Re: Pinworms- coming or going? Constipation? HELP!
by blond-angel-girl-65 10 y
you have to do oxygen colon cleanse asap to flush all the junk and these little buggers out of your system...the oxygen will also purify your colon
after your colon is clean, I would also get on paratrex which is the best organic parasite cleanser in my opinion. super potent but all natural.
mail me if you need help, my kids always had pinworms when they were younger
2,179 hits
Re: Help! My daughter has severe infestation of tapeworms...
by blond-angel-girl-65 10 y
I hear ya! This is the best organic parasite cleanser that I know of, been using it for many years. It has only organic or wild herbs including black walnut, cloves and wormwood.
not sure if they ship to Germany buy should ask.
Also not a bad idea to do colon cleanse before taking it to purge all the junk out
4,549 hits
Forum:ParasitesParasites: RXParasites Protozoa
Re: Tapeworm
by blond-angel-girl-65 10 y
Like I said before, I think this is the best organic parasite cleanser that I know of, been using it for many years. I have too many pets and I work a lot in our yard :-)
It has only organic or wild fresh herbs which is probably why it works so well.
Also remember to do Colon Cleanse before taking it to avoid die off due to the toxins from the dead parasites trapped in your colon.
here is more info
1,708 hits
question on cleanse..
by rygar 19 y
View Entire Thread 6
i have been on the parasite cleanse (paratrex) for three and half weeks, i have been eating alot of rare meats again since early may.i have done pineapple parasite cleanses during the summer and now i am in my third week or so of paratrex,but i haven’t passed any worms or anyting yet.i passed a long worm when i ate some activia a few months ago and a bunch of eggs when i was eating alot of rare/raw meats,but recently i haven’t really seen any results in terms of parasites or worms in my BMs and i have eaten alot of rare meats latly.just curious of what’s going on inside of me.i know beef e ...
3,066 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Should I give paratrex a try? Is it worth my time?
by Jared00 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi everyone, I posted this same question over in Parasite Drugs Support forum, but I figured I’d ask you guys here as well... so here I go again. I was thinking of buying this parasite cleansing supplement called Paratrex. The company that produces it is currently offering a discount on the product, so I’m more motivated to buy it now than ever. I’ve taken another product from the same company called Oxypower and I feel that it helped me. I don’t know.. any thoughts or experiences with Paratrex? Does it help kill off parasites? Is it worth trying out?
Thanks for any feedback
2,038 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Which Cleanse to choose????..
by cuzjay420 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi, Im sure most of you know me already and know what I am dealing with! Either Roundworm or Tapeworm!!
I am stuck between choosing a new parasite cleanse.. these are the ones I know of right now..
Humaworm (which i took already no luck)
Parasitin(took already did pass a large worm i think)
I was thinking about going with Paratrex just because it has DE as its main ingredient and also has some male fern which is known to be veryy effective against tapeworm.
Please any other supplements that you know of and you can share with me please d ...
2,131 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
New UK - re Wormless Product?
by Rexy 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
I went into the website for this product, and just wanted to ask you if you had tried any of his other products? I’m thinking of the tonics for Liver/Kidney Cleanse etc - or is the wormer one the only one you took? Despite what I said to you in message below about the Higher Nature Colon Clear as soon as I take one Paratrex capsule( the constipation returns with a vengeance - so am wondering as well about the tonics he has for this as well. Like you, this is a huge problem for me, I dont imagine you can make a whole lot of progress if you’re not eliminating prope ...
3,247 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Colon and Parasite cleanse; too much?
by J9523 17 y
I am keen to start my cleansing as I think that parasites that i caught O/S a year ago are causing my eczema to become uncontrollable.
I have the oxypowder kit that inc 2 bottles of oxypowder, 1 livatrex, 1 paratrex and 1 latero flora. I will be doing the colon cleanse, liver/gallbladder flush and parasite cleanse.
I want to know if it is ok to do the colon cleanse with oxypowder AND use paratrex (parasite killer)at the same time? Will it overload my body and cause a cleaning/healing crisis?
Thanks :)
1,227 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: for long time parasite cleansers..
by boldyloxx 19 y
Hi !
Well, I never took Paratrex, so I couldn’t tell ya.
But I do reccomend the Barefoot Herbalists’ dewormer and I have a very good impression of Humaworm from hearing from others-- since he designed it to tackle all the parasites at all their different growth stages. Plus, like Barefoot Herbalist, he also uses fresh herbs-- not factory processed diluted ones.
If you already have Paratrex, I would use it and see what happens. Just be sure to keep the colon cleaned and drink alot of liquids (not Jack Daniels tho!.)
cool avatar! lol! If she bounces anymore, she’s gonna e ...
1,954 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: paratrex and frequent bowel movements
by DanielD. 18 y
The Paratrex is a 6 week cleanse, it is one I am currently doing as well, you will need two bottles to complete the cleanse. I have also completed a colon cleanse and a liver gallbladder flush, in preparation for this cleanse. Just by doing these cleanses first, it should help with the die off from the parasites. So far I haven’t had any complaints with the Paratrex, it has gone well. I have to say, I used Oxy-Powder to complete my colon cleanse, it is like a night and day difference in the way I feel. Feel free to checkout my cleansing blog site, it ...
5,808 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: allergies to tomatoes!!!
by white tiger 19 y
It seems to be detox symptoms from the paratrex, it is called a Herxheimer’s reaction or healing crisis. This is caused by toxins being released by the dead organisms in your body. This means that symptoms could worsen temporarily. You might feel drained of energy, have some sore muscles, a headache and possibly rash-like breakouts on the skin.
Paratrex is a flush and anti-parasite body cleanse. Herxheimer’s reaction is not uncommon with this.
The allergic reaction to tomatoes is usually hives (eczema) from the high acid that can irritate the lips or mouth.
2,785 hits
Forum:Ask CureZoneParasites SupportWarrior Diet
BAD Cleanse reaction
by wantnewlife 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hello everybody. I am new to the forum. I recently started doing the OxyPowder & ParaTrex cleanse. After 1 week of OxyPowder I started ParaTrex and I have been feeling extremely ill for the last week so I stopped taking ParaTrex. I feel weak & dizzy - can’t concentrate, constant headaches. My ultimate goal is to do a liver cleanse but I can’t even get through a simple parasite cleanse. I am going crazy here. I want to buy a zapper and start doing the cleanse again but I feel like crap all day long. Please help! Any suggestions would be appreciated. I cant eat or drink coffe ...
3,250 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: symptoms
by PoppyCane 18 y
Hi there,
Although I havent tried Humaworm yet, I have read enough here to ensure that I do try for my next parasite cleanse in 3 months time.
However, I have tried the Paratrex and realise having read and learnt so much more since using it - that it didnt help much at all - if anything I think it made matters much worse.
I dont know if Paratrex still recommends taking a maintenance dose every other day, but if it does this concerns me also, due to the possibility of creating super parasites by taking a reduced dose over long periods of time and not leaving 90 clear days between pa ...
2,395 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: paratrex and frequent bowel movements
by GoBunny 13 y
I am wondering if I should do a cleanse first and then do the Paratrex and then the Oxy-powder. It seems that everyone starts off with a certain procedure to eliminate their problems with parasites. What do you recommend? I am seriously contemplating on getting Paratrex, but I am still doing some research on it and always debating with myself weither or not to buy it. I already purchased diatomaceous earth food grade in hopes of it working to get rid of all my parasites. It’s so freaky having to feel them in your body and last night was THE SCARRIEST of all because they were so active ...
3,312 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Worms, but all tests negative, finally cured!
by FinallyWormed 6 y
2nd Update: I am now trying 3 capsules of Paratrex on an empty stomach, washed down with 1 tablespoon of vanilla-flavored Pyrantel Pamoate mixed with water, then waiting for at least 3 hours before eating in the morning. The theory here is that the worms will have nothing to eat for a while except Paratrex and Pyrantel. (And hopefully goodbye worms!) That’s my latest plan. (This plan has desperation written all over it!)
UPDATE: THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE was posted in error: My stools have softened up again, so it is likely that the damned things have ...
752 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt.)
Can you recommend an herb blend for parasites?
by #123962 5 y
I am currently taking a RX for an ascaris infection but want to follow up with herbal treatment to make sure I eliminate them. I would prefer a blend vs getting a bunch of different things. I was looking at Paratrex and Hulda Clark - would you recommend one of these or a different one? And for how long should I take it? Anything else you would recommend?
325 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt.)Herbal Formulas
Re: Black Specs? Parasites?
by prestigeworldwide 10 y
I did a round of GHC’s Paratrex.. a parasite cleansing formula a couple months back. If those are eggs, I guess the oxypowder was more effective in evacuating them from my body. I suppose the high oxygen content in the gut is not favourable for them.
665 hits
Re: anyone here use ParaTrex?
by rygar. 18 y
overall yes,now that i have added more fiber and veggies into my diet.I am going to cut out rare steaks ONCE AGAIN-this time for good! lol because for some reason i keep on going back to it though i know it’s not the best for me,especially inorganic meats.I most likely will be using Oxypowder again to keep things flowing,pineapples maybe but definetly some paratrex.Which one of my older posts did you read? just curious..
3,894 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: anyone here use ParaTrex?
by rygar. 18 y
no but i may begin the full cleanse tommorow with the paratrex,then order the oxypowder later on.I don’t think i’ll do the pineapple cleanse anymore,I don’t really like the ups and downs i get from it,though it’s most likely because i use half the pineapple per serving.A trick you can do with OP if you already haven’t is to take it with half a lemon wegde and ice cold water,about 16oz. then 30 minutes later another 16oz. sip it don’t gulp it.Hope it helps!
3,892 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
ParaTrex day2
by rygar. 18 y
View Entire Thread 11
well,it’s my second day and I am feeling kinda ’blah’ ..nothing serious,the feeling is familiar but nothing i can’t handle for now.hope it stays relativly calm for me this time!
This is my 3rd cleanse in 3 years (with paratrex/buster) but my 5th one total including pineapple cleanses.I won’t be using Oxypowder for this cleanse but will make sure to eat plenty of fiber and fruits,so far I have been more regular then ever before,even since my youth.
3,503 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: the primal diet
by rygar 19 y
quite honestly,when i was eating alot of rare meats my digestion was never better and my gut felt alot better then on fully cooked foods.the worst effects were from carbs,sugars and processed junk. i am still on the fence about my opinions about parasites..i feel no urgency to rid myself of them,though i am still taking paratrex
i think parasites exist everywhere anyways and it’s basicly impossible to be protected from all of them.IMO it’s best just to keep the body as healthy as possible.
1,934 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
stomach cramps,loose BMs,diarrea oh my..
by rygar 19 y
View Entire Thread 28
has anyone taken Paratrex (used to be Parabuster)???
i just started taking it and my stomach really hurts,well..not actually my stomach,but my colon hurts.about 2-3 hours after i take it, i gt aches and pains in my colon like i have to take a dump..then gurgly noises and gas,then i have either a BM or diarrea. i didn’t do a pineapple cleanse like last year prior to my herbal parasite cleanse.i also was eating ALOT of rare beef for like the past three months as well (most likely causing a huge infection!)
are these aches and pains normal? it feels almost like there are laxatives in the pr ...
13,926 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportAsk HumawormAsk CureZone
no worries
by rygar 19 y
i am not worried for some body had always seemed to ’heal itself’ because i am used to fasting soo often for soo long,soo frequently. OP,the pineapple smooties and now paratrex combined with fasting and eating more conciously are all positive benefits that help the body stay healthy and rid itself from most of any the buggies.i am not even getting a flu shot this year, i haven’t gotten sick for a long long time (hangovers don’t count(: ) i have always believed that if i keep things flowing down there and moving freely,parasites and germs won’t get a chance for survival.i have a ...
12,260 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportAsk HumawormAsk CureZone
Do I have a parasite?
by Watermelon 524 9 y
View Entire Thread 2
For the last 6 months I have been having bad digestive issues. The main symptom that I am having is extreme bloating all the time. My stomach has been constantly bloated since January of this year. I have had several blood tests done, an EGD (upper scope) and a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound. I was also checked for H. Pylori. My doctors say there is nothing that they can find wrong, and just told me to change my diet. I decided to go gluten and dairy free and have been so for 4 weeks now. I have been doing a ton of research on the possibility of having parasites. I have been taking Paratr ...
1,017 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt Med)Parasites ProtozoaProbioticsParasites: RX
Re: day 6 enema - parasite results!?
by purplepixie 12 y
Hi Tahoma,
I’m using Paratrex (parabuster) - has all 3 herbs you list - with bulking of D.E.
I’m going to run out of them in a week and am wondering, should i continue with this formula - or change to another brand?
IF parasites can develop ’resistance’ to formula’s i’m wondering if it’s wise to change tactics - and shock them with a different brand/herbal mix!? Or will that approach have them migrating quickly?
As this formula is working so far i would be inclined to stick with it for this first cleanse - but as i’m a newbie regarding parasites and reactions they have to herb ...
12,596 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportParasites: ProtozoaParasites: Skin
Re: Should I try a third parasite cleanse?
by stilljillofark 12 y
The 10 day,...or even two week cleanses are good for kicking things up,...-imo. They should be followed by a flush or enemas,...again, in my opinion!
I started three years ago with the two week jobers,...and boy,...all it did for me was make the nasties very mad and active! Then,...I went to paratrex for a six week parasite removal program by Global Healing Center. They even suggested latero-flora,...which I took at the same time. But,....I did not flushing or colonics! Man, was I sick!
Now I do 3-4 baking soda enemas a day,......and it has been the ONLY thing that has really he ...
3,719 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Should I try a third parasite cleanse?
by rubyblue 12 y
Thanks! I will look into the paratrex, and everything else you mentioned. I feel that I did the same thing - just made the parasites angry! During the second cleanse, I started using bentonite clay and senna tea to help move things out as fast as possible. I read that the enemas don’t reach high enough to do much good, but sounds like your experience has been different... Maybe I will give it a try! Thanks again!
3,594 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: stomach cramps,loose BMs,diarrea oh my..
by North Coast Man 19 y
If I were you, I would start eating a lot of fruits\veggies, off the rare beef and stick with chicken\fish and get your intestines working again. Take some good pro-biotics too. You’ve upset something in there and it’s not liking it.
I had a big bowl of lentils with chopped carrots, onions, celery last night and topped with kale\kidney beans and man do I feel ”clean” this morning! LOL
Something is going on in there and you need to clean out! I betcha its that raw beef you’re eating. Never heard of Paratrex. Just eat clean, dang it!
North Coast Man
12,438 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportAsk HumawormAsk CureZone
Re: stomach cramps,loose BMs,diarrea oh my..
by rygar 19 y
have you ever seen how rare/raw meat looks like when it’s ’expelled’?
it looks really grainy like oatmeal with tiny white and brown specs congeld in the brown mass of poop..parasites i am assuming or the decaying fleash that was going on in my intestines! i don’t know what aajonas fawkingnutz figured out about eating raw meat being helpfull,but i found nothing helpfull about it!
anyways,yes- i am going to eat more fresh veggies and a little fruit and only light on the protein x2 a day. those heavy meals of protein were no doubt bogging down my system while the paratrex was cleaning thing ...
11,982 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportAsk HumawormAsk CureZone
Re: stomach cramps,loose BMs,diarrea oh my..
by rygar 19 y
Serving Size: 3 capsules 2xday w/meals
Servings per container: 40
Each Serving Contains Amount % Daily Value
Organic Fresh Water Food Grade - USP Diatomaceous Earth* 750mg *
Organically Certified Black Walnut - From Green Hull 300mg *
Organically Certified Grapefruit Seed Extract 225mg *
Organically Certified Wormwood 225mg *
Wildcrafted Male Fern Root 150mg *
Wildcrafted American Wormseed 150mg *
Bromelain (Natural Enzyme) 150mg *
Organically Certified Clove 120mg *
Wildcrafted Kamala 150mg *
i felt better today when i took it with a small granola bar, i suspect t ...
12,291 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportAsk HumawormAsk CureZone
Re: Hi Everyone, How are your Parasite cleanses going?!
by rygar 19 y
same ol same ol..same ol cracked out feeling ,same old die off symptoms.
i felt soo bad for the first week then i went off of it for like 5-6 days, i just went back on.i feel a little bit better, no die off this time.
it’s suprsing how strong paratrex works..everything is listed in MG quantities,not like its hula clarks potent wormwood,black walnut & whatever forumula.
it’s suprisingly strong for a cure all type product. i take the first dose on an empty stomch and oh boy! die off like a MoFo!! lol!
2,483 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: starting first cleanse
by rygar 19 y
i notice that the worse the symptoms the person has the worse the die off effect.
but then again,everyone is different.the first cleanse i did last year, i did a full 10 day pineapple cleanse,then a colon cleanse ,then oxygen cleanse then a parasite cleanse.i am on my second one now and it’s the same ol crap.
it’s nothing too bad though,i suggest doing a full colon cleanse first.i think once all the crap is cleaned out in the colon,once that’s done and emptied out-there is a less hospitable enviroment for parasites and bugs,then doing a parasite cleanse to finish them off! ...
1,289 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
day 3
by rygar. 18 y
soo good soo far,nothing too crazy though still crappy feeling.I have decided to begin my weekly powerlifting workouts again to not only help boost my power/strength reserves but to increase my overall immunity and health.I have admittingly neclected my workouts since last summer and been somewhat of a lazy ass,actualy bad habits like slouching and poor sitting habits in general created back pain.Today doing deadlifts again, I immediatly felt my body reconizing the movement and I immediatly became stronger though nowhere near my level of development from the prior years before hand,it’s go ...
2,686 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: day 4
da shitz
by rygar. 18 y
since I have been taking paratrex (day 4 btw) I notice that I have been getting the shits lately more then usual and I also get stomach cramps,is this die off? the first day,I hit the mother load what looked like and there were a ton of dead parasites that came out since then I have been pooping everyday,not solid BMs but kinda loose,not diarrea either.I am assuming it’s normal and my body getting rid of toxins(??) I have used oxypowder in the past and have always cleansed that way,this is the first time doing it solo or el natur’al with just a parasite cleanser.Don’t know why all in one f ...
2,983 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: for long time parasite cleansers..
by rygar 19 y
paratrex isn’t soo bad actually.It makes me feel sooooooooooooooo slow and groggy it’s not even funny.when i watch TV i get zoned out and it feels like the words are are not in sync with the speakers mouths!
i am used to it now though so it’s no biggy.this is only my 2nd one since last year exactly so i am right on scedule for one.which is good.
from what i hear though,that humaworm formula is quite ’a trip!’
maybe for my next cleanse i’ll take it.
i love my new avatar, i seen it on another website and it provoked feelings of spontanious amusment and awe..must be a primal dri ...
1,876 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Long worms in my throat??
by jessina 19 y
Me again. I tried to take pictures but they didn’t turn out so well. It doesn’t really matter.
Whatever it is, it is out and I am breathing better. I have noticed my eyesight has been blurry lately and for the
last two weeks my eyes have been red, scratchy, and sometimes burning. I thought it was pink eye but it wasn’t.
I started using my zapper again yesterday and taking Paratrex. I have had the eye and nose parasites before, about
a year ago. The ones with the red line down the middle. Maybe that was some of their olde ...
117,647 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
could be
by #79767 12 y
Sounds like it could be worms. The best way to tell is to search online for a good dewormer. I’m going to start deworming myself since I recently found a worm in my food. I’m either going to try the Original Old Amish dewormer or one on Amazon called Paratrex. There used to be a guy on curezone that sold dewormer. I’m not sure if he is still on here. I might try his if I can remember what his handle was. But yes, that is the only way to tell is to have your parents buy you a dewormer a really good dewormer.
2,036 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportSuccess StoriesAsk CureZone
Long string of mucus in stool... parasites, candida, some...
by mysteryillness91 13 y
View Entire Thread 2
So, the title’s pretty self-explanatory... every now and then I will pass a long string of mucus in the morning. What’s weird is it looks similar to the vaginal discharge I’ve been having, which makes me think candida. I don’t know if this would be die-off or a flare-up. I haven’t been eating well at all (still eating sugar and bread) but I’ve been feeling a little better and I’ve been taking a lot of anti-fungal supplements as well as Paratrex. I never had any mucus in my stool until I got sick and I don’t think I’ve really had the long strings come out until recently.
4,955 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Severe gas pains in the evenings...
by mysteryillness91 13 y
View Entire Thread 23
I made a post a while ago (titled ”Sick with no diagnosis... parasites?”) detailing my symptoms, but I’ve been mysteriously sick for 6 months now. I started feeling a lot better for a couple of weeks, but the last three days I’ve felt worse. Also, for the past three days, I’ve been getting crippling gas pains that are so bad I can barely move every evening. It was so bad the night before last I threw up.
I was taking Paratrex but I felt like it was making me constipated so I stopped taking that for a few days... could that have made me sick again? I’ve been taking it for about two weeks ...
3,798 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Loose stools after eating... Humaworm or IBS symptoms?
by mysteryillness91 13 y
View Entire Thread 3
I took Paratrex a couple months ago because I was worried I had a parasite infection. When the symptoms kept coming I decided to take Humaworm, but I have to admit I have not taken it regularly. I began to seriously doubt that I had any problem with parasites so I stopped it for a few days. Then I decided to start it again yesterday. It never seemed to cause problems before, but yesterday and today I have had stomach aches and loose stools (not watery like diarrhea but looser than normal) soon after eating. Yesterday it wasn’t until I ate the second time and today it happened after the fir ...
2,186 hits
Forum:Parasites Support