Paragone followed by Parazyme question
by mgardner 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
I’m on day 6 of the MC and want to incorporate a parasite cleanse into the program. I ordered Paragone and Parazyme from
The instructions indicate no fast is necessary -- but it appears that you should take the Paragone for a certain number of days followed by Parazyme.
Has anyone done this. I would like to find out:
1 - can you incorporate the Paragone while on the MC
2 - how long do you take the Paragone before incorporating the Parazyme?
Thanks in advance,
3,863 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Paragone normal stool color, off paragone pale stools agian
by Kristina21 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hey, I have been baffled by this. I am 26 I had pale stools before starting paragone and when I started paragone by stools were a normal brown agian! I was on paragone a month and I am now off and stools went pale agian!!! I take milk thistle and digestive enzymes. I do eat a lot of carbs bu am gluten free. I am confused why does my liver gallbladder function better on paragone??? What can I take to achieve those results without being on paragone? I did pass corn nut looking things on paragone....not sure if that matters.
2,008 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Taking ParaGone with my cleanse program ?
by abdii 13 y
View Entire Thread 5
Currently on 3rd day of 30day Cleanse Smart program.
Cleanse Smart:
Now i want to add a Parasite cleansing product. Is it ok to take ParaGONE 1 ”Only the capsules” while on cleanse smart ?
This will be the schedule. what do you think ?
Morning: 2 Capsules Cleanse Smart morning formula
day: 2 Capsules ParaGone 1
Evening: 2 Capsules Cleanse Smart evening formula
I want to rule out parasite/any thing else before taking candida supplements which ill get after 1 month ” ...
3,036 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Paragone Cleanse and Ultimate Digestive Health Cleanse
by cldia16 11 y
I just did a Paragone parasite cleanse with a low carb, no sugar diet, supplemented with 100 billion probiotics, extra garlic, pumpkin seeds and carrots. So I had some pretty nasty results. I had what seemed to be intestinal flukes, a two inch thing that looked like it could be the head of a tapeworm, and we also had pinworms (which combined with my EOS blood levels tipped us off on the parasite issue...) Anyways, I wasn’t comfortable mixing my own herbs so we opted to just buy them done, even though lots of people have their own opinions about that (cost, strength...) Well the paragone cl ...
1,058 hits
Forum:Parasites Cleanse Support
Me havequestion to.
by #65884 18 y
Hi me have question:
Me been taking PARAGONE for 15 days as directed. But it says to stop after 15 days and start up again after 5 days with no PARAGONE. After 15 more days with PARAGONE me supposed to be better. But I wanna start HUMAWORM program instead, and me in first day of 5 day off period from PARAGONE. When HUMAWORM come in mail (as me already order it) should me want start on HUMAWORM after 5 day off period? Me not want worms to get ammune to herbs in there. Me see that PARAGONE contain many of same herbs as HUMAWORM. Is it already too late for me to start my new HUMAWORM ...
3,140 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: ParaGone
by Boldyloxx 19 y
Paragone did get parasites out of me -- just make sure to also do colon cleanses -- and end with 3 liver flushes after a month of Paragone.
I also added cooking cloves (the kind in the spice section in the grocer) to my dosages- cuz I really wasnt sure how little , if any, cloves they put in the capsules.
Also drink lots of liquids throughout the day to flush out toxins from the dying worms from the paragone-
good luck!
5,644 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Question about maintanence
by sdmom64 16 y
View Entire Thread 7
After I finish with the Paragone that I am currently taking, I would like to do some type of maintanence. I see on the site that it reccomends the Clark maintanence, but can I use that even if I didn’t do the first part of her program? I would have if I had seen it before I bought the box of Paragone. Or should I do the Clark program after I finish the Paragone, or is that just overkill? Haha, no pun intended!
2,737 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Mysterious critter! magfi15
by magfi15 21 y
I didn’t know that I was supposed to start with cleanseSMART or some other type of cleanse program before doing the paraGONE. I just learned about it last night, on my second day. No wonder I feel like crap. Therefore I stop with paraGONE, I am doing the detox with cleanseSMART, then I will move on to paraGONE. Didn’t know either, that this cleansing was supposed to start gradually. I thank you for your help.
3,595 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Should I Continue Paragone with these Side Effects?
by cubsfan17 8 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi guys!
For the past 6 months or more I have been dealing with sever fatigue, brain fog, headaches, etc. So much so that it made it hard to go to work and even get out of bed some days. Doctors did all kinds of blood tests and came up with nothing.
I read online a lot about Paragone and how parasites affect the body so I decided to give this a shot as I had almost every symptom.
I started on the anti-candida diet for about a month and then jumped into Paragone. I did paragone for 5 days at half strength, went to full strength and got very sick so I backed off to do half strengt ...
861 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: Terrible fecal body odor- Need help bad
by VF86 10 y
So i started with the Paragone today. I’ve also been taking 50-billion probiotic pills for the past week or so and i’m gonna keep taking them with the paragone.
Actually i noticed the probiotics are helping with the ”stink” problem a lot. The past few days i haven’t noticed the smell at all. But i started using paragone too, already bought the stuff, figured it couldn’t hurt.
Just wondering, for those who have taken Paragone... It says i need two boxes to complete the cleanse. Can i just use the one box for 15 days? Don’t really wanna go back and buy another box- plus the stuff was ...
2,114 hits
Forum:ParasitesBody Odor
Re: Paragone normal stool color, off paragone pale stools...
by Shadamae 11 y
Hi Kristina,
It’s the Bismuth (what is essentially Pepto Bismol) that makes the stool darker. I took Paragone too and had some good results with getting some things out but my problem with my stool before I started was that it was too dark and heavy and the paragone just made that worse so I am going with something else that does not have it in it. My husband is still taking it now and also had pale stools before...he is now having darker stools with the Paragone. There are many other things in Paragone so not sure what was really helping but you can do a test just by taking some pepto ...
1,975 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: paragone and vitamin supplements
by skbruning 18 y
Thank GOD for your post!
I, too, had INSANE eye pain....I described it as ”two burning coals in my head”. It never ONCE occurred to me that it could be the Paragone, BUT OF COURSE!
THAT is when it started. So it was either the Ambien CR or the ParaGONE Cleanse products. I did it for well over a week and then had about a 5 day rest and then tried again but just can’t do it right now. You’re a good soldier!
Keep trying and post again what results you get.
ALSO..............MY BEING ABLE TO SLEEP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER....may be a credit to Paragone. Hhmmm. I don’t kno ...
5,424 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Clarkia Drops v. Paragon,Parastoy(sp?)or Schultz 1&2
by nspeth 21 y
I too tried Clarkia and saw nothing. I’m just hoping that means I don’t have any visable worms. I am now taking ParaGone which I really like. I still haven’t seen worms but my BM’s have changed a lot. They are really dark, lots of plaque and mucous and floating yellow specks which I think are Candida. I am using ParaGone mostly for Candida since it is good for this too. Plus I just started Threelac today. My personal opinion is I like ParaGone much better than Clarkia. I am also using CandiZyme to help digest the Candida. You can use this or ParaZyme which helps your body digest/assimilate ...
4,989 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
ParaGone and the Master Cleanse
by Splash2007 17 y
View Entire Thread 7
Hello. I’m on day 5 of ParaGone. Is it ok to start the Master Cleanse tomorrow? This is my first time doing a parasite cleanse. I plan to do a liver cleanse during my 5 days off of ParaGone. I’m also taking a Probiotic.
Another question.... My husband and I are trying to have a baby. I’m wondering if the ingredients in ParaGone would be harmful if I got pregnant. I would consult a doctor once I realized I was pregnant. We have had some complications with having a baby so I don’t want to add more complications by taking ParaGone. Any thoughts, experiences, etc... would be app ...
6,539 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
by Boldyloxx 19 y
I’ve been using one Paragone capsule alone with one capsule of Burdock Root and one capsule of Black Walnut- -with high quality cloves thrown in. I get the loose stools if I add Cascara .
However, THe Paragone seems to be leaching out more different types of worms that I hadnt noticed by just using the Black Walnut.
Somehow, I lost the Step # 2 Paragone Tincture you take along with the capsules- so I only take the one capsule. I’m under 150 lbs, so I dont take the two capsules for those 150 lbs or over.
The directions on the Paragone state to rest for a certain period, ...
3,498 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Question about colosan and paragone
by madelle 20 y
Last winter I used paragone, full course, followed by two colonics (which were wonderful, would have more if there was a practitioner near by!) and then started on colosan, which I love love love.
I need to start paragone again, and I am wondering if I can also take the colosan 2x week during the paragone course?
I could not, before, take the full dose of paragone, because it caused me to have too much liquid bm more than not. So I did half dose. If I use colosan 2x a week, it works well for me, but I have to make certain to drink a lot of water (not a problem now, I am an H20 ...
1,362 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Peppermint Tea after taking Paragone?
by mtbeach 20 y
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I’m on day 3 of a cleanse where I’m doing the Master Cleanse, taking BP shakes and taking Paragone. (Incredible Scheduling to do this by the way!) and I have a somewhat technical question for anyone who might have the answer. The directions for Paragone state to wait 30 minutes before eating (in my case drinking lemonade)or taking any herbal supplement . I’ve been drinking peppermint tea in the 30 minutes after I take the Paragone. I find it soothing, a refreshing break from the lemonade (and great for fresh breath!)
Peppermint tea wouldn’t counteract, weaken or nullify the herbs in th ...
4,545 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
ParaGone-more than 2 times?
by tofu5 20 y
ParaGone says to take their product 15 days, take a break for 5 days, then take ParaGone again for 15 days. It also says you can take another break and take ParaGone for another time or two. Has anyone taken it more than the 2 times, and would there be a reason to NOT take it? I did the liver/gallbladder cleanse on the 5 day break and a week later started passing chaff/stuff. I am mid-way through my second course of ParaGone and for the first time in years am having regular bowel movements. Strange.
1,216 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Hi Lynne, would you mind if I asked you a Paragone Qu...
by tofu5 20 y
I did the first round of ParaGone full strength, waited the five days(during which I did a gallbladder cleanse) and now am on the 2nd day of the 2nd round of ParaGone, full strength. I find the timing a tad difficult(they recommend taking the capsules 3 hrs after food and I am a grazer)but I can live with it for two more weeks. When I started the 2nd round I felt quite awful for half a day but I don’t know whether it was because of the flush, the ParaGone or something else. I feel better now, tho the bowels are still loose. I did notice the stools were noticeably darker during the ParaGone ...
2,658 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Parasite Cleanse Second time?????
by DubbleTrubble 20 y
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I just started another parasite cleanse(Paragone) again. The first time i took paragone it had great results on my acne, then i did the liver flush , and the acne came back worse.By the way i didn’t notice any worms just small peices of white things in my bowels, i wonder what the paragone was killing off? Anyways its been three weeks since i finished my last box of paragone, and about a week since i last did the liver flush. Is it okay to start over by doing another parasite cleanse and this time im going to add some PB shakes in , and then try another liver flush? Also, sh ...
2,897 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Paragone questions
by Blueduck 20 y
Paragone is a two part all comes in the box. One is capsules, the other is tincture. You will need two boxes unless you are a very small person.
Clarkia is just three herbs.....the green hulls of black walnuts, wormwood and cloves.
Look at the link below. The same company that sells paragone has lots of products. They even have some thing for candida. I have only used Paragone. I have not purchased from the company that I am linking you too, but they are selling Paragone for the cheapest price I have seen on the internet.
2,721 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Paragone followed by Parastroy... Expert advice?
by Cynical but Curious 20 y
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I’ve done the first 15 day cycle of Paragone, which had me having night sweats several toimes and some die-off symptoms, but no visible parasites purged. (I realize that parasites could be microscopic protozoa or amoeba, and I may not see them expelled).
Here’s my question:
I’m supposed to start the 2nd 15-day cycle of Paragone on Monday. Does anyone know if it would be OK to use Parastroy for the 2nd cycle? It has some of the same ingredients but not all of them. It has some that Paragone doesn’t have and omits some that Paragone has.
Does anyone have experience with these formu ...
3,539 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: ouch!
by NewMe 20 y
I’ve done the first 15 day cycle of Paragone, which had me having night sweats several toimes and some die-off symptoms, but no visible parasites purged. (I realize that parasites could be microscopic protozoa or amoeba, and I may not see them expelled).
Here’s my question:
I’m supposed to start the 2nd 15-day cycle of Paragone on Monday. Does anyone know if it would be OK to use Parastroy for the 2nd cycle? It has some of the same ingredients but not all of them. It has some that Paragone doesn’t have and omits some that Paragone has.
Does anyone have experience with these formu ...
3,794 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Para Gone
by RedPlanet 18 y
Thanks. I am ready. Can you believe my spirit guide told me to use it? I was meditating and I distinctly heard Paragone. I thought it cost too much so I thought, How about Parastroy. Then I heard PARAGONE! I sort of freaked me out. I’m starting tomorrow, and I am using a MSG elimination diet. My allergies are ridiculous and my ears keep plugging up. My guide says the misuse of a zapper started a candida chain reactiont hat affected my ears. I had no idea Paragone is also a candida cleanse.
Paragone: Endorsed by Heaven.
3,044 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
ParaGONE: is a bowel cleanse also needed with?
by evergreen 21 y
View Entire Thread 6
After doing a lot of reading here and other sites over the weekend, I realize I don’t want to take chances and want to use a tried-and-true method for parasite cleansing such as Clarkia or ParaGONE. I already have ParaGONE, so that’s the one I’m going with. I have two questions about it, though.
First, the Renew Life Co. that makes the product suggests a bowel cleanse before using ParaGONE. However, Dr. Clark’s site seems to indicate doing a parasite cleanse first. I’d like to follow Dr. Clark’s advice since I already have the ParaGONE and don’t want to buy another product right now un ...
8,734 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Diarrhea on Paragone 2nd round - healing crisis?
by michelle-stl 20 y
I’m on my second round of Paragone and am doing P&B shakes twice a day. During the first round, I didn’t have any diarrhea - I had the opposite some days, with no BMs all. But after resuming Paragone after a 5-day rest and having taken two doses, I got diarrhea. It was really bad that day - I went 6 to 8 times. The next day, my colon remained faster than normal, but BMs were formed. Then the next day, I had diarrhea for part of the day. The day after that, I had only one BM and it was normal. Then today, I had two normal BMs in the morning and then more diarrhea - 4 times - tonight. ...
1,509 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Any alcohol free parasite cleanses about?
by helenadams 20 y
Most of the commercial kits are alcohol free like parastroy or paragone, paracleanse etc. I am not sure about Clarkia
Both Parastroy and Paragone have some bowel cleansing agents as well. Paragone you need two kits I believe and Parastroy only one.
Also I have read that Colonix is very good. It is more expensive but is a combo bowel/parasite cleanse
If your bowels are working good you can do a liver flush first but it is recommended to do at least 7 days of bowel/parasite cleansing.
Expect to do several liver cleanses before things really start to get better. For me it was 4 bu ...
4,432 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone
by JREN31 10 y
View First 20 Messages of 57
I have had one positive experience taking Paragone last December, where I had typical cleanse side effects but came out of the cleanse with a noticeable decrease in the intensity of my symptoms and feeling much more energized and healthy. Throughout the cleanse I also found things that led me to believe I was heavily infested with a tapeworm and possibly roundworms and candida. My parasite symptoms returned about a month after finishing my Paragone cleanse, and over time they worsened. I tried to take Paragone again last month and I experience my first seizure. My limbs began jerking aroun ...
2,823 hits
Re: something weird happening bc of Paragone....should i ...
by threader 9 y
lol paragone- bringing a squirt gun to a war.
I never even considered that I had parasites until after the ”scatter” had occurred, (assuming this scattering is a real phenomenon). Paragone barely touched the symptoms. But yeah, that was my first try too, followed by the equally ineffective antibiotics. Eventually Scabdraggr directed me to the feed store and life got much better.
1,301 hits
Paragone Parasite Cleanse during Water Fast
by Brilliantje 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hello Everyone,
I am on Day 2 of a lemon water fast with Water enemas (morning and evening) and also on Day 2 of the Paragone Parasite Cleanse Kit.
I was reading about the diet restrictions what to all to avoid, but was wondering if it would not be even more ffective to fast while doing the cleanse? I started now already, but wanted some feedback if the Paragone will be as effective as if I would regularly eat during that time.
Thanks for your help.
1,442 hits
Forum:Parasites CureFasting: General
Re: Should I Continue Paragone with these Side Effects?
by magpie101 8 y
Hi I can’t answer your question as regards Paragone, but some of your other symptoms are the same as mine. I was eventually diagnosed as B12 deficient, so getting a B12 blood test would be a really good idea. The test result may come back as normal(mine did)so you have to push for treatment. Check out Sally Pacholok for more details.I am about to start the Paragone, bit nervous. All the best, wishing you Good Health :)
775 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: Is this a worm?
by drycabin 9 y
I’m finishing up the five day break and will go back on paragone tomorrow and I have been seeing tons of long stringy things, pods and ropeworms during the break. Like you I thought at first it was undigested food but today I passed a foot long stringy thing along with tons of gunk that looked like candida so maybe it’s still having an effect. Paragone contains grapefruit seed extract which is an antifungal. Good luck during round two!!
976 hits
Re: Help with hookworms
by lordcooler 8 y
Try paragone, the problem with doing just one or two herbs is they will only kill the adults and leave the eggs and newly hatched.
Paragone kills the eggs the young and adults all at the same time. You might want to do it longer then a month if you have a bad infection.
You can buy online at eBay amazon or the manufacturers Website. Also look into castor oil.
695 hits
Re: bentonite before paragone?
by hopinso 20 y
I would suggest you use paragone alone for the first few days, perhaps even a week, before adding bentonite. Bentonite works by adsorbing, that is drawing and latching on to, toxins. You need the paragone herbs freely flowing. When the die off begins you can use the bentonite to adsorb the toxins and reduce the die-off symptoms. Some psyllium powder will help make the waste flow from the bowel quicker, but wait a few days before using this too.
1,472 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Paragone 1 Only???
by Boldyloxx 19 y
Well, I’ve been using only the Paragone I without the Tincture (II)
because I actually lost the tincture - it fell out of my purse somewhere.
I’ve been using the paragone I along with separate capsules of Black Walnut, Burdock Root and Cascara Sagrada--- and a tablespoon of really strong cloves.
Seems to be doing its job well-- as well as combining this along with a no dairy, meat and no refined product diet
2,529 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
How long does die off last for?
by #41727 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have been taking paragone for 2 weeks and have been suffering a lot of aches and pains, sore throat, tiredness and generally feeling under the weather. Am guessing this is a die off reaction but am just wondering whether the die off symptoms should be gradually getting better, because they have been quite variable, and the last few days have felt worse than at the beginning.
About to have the 5 day break from paragone so hoping symptoms will subside then before starting second 15 days.
5,631 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Die off question
by 282915 19 y
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Is it possible to have die off reactions/breakouts 2 weeks after ending a parasite cleanse?..Its been 2 weeks since i ended the paragone and ive just had a breakout and a big cyst come up on my cheek..I never get cysts unless im taking anti fugals and getting die off..Plus ive been noticing fluke/bug/paper like things in my stools for the last 2 weeks just like i saw while on the paragone. I was thinking maybe their was alot of extra toxins and dead parasites sitting in my colon from the parasite cleanse that was getting reabsorbed back in my blood...Anyone help me here?
2,461 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
diarrhea from Paragone
by wormies 20 y
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Has anyone else experienced diarrhea when taking Paragone? I get terrible cramps in my stomach almost immediately after taking the Paragone and within 30 minutes I’ve emptied my bowels. In a way I don’t mind because I prefer this to being constipated, but it is also irritatin and a little concerning.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do? I am only taking half the dosage (1 pill, 7 drops) since I weigh about 100 lb.
2,030 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Sinking stool after Paragone cleansing
by venuko 20 y
View Entire Thread 5
I just completed a 15-day course of Paragone parasite cleansing. The product was easy to take; if you dillute the liquid component with water it has a slight wooden taste.
As far as I can tell, I have not pass any parasites but I have noticed one strange effect. Normally, the stool floats in the water, but after a Paragone course it sinks to the bottom of the toilet bowl. Can anyone explain that?
6,453 hits
Forum:Parasites Support