Re: Family starting first colon cleanse with parasite cle...
by #34255 20 y
I would recommend doing both at the same time or the colon cleanse first. If you are not cleansing your colon prior or during the parasite cleanse it will do no good. You need to be able to rid yourself of the friendly environment for the critters by cleaning out the colon. Parasites thrive in this environment.
As for the kids, I would recommend paranil Jr. I did the colonix program from dr. natura and the parasite cleanse for the adults (paranil) with much success. They produce a safe version for kids. Check out their website it has information on the para ...
2,424 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Alcohol while taking Paranil?
by Trysten3000 20 y
Hello. I wanted to add that Im not taking the tea..I am only taking the paranil, and psyllium shakes that I bought I am kinda following my own program just using the paranil for a parasite cleanse.
Im on day two of taking the Paranil. I had a good bm this morning and all I saw in it was one of those ”little square tomato skin” things that Ive heard people mention on curezone before. I suppose they are some sort of parasite, either that or undigested tomato skin, but I doubt that, because I make a point to chew my food really really well. I hope Im getting something out! On d ...
5,393 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
by RosieR 16 y
the way Paranil works is in a gentle way, and that’s why the program is 3 months lasting.. it doesn’t kill the parasites in your body.. and they and their eggs can survive in your body up to 2 months.. that’s why you need to do a long when gentle cleanse. it does kill them eventually, but is gentle on your intestine, and the rest of your body.. yeah.. a common thing to feel is tickling around your anus area especially in the evening. that may be a sign that you have parasites.. i know it’s gross.. sorry! I just wanted to let you know this.. Also, if you cannot swallow the Paran ...
7,742 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Can you reach the brain with this and what is paranil
by puzzlebus 21 y
Paranil is the antiparasite herb program from Dr. Natura. It is part of the colonix program which combines a cleansing tea, physillium fiber mix and antiparasite regime. I have been doing the colonix for two weeks and have had great results. I started the program because I have had extreme upper abdominal pain that kept shifting from one area to another. I had an MRI, ultrasound and numerous blood test and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. I was lucky enough to be working with a naturopath, otherwise I probably would have been through several surgeries by now, no ...
5,381 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Wormwood is DANGEROUS!!!!
by puzzlebus 21 y
I do not know what the specific dose for children is, however the Paranil brand I take from Dr. natura has a seperate product available and safe for children, it is called Paranil Jr. If you are concerned about your kids, understandably so:), I would contact Dr. Natura about the product they have for kids. I attached the link below, interesting enough it does NOT have wormwood in it, so there may not be a ”safe” dose for children. They have a great website and customer service group, very good at answering questions and concerns.
Good luc ...
93,661 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
by southern belle 21 y
View Entire Thread 12
Recently, I began using the Colonix cleansing program. It consists of Paranil, a parasite cleansing, Colonix, the colon cleaner and KleriTea, an herbal tea. It’s so easy to do I thought I would share it with you.
You take two capsules of Paranil with a glass of water in the morning and then 15 minutes later, mix a little Colonix with a liquid. (I use water) The Colonix tastes really good. I was pleasantly surprised. Then just make sure you drink lots of water.
The KleriTea (no caffeine) you drink at night to help move things along.
I will update you guys on my progress.
But, if ...
5,664 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Please help
by #42412 20 y
View Entire Thread 5
I’m convinced i have parasites and am sure my family does also. My daughter is constantly complaining about itchy privates and rear. I have a multitude of problems, digestive disorders, skin problems, constant fatigue and muddled brain, joint pain especially in my hips, headaches, sinus difficulties - especially in my ears (pain and squishy fluid noises). I’m only 30 years old - I’m too young to feel so crappy!
I think that parasite treatment is necessary but I have no odea what works and I’d like to get one that will kill as many varieties as possible, not just 1 or 2. Some are very ex ...
2,890 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Strange Chills from the anti parasite herbs?
by Boldyloxx 20 y
Hmm, It could very well be a die-off reaction- toxins from the dying worms affecting you.
How soon after you take your dosage does this happen? If it happens only about an hour after a dosage- maybe its a sensitivity to one of the ingredients in paranil.
I’d drink alot of water between cleanses.
What ingredients are in Paranil? If this isnt giving you results- no dead worms in the toilet, but just constant reactions like this- maybe switch to something like Paragone- or try MH’s dewormer.
4,580 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Parasite cleanse for children
by hayley3 20 y
Hi gohealthy,
We didn’t do so good on the Paragone because she just didn’t want to swallow the pills.
I’m thinking of trying the Paranil Jr. next. It’s a liquid. I’m currently taking the MH dewormer to see how it does. It tastes so bad I’m afraid I won’t be able to get her to take that either.
The Paranil Jr is supposed to taste better.
I had given her a couple of enemas to get things moving and also some magnesium citrate, but that was after I had given her the pinx.
3,078 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Anyone done a parasite cleanse with a 5 YEAR OLD?
by hayley3 20 y
I have an 8 year old and we are preparing to redo our parasite cleanse. I have found a has a product called paranil junior for kids. Also there is a product that MH sells but it’s rather expensive but it’s a liquid as well as the paranil jr.
I am here online searching to see if anyone found the drnatura effective when I read your message.
My daughter was loaded with worms, when I discovered them last year. I saw them with my own eyes. It was devastating to be a mom and witness it. We went to the drug store and bought some pin-x, because it was just much easier for a you ...
3,509 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Colon cleanse or Parasite Cleanse first?
by #34255 21 y
I was terified too! I have almost completed 2 weeks of the colonix and paranil parasite cleanse, and have not been too freaked out. I am doing the colon cleanse and parasite cleanse at the same time, and have not had any problems. I have heard good things about the Clarkia, I am using Paranil and have had good results. I am not sure what colon cleanse Dr. Clarkia recommends, I have good cleansing with the Colonix though.
I have heard the benefit of doing the colon cleanse at the same time, is it helps flush out the critters. Make sure you drink lots of water. I also put dr ...
5,374 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
colonix and dizziness
by 4pbears 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
i have been on the colonix program now for about a month and a half, and have a question. this started yesterday after taking the paranil capsules (before taking the colonix powder) i became dizzy and light headed, and the same thing happened today after taking the paranil. i was wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and could it be that this is a sign of a major die off from using the product. up to this point i have had some results using it but not as good as i had hoped for. i am in my 50’s and my diet is basically lousy so i figure i must have a lot of build up in my colon. ...
2,953 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: I'm so confused!
by humaworm 19 y
I know this can be VERY confusing! I am glad our customer service department was helpful to you. Boldyloxx is correct in saying that a colon cleanse is beneficial to take along with a parasite cleanse. You can take the colonix powder AND HUMAWORM at the same time. I do not, however, recommend taking the paranil and HUMAWORM at the same time. The colonix powder is psyllium as is our HUMACLEANSE Colon Cleanser. Psyllium works by swelling up to 50 times it size which produces a larger volume of bulky stools. It literally soaks up and sweeps away toxins and whatever else may be in your c ...
3,432 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Help! Die off?
by sd2345 13 y
I did the colonix program a few years ago. The fiber is basically just psyllium, which pushes through your system cleaning it out, the paranil capsuls are for parasites, and the tea is just a herbal laxative to help push the fiber out. I don’t think you want to stop the tea, if anything, it would be the paranil capsules you would want to stop if feeling bad.
In my opinion, starting the capsules and stopping before they can work, is just stirring things up without resolving the issue. It is probably die off, I would keep going.
1,871 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Parasites & my mental state, plus ? about amalgams
by TurboC 19 y
If the product has wormwood, that was the likely cause of any mental effects. I took Paranil for 2 days and sent it back, cause it was intolerable. I just received the Hulda Clark Cleanse One (small portion), mainly for the black walnut/cloves, but I figured I would TRY the wormwood capsules one more time, after I start the others OK. This time, the only thing in the wormwood capsule is wormwood, male fern and quassia. So once I take one, I should be able to determine if it is the wormwood causing the effects. Paranil had about 30 ingredients, so it was hard to know what to blame.
2,641 hits
Forum:Parasites SupportLiver Flush Support
by #71385 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi everyone,
I am just starting a parasite cleanse after all kinds of trouble with excezma, a twitching eye, pains near my appendix etc etc. I am currently on the Colonix programme since I also feel the need to generally cleanse my insides, but I’m worried about whether the Paranil component of the Colonix programme is actually effective against parasites. I have been on Dr Clarks website and those anti-parasite formulas look interesting, but I’m not sure if I would be wasting money because they could just be the same strength as the Colonix Paranil supplement. Does anyone have any a ...
2,789 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Paranil - side effects/symptoms
by #71385 19 y
Hi everyone,
I’m new to this forum and have been on Paranil (Colonix) for 6 days now. I keep feeling tingling and itching sensations all over my skin, from my scalp right down to my toes, and it’s totally freaking me out. Is that normal?
Also, when I was younger I had what I thought was a blood clot in my right foot. I remember the pain being awful as the ”clot” moved (I could see it making progress through my foot). Since starting the Paranil, I am having all manner of extremely weird sensations in this same foot. It feels like something is vibrating. Almost like living above ...
4,314 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: parasite cleanse and sugar... what about fruit?
by razmaxis 18 y
to supress sugar cravings, take 3 organic limes, cut them in half and squeeze by hand in a cup.
it gives the body a supervitamin boost and suppresses appetite.
When you crave more sugar just take more lime shots. also kill parasites using
the PARANILL PRODUCT OR PARAGONE by renew life company. both products are good.
i prefer paranil becuase the tincture in the paragone contains 35% alcohol.
2,629 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: is paranil strong enough to kill ascaris?
by humaworm 19 y
I agree. Too weak of a dose, in my opinion, is just as bad or worse than too strong of a dose. From what I understand, paranil is a 90 day program with very mild amounts of parasite killing herbs. Each capsule contains 500mg of a PROPRIETARY BLEND of herbs BUT they do not list how much of each herb is in the formula so there is no way for me to tell you (or for you to know) if you are getting enough of the herbs that you need to fight your ascaris.
3,295 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Can parasites cause tingling? Or is that a virus?
by #125618 15 y
Thats the odd thing is I have done the hulda clark parasite cleanse and then a month or so later did a month on Paranil by Dr. Natura which I liked more than the seperate bottles of each worm, black wal, and cloves. We have two cats in the house so I think I’m dealing with chronic reinfection all the time.
I just started on Iodine too which I’m excited about because I’ve heard such good things
13,284 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Can you reach the brain with this and what is paranil
by macDIESEL 17 y
Hi puzzlebus,
I have a question.
So if the Paranil works throughout one’s body, especially the brain, and in your case stopping the ”wiggling” sensations. Once killed would the dead parasite[s] remain in your brain or head region and decay in that region, thus causing more problems? How can something be flushed out of the system if it’s nowhere near the digestive tract?
I’m just curious about this.
Thank you
4,448 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
how do you acquire parasites?
by jd123 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
I’ve suspected internal parasites for awhile and have just purchased Paranil and colon cleanse products - which I will start in a couple of days.
My 2 questions are: Does anyone know how you get these parasites?? I always cook all meats thoroughly and wash hands after working in the dirt, etc.
And can you get the eggs from kissing an infected partner??
Thanks for your help.......
2,216 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
There are also these products...
by lilee 19 y
I have never tried any of them as my son is too young but Colonix makes a paranil Jr and Renew Life makes one called paragone jr.
I think all of your kids are old enough for these products as I think they have to 3 or 4...Good luck!!
2,741 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Anybody know if parasites can exist in my sinuses?
by picapadrero 21 y
Definetely, go to DR. Natura’s website, there are past clients who used the colonix pack and posted their letters,, some were chronic lifetime sinus infections/ related problems, after years of doctor medications no real relief, UNTIL they tried the colonix pack internal cleanse, Paranil, Fiber and Kleri-Tea, ,,GodSend/ Miraculous finally free, almost instantly cleared sinuses/ parasites,,,,Read the letters,,trust the experts at DR, Natura,,,,I am on day 24 of the colon/ colonix pack program ,,,very easy and very effective,,,I recommend it highly,,,Good luck in your research.
2,729 hits
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Forum:Parasites Support
Parasites in head/throat?? Also Colonix; Need serious advice
by TurboC 19 y
View Entire Thread 7
I’m 30, and I have suffered for over a year with a swollen throat, tonsil area... at first it was just an annoyance which prevented sleeping on my back, so I slept entirely on my side for over a year. The throat swelling has gotten progressively worse. Now add in post nasal drip and slime, especially in the mornings. Went to a doctor assuming tonsilitis or fearing something terrible like cancer (??), they said my lymph nodes were fine, that I didn’t have tonsilitis or strep throat, but offered no diagnosis. Even more recently, I’ve started to notice a disturbing sensation and sound tha ...
12,857 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Tapeworm Question
by stemmy 19 y
Thank you the information. I feel like a voodoo doctor each day with all of the things I am doing to rid of them. I am on Colonix, which includes the Paranil pills and the fiber powder. Every morning I make a concoction of apple juice, the fiber powder, 2 droppers of black walnut wormwood extract, and aloe vera juice. I take 4 Paranil pills in the morning. I am also taking both liver and kidney cleanse pills 3 times a day. And I also eat pineapple every day after my drink. And drink alot of water each day. I have found that all of this keeps me regular and gets alot of dead parasit ...
4,018 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Am I doing the right type of parasite cleanse?
by Boldyloxx 20 y
hi, i cant compare Paranil 90 with Dr. Clark’s formula, because basically- all herbal dewormers have the same herbs in them to some degree -- copied pretty much from Dr. Clark’s formula.
The herbs being Black Walnut Hull, and Wormwood. Cloves are important to add if not in the Paranil 90, as Dr. Clarks mentions that they kill the eggs and larvea whereas the other herbs only kill the adults. She stresses clove oil tincture. I couldnt find any of that, so I got really good quality cooking cloves in the spice section of our grocery store. (Wegman’s) and found they worked really w ...
1,730 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Colonix
by norxgirl 21 y
I started having problems my second month around as well. Below is the beginning link to a thread I posted a few days back. I have stopped the Paranil and I feel soooo much better. I really think it was a neurotoxic effect of the wormwood. I called the company and the rep had to discuss it with her supervisor. They thought it was just a detox reaction. Well, I could not function. I could not think, I had little or no ambition to do anything but sit in the chair. I had similar symptoms when taking large doses of the Clarkia. I was even beginning to ”have visual changes” a little on ...
1,918 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Gas and Parasites????is it die off or survival???
by #34255 21 y
Here is what Dr. Natura help site had to say. Although they are referring to the colonix/paranil rpogram I assume it would be applicable for any anti-parasite program:
The gas and bloating are a fairly common side effect of a colon cleansing process. The paranil (parasite cleanse) begins making any parasites and/or candida very uncomfortable.Yes, to answer your question, the gas and bloating are parasites and candida that are beginning to die off. At this initial stage of the cleanse there can be even more gas and bloating. That is why digestive enzymes at every meal and probiotics ar ...
8,770 hits
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Forum:Parasites Support
Re: So toxic, where to start?
by #34255 21 y
Well I have a suggestion, do not know if it will help or not. I am on different products, colonix and paranil, but had much of the same symptoms when I started, liver, candida, pain, fatigue etc. Anyway, I started by doing the colonix (colon cleanse) along with the paranil (parasite cleanse). It is a 2-3 month program depending how sick you are, and I am in week 7.
I am so much better, the reason I opted to do these together and first, was because I figured it would not do much to kill a bunch of yeast and parasite if my colon was not functioning right, otherwise your just p ...
1,232 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Anyone done a parasite cleanse with a 5 YEAR OLD?
by hayley3 20 y
That reminds me of something when you said iridologist. I had read you have spots in your iris if you have worms and my daughter had a prominent one that bothered me before we found out about the worms.
I’ll have to check and see if it’s still there.
My daughter was constipated on and off. Sometimes it was really bad and she was really tired and was catching every cold that came around. She had stomach pains and palpitations and achy joints just like arthritis. Now she didn’t have this every day but here and there. You know kids don’t complain that much. She had trouble learn ...
3,142 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Help!!!!Very Nauseous
by anitaspankin 20 y
Thanx for all the advice.
I did six weeks of colon,liver,kidney cleanse followed by 10 days of masrer cleansing,and followed that with this 90 day cleanse which is 4 paranil caplets on an empty tummy in morn followed 20 mins later with fibre drink,and then a herbal laxative tea at bedtime.
I have been passing mucoid plaque for three days,and cant beleieve how sick I am feelin.
I think it is really bad after I eat,and I have a rank headache.
I pretty sure i have been doing everything by the book,and have been having 8 to 10 glasses of spring water daily.
I guess I just got to tou ...
1,697 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Parasites in the blood
by njimko 16 y
I suspected i ha dparasites again back in Oct, but in my intestines and stomach. Nausea, itch etc. The doctor found a parasite tubles in my blood, one is on video (she records it for you)
Initially, she didnt think I needed the herbs (had the paranil bottle finishing from last time
also i hope 2 years ago by only doing a little less than 1 -2 mos on paranil / colonix i dont have resistant buggers.
I posted earler also passed liver fluke and maybe tpeworm or ??? also?
I have a sota instruments beck zapper and have zapped 8-12 hours away from herbs and meds, not sure if i need a ...
1,494 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Parasite Cleansers, Please help me!
by boldyloxx 19 y
Hi First Fast!
First of all, I think your are a terrific start-- and it’s raw juices your juicing yourself, all the more better! Reason is because the enzymes in the veggies and fruit are still alive-- and will better able to cleanse you.
I have never taken Paranil-- There is alot of things I hope to try soon- especially Colonix. Read Rygar’s experience with Colonix. He got out tons of worms with it- and he’s not the first person i’ve heard with that kind of results with it.
If you already bought Paranil, I would use that up first and see how you like it-- I heard some go ...
2,097 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Are these parasites?
by laughingrrrl 19 y
My personal fave is Humaworm, it’s $25 for a one-month treatment off eBay. I had better results with that brand (made with fresh herbs) than with Paranil, which apparantly did NOT work for me!! Humaworm removed a bunch of liver flukes and some unidentifiables, which were still inside me after doing Paranil.
If you want to make your own wormer, mix black walnut, wormwood, and clove to kill everything. Be CAREFUL with the wormwood -- it is poison, so be sure you take the right dose -- enough to kill the bugs but not enough to harm you. That’s why I like the Humaworm -- it is ...
2,095 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Do parasites come to the surface like this?
by BLL 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
I’ve been taking 50mg of Iodoral for 6 weeks. I suddenly got this "bite" type sore on the back of my thigh that is so itchy it woke me from a dead sleep. I don’t usually react to mosquito and ant bites, so I believe that this is something very different from a bite. Could this be the iodoral overload reaction? I’ve also posted this under the parasite forum because I started Colonix with Paranil two days ago. The sore appeared about 12 hours after my first dose of Paranil. Could this be a creature trying to get out? I don’t see anything, bu ...
2,079 hits
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Forum:Parasites Support
Parasite removal w/ lil' $$
by curious27 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have organic ozonated olive oil. I purchased it already. How much of it should I take? I have the l-cysteine, 500mg/cap. Currently i’m Juice fasting. Every time I go all greens, ...diarhea!!!!!!!. So I do Cucumbers, cataloupe, kale and spinach. Seems to stay with me. I’m now taking the paragone with the juicing. I want to switch over but I think I need a little help. I did the & organ advance cleanse by renew, then I did the 1 week of bentonite clay, psyllium husk and aloe vera gel with water. Then I did paranil for 1 month. It just getting very expensive.
Please help!
1,842 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Update-floater in the eyes
by #71845 18 y
I didn’t know that floaters were parasite connected. I have been getting them for a few years now.
What i don’t understand, i can’t remember who said this, but i was told the parasites are mostly killed in the first week of taking the parasite cleanse. Reading the posts here that doesn’t sound like the case.
I’m doing the colonix cleanse inc paranil parasite cleanse, and toxinout. Nearly a month now.
I don’t get terrrible die off symptoms, but do feel sensations in different parts of body about half an hour after take the capsules. Does that mean i’m not heavily infested ...
4,344 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: swollen glands & head pains & memory loss
by heatplaya 19 y
Hello again,
I have tried Clarkia, Paranil, Parasitin, and Humaworm with Humaworm being the best. The problem was once I was done with my 30 day cleanse all my symptoms came back just as bad as they were before(but yes it did give me some much needed relief after all these months).
I have not tried an enema nor plan to, my next step is trying to get a good stool sample to a reputable clinic. After that I plan on getting back on some herbal treatments including garlic, orgeno oil, GSE, papaya, pumpkin seed oil, and possibly MSM. I am also looking into the DNR products Betta has sug ...
6,801 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Newbie
by humaworm 19 y
Hello Newbie - This is quite a lot of information about parasite removal out there! The body will (the majority of the time) remove parasites through the waste elimination system - through your stool. Make sure that you are drinking at least 2 quarts or more of water per day. The colonix powder is psyllium based which swells to 50 times its size - so you will need to keep it well hydrated so that it will not cause bloating and constipation.
If you already have the Paranil then take it. Parasite cleansing needs to be a bi-annual thing. If you don’t like the results, you can always t ...
2,221 hits
Forum:Parasites Support