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Hulda Clark's reason for night sweats
R by jessesmom1987 17 y
If you click at the top of the forum pages on Clark, you can read information from Hulda Clark’s book. I remembered seeing in the Clark mop-up for the ”tough worms” about night sweats- here’s what she says. It’s under Ascarids/Tapeworms after you click on Clark.
The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals and humans each have their own varie ...
7,446 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Night Sweats
Sleep Disorders
Re: Help identify parasite eggs ...
by jessesmom1987 17 y
I was reading about the ascaris (ascarids) it’s spelled both ways, on the site Luz gave- for me, there’s no doubt the red/brown things are baby worms. I’ve also mainly been killing flukes and roundworms, and each time I’ve gotten these, I’ve done the coffee enemas, which cleans out stuff in the liver and high bowel and I’ve always gotten more. Plus I’ve actually gotten the round worm (ascaris)just a day or so after passing the eggs, so for me I’m in agreement with the Amish site.
This was what it said about the ascaris eggs on that same site:
Tremendous numbers o ...
19,250 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by zithappens 22 y
You could try the mop up program. For killink remaining tapeworms and ascaris and their eggs.
”Strangle the Stragglers
Here is the Mop-up Program for both tapeworm larvae and sheltered Ascaris eggs:
ozonated olive oil, 1/2 tbs. taken morning and night
L-cysteine, 500mg, 2 capsules 3 times a day.”
Hope this helps.
peace, love and happiness to you
8,768 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
What Hulda Clark says about ascaris/eggs
RR by jessesmom1987 16 y
And I wasn’t eating banana’s either.
I definetly got the night sweats like Hulda Clark says, two different times- to the point of having to get up and change my nightie because it was soaked. Both times were after starting the L-Cysteine, ozonated oil, and COQ10, and it happened the very first night on both occasions (several months apart). The next day was when I got the floating eggs, and lots more in a coffee enema.
I also got the remnants of the mother worm too. The pictures are hard to tell what they looked like, but you know when you get them. Out of everything I’ve killed, the ...
43,723 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Liver Flush
Hulda Clark
Ask White Shark
Re: To: Pam
by 33333 20 y
Hi oceanwave. Thanks for responding.
My infection is with some unknown type of protozoa.
So maybe we need different treatment. However I have seen more infrmation about Ascaris treatment on CURE ZONE web site.
You Probably have already tried Dr Clark productts but I am going to paste something. It is from Cure Zone
”The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals and humans each have their own variety of Ascaris, yet can ho ...
7,121 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Best Herbs For Ascaris, Garlic, Diatomaceous Earth?
by J649 14 y
Ascaris is transmitted via contaminated soil. The soil gets contaminated by ascaris eggs, which need to be in the soil for a while to become infective. There is no direct person to person transmission of ascaris infection. Those with a weak immune system are much more susceptible to ascaris infection. It is almost impossible to completely avoid exposure to infective ascaris eggs, as they may be on produce,and everything from door knobs to many other everyday things(apparantly these microscopic eggs are sticky and stick to things), so wash your hands well after handling raw produce, before ...
8,646 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Can you confirm Strongyloides eat blood ?
by david1o1 14 y
A bit like their presence in the lung and digestive system.
That’s why i think there is a missing/wrong information. The life cycle of strongyloides is similar to ascaris, but in theory, ascaris can’t spread to others parts of the body. Explain me why ? Maybe because allopath doctors have never examined a case like this ?
I mean ascaris larvaes are able to travel in the blood and in the lungs so why they aren’t able to travel and live to others parts of the body ?
Maybe some larvaes are trying to escape the herbs and end up in others parts of the body ...
15,533 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Anatomy class and ascaris
by rabbitears 18 y
Hi Zooii!
Thank you for posting this -- great find!
One of the reasons this is of interests to me is that there is little supporting evidence that male & female ascaris co-exists.
In fact, I’ve read many reports stating that according to scientific research and available pathology reports that male ascaris weren’t present. Therefore, there was (and still is) the assumption that for the most part only female ascaris inhabit the body.
For the longest, I had disagreed with this assumption based upon my own findings when I had elminiated ascaris eggs that were in pouches. Ascaris e ...
6,380 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: A treatment plan for newbies....
by rabbitears 20 y
Doctors do know about Ascaris in lungs because I consulted with a doctor friend about this. BUT, they are brainwashed over a period of time to forget about the ascaris and treat the ”asthma” with drugs. Doctors will only treat people for Ascaris, if the person ”presents” with Ascaris; then it becomes a possible treatment plan. This is where the great Catch-22 takes place. How does one prove they have Ascaris before it is too late and damage is done?
4,674 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Parasite Research & Encyclopedia
by beht 20 y
Yeah, I don’t know if you saw my post from a month or two ago, but I was saying how Ascaris is not recognized at is should be. It’s hard to believe that 50 years ago, in fact, even now, there is medical literature clearly stating that some cases of Asthma are caused by Ascaris and removing Ascaris solves the asthma. Hulda Clark says ALL cases of asthma are from Ascaris - who knows, but no one believes her anyway.
At any rate, most doctors who see asthma in someone would never even test for Ascaris or even know about the connection. Instead they prescribe life long, harsh and physically ta ...
2,431 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: doctors are a joke
by beht 20 y
I also think one of the most dangerous things doctors do is if they don’t KNOW what’s wrong with someone, they INSIST on diagnosing SOMETHING - so they fit them into SOME box of symptoms, a disease name that makes sense, and then treat them accordingly - often without success or worsening the condition.
Take Ascaris as it applies to Asthma. Hulda Clark says all cases of Asthma are because of Ascaris. Now I don’t know if this is true or not, but I read in a MEDICAL TEXTBOOK (that’s right, not naturopathic, medical) that was written like 50 years ago, that many cases of Asthma they knew wer ...
2,415 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Please tell me what kind of worm was in my poop soup!
by Labrat The Tenacious 15 y
It looks an awfully lot like an earthworm. An earthworm in the stool is a description of an Ascaris.
Ascaris are one of the most common worms to affect people worldwide. Their eggs are very durable, can be difficult to wash off produce, and can be carried by the wind. Just a warning if you go looking for images of Ascaris on CureZone or elsewhere some can be disturbing.
25,072 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: What's this parasite?
by jessesmom1987 16 y
I think you’ve discovered one of the main drawbacks of the rounds of pharma’s- you can kill the parasites, and not the eggs...causing even more of a mess.
Before I knew that I had a load of parasites myself, I had been talking to the ND with concern for my daughter, who had been in Fiji for 3 months. She was given a round of some type of parasite killing drug when she returned to the states, because of having digestive issues.
He has worked with patients with parasites for 15 years, and he told me that ”they have to be cleaned up in all their phases”, eggs etc-- and he told me that ...
2,360 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Large looking eggs
by rabbitears 20 y
It’s possible to pass large eggs. They could be ascaris eggs.
I passed a row of large oval sacs with large eggs in them. In my research, I found out they were ascaris (already knew I had them), but these were fertilized eggs which is not supposed to happen. According to the medical experts, no male ascaris have been found in the body, but I would have to disagree with them based off of the fertilized egg sacs.
2,965 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Yikes! Read this!
by beht 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hey, here’s a really detailed site about parasites. Now here’s some information not authored by anyone of ”us” fringe people - but sounds like this information is just common knowledge - which apparently it is - but I’m so surprised NO one knows about it - not even most doctors. It basically validates a lot of what Hulda Clark says. This is the Ascaris page:
2,364 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support
20 cm Ascaris worms inside human liver, video
R Educational by LCD 9 y
View Entire Thread 6
20 cm Ascaris worms inside human liver, video
5,014 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Parasites: RX
Hulda Clark
Zapper Support
Liver Cancer
Re: Ascaris in brain, more coming up please help.
by mattk3 9 y
Ascaris do not normally go Hyper.
I suspect Complicated Ascaris.
There is another underlying parasitic infection that caused your Ascaris to get active.
IGG is depressed.
Find the other invader.
Suspect Strongyloides.
Treat Both at same time.
1,786 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: Identification help please
by #204209 9 y
Here is a good picture of Ascaris at adult size.
If you google ascaris you will find lots of pictures of intestines cut open to reveal major infestations of ascaris. What you have doesn’t look like that.
Consider that it was biofilm with unidentified parasites inside. Biofim is different than mucous.
1,121 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: my doctor appointment today
by MulberryTrees 11 y
Yeah, I’ve been reading thru your posts and your symptoms sound like ascaris. Whether your kids have it as well I wouldn’t know.
I can’t believe she said nobody has worms coming out their body, I had large white one come out with DE so I know that is just false, along with smaller white ones.
Ascaris are tough beasts to kill. My sympathies to you if you have to join the Ascaris club that many of us members belong to here.
2,636 hits
Forum: Parasites
What are the best herbs to kill large ascaris in tissues?
by OpenEyes 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have many mature (large) ascaris in tissues. It is a significant systemic infection I’ve been working on for some time. I have no doubt it is ascaris simply from the size and way they move.
I’m interesting in hearing from people who have actually killed large ascaris in their tissues. I’d like to know what you used that worked.
1,562 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: Centaury kills worms!
by musimesipomahat 14 y
sounds like you are dealing with Ascaris Megalocephala (ascaris of horses) - that one produces diesel-like smell when they die - read below
quote from the frequency scriipt written by Newport from Bio-resonance forum:
label C.tropicalis # candida_tropicalis is a symbiotic yeast required (gut?) by Ascaris.Megalocephala
dwell 300
duty 82.4
22450.8855 # produces biodiesel, gives that diesel smell during die off
thanks for sharing what herb worked for you, I am myself trying to find some alternative herbs so I do not repeat all the same ones, will definitely check this one ...
4,727 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Ascaris moved outside of colon, need help
by david1o1 14 y
Not even sure what the noticeable differences would be between Ascaris and Strongyloides.
In theory Ascaris eat food and feces, can live in the small intestine, colon and lungs, and can grow up to : Male 15–31 cm in length, Female: average 20–35 cm in length
Source :
In theory Strongyloides eat blood, can live in all parts of the body, and can grow up to : male 0.9 mm in length, females 2.0 to 2.5 mm in length
Source :
In theory... Because if the larvaes of ascar ...
14,919 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Big ascaris in colon: How to get rid-off?
by #186020 10 y
View Entire Thread 20
2 Questions:
(1) There seems to be one big ascaris in my colon, it just sheds skin after taking dewormer & digestive enzymes etc., this is happening for over 4-5 months. How to completely get rid off this?
Earlier, I expelled 1.5 feet long ascaris (last month) and about 50 ascaris so far (and still expelling a few smaller ones; they have spread in the body including in brain). Since expelling worms including ascaris, I would guess that the protocol and what I’ve been doing is working as of now, though this big ascaris is a concern (would I ever get to remove it, or would it be my f ...
7,548 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Cleansing & Detox
Dr. Schulze
Edgar Cayce
Re: Seeking help for Ascaris
by ParasiteDestructor 5 y
I have a severe systemic ascaris infection. They come out my nose and behind. It can take many years of protocols to get rid of them completely. I suggest searching on curezone for the Mattk ascaris protocol. In summary, oxibendazole is the most effective med to get rid of adult ascaris. Taken in conjunction with albendazole (a weak antiparasitic but crosses the blood brain barrier and carries other meds throughout the body) and DEC (kills certain growth stages) along with ivermectin (kills larvae throughout the body), piperazine citrate (to force ascaris out of their protected nests ...
914 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Parasites: RX
Re: HA! Got him
by tek 17 y
I would say ascaris, not fluke.
Ascaris are known to start their life cycle in the lungs. Then they travel up the throat and are swallowed into the digestive system, where they live out their adult stages.
Verbatim from Wikipedia:
Infection occurs through ingestion of food contaminated with feces containing Ascaris eggs. The larvae hatch, burrow through the intestine, reach the lungs, and finally migrate up the respiratory tract. From there they are then reswallowed and mature in the intestine, growing up to 30 cm (12 in.) in length and anchoring themselves to the intestinal wall ...
1,674 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Serum Test for Ascaris
by Rabbitears 19 y
View Entire Thread 10
Came across this and thought it was interesting. Has anyone ever heard of this test? I’m wondering why our fantastic docs aren’t using this method for verification purposes, when some of us have no doubts about an ascaris infection.
Correspondence to: Eser Kilic, Department of Biochemistry Medical Faculty, Erciyes, University, 38039 Kayseri-Turkeyemail.
Received: 2003-07-12 Accepted: 2003-08-20
AIM: The aim of the study was to investigate the changes of serum malondialdehyde level, i.e; the oxidative stress hypothesis in patients infected with ...
2,463 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: To the Ascaris sufferer in the UK
by #19236 21 y
To the ascaris sufferer in the UK.
Hulda Clark has 2 treaments for roundworms, ascaris.
Take 2, 500 mg capsules of L-Cysteine, 3x a day for 3 weeks only.
Clark reccommends a 1/2 tsp of baking soda each night for three weeks also to offset the acidity of L-Cysteine. Make sure it is L-Cysteine.
Also, CoQ-10 3 or 4 grams once a week on an empty stomach in the am.
MDs have a criminal licence, but no liberty, to kill and poison brits in the UK. They are Rothschild and Rockefeller paid $ genocide creeps.( see medical archives) They induce disease to get biz and reduce popu ...
6,387 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Tapeworm Cysts
R by #87980 17 y
Yeah, as I recall, Clarkia is for cysts, not the worms, HC has a different protocol for tape worms and ascaris, it’s the mop-up program:
It takes some real persistance to get ascaris or tape worm with herbs, basically you have to keep throwing everything you can stand to swallow and even sort of function, to kill them off. Also a zapper helps, as does diatomacious earth.
From general reading about parasites, they all cyst up, or hide in a nice spot somewhere if conditions aren’t favorable for them, and they can stay that way for years, u ...
3,157 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Zapping ascaris
by pursuinghealing 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
Ok, reading backposts it seems Ascaris are the hardest to kill even with herbs combined to the zapping. If they are already imbedded in the liver and the zapper frequency doesn’t penetrate the organs and intestines and the herbs are filtered out of the liver. How do we get to the ones in the liver and intestines???
I’ve got a regular parazapper and have been using it just with the copper handhelds but alternating feet like the book says. I’ve had it since mid January and am feeling them (Ascaris) go up and down my legs and bite or pinch in the liver. Also the standard flip flopping you ...
2,986 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Zapper Support
Dr. Clark Support
Re: What's this parasite?
by snowcrystal 16 y
The worms are ejected by just about anything: the usual array of herbs, drugs, hot spicy food, french green clay. The thing that is odd is that these worms grow in length very quickly, then they morph out in width. I rode horses on a visit to Oregon in ’99, and picked up Ascaris, which I just found out about less than a year ago. I did treat it (with a substance which is banned on this forum) and the Ascaris is completely gone now. However, it was an extremely serious Ascaris infection, and it has left my body ”all screwed up” to be brief. A number of months later, I realized that other wo ...
2,026 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by heyjude 20 y
Elecampane is an herb.....
There is a web site that is very good, it tells you symptoms, what they look like, and different things you can take for parasites, if you haven’t been there you need to check it out. I have tried many of the things it listed over the past two years.
Elecampane is an herb it is specific for the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides(the whitish, thick roundworm), having a paralyzing effect on the worm’s central nervous system, It is recommeded as the safest herb for children and has been known to be a benefit for lung ailments and digestive disord ...
2,753 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Oxygen, Oxygen, and more oxygen
by MidlothianGirl 20 y
I passed about 3 or 4 (didn’t look TOO close, but did pull a 12 inch ascaris out of my stool, and saw at least 3 more) white ascaris and the ONLY thing I had been taking at the time was Colosan, which is full of oxygen. Ascaris don’t survive in oxygen-rich environments. I took Colosan for about 2-3 weeks (don’t recall) and passed the suckers. Did enemas with Oxy-gen and oregano oil 2 weeks ago and the next day passed a whole bunch more white worms of all sizes.
Again....I wasn’t taking ANYTHING to kill ascaris; I had no clue I had them until I passed them. The Colosan killed them.
4,106 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Can any one tell me what these are?
by humaworm 19 y
This is a VERY DANGEROUS intestional roundworm. Ascaris Lumbricoides! The female can lay 200,000 eggs PER DAY in the small intestine. If they migrate to the lungs, the lungs will hemmorage causing ”ascaris pneumonia” they can also penetrate the intestinal lining causing fatal peritonitis. PLEASE go to this COLLEGE RESEARCH for a picture: There is an actual picture of an intestional roundworm passed by a girl in Florida-it’s IDENTICAL to yours. Let me know if this helps!
3,385 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Do parasites thrive/feed on green leafy, cruciferous,...
by glaxony 10 y
garlic and onions go after ascaris
ascaris are earth worms that live in your guts
they are nature’s composting machines
they are turning your food into dirt
you aren’t getting the nutrients from it
they are
you are carrying around their excrement and piss
bowel cleansing and liver flushing are very important as that old gunky fat and toxic waste is what they use to build their condominiums and hide/bury their eggs
parasites know how to create cavities, lay eggs, and cap off the crevices so the anti-parasitical herbs cannot reach them
lemons cause your system to become mor ...
3,256 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Tapeworm??? Please help identify
by flowerofspring 10 y
Hey there,
I have a question re Ascaris blood test.
The test I wanted to do is Ascaris IGE test. I asked the doctor for it and he said the test is useless because it does not distinguish between present and past infection (hate those gastro doctors who rely on ova¶sites tests).
On the other hand, I checked how they diagnose Ascaris in Poland (I’m Polish btw) where the test is widley used.
I’m really confused but I see the value of the test (since I have never treated for ascaris).
Please let me know your thoughts.
Best, Nikki
3,415 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: Human Rope Worm Homo Funis Vermis Experiment
by Red Dawn 11 y
I have a problem undersanding what Andreas Kalcker is saying. In a video presentation he goes in detail on the Ascaris worm as the culprit. He enumerates all the toxins that the worm produces and so on.
BUT then, in the question part of the video, one person asked if he was sure those "worms" were dead ascaris coming out. Klacker said that he wasn't sure those were Ascaris.
Give me a break! Do some REAL research before presenting something like that. If those are dead Ascaris worms then there should be some eggs since the eggs are more resistant.
Come o ...
17,625 hits
Forum: Parasites Forum
Re: IDENTIFY THIS!! What is this!?!??!
by FilFromBrazil 13 y
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! It DOES look like a disected ascaris... Maybe you can indetify the other pic I have? I will post them right now. I have always thought I had ascaris. When I was about 24 I did a nasal rinse and I SWEAR ON ANYTHING that what came out was a piece of an ascaris worm. Dont know HOW it got attached there but it did..
So I have come to the conclusion that I have/had Ascaris.
REMEMBER: You have to CALL to order the xtra strength. BEST. ANTI-PARASETIC. OUT. THERE.
Humaworm has changed my life for the better!
5,262 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Help one last time...
by musimesipomahat 14 y
hi, I took time reading your posts and can’t help it but think it is a very bad ascaris infestation (they’re known to get out of the intestines under certain conditions, i.e. when they feel threatened or for example if you have a high fever, they migrate and stagger all over your body, including scalp as you described)
not sure which one are they (ascaris megalocefala, lumbricoides or suum) but I bet you it’s ascaris, they can make life a huge hell, make you very ill and sick to your stomach too and are very hard to get rid of especially when they scatter all over
read this about all ...
1,867 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: ascaris help!!
by LoricaLady 14 y
Please do not assume you ”just” have ascaris. About 2 weeks after you are finished with the present protocol, I would try the cayenne pepper challenge test, for tapeworms, as mentioned in the link below.
. Hulda Clark says everyone she ever lab tested had tapeworms & everyone had other kinds of parasites as well.
What helped me in case any of it can help you:
Another approach to tapeworms, also ascaris:
1,506 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Rabbitear's story-Why you don't want to kill a big bunch ...
by jessesmom1987 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
It’s common knowledge in people who have spent much time around horses, that the main worms found in them are ascaris and strongyloids (round worms), and that a horse that is highly infected can die from bowel blockage by killing a big bunch at once.
It happens in people too. It happened personally to Rabbitears with ascaris, and I asked if I could share her story. Here is what she has to say:
In general, when ascaris feel threatened they group together in their colonies to ball up causing blockages or ...
1,438 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support