Re: Primal Defense and psyllium question
by megan 21 y
Hi Nicole,
My questions too! I was taking Pysllium for a long time, and heard the same thing. I also wanted to try primal defense, and they recommend not taking any herbal colon cleansers or pyslium while on it because it interfers with the ability of the probiotics to colonize.
So, I’m trying it out...whatever I find I’ll post. I’ve also started on bioxy cleanse, which I think is similar to other oxy powders. It gets thing moving. I’m also taking Fiberific, which is a soluable fiber and seems to help. So far I’ve not missed the pysllium.
1,761 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: epsom salts-liver cleanser as well?
by mazza40 19 y
yeah it does kinda make sense. but why can’t you bowel cleanse on the same day as liver flush, i thought it would help to make sure there is no congestion in colon? i only ask this because i have done coffee enemas in past and they work great for a few times but then they must cause some obstruction in the colon as i will all of a sudden feel terrible after one. i am pretty much obsessed by colon congestion at the moment as after two days of oxy-powder i tried a coffee enema and it didn’t work, whereas i used pysllium for a few days and coffee enema worked. i thought oxy-powder was in a di ...
1,081 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Psyllium-only cleansing--how do I start?
by Indie 20 y
Hey, I’m a cheap college kid too and planning to begin the psyllium and bentonite shake deal myself this coming weekend. I was just going to mention that I ordered a couple things- including Yerba Prima (brand) Pysllium Husk Powder 12 oz. for $5.37- at House of Nutrition There is an across the board shipping fee of $5.50 but it’s one of the better online bargains I could find- and if you’re getting more than one thing I believe it’s a decent deal. So anyway, good luck with that one, Indie
2,036 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Can you drink water around P&B shakes?
by just_peachy 21 y
P&B shakes have almost a mechanical affect - they grab or push whatever is in the way - Out. Bentonite is especially good at grabbing stuff, so it’s best to wait at *least* an hour after taking it before taking any supplements or other food stuffs you want to benefit from.
However, if you like herb tea for the flavor, go ahead and drink it whenever. Just remember to really increase your *water* intake when doing P&B shakes - pysllium soaks up a LOT of water and can be dehydrating.
900 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: which bowel cleanse should i use?
by chopper 19 y
Depends on your budget. Fasting on water or juice - very good overall for your body and mind, but you need stroong willpower . Pysllium and bentonite shake - very good, but it tastes funny. enema - good , buy a kit and do it at home if you like thing stick up in your bum. colonic - too expensive . read the articles in curezone or read through all the old message in bowel cleanse forum and u will find plenty of information
1,186 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: which bowel cleanse should i use?
by 8372 19 y
Depends on your budget. Fasting on water or juice - very good overall for your body and mind, but you need stroong willpower . Pysllium and bentonite shake - very good, but it tastes funny. enema - good , buy a kit and do it at home if you like thing stick up in your bum. colonic - too expensive . read the articles in curezone or read through all the old message in bowel cleanse forum and u will find plenty of information
1,052 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Help, how do I quit?!?
by Tracey 21 y
I know PTree is busy with stuff right now...but she’s the expert on psyllium and I know that she’d say that your bowels wouldn’t become addicted to the psyllium. The psyllium isn’t a laxative, it is just fiber (think of it your body addicted to carrots and salads? good fiber that is good for you?)....and psyllium promotes HEALTHY peristalsis (colon muscle movement that pushes the stool through) unlike herbal laxatives which simply irritates the lining and doesnt’ promote healthy peristalsis.
Nothing to worry about, the pysllium is good for you!
1,560 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
large and small intestines
by neomi 16 y
View Entire Thread 5
I need something besides pysllium to clean my large and small intestines on a day to day basis. I asked several and they mentioned triphala or barefoots formula. Also okra pepsin 3 which is suppose to clean the small intestines.
What do you recommmend to clean the large AND small intestines? I lack aborption overall (minerals and nutrients) I will later followe a simple parasite cleanse.
Thank You
12,792 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: CleanseSmart and still constipated ?
by jameskep37 13 y
Psyllium makes me bloat up like a ballon. Learned that pysllium is highly fermentable. Intestinew did not do much for my bowels. One tea bag of senna mixed with a little vitamin C is much more effective. Dont recommend it all the time..can cause some cramping.
Try eating a large handful of pumpkin seeds for constipation. They work every time for me and dont cause cramping.
Dews Bile salts get the bowels moving ,along with doing enemas.
3,068 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse SupportIBSCandida Support
Psyllium husks or pysllium seed powder?
by omega2000 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have a question for those who have done the P&B shakes before. I’m just shy of 2 weeks taking the shakes. I have decided against doing any other cleanses until things start to move a little better and I get cleaned out. So far so good. Most of the time there is lots of ’junk’ that comes out in the stool and I am not feeling gassy or bloated as I have done for a long time. I also find that I am not as hungry either, which is a bonus.
However, to the point at hand. I’ve become tired of dragging my P&B shake kit with me everywhere so I decided to get some bentonite and pysllium for ...
1,080 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Question about Psyllium?
by Ain 21 y
View Entire Thread 7
I have been taking the Psyllium drinks for about a week now and usually take about two a day. I have been noticing I have been passing a HUGH amount of stool. Earlier on I passed some MP but none since last week. These days I am passing a lot of stuff. I hate to be graphic. I pass about 2 to 3 feet of this very soft stuff. My question is... Is that the Pysllium? It seems to be a lot more of it coming out than what I drank. I have seen the MP and it is not that. SO this stuff must be the Pyllisum.
Can anyone else help me out and tell me what this stuff is.
2,472 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: buying P&B shakes in the UK?
by beginings 18 y
hey...that was random im about to buy some online now!!
its my first time too so i just serached them in google under the uk section! i decided to by the Pysllium husks fro here (link goes straight to the product)
im gettin the bentonite clay from (again goes staright to product) hope this helps!!
959 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
How to prepare P&B shakes?
by beginings 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
hey there...
i have just bought some pysllium husk powder and bentonite powder! i just need to now how to make the actual P&B shakes. it says on the packet one should mix the 2 together and then leave it over night? then add the psyllium husk the next morning. is this true or can u make it and consume it straight away? im a bit confused and need someone experienced to tell me how to best do it
2,271 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: anyone have experience with dr. schulze IF#2 cleanse?R by Tophat 21 y
I’d say go for it! I find his stuff to be VERY effective.
I myself am on Day 20 of Master Cleanse, and have been doing
the bowel cleanse as well. I have passed an astounding amount of the Mucoid Plaque. Never, in my wildest imagination, did think I had so much junk in me. What a relief to get rid of it ... including undigested ”hard-pressed” tablets that I’ve been passing as well, that I stopped taking 14 days ago.
Just be careful to follow the directions carefully. Particularly the Colon #2 ... 4 to 5 times per day, but I’ve added Pysllium Husks caps as well. 4 caps everytime with ...
2,103 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Questions to do with B&P Shake
by x_ricky_x 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
Im new to B&P shakes and Ive been reading up on here and other sites...
Ive got powdered bentonite and psyllium husks..
Please can someone tell me if this is correct on what i have to do:
1) add a teaspoon of bentonite clay to half a glass of water without stirring
2) leave this overnight
3) get a glass of water and add a tablespoon of the hydrated bentonite clay and add a tablespoon of pysllium husk
4) stir this
5) drink this
6) drink another glass of water
Regarding the water that i mix with the clay, what is the best water to use?
tap water
tap water ...
1,376 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Colonix vs. Blessed Herbs: Please Help
by sugaholic 19 y
I’ve only used the Blessed herbs cleanse and the ropes were soft and rubbery. I think this is because the pysllium which is the centre of the ropes remains jellyish, but also the digestive tabs that you take are meant make your organs ie liver, pancreas etc secrete and expel waste more, the tabs also includes slippery elm which provides extra lubrication and a herbal laxative.
I did read about someone whose ropes were dry and they had to yank them out but I think they were just doing the P & B shakes. I also did enemas to expel the toxins quicker and they also loosened and made my bm’ ...
1,646 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Juice Fasting and Colon Cleansing. Time/How long?
by dapdu 19 y
Hi, I did my juice fasting not long ago. you can combine it with Pysllium and bentonite shake. the result was incredible. You can do as long as u can. but if this is your first time, then try 7 days. some people take longer to get mucoid plague out , some take only few days. I recommend this method as it’s cheap and effective. I was on Clarkia for three weeks before fasting. Actually I think I should do it a little bit longer. dont forget to do a liver flush after all cleanses. have some good advices on juice fast/P & B
One more thing, u need to put probiotic ba ...
1,826 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: How to begin colon cleanse
by netav 22 y
Good plan, I would personally take seena tea instead of the hot water. some on this forum will recommend doing the salt water flush, But I can’t stomach 1 quart of icky water. It was making me sick so I got the Seena tea and it worked great. Drink it at night as a nice relaxing drink.
I am personally on the master cleanse right now and taking the Bentonite and pysllium mixture (tablespoon of each) three times a day and it is working great with no problems. If you would prefer to start off slowly, do one dose a day and work your way up if you’d feel more comfortable. they recommend doin ...
1,292 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Question for Colonix Users
by DiSkO 20 y
how the colonix going for you now? Ive just started it, I’m on day 4. I use the fiber shake as my breakfast. I put it in a jar and shake it up with sweetend apple juice soymilk. Then after I drink 2 large cleass of water.
If you are getting no results I think you must not be drinking the 2 litres of water a day.
I once did a bad detox with pysllium. I didnt drink enough water and it actually constipated me. Be careful in how much water you are not drinking!
Try skipping and rubbing your tummy. When I skip (my excerise) It seems to make my inside move and I then need to go to th ...
5,205 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: here's how you do it!
by Celestial_Blue 20 y
fashionista, I have bentonite clay from the Nutricentre too and I have the same instructions. They have three products on their site - is the clay the same as the clay powder? I have the one that doesn’t have ’powder’ in it’s description.
I don’t have the pysllium yet but I’ve tried hydrating the bentonite following the given instructions and the clay has sunk to the bottom by the morning and I’m left with clearish water at the top. Is that what you get? The instructions say to discard the sediments.
12,220 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Psyllium question. I'm confused!!!
by hopinso 20 y
You are using the same products I use. I bought some of the Yerba Prima whole husk psyllium to compare with the powder last year. You need to use 1 tablespoon of the whole husks instead of 1 teaspoon of the powder. The only problem I had with the whole husks was that they tended to scratch my throat and cause a gag reflex. Both forms of pysllium worked equally well for me. BTW-I took the full teaspoon in my shakes, but I see nothing wrong with reducing the dose to avoid contipation. The most important thing is to discover what works for you so you can continue the cleanse in good health an ...
1,196 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
P/B shake update
by andy 21 y
View Entire Thread 5
Well after almost consuming my second bottle of bentonite together with my pysllium and only passing a port wine coloured jelly like b/m have not passed anything else of interest.My wife hasnt passed anything of value either but one thing we can say that our b/m apart from the first initial start of the b/m being rather normal slowly changes into a runny loose b/m.I have been on the b/p shakes for now 21 days and have done a complete parasite and bowel, stomach and intestinal cleanse prior to the b/p shakes.I am also taking garlic oil (300mg) and enzymes which my wife does not.Could our pr ...
5,906 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: "The Big One" ?!
by hopinso 20 y
I’ve told this several times before, but last fall I was doing a parasite cleanse using Parastroy, plus enzymes and a homeopathic solution from my doctor. After a few days I went on the Master Cleanse and started doing P&B shakes. I had one BM that was three feet long, hard, leathery and hollow. The outside was studded with dozens of white and reddish orange worms. Awful stuff! The next day I passed almost four feet of fecal matter. The first 2 1/2 or so feet was more of the hard hollow mucoid plaque, the remainder was softer spongy pysllium based matter. Bowel cleansing does work and I h ...
1,501 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Use Oxy-Powder and psyllium fiber together?
by Dude-Dastic 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
With so many people touting the benefits of colon cleansing, my desire to do one myself is growing daily. However, I have some reservations about the products in question.
Oxy-Powder is among the best colon cleansing products out there. I’m eager to try it but not too excited about the ”butt pee” that it creates. That’s why I’m thinking of using it with psyllium fiber. The idea behind this is that, by taking smaller doses of Oxy-Powder, the mucoid plaque wouldn’t be liquified but rather loosened good enough so that the psyllium fiber would simply grab it and carry it on throu ...
2,970 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: i need some advice!!!
by Tracey 21 y
Hi Jacque!
If you want to do a straight colon cleanse I’d suggest either bentonite & pysllium shakes (the famed B&P’s!) or Holistic Horizons. HH contains some soothing and good for you herbs. How are your bm’s, though? Are you regular? (we ARE on the Bowel Forum! ha) Because if you tend towards constipation...then you’ll have to address that first. (water intake! Warm water with lemon first thing in the morning - in quanitity etc etc)
Click on the link below and you’ll see a cornucopea of different cleanses to choose from!
Happy Cleansing!
*don’t forget to read about my bo ...
1,071 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
by gingersnap 21 y
I was on BPs for over a week before I saw mucloid plaque. If the MP was due to the pysllium, then I should have seen it as soon as I started taking it.
Plus, I’ve passed BP stuff and it comes looking like it goes in.
If you don’t drink enough liquid, you might pass a block of BP but I drink plenty of water and don’t have a problem.
Don’t assume the modern medical profession know everything. Rarely will they suggest a liver/gallbladder cleanse and most of would all agree that works very well.
11,673 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse DebateBowel Cleanse SupportQuestioning & Criticizing
Re: Question about Blessed Herbs
by latin 17 y
Yeah I thought exactly that. I bought some digestive stimulators and some pysllium from health food store for like $12. But it doesnt work I have no idea why. It may have soemthing to do with blessed herbs being organic I have no idea. I have done it twice and I would have paid someone alot more if they said they could get 30 foot of mucoid plaque out of me. I dont think about the price. I think about what it is worth to me getting that stuff out of me.
So yeah I have tried doing it myself and it doesnt work.
1,383 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
by tasha92337 17 y
I recommend Amazon rainforest FIBERZON that I use myself. If your not to proud of enemas or colonics which both will elminate GOOD BACTERIA, fiberzon is an excellent alternative. FIBERZON to me is a natural colon cleanesr that contains rainforest herbs. I believe in ayurveda healing than western healing because Ayurveda is ”holistic healing” .
FIBERZON has pysllium, slippery elm, sangra de dragon, cat’s claw, papaya, gingko, etc.
I will usually add a couple of drops of oregano oil & flax oil to the fiberzon shake to give it that EXTRA something.
Putting oil in the fiberzon shake will ...
2,450 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
colon cleanse
by CANDIDA123 16 y
To those who cant tolerate pb shakes because of constipation or if your just plain ol’ allergic to pysllium then I suggest cleaning your colon using FIBER foods.These foods have laxative action to rids the body of built-up toxins and results with a healthy colon.
Don’t get me wrong, psyllium is a great fiber and nothing rids body unlike psyllium but for having the powder to clean your colon using food is by far one of the natural treatments!! ...
1,222 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Oh my god its working
by appleable 18 y
I must say SWF is rough...
Drinking it - I use plain bottled water and sea salt. i drink .5 liter witht he salt FAST. then I follow with .5 liter of water - I am pretty thirsty so i just down it.
Later I have another bottle water or slight flavor water (lemon/peach/stawberry)
After I elminate i go back to my apple juice.
The worst part is after i drink it I am nauseous for about 1 hour until I elminate that takes 1.5 hours so the morning is a wash-out time. Not great for working. Also the mag in the salt makes you want to go FAST and I need to be close to a toilet. however late ...
2,766 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
whats happening?
by #125342 14 y
View Entire Thread 7
...uptill around 6 months ago i thought my vegetarian diet..was all i needeed ”to be healthy”...not so as it turns out..looking back I think i over celebrated food, drink and caffinated beverages too much...stress was on the menu too.. in dollops... with the odd bouts of depression interspersed like side salads...I wish i had the same enthusiasm for exercise as i did for creative kitchen activity...but no! The clothes sizes informed me i reached size 16 and craning towards 18. i have no idea in kg or pounds my body mass was or is..
I cut way back on daily excessive beverages to jus ...
2,563 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse SupportAllergies & IntoleranceAcid Reflux/GERDCleansing.
whats happening!
by #125342 14 y
I’d say that the tenderness and wind problem came about in the second week After bowel and parasite cleanse when i had returned to my usual healthier but heavier diet?
Thats why i thought the increasing wind and tenderness and bloating was not connected to the bowel programme itself.
Instead a possible symptom to a food allergy or inflammed irritable gut that the turmeric which is taken in high doses during the programme and an aniflammatory had been masking all the while. Without the turmeric i thought perhaps something else was being revealed..
Sure In the parasite and bowel pr ...
2,316 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse SupportAllergies & IntoleranceAcid Reflux/GERDCleansing.
First time cleanser... where to begin? Where to start?
by omega2000 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi everyone,
Glad that I stumbled across this site and these forums. Like many of you here I know that things are pretty clogged up there. I bought a session of 6 colonics and after 4 we still did not see anything coming out during the session. My hydrotherapist suggested I try doing CleanseMax 30 day cleanse. As long as I keep taking the supplements then things are ok. I’ll have several bowel movements a day, but if I forget to take them then things move a lot slower and do not pass as easily. My naturopath told me that he was concerned I was not absorbing enough nutrients, etc. ...
1,160 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
(Almost) Spontaneous Mucoid Plaque???
by rae 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
I am a frequent reader here and have experimented a bit with the P&B shakes at times. Not very faithfully I am afraid. But, during that timeI did pass what I identified as mucoid plaque
Anyway, a few days ago I started mixing pysllium husk into a mixture of cranberry juice, aloe vera concentrate and water in drinking it in the am on an empty stomach. This was just ’to get things moving’.
MUCH to my surprise I seem to be having very frequent bowel movements, and in the past 3 days I have started to pass ropes of mucoid plaque. Not huge ones, but definitely ropes. Spon ...
1,824 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Should I be using this Psyllium Seed?
by cicliste 20 y
Hi Everyone,
Let me preface this question by stating my background a little. I have been suffering from bloating and diarrhea for over a year now and I have found (wrongfully!) that one way for me to combat the discomfort of being bloated was to use laxatives, about 3-4 times a week. Now I have a difficult time going to the bathroom, I strain a lot and usually to no avail, but when I do go it is always diarrhea not watery but EXTREMELY loose, no formation at all.
Now, I started using the P&B shakes about 4 days ago with some left over GNC brand psyllium. It was making me very cons ...
447 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
by Clary 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
Well I started the P&B shakes on 1/16. 1 first day. 2 second day and 3 thereafter.
Yesterday afternoon I just felt like my body was telling me it was getting ready to release some of this stuff.
Last night I passed a very strange looking ripply looking thing about 1” wide and 5” long (not hard-looked like one of the pictures). This morning I passed what was definetly a ”rope” (about pencil size & around 7” long-again not hard, hard). This afternoon I had some very dark green like gel looking stuff in my bm. Really smelly yuk.
Does this sound right ? This seems rather fast to m ...
2,395 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: i feel i did my first time wrong..
by seahorse4 20 y
Hi blueduck!
You have already helped me before, answered some ques on B&P. I have just read a message that you sent to someone asking them if they drank a whole cup of clay, and I am so glad I did, because that is what I was just about to do! Can you just verify that this is correct....
Using bentonite powder... mix one tablespoon with water (can’t remember quantity, written down by my packet of Bentonite though!) and mix this. This can then be put in a jar and kept (in refrigerator or not?). Then to make B&P shake, you take one tablespoon of this rehydrated Bentonite mix and mix ...
1,283 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: P&B Questions?
by Nobodysgirle 20 y
Ummm, I really think you need to see a doctor. Whatever your fears you have about going to a doctor need to be faced. What did you mean when you said, ”The bleeding has continued?” As in, with every bowel movement or as in, even when you’re not going to the bathroom? Which ever one, I really think you should consult a professional. That can be really serious. You can have an ulcer or a tumor. I don’t want to scare you. Well, if it gets you to the doctor I guess I do. :o) Seriously, you should REALLY think about it.
As for the shakes, well, I do them with half a cup of jui ...
871 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: A few other questions!
by #15135 20 y
First of all thank-you to shelleycat and GMS for your replies. I really appreciate it. :)
Anyway, I looked online and found the Sonne’s Liquid Betonite that shelleycat suggested. I plan on ordering that, but I also noticed Sonne’s Intestinal Cleanser which contains pysllium. So, I was wondering if either of you would suggest getting this? Or, is there something else out there (whether it be some other brand) that you think works better?
Also, when I am first starting out with one shake per day, is it best to take this right after I get up, or before I go to bed, or what would you ...
1,423 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Anyone use Dr. Shulz #2?
by 4Him 19 y
View Entire Thread 6
Hi! I’m new to this and trying to find the right colon cleanse for my situation. I’m hoping someone out there can give me some advice. I have recently finished a 10 day Master cleanse fast and now want to do a colon cleanse. I have some symptoms of candida, but am really not sure I actually have it. It seems like a lot of people recommend taking caproil, and P&B shakes as a good method for cleaning the colon and ridding it of candida. With all that said, I am looking for the cheapest way to do that and am unable to find those 3 items for a lesser price than I can find formula 2 from Dr. Sh ...
1,518 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support