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Here is the rebuttal I posted by Dquixote1217 ..... Cancer Debate Forum

Date:   5/13/2016 7:20:09 PM ( 9 y ago)
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Even though my time is very limited and it is usually not a good idea to feed the trolls, I couldn't resist making this post:

My, oh my - nothing like telling the truth about maim-stream medicine, especially maim-stream cancer treatments ,to stir up the hornet's nest of dupes, trolls and apologists! Where to begin? Let's start with some unpleasant facts: First of all, by their own admission, mainstream drugs kill about 106,000 people a year in the US alone - and that is only for drugs which were properly prescribed and administered. That alone makes mainstream medicine the number three cause of death in the US. When you add in doctor errors, overdoses, unevaluated and underreported deaths (such as deaths at home) deaths which were attributed to the originial disease instead of the drugs that caused the death, and diseases acquired in hospitals (such as MRSA) that number is estimated to be as high as 750,000 people a year.

Meanwhile, vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements kill about zero in any given year. But natural supplements and foods, and natural healing, which we have adapted to and utilized since we first put down our footsteps in the sands of time is considered woo by the maim-stream crowd, while side-effect laden drugs (over 95% have side effects) which mostly manage symptoms are considered to be the only valid forms of healing? Amazing how every generation thinks that their Science is the end-all, though the rule is that the Science of today is often overturned tomorrow. When it comes to our medicine, someday mankind will likely look back on it as the true dark ages of medicine.

So, OK, let's talk cancer. Here are some more unpleasant facts: Chemo and radiation are themselves carcinogens and they cure precious little. Both damage the immune system which is vital for beating cancer and keeping cancer at bay. Mainstream studies in the US and Australia found that 5 year survival due to chemo was only 2 - 3% greater than it was for those who did not opt for chemo. Like chemo, radiation kills the least robust cancer cells first and leaves behind the most resistant cells to multiply and make the cancer ever stronger and harder to beat. In the case of radiation, it actually creates cancer stem cells which are 30 times more difficult to kill than regular cancer cells. In actuality, chemo kills many more people than it saves each year - mostly from liver failure, heart failure and wasting disease (cachexia). Think Patrick Swayze.

Despite statistical juggling, the cure rate for cancer has not grown all that much. Much of the credit for the improvement in cancer statistics is due to earlier diagnosis because in addition to cancer being easier to defeat when it is detected early, mainstream medicine considers anyone who survives 5 years after diagnosis to be a "cure" - even if the day after their 5th anniversay their body is eaten up with cancer and they die. The biggest reason for improved Breast Cancer statistics is that a highly beatable condition that had previously been considered to be pre-cancerous (DCIS - ductal carcinoma in situ) was moved to the cancer category and viola - Breast Cancer survival stats improved by leaps and bounds.

Neither chemo nor radiation, nor surgery for that matter, address the root causes that enabled cancer to gain a foothold in the first place. For many decades, mainstream Science considered genetics to be the primary cause of cancer, though they are slowly coming to admit the truth - that toxins are the main cause of cancer, as famed French scientist Antoine Bechamp told us a century and a half ago. A person may be genetically predisposed to have a greater risk of cancer, but it is not the genes that cause the cancer, it is the toxins.

So why has manstream cancer stuck to a mostly failed paradigm of trying to cut out, poison out or burn out the symptoms of cancer (the tumors) instead of addressing the root cause. Why does mainstream treatment continue to treat cancer with items which cause cancer? For the same reason that they reject abundant natural cancer cures, several of which are highly effective. Because cancer is a profit-making goliath. Estimates range from over $100 Billion a year to as high as $400 Billion - especially when you consider the drugs, oncology practices, hospitals, hospices, mammography machines and film and the government agencies and non-profits with their cushy salaries and perks. The only way to maintain, much less increase, all the profits, jobs and perks is to NOT find a cure for cancer. And so we haven't.

Now, I know Ty Bollinger personally and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that the information he has given to people in his books, articles and films has cured far, far more people of cancer than anyone posting here - most likely more people than everyone posting here combined. Nature has been here all along - and just because what natural items and/or treatments one person chooses does not work is not an indictment against ALL natural alternatives. If failures were an indictment, there would be no mainstream treatments - and a whole lot of people practicing mainstream cancer treatment would be in orange jump suits.

I can hear the angry hornets stirring already!

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