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Re: face mites, ug
by kodakumi 17 y
Have you tried pure tree tea oil? Have you read the study concerning mite die-off as a result of occular demodex when exposed to tea tree oil? I can find it again for you if you want..but I think if you google ”tea tree oil” and ”demodex” in google, it will come up. Castor oil is also effective at smothering mites, as I have used it recently it seems to be working. Just my simple suggestions! :)
5,127 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: tingly/crawly sensation on forehead
by mommaloves 17 y
it might be demodex mites, these mircro parasites we all have living around our hair follicles. they are so annoying, they can cause pimples and you can feel them bite/sting, crawl, and they itch sometimes. But it could totally be another kind of parasite, my hubby had a round worm just under the skin on his forehead for a month, those tend to look like a scratch on the skin. i get deomdex mites along my hair line especially since i started cleansing. i ended up buying demodex shampoo and it worked great! but they are on my forehead now, so i need to get some demodex soap i suppose.
17,779 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: constant nausea and zits
by glaxony 13 y
If you Google ”Demodex Solutions” and go to the website, you can read all about the research that has been done in China on acne. That website says 90% of all acne is caused by demodex mites. And the products work. I had acne really bad and got rid of it with the ZZ cream. I don’t know who is right, you or the people in China who have done research. It is probably debatable. I don’t even really care what causes it. I just want to be acne free. And I am. I will admit, however, that it can be much easier to defeat an enemy you know, than one you don’t know. And I do believe that what I learn ...
2,300 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Demodex Mites
by sarah5 18 y
Thanks for your interest in my post! These are my reasons for suspecting it’s demodex: Since Christmas I began to break out with acne. I am 30 years old and have never had a problem with pimples before. I then did a parasite cleanse, but for reasons unrelated to my face.
My skin became worse and stayed consistently bad. I do have the feeling of itchiness on my face and scalp at night, as described when you have demodex. Also, at Christmas I went to stay with some people on a farm, who had 4 dirty, sick, dying old dogs. I know that the demodex mites can transfer fro ...
7,701 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Help for never ending itching critters that have been...
by noBarbieDollNow 9 y
Apologies - I almost always read entire threads many times before writing anything anywhere, but today I was so excited (and grossed out and fascinated) watching the hundreds of white ’rice-like’ things crawl out of my long-tormented skin after I applied a cream called Soltana (cream version of human formula Ivermectin) that I just jumped in and replied to you after reading Your amazing post describing the exact same bizarre experience I had today, just with a different lotion/cream. The thought of suicide after 12 years of face-disfiguring torture-by-mites had crossed my mind too, so I c ...
4,200 hits
Forum: Parasites: Skin
Coconut Oil
Demodex Mites
Parasites (Alt Med)
There is a special parasite cleanse for faces
by Madelle 21 y
I would suggest trying what has already been posted. You can also go to (no not Doctors! ahhh no, but a vitiman wholesaler) and there is a product called, ”Face doctorx Soap” (the R in the Doctor is an Rx) it costs $7.19 currently. Have not used it myself, but it says: ” Over 90% of adults are infected with a parastie (human demodex) that causes reddish premature agine of the skin, enlarged pores, and acne. Face Doctorx is an incredible facial soap to control the spread of the human demodex parasite and restore your skin to its natural beauty.”
If anyone has ...
2,617 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Wo! Where buy industrial grade Boric Acid? n/t
by shroom 18 y
Hi Glaxony--I bought it at a jewellers supply house. By-the-way, I owe it all to you for leading me in this direction. I think something very VERY big is going to develope out of this. My cultures are showing something besides demodex, and the bacteria growing is PLAQUE FORMING. This is a crucial distinction with enormous implications. I still have to be 1000% sure about these ”thread-like” things, and I am not observing artifacts {dust particles ect}.
From what I have read about demodex mites, the impact on the immune-system of genetically suitable candidates can be massive. These thin ...
2,691 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Demodex Mites
R by sarah5 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
I am 30 years old and believe I have Demodex mites. Although I have not yet had the test to confirm it, after doing extensive research, I’m quite sure that this is what I am currently suffering with.
I have read about only two cures; rosemary tea, and Zhongzhou Zinc cream a Chinese therapy. ( Which although seems effective, seems also a long, somewhat drawn out and expensive process. If anyone knows of any other alternatives to these I would be grateful if they passed on the knowledge!
I wondered if anyone else h ...
7,829 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: itching parasite, worse at night, not scabies
by godmadeusperfect 16 y
Could it be Demodex Mites? If so check the Demodex forum. They are invisible to the naked eye. I am getting rid of them with scrubbing the whole body everyday with tea tree oil soap, head and shoulders conditioner with Pyrithione Zinc is supposed to be good too, so you could add that to your brush. I say conditioner and not shampoo because the shampoo has toxic Laurel/Laureth Sulfate in it. Make sure to put your bed linens and towels in the dryer every day for 20 minutes on high heat and add borax to every load to kill the suc***s. I would soak in a hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, me ...
12,245 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
What parasite is this?
by Cleft-Asunder 16 y
View Entire Thread 3
I still can’t find a name for this. I have a worm-like parasite infestation on my body. But the front of the prasite is shaped like a diamond with a black speck in the center of it, and a tail. The smaller ones are light yellow, while the large ones are grey with a wale fin on the end of the tail.
Originally I thought it was demodex. But these things can be really big up to the length of a finger nail. Perhaps demodex mutates to a larger size if the opportunity (weak immune system) arises? Any way, I’ve been using bentonite clay mixed with 3 large lemons. It removes them instantly, but ...
2,142 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: constant nausea and zits
by glaxony 13 y
I do not want to discourage you from systemic cleansing because everyone needs that, too. But 90% of all acne is caused by microscopic mites called demodex. Do a google search for Demodex Solutions and see what comes up. I used the sulphur cream and it made my face break out into a road rash for two weeks. It took six weeks for it to clear. Then all my zits went away for a couple of years before I needed to do it again. Be sure to clean your face daily with cold cream or Vasoline as that stuff suffocates them.
2,070 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Help for never ending itching critters that have been...
by noBarbieDollNow 9 y
The Great Mite Massacre !! Oral Ivermectin (Stromectol) and 1% ivermectin cream (Soolantra) ... the power to kill the full body Demodex infestation that has tortured me for 12 years (and made me one heck of a good make-up artist!)
YES! It’s possible to beat these wretched critters so hang in there if you feel hopeless like I did. I need beauty sleep to strenghten that all-important immune system, but I’ll post details & a few helpful websites in a few days.
For now, hunt down a dermatologist who is knowledgeable AND Up To Date about Demodex and check out info about oral ivermectin ...
3,290 hits
Forum: Parasites: Skin
Coconut Oil
Demodex Mites
Parasites (Alt Med)
Do strongys/hooks bite and sting??
by #10484 8 y
View Entire Thread 4
Need direction here! I am having a parasitic infestation. This time it started with anal worms in November, and also nasal worms. My doctor said they were hook worms (dxd from appearance.) In mid-December, I developed skin involvement; tiny filaments that would bite my skin. Sometimes they would come in pairs, sometimes cream colored, but usually black. I then developed larva migrans or currens, and also worms into my feet. (Incidentally about 18 years ago, I also had the filaments bite me and developed larva migrans, but not the anal or nasal worms at that time.) In December, my doctor ga ...
846 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Parasites: Skin
Zoonotic Disease
Re: Candida infection all over my body?
by braveheart007 12 y
Ok stop it getting down on Dr.s that is not helpful. I have these black things coming out all over my body and face too. Now I thought they were demodex mites as they fit the bill except I can see them and supposidly you can’t see demodex mites. So what are they? I have tissues full of them, big ones, look like lice/mite and then baby ones. I used to do the tto stuff but now I just slather myself with coconut oil after morning shower and evening bath and then I pick them off with tweezers. I’m on like day 7 doing this. One came out of my eye into the corner of my eye and it really hurt. I’ ...
5,262 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Brain Fog
Demodex Mites
Zoonotic Disease
Insect Bite
Parasites Support
cured of demodex mites for real!!
RN 100% CURE! by #144063 14 y
I thought I was a suffered of Demodex Mites for 10 months.
Every day for 10 months I felt those ”bugs” crawling and wiggling. I even felt worms wiggling out of the crown of my head.
I spent about $2K buying creams to include Ponds Cold Cream, lotions, soaps, shampoos, going from doctor to doctor who either ignored me, or gave into my demands for Ivermectim.
I even purchased 10 boxes of Borax laundry detergent to bath in, tea tree oil, colloidal silver –I was desperate!!!! to no avail. I saw 4 Demonologist, 1 Neurologist, and 1 Immunologist ...
82,060 hits
Forum: Demodex Mites
Parasites: Skin
Parasites (Alt Med)
Parasites: RX
Demodex in lymphatic
by #172263 12 y
View Entire Thread 8
Does anyone know much about the Demodex mite, have been dealing with them for years, just when it seems I have found relief, there they are crawling around my face and ass, they come from up my nose in my mouthand ears. The reason they keep appearing is they breed in your lymph nodes and only emerge through the skin as adults. If this is correct, how do I get them out of there, I have mega detox, been on antibiotics and have morgellons, does anyone have a theory on this. Thanks to everyone.
2,015 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Demodex in lymphatic
by jamyang 12 y
So sorry I am not to good with computers and I have pressed report abuse. Not intended as I find all the information you give amazing, I was so happy when you replied about Demodex, but I was wondering as to what your theory on what they could be, I need a road of investigation as I have run out of options. So sorry again for pressing the wrong thing, we are truely blessed to have your wisdom. Many many thanks for your time you give to all of us.
1,794 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: constant nausea and zits
Most people carry Demodex in their skin but it is not considered the cause of acne. Hulda Clark found the roundworm Trichinella in all of the acne cases she saw and wrote that it was involved in acne along with some bacteria and hormone imbalances. She advised using a Zapper or frequency generator set at404.5 KHz extending 5 KHz on each side to be sure to include (killing) all eggs and other molt stages. She found that this treatment cleared up acne in 10 days.
2,512 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Skin biopsy, if negative for demodex will it say what is ...
by Scie 9 y
Saw dermatologist, I suspected demodex but think it could be a different one, or more than one. Will come back with results of whatever is going on? If they only got sebum, is there anything they can tell from that?
276 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: Worms in nose?
by glaxony 9 y
Braunfels labs sells a sulphur cream that gets rid of demodex. They also have a scabies cream.
If the topical sulphur works for you, perhaps you could order some sulphur powder and empty gel caps, and take sulphur internally.
Try garlic first.
68,814 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: For those of you who have treated Buski
by MEV 10 y
I have been passing the exact same thing. However, my skin is also severely infested. I have been told by a couple doctors demodex folliculitis. I bet i’ve seen 10 doctors and I am still struggling with this nightmare. Have you gotten any answers?
859 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: Can someone identify these please
by shroom 16 y
Hi BB This could be a number of things, and likely antigen specific problem [genetics-sorry] Viral is one example, and sounds like you might have a problem with demodex mites.
This leads to certain hormonal issues--likely excessive. This could be affecting you microbial ecology. I would try and avoid sugar, and greasy food. Adjust your diet with healthy oils.
I’m no nutritionist, but I think certain dietary adjustments could benefit you. Shroom
2,013 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Plz Help - Stinging So Bad
by willowwhite 8 y
View Entire Thread 6
First, thanks for the great forum. Finding so much info here. Just hope to get some direction. What does this sound like? I’m thinking demodex or filarials. Would like your ideas and reasoning, so I can proceed with the right treatment.
My current symptoms are nightly stings and nips on the hands, legs and feet, neck and head, and breasts, and tiny red marks on skin that follow the stinging. I can’t see anything biting me, so it is either microscopic or maybe it lives within the skin. On the lower extremities, I also have sensations every night that my skin is being lightly touched (lik ...
2,039 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Help Me
Parasites: RX
Parasites: Skin
Lichen Planus
Lichen Sclerosis
Eyelash Creatures (interesting, NOT gross!)
R by Rabbitears 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
This is an interesting find!
(Glaxony, perhaps this may answer some of your questions from sometime ago about hair/scalp movement and eyelash mites.)
Demodex folliculorum , or the demodicid , is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on the nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes. (A follicle is the pore from which a hair grows). Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with ...
28,481 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Parasites in Face/Nose/Eyes
by RuthoftheEarth 13 y
It sounds like you might have Demodex skin mites. You might look up some info on the Demodex forum on this web site. You might want to start with a 5% - 10% sulfur ointment for your face and use sea salt soap or sulfur soap when bathing. There is a ZZ ointment that most people start with that works pretty fast. Its expensive, $35 a small jar, but it does work. You can search around or experiment to find the right sulfur ointment for you. Walgreens (on line at least) has a cheap sulfur ointment for $6. Take vinegar baths, borax baths (Walmart:20 mule team borax in the detergen ...
10,977 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Help for never ending itching critters that have been...
by noBarbieDollNow 9 y
No one can EVER be completely Cured. If it’s human facial mites you’re duking it out with (aka the only 2 kinds of Demodex mites that live on humans: follicular and brevia mites), you and ALL adults will have them for life. The goal is to CONTROL them so there’s only a few at any time.
Many older children and most adults have them on their bodies ALL the time - but just a few that hang out in the follicles of their eyelashes or brows or hair. Researchers have found that almost All adults over 60 have mites and the number of mites grows as we age.
Only adults w/ weaker imm ...
4,217 hits
Forum: Parasites: Skin
Coconut Oil
Demodex Mites
Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: hair loss and scalp itching
by godmadeusperfect 16 y
Sounds to me like demodex mites. Some people on the demodex forum report hair loss. So anyway, they are microscopic/invisible, can cause pustules/pimples, and itching particularly in the dark like at bedtime. So anyway, I have had success with a melaleuca conditioner I leave on for 15 minutes in the shower, add more melaleuca in the form of extract if you want, also maybe a vineger rinse at the end that you leave on a few minutes. But the key is hit the scalp with a hairdryer on high heat for at least 5 minutes everyday. Then of course wash linens towel clothes etc and/or dry them in ...
11,415 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: apple fast flush while on paragon/parasite cleanse?
by cora 18 y
Hmm. A couple q’s. DId the breakout come on after the flushing, could this have anything to do with it. I’ve always thought of acne as a detox reaction, depending on its type. I include more possible causes, however. You might want to read some of Newport’s reasons for limiting (if not altogher) flushes (not sure if it was olive oil specific, I’ll look for the thread or maybe N will step in here.
Also check out this site and cropped text below:
Demodex Mites, also known as face mites, are not so well known by the public. They are parasi ...
9,604 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Skin Mite ?Mystery?
by verysugar 16 y
I was just thinking that Humaworm (who has a forum on Curezone) has manufactured a parasiticidal skin cream that might be effective in your case. It seems to be getting good reviews.
I have used a sulfur-based soap for a couple of years now as a preventative. The sulfur kills demodex and other mites. It is very cheap and I like to use it, knowing that I’m applying something superior to common soaps.
Some essential oils (dilute to be safe) are very effective at killing skin parasites. Some that spring to mind are: Tea-tree, Eucalyptus, Sea-buckthorn, Neem, Oregano and lavender.
Kee ...
14,559 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Holy crap! Glaxony, I think your right!
by shroom 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have just googled pics of the demodex mites, and they resemble what I have been seeing in culture. I have not directly checked hair ect. I was not thinking on those lines.
I have seen and isolated funny looking things beyond description, but now I think they must be the larvae. Ha! who woulda guessed? Well...Glaxony actually.
I thought they were some mutant fungi\bacteria\parasite creature.
So, how to treat these suckers? I have used tar shampoo in the past--which works, but it ALWAYS comes back.
This must explain the accompanied ”jock itch”. ----Thank God for anonymity on this for ...
1,791 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Shroom question on dermodex mites...
by shroom 18 y
Good. I would also prepare a culture of scalp debris[simple gelatin with a bit of milk or soy] and see what grows. You may be surprised--or shocked! In my case I was shocked. The mites are easy to identify, but if you have long stringy things, let me know.
You should have some demodex mites, but unless your HLA [human leukocyte antigen] is compatible with this things, you should not have a problem.
Please let me know what you find, should be interesting! Shroom
2,000 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Demodex mites & Borax
by #6510 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
I am interested in trying to cleanse/test to see if I have demodex mites. I have heard that Borax is an excellent method of fighting them, but I haven’t found a recipe for applying it to a wash or scrub. I DID find a recipe for drinking on,
but I would prefer not to drink it. Can anyone point me in the right direction towards a recipe or method that works wonders? Borax seems to be the right price if it works, and I don’t want to dump tons of money into cleansing something that I don’t even know is a problem yet or not. Any help would be GREATLY appreci ...
23,528 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Demodex Mites
by shroom 18 y
You can see them in low magnification. I am concerned that you may have a HLA type which is basically a identification molecule type for immune cells, and these little creatures have honed in on that. Do not take this lightly. Your entire immune-system could be at risk. Treat the scalp with specially formulated shampoo for these. I have used boric acid on my scalp with immediate results, but others had no such luck.
They feed on hormones, so they might act up after sex, a stressful day, menstruation etc. Check for anything dust-like in appearance from pustules [just a precaution]. Also, i ...
7,354 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Scalp parasites..??? help
by shroom 18 y
In my case, it’s not too bad, but the itch can be annoying at times. Under the microscope I am seeing what looks more like filarial worm structures, but it looks the same as dust particles. So I am trying to grow a batch in culture to make the distiction. The mites resemble demodex, but there are differences. These things are much longer, and tapered at both ends. I have no skin disorders, but very itchy eyelashes and scalp, and sometimes jock itch. Shroom
38,148 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Scalp parasites..??? help
by shroom 18 y
Hi Megan. I have just confirmed the demodex mites. They look just like the google pics. There is something else which is more disturbing. I need more time to study it. I’m trying to grow these in culture.
It feels as if there is something subcutaneous that moves. So far, I am observing nothing that moves. I am going to google image morgellions, although I don’t think this is relavent in my case [I hope!] Shroom
38,464 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: The doctor's think I am crazy
by TawandaTwin 12 y
Have you ever taken a class in school and right after the test everything you learned is gone? Well, doctor’s are no different. They don’t know or even remember everything but it’s not right for a doctor to call you crazy and if you have the option. I would suggest another doctor. As far as a parasite being invisible to the naked eye, I say rubbish!!!!
According to Wikipedia, The adult demodex mites are only 0.3–0.4 millimeter. That’s a little under 1/2 a millimeter. If you look at your ruler, you can see what 1/2 a millimeter looks like. It’s most definitely visible.
1,318 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Parasites: Skin
Re: hydrocortisone for strongyloides?
by Katheti 10 y
I’m not sure if I had strongyloides, but I could feel something moving under my skin from time to time. After two years the only thing that seems to have made them go away is a home made concoction of parasite killing essential oils. I ordered fennel, nutmeg, clove, wormwood, and tea tree, and mixed them into walnut oil as the carrier, and haven’t felt anything moving in my skin from the 3rd week of using it. And I have some strange bruising showing up on my skin that is likely dead ones. Something certainly worked.
Also do a bit of research into demodex being a vector for dermatophytes ...
906 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: ***itching for advice***
by glaxony 11 y
Demodex Solutions has bar soap, shampoo, etc etc. Their soap is wonderful. Also I would use Thieves aromatherapy essential oil in a diffuser and keep the house smelling like Thieves all the time. I would be sure everyone is taking Vitamin B 1. An adult needs about 500 mgs per day. B-1 will keep the mosquitos from biting. It will make face mites come to surface and whitehead, which means the mite died and your body is making pus to excrete the corpse. Better out than in, I’d say, but you don’t want them laying eggs and getting in you.
3,752 hits
Forum: Parasites
Colloidal Silver
Home Remedies
Re: chemical contamination or allergy
by tygmusic 11 y
thanks...will think it through. no painting. don’t know if insect poisons were sprayed by landlord. same laundry detergent.
borax helps get rid of demodex mites. but this out break seems much worse.
have lately wondered about solar flares as I live in the tropics and it’s very hot here.
use all natural products. read dr. hulda clarks book. so fairly healthy in my choices.
I think the answer may be in a new type of biting insect/parasite
3,400 hits
Forum: Parasites
Colloidal Silver
Home Remedies
Re: Albendazole Cost
by Bigisland 10 y
Oh my goodness, I hope I don’t have mites too, my scalp has been itching like crazy lately so I read about demodex mites. I definitely have a worm hanging in there.
Maybe the mites didn’t like my herbs I’ve been taking since January, thus my itchy scalp.
But I’ve been using sea buckthorn seed oil for the last week and amazingly the itching stopped, using a few drops in my handful of shampoo.
It even cleared up some creases on my cheeks and evened out my skin tone.
But I will check out this spray after this oil, because the oil is so expensive.
1,134 hits
Forum: Parasites
Parasites: RX