Re: Blasto and Diet?
by Bh Sufferer 15 y
To all those who seem to suffer from Blastocystic Hominis parasite - there is an excellent web site called badbugs as follows. May be an idea to first check you don’t suffer from Helicobacter pylori as I did. It is very dangerous if left undetected by endoscopy, and left untreated. The antibiotics for the h.pylori seem to have worked for the b.hominis also. Time will tell. Meanwhile, Jackie Delaney has the cure for blastocystic hominis on her site
Dientamoeba fragilis & Blastocystis hominis
23 Oct 2008 ... My name is Jackie and in 1998, four years after ...
10,863 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: do your stool tests! amoeba parasites
by stillsickforayear 13 y
don’t ever eat the street food in Indonesia
after azithromycin, amoxicillin and taking 6 days of flagyl or metranidazole my urine tests came back clean whereas before there was blood/hematuria for months on every test
I feel flagyl doesn’t work quickly or effectively for what it is that I have which could be an amoeba or urinary tract/gastro infection
I felt movement in my rectum and my nose
I noticed that I could finally relax and breathe better after taking HC suppositories or prednisone so maybe it’s a GI infection
I was nauseous from drinking water, vomiting, ...
3,397 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Positive for blastocysis, h pylori and candida
by vch 9 y
I had blastocystis also. I took Humaworm. My experience wasn’t positive. I think there is a three drug protocol for it on or Glad you got some results, but it always makes me wonder why helminthes are never picked up.
1,240 hits
Forum:ParasitesParasites: RX
TO All IBS Sufferers
by rabbitears 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
If you haven’t read this site, this could be helpful to you. I found
it last year when I was helping someone. They were convinced that
nothing would help. No matter what, it still comes down to a thorough
parasite cleanse.
1,701 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Excellent info on B. Hominis and D. Fragilis, treatments
by north 18 y
View Entire Thread 13
This is a really excellent site maintained by a woman who suffered with IBS caused by the parasites B. Hominis and D. fragilis for years, then was mostly cured when she took specific treatments that targeted these two parasites. She lists the treatments that worked (they are Rx, unfortunatly, but nothing else worked), and she lists everything that DIDNT work, for comparison. The site doesn’t sell anything - it is just unbiased info feedback from people who had these parasites.
41,670 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum:ParasitesGAPS DietDiet
Fascinating Para - Site...
by Noni 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
I found this very interesting site on Parasites. It explains why parasites aren’t always found in the stool and that you need a mutiple test to find them. Also for those who get dissapointed when not finding any visible signs of parasites - read his story. It’s those critters you cant see that cause the most damage. AND they are not easy to get rid of, so keep cleansing...
1,560 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: how to kill blastocystis hominis
by NewUK 18 y
A guy from Arizona contacted me last year saying he had treated Blasto. and DF (dientamoeba fragilis) with Clarkia and it worked. (he got tested after and was clear). However, many people on have not had success.
I had DF and from what I have gathered, Blasto is more persistent.
I would definitely try the herbs first. Jackie (on badbugs) advised me to get a purge done before treatment (information on this is at the bottom of Testing section). It might be an idea to try this with Clarkia. I did colonics instead, both before, during and after treatment (with dru ...
13,739 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: verrrrrry discouraged about blasto H.
by bigone 17 y
Hi Joyce.
There is a tripe drug therapy. See
I am completing my therapy today and another member (Traveller123) completed his 3 weeks ago. Traveller 123 is doing better but is not 100% just yet. I have showen signs of recovert over the 10 days or treatment but wont know if its been a success for a number of weeks. THere are many sucess stories on the badbugs web site, take a look. I really hope and pray I am one of those quite soon.
Take care.
2,252 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Dientamoeba fragilis
by NewUK 19 y
I have just been diagnosed with this parasite and also entamoeba coli. Don’t panic, help is at hand!
My treatment is Iodoquinol and an antibiotic, doxycycline for 20 days. Flagyl is not effective against DF. Read for lots of information and case histories. There is a clinic in Sydney doing masses of research on this parasite.
I have just received Iodoquinol from the States as it is not available in the UK. I plan to start the treatment just before the next full moon which sounds strange but parasites are more active then. I will also have a session of colonic hydrotherap ...
14,413 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
New edit of Blasto message
by north 18 y
On Blastocystis:
things that I and many of the people on had previously tried that failed to eliminate blastocystis: oregano oil, colloidal silver, garlic, olive leaf extract, zapping, peppermint oil, black walnut, artemesia, gentian, Dr. Clark products, wormwood. Also various diet regimes. Thus, has a prescription antibiotic program that I”d like to try, since all of these non-prescription products did not help.
Ive edited my post: at one time this message had my thoughts on trying a special liquid diet while taking anti-blasto or anti-parasite products, but ...
4,227 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: B. Hominis and antibiotics
by NewUK 19 y
Visit and learn everything about Blasto. and D. Fragilis (which is what I had). You will read that many people are prescribed Flagyl (Metronidazole) by the medical profession and it is all but useless against this parasite. Jackie (who runs the site) is pretty sceptical about herbs etc but one guy from Arizona who posted here last year emailed me to say he got rid of both Blasto.and DF with Clarkia. It’s worth a try.
Most people with these amoebas find their symptoms worsen on eating wheat/grains/sugar and also when taking probiotics. Apparently you are feeding ...
1,949 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Despite diet, she didn't heal without antiparasite drug
by north 18 y
Diet did temporarily help most of the people on that site, but the minute they eased up and ate even healthy whole grains, their symptoms were back. The two parasites involved needed to be killed, and that site explains the results people attained in killing those parasites using several choices of prescriptions medicines, short term. Many of them were permanantly healed after those medicines, and hadn’t had ANY luck using herbs. That supprised me - antiparasite herbs did NOT help them.
For new visitors to this thread, the site I’m speaking of is: ...
34,822 hits
Forum:ParasitesGAPS DietDiet
Re: need help asap with blastosystis hominis
by NewUK 19 y
You must read Jackie’s site
She is a specialist ( personal experience not medical specialist) on blastocytis hominis and dientamoeba fragilis (which is what I had). You will find out what drugs to take if that is the route you decide to take. Lucky for you to be in USA. I had to order the drugs from America.
Jackie is sceptical about the herbal route (she did try it). I have less scepticism (one guy from Arizona did contact me to say that he successfully treated both Blasto. and DF with Clarkia) but in the end I took the drugs.
Things like GSE and diet are v ...
7,904 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Do you need both drugs to kill this
by NewUK 19 y
Hi Lydia What parasite are you trying to kill?
I would hate to think that some information in my post would lead you to take meds not appropriate for you.
That said, I am specifically taking a combination of Iodoquinol and Doxycycline for entamoeba coli and dientamoeba fragilis. This is the treatment used by a Sydney clinic. Iodoquinol is an amebacide and doxycycline is an antibiotic. I am not sure if he is still using this combination of drugs any more. For further information you should contact jackie at
TC12 if you google: doxycycline zinc you will see there are th ...
14,026 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: 4 yr old childwith Blastocystis - cleanse options?
by NewUK 19 y
You could try asking Jackie on as this is her specialist subject. Unfortunately, on her site, there do not seem to be enough people reporting ”cures” from prescriptive medication. I have just completed a course of prescriptive medication for dientamoeba fragilis. My BM’s improved within days of the medication but I still have health issues so it isn’t an instant cure. Early days....
Jackie gets her information on treating these parasites from a gastro clinic in Sydney where a Doctor Borody is doing a lot of research on the subject. Thank god, someone is taking thes ...
2,830 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Pork tapeworm infection
by carrieuk 17 y
Hi Zac
I would definitely recommend the Humaworm; the following website may also be of benefit too, especially as the woman who created the website is based in Australia (the website was born out of the woman’s experiences with parasite-related illness and she is now helping thousands of people to get their health problems sorted out).
I’m 31 and based in the UK: I’ve experienced rotten health for the last 18 years and have only just started treating it from an parasite point-of-view :) I’m currently taking the anti-parasite herbs from Huma ...
5,778 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum:Parasites Support
Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazol...
by traveller123 17 y
View First 20 Messages of 72
I would be grateful if anyone who has taken the triple drug therapy for Blasto can share their experiences. I’ve had chronic diarrhea and other digestive issues since a round of Clindamycin nearly a year ago. The doctors in the US that I’ve seen have been mostly useless. It wasn’t until eight months of suffering that one finally ordered a specialized stool test that revealed Blasto. I’ve been doing herbal and homeopathic remedies that have kept things in check but it’s still pretty bad. I’m thinking of doing the triple drug therapy suggested by Jackie Delaney at
http://www.badbugs ...
42,452 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: parasites candida? what does this sound like and what...
by NewUK 16 y
Probiotics feed certain parasites. Especially the amoebas. Read
I could never take them & I can assure you it had nothing to do with die-off! Interestingly it can be a good test to see if you still have parasites if your probiotics make you feel bad.... Humaworm is quite interesting on this one. Thinks you can get back the ”good” bacteria after taking Humaworm by just eating food!
I like your posts Charly. You are giving really good information. Thanks! (apart from disagreeing with you on this one!)
4,021 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: a protocol for amoeba?
by stillsickforayear 13 y
there is an amoeba titre blood test that you can order
this is an article on amoeba infections and symptoms from good source
I am still wheezing from this respiratory infection for 3 weeks now and my inhalers, dulera and advair don’t stop the wheezing
I feel my circulation is better now on flagyl and prednisone- my legs were numb. it’s as if the amoeba were stopping my circulation somehow
I’m getting better urination also and the blood in my urine that I had for months on tests is gone
I had this rash all over my abdomen a ...
1,474 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Blastocystis hominis
by linenup 13 y
Blasto is nasty. Too many reports of healthy people contracting this and falling so ill. I have an outside forum that deals with protozoa infections at
you are welcome to the information there but I would also suggest badbugs have specific information on blasto whereas pptu forum deals with some blasto but other treatment strategies.
There are very few reports of eradicating these with non-pharma agents - typically you are relegated to using what they term a triple drug therapy. There can be failures with this since blasto has many subtypes which resp ...
3,875 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Exterminating Dientamoeba Fragilis And can it make yo...
by linenup 6 y has a page directed towards DF. Also there is
DF along with other protozoa usually require a multi pronged approach. Every organism requires a different approach since there can be variances between them. As you read through badbugs, you will see many examples of different approaches using pharmaceuticals.
I chose to address mine with a natural approach that I developed with a multitude of trial and errors, send me a PM if you want information. It is important to use nutrients to keep the immune system health. Detoxification becomes impaired with these t ...
557 hits
Forum:Parasites (Alt.)Parasites ProtozoaParasites: RX
Re: I have entameba histolytica
by NewUK 16 y
email Jackie at
Click on ”other parasites”
She will tell you which is the most up to date antibiotic and how to get hold of it depending on where you live. You don’t have to pay for information from her so don’t let that put you off.
I had dientamoeba fragilis and she provided me with very good information. I must add that though she is certain that herbs don’t work I believe they do. You just have to keep taking them on a routine basis (ie every six months) but your parasite sounds too serious for this.
1,815 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: What is happening to me, I got it in Mexico, that I k...
by linenup 15 y
You picked up a protozoa infection. You will need to do the Metametrix GI Effects Stool test (if you can’t find anyone to do the test, pm me). Do not waste your $ doing outdating testing protocols.
Probiotics are useless (unless you have a bacterial situation going on) - protozoa eat bacteria so you are feeding them. Protozoa will not respond to grapefruit seed extract or any other herb :( Some of the lower protozoa like giardia may respond to the herb/supplments, but the heartier ones will not (personal experience).
Drug protocols are the only effective means of getting rid of ...
14,074 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: When to give doctors the samples?
by NewUK 16 y
Over the full moon! I did the tests both randomly and at the full moon and was positive at the full moon. People are getting things confused. If you want to test positive you want the parasites to show up. Taking pumpkin seeds will lesson the parasite load and prove negative in results. I had been eating lots of pumpkin seeds when I tested negative. Amoeba like parasites do something called ”intermittant shedding” so are hard to detect which is why you take samples over several days. Obviously taking anything pharmaceutical will have the same effect - reduce numbers of worms/parasites and ...
2,875 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Parasites Support
Dientamoeba Fragilis: User 35662 & others
by NewUK 19 y
View Entire Thread 9
I am shocked to discover from the results of Parascope lab tests (UK co.) that I have dientamoeba fragilis and entamoeba coli. (I might add, I haven’t travelled for years except to the States. I live a clean life but I have a dog!!)
Six months ago, I tested positive to entamoeba coli (not to be confused with e.coli). The two doctors I consulted dismissed this as insignificant. I wasn’t too worried.
I had done a parasite cleanse (Clear by the Awareness Corp) two years ago and this seemed to effectively treat diarrhoea. If anything, I now have constipation. I ate large ...
6,250 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: probiotic reaction to parasites......
by NewUK 16 y
I had Dientamoeba Fragilis but thinking I had Candida (when I arrived at Curezone) I tried Bio-acidophilus/ThreeLac/sauercraut. This was some years ago now. Certain foods and probiotics always made my symptoms worse. It wasn’t die-off. With me, die-off is very specific - for example a slight headache, extreme tiredness, fluey symptoms etc. My personal criteria has always been that die off is ”bearable”. When the symptoms are not bearable I reckon I have ...
4,296 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: doing stool tests over weekend for parastites amongst...
by natalia88 16 y
they detect as long as you put your stools in to the perseratives asap which i did do i already know i have parastites i had complex acupunture points on my hands and feet told me i have parastites he told a gud comprehsive stool test will show alot more up and my practioner said it will leave no stone unturned i have been reading about jackie on badbugs and i had alot of similar sytmtons to her she had a very inflamed colon which got worse with eating fruit sugar and carbs only fish she didnt react to im similar
2,346 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: I started Flagyl today.
by traveller123 17 y
I had bad experiences with Flagyl. the first time I took it it didn’t seem to do much. the second time I took it, it seemed to make the diarrhea worse. The taste is bad, but that didn’t really bother me too much. What bothered me was that it didn’t do anything and it’s all that doctors in teh US seem to know about. According to Jackie Delaney of, some parasites, like Blasto, are resistant to Flagyl.
1,512 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
I've used about every non-Rx anti-parasite product made
by North 18 y
I’ve used about every non-Rx anti-parasite product on the market; my problem with Blastocystis (showed up in test results, and is what I think is causing the remainder of my worst health problems) simply will not respond. has been a big help in sharing stories of other blastocystis sufferers; most of whom did not get well until they used Rx antibiotics specific for the blastocystis. Just about none of those people improved with any non-Rx products, unfortunatly.
3,656 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Giardia and lecithin question - Shroom ? Anybody ?
by shroom 15 y
The burping makes sense, as does the itch. But most chronic sufferers of giardia have bowel discomfort and loose stools as well as diarrhea.
It could be an uncommon strain of giardia.
I suppose you have tried all the antibiotic methods. Have you ever heard of
That site has tons of people who are dealing with protozoa. You should visit there, and see if your symptoms match. Shroom
5,475 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Funny string material in stool help
by FootDoctor 9 y
Brocknuts, here in Oz we have the Worlds’ Best Gastroentrologist, Dr/Professor Thomas Borody of the Centre for digestive diseases in Five Dock, Sydney. Google him, and ’BadBugs’ it’s a blog.
He does FMT, parasites and is Crohn/Johnes treatment. He is able to thin outside the box.
He is going to a get a Nobel soon, so go see him!
7,178 hits
Re: Important message re: parasites {D.fragilis for one}
by NewUK 19 y
Hi Shroom, sounds like you have been reading
I have been on curezone for a long time now and started off on the candida route.
Thanks to curezone and much research I finally got myself tested for parasites.
It isn’t easy in the UK as few labs will test properly using preservative/fixative in the stool tests. This is vital, along with the standard 3 day samples. Having said that, it was the follow-up single test that I did when I thought I was clear, done at the full moon, that showed dientamoeba fragilis.
Parasites are notoriously difficult to detect. I f ...
6,535 hits
Forum:Candida SupportCandida DebateParasites Support
Re: Do i need more than just humaworm?
by NewUK 16 y
This is a really interesting question.
I am just coming to the end of a Humaworm course (first time for Humaworm). Humaworm claims that all bacteria (good and bad)/parasites should be killed in the first week (eggs in the following weeks) though he/she admits that the amoebas might take several courses. What would be interesting and scientific would be if someone (maybe you?!) would test after taking a course to see if you are clear. Of course it is all extra expense.
I expect by now you have done a lot of research and read sites like
. A few years ago I we ...
1,709 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: And a warning too
by NewUK 16 y
The drugs I took (Iodoquinol and Doxycycline) were recommended to me as preferred treatment for Dientamoeba fragilis from
. Jackie (author of the Australian site) emailed me several times (incidentally there is no charge to email Jackie – donations only). A lot of pioneering work on parasites has been done by the gastro clinic in Sydney at the Centre for Digestive Diseases by Doctor Borody and Jackie is in touch with him. For a time I was a link via her to find doctors in the UK knowledgeable about parasites and willing to treat them. Quite a few people contac ...
4,005 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Blastocystis hominis
by #31895 20 y
Hi Brancusi,
Have you done a bowel/colon cleanse? If not, you might want to consider it too because Blastocystis hominis can hide in mucoid plaque. This is a substance that can build up in the intestines and makes parasites more difficult to eradicate. I’m currently trying Colosan to do this.
Blastocystis particularly likes grains and I’ve found improvement to IBS by avoiding these (Blastocystis can cause IBS)
I am wondering whether to try Oregano oil for 6 weeks - one of the websites below says it is one of the best treatments but someone told me she found it harsh. Also, som ...
17,041 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Dientamoeba Fragilis: User 35662 & others
by NewUK 19 y
I used Parascope ( part of Leeds Teaching Hospital. Full test including candida cost £95 and £35 for a follow-up if you want it. I found out about the lab 3 years ago when I contacted Jackie on the badbugs site (her website was called something different then). I have just emailed her again to see what treatment she recommends. Is your husband still testing positive? What are his symptoms? Has he any other parasites?
I had a pain on the right side of my stomach for the last year! It was a strange pain as it was more of a dull ache and always on waking in the morning, ...
5,722 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Dientamoeba fragilis
by TC-12 19 y
Typical prescription drugs for this pathogen include (a few of these are likely different names for the same drug):
Metronidazole (Flagyl)
http://browse.drugs.c ...
14,214 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: diarrhea and parasites-anyone?
by NewUK 19 y
O familiar symptoms!!
I had all these. I tested positive to Dientamoeba Fragilis and entamoeba coli. To get more information read . I had giardia in the past (though, in those days the tests were inadequate and failed to test positive, the diagnosis was my doctor’s assumption).
It is vital to have the right tests. The lab should provide a test kit with 3 sample pots to be used on consecutive days. There should be preservative/fixative in the pots. Parasites are notoriously difficult to detect. I also do the tests at the full moon though this isn’t a scientific ...
1,784 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: what is the bewst remedy for amoeba histolica
by NewUK 18 y
You have probably found this site?
I have not taken the drugs that ”Gary” took but I know people who have taken both drugs seperately for different amoebas with success as recommended by Jackie/Sydney clinic. I had dientamoeba fragilis and I took iodoquinol and doxycycline for a very long 3 weeks. Had to order the drugs from USA. The diarrhea went within days and 9 months later has not returned.
My problem after drugs was constipation and bloating and masses of candida (indicated by colonics)and the usual food sensitivities. I have ...
8,285 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Re: Jardia Lamblia Parasite
by NewUK 12 y
I just found this link to a forum to which you might like to ask questions. It’s all about treating giardia with Tinidazole. Someone comments that it kills both protozoa and cysts.
I was thought to have giardia after travelling to Nepal. I had intermittent diarrhea for many years. Tests were never positive. Eventually I tested positive to Dientamoeba fragilis in 2005 and via Jackie at www.badbugs ...
1,590 hits
Forum:Parasites Support