was. Please, accept my apologies, I know if you’re dealing with the same thing I am, you certainly don’t need to feel insulted. If you have not already, please visit the message forum. It’s the most helpful tool I’ve found with which to battle this infection thus far.
Best regards and good luck to you and your husba ...
15,167 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportParasites: USPParasites: Skin
Re: dust in the house
by dirolimi 22 y
Hello. There are thousands of us who suffer with this. Go to NUSPA (National Unidentified Skin Parasite Association) at It has been down for a few days, but it should be up by Mon. You are not alone. Your experience with doctors is a common theme among us all. It is so sad. I have changed clothes three times today, becuase it feels like my clothes are biting me! One very important thing. A lot of folks on the board have tested positive for Lyme Disease. Most of us have leasions on our skin as well. Another website that is great is The Morgellons Foundation at ...
2,858 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
from for killing parasites
by powderpuff 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am posting this for a friend as I don’t have a link as of yet.
We exchanged ideas
She said Natures Sunshine has an awesome product that will take care of parasites. It is extract of Mugwort and wormseed to be taken with c.c.e.-W from Pureherbs.
Also--- AGRISEPT-L and it is supposed to kill parasites in us and on us. If you take a bath in it, a few drops, you will end up with thousands in the tub.
“FROM Powderpuff:
I want to thank Penny for all of her hard work and for sharing her research with us.
Also, all of the people on the board for “J J ...
22,775 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: What are these? Similar case / bit more information
by GGGGG 31 m
I have the same things!! I believe they are coming out of skin at spots of lymph nodes.. But Lymphs pick up from everywhere, I think, so the origin bodypart still remains a mystery. I’ve also noticed that they tend to ”transform” into whatever substance being used to massage them out at that time~~ Weird! Then again, isn’t that what parasites DO?!? They take what YOU Give them, THAT’S How they function to live. Mine are so old there are a TON similar to the one black critter in your photo; with the little antennae. Though these ”unknowns” do range in shade colors from white to cream, to ...
4,221 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt.)
Worms and copper
by powderpuff 20 y
View Entire Thread 11
I have been reading all these posts about worms, ascaris etc.
I intend on doing coq10 as soon as someone who is mid age e mails me and tells me about their experiences with heart palpitations while doing this.
Also I want to do L Cysteine for more work on worms---is it ascaris? But I am confused about the oil that you take with it. I think it is ozonated olive oil and I cannot figure out where to buy this or how to make it although I have her book---I read it.
Maybe I should give it a shot.
I was told that sells the kit to do it
I just started the ...
5,471 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
by rabbitears 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
I missed the post several days ago on skin parasites....sorry about
that. And just posted some info on that thread but don’t know if
they’ll see it. For this reason, I posting this again. So here’s my
experience to counter the problem of skin parasites. I have added somethings that were not in the original.
Shortly after I discovered that I had internal parasites, I had a small
bout of skin parasites and got rid of them quickly. I couldn’t deal
with both of them. They are ”crawlies” which are skin mites, not
scabies. I did read later that these parasites and others attach
th ...
1,658 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum:Parasites Support
re cats
by powderpuff 20 y
It is nice that you have a cat for everyone to enjoy. But if you have a cat, especially indoors, you will always, always be fighting worms and parasites. You will become re infected forever. I have a friend that has had parasites and worms and it costs her so much money to rid herself of these, she put her cat to sleep. She said my health and the health of my family was much more precious than to have the family cat. I am glad I don’t have any pets except birds. If I go to anyones house where they do have them, I don’t want them around me. I see worms and parasites and not the cat.
1,823 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
I have a link for you
by sedonia7 21 y
The links below will reveal something you might have not considered.
I just wanted to know what someone might say about this condition but...did my research and my symptoms are the same---they all differ a degree from one another. Thank God mine are not as bad as some--as you will see some are horrible from the pictures=-but pouring vinegar on my head does the trick and is slowing them down.
I am appreciative you answered, but you need to read the below because one day someone else might contact you with this same problem and when you read what NUSPA did and their extensive research ...
27,840 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Parasites Support
what is a stealth parasite
by powderpuff 20 y
i read this last night after having this myself or 6 months
my enthusiasm comes from me knowing that i will die along with many others if i dont take certain products and i have only found these through tons of hours of research. it is critical that others know about this----i love everyone as we are all one with the universe. there will be a segment on t.v. that will cover this disease, i will let you know when it is aired.
this is from
to all of you who are less inclined to do your research, or dont have the intillect to find the truth ...
3,174 hits
Forum:Parasites Support