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Blood Cleansing

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Lower Cholesterol
Cleanse the body of fat

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Lower Cholesterol
Cleanse the body of fat

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Blood Cleansing

We finally finished the first 3 products to treat the Amish Bleeders and attempt to lower their 10 million dollar debt for the medical shots they require for those in their group that are born male bleeders.

In theory the 3 formulas should work wonders for them; "IF" they can find anyone of them with the problem willing to try it. I try to politely try to state that people with the most problems are the ones most resistant to change. This can stem from so many reasons including poor spiritual connection etc.....the farther away from God a person is, the less likely they are about to try anything NATURAL.

If nothing else, the 3 formulas have value for anyone seeking to improve blood quality.


Dr. John R. Christopher

The newsletters below are from the teaching of the late Dr. John R. Christopher. I have added my comments in Blue.



We very seldom give even a second thought to the blood that is coursing through our bodies until we have had an injury and this precious blood flows out before our eyes. Then, as we frantically stop the bleeding, we notice that it is a red color so we figure we are blessed with "good blood."

The blood of each individual is as different from that of another individual as is the iris of the eye or the fingerprint. As we build our lives for better or worse, so do we change and build our blood stream.

For many years we have taught that all disease stems from the blood stream. While I was in the Army I had many soldiers come to me with bad cases of furunculosis (boils). So I would lance, top and drain the boil, as was routine, and I could have said, "Well, I've drained the boils, so you will have no more trouble." Had I said this, the soldier would know I was not telling the truth, because the outbreak of boils often, or usually, recurred! Doesn't one realize that this condition comes from an impure blood stream or some other internal common cause? The impurities and poisonous waste accumulations in a boil are brought to that point by a blood stream loaded with waste and mucus materials, and to work only on lancing the boil is a case of "working on the effect", when one should clean up the blood stream, i.e., "work on the cause".

The same principle applies with tumors, cysts, dermatitis, cancer and most other isolated malfunctions. The weakened or injured areas accumulate toxic waste, because there is not enough vitality to discard this low vibrating material, and here we have evidence of "disease".

Instead of using just an external application, we have recommended to our patients that they also do the most important part of the entire program:

- that of going into the cause by cleaning up the bowels, the blood stream, and keeping this "cleaning condition" permanent. This is done by following the mucusless diet.

"The Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet" booklet using the three day cleanse each month, or more often, and by strictly following the recommended "fast" each seventh day. (Of course, on the fast, use only steam distilled water in abundance.)

One of the first things we do to improve the circulatory system is to clean out the channels the blood flows through because, over the period of years, due to faulty diet and the use of hard water, the walls of arteries, veins, and capillaries become coated with inorganic waste materials. This waste forms a lining that does not allow the cell structure of the veins and arteries to be fed property, so these originally soft pliable tissues become hard and lose their elasticity. Then, like an "old" rubber hose, they cannot expand or contract with ease and they become, through weakness, ballooned out, or brittle and then break, as in varicosity. The heavy use of breads, pastries and refined sugars leach out the calcium from the veins and arteries and when there is a

- calcium deficiency we have weakness, which allows malfunction.

Dr. Christopher teaches that most health problems are going to have a foundational cause created by a deficiency of calcium. Not until these foundational problems are addressed can we expect a cure for our health problems.

One way to build good veins and arteries and to keep them clean, has been the use of cayenne. Cayenne is a medicinal and nutritional herb. It is the purest and most certain stimulant. This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. It rebuilds the tissue of the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers; in equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth; and in stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestines, veins and arteries, it aids in assimilation and elimination.

When the venous structure becomes loaded with sticky mucus, the blood has a harder time circulating; therefore, higher pressure forces the liquids through. Cayenne regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet so that it is equalized; it influences the heart immediately, then gradually extends its effects to the arteries, capillaries, and veins (the frequency of the pulse is not increased, but is given more power).

Just to show how great an herb cayenne is, it is listed as having the following therapeutic action: stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialagogue, stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment and antirheumatic.

We have found that one should gradually "build up" the use of cayenne to one teaspoon three or more times a day, that is, start with the use of this herb in small amounts and then increase. As an example: Start using 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne mixed in a little water three times a day for three or four days, then add another 1/4 teaspoon each time three or four days until one is using a teaspoon or more three times or more per day. Note -- this is a food and not a drug, but use with prudence.

Cayenne Powder is very potent and normally more than most humans will do. It is by far easier to take as a liquid or tincture and ice water makes it much easier. I don’t suggest the large doses of cayenne as Dr. Christopher states here unless the person is an adult and decides that is what they desire to self-experiment with. It will not harm you, but it will take time to get use to. I have seen people who grew up eating hot peppers as children eat habanera peppers with no problem, the heat will be determined by how much a person is use to the food. For the beginner, they want to start very slow.

Another great herbal food used to get the blood stream moving freely and also for aiding the heart, is the hawthorn berry. This excellent heart food (as described by many of the old Herbalists), knows as "Haws" -- Hawthorn berry or Mayblossom (Crataegus Oxyacantha), fresh or dried haws or fruits; specific for organic and or functional heart disorders (dyspnea, rapid and feeble heart action, hypertrophy, valvular insufficiency, heart oppression).

The blood stream, or "river of life" is so important, but we must have a good strong heart to keep the flow in motion. Another excellent herb for cleansing the veins is Sassafras (Sassafras Officinale). Therapeutic action: Rootbark: alterative, aromatic, diuretic, diaphoretic, stimulant, emmenagogue, anti-rheumatic, arterial depressant (when taken in large doses over too long a period).

This is a fine tea for cleaning and strengthening the arteries and veins, but we recommend that it be used for a six week period and then switch to another tea, such as Hawthorn berry for six weeks before using it again for a six week period. When Sassafras is used too long at a time, it thins the blood stream in some cases a bit too much. It is good herbal tea, but should not be "overused"--in other words "use with prudence".

One might say, the principle of cleansing the blood stream, is to use alterative herbs. The herbal concept provides the reader with the keys to vital energy and a healthy body through proper cleansing and correct diet. There are more than one hundred specialized plants which are concentrated to assist in cleaning the blood and the vital eliminative tissues and organs. The correct knowledge and use of these agents will greatly strengthen the individual's power and usefulness as a botanic physician in providing healing. Dr. Nowell provides us with the following valuable information concerning these potent healing aids.

Alteratives, or, as they are sometimes called, Antiscorbutics, are remedies which gradually alter and correct impure conditions of the blood. It is because of this that many of these agents are commonly called "blood purifiers" or "blood sweeteners".

They alter the character of the blood stream because of being possessed of certain properties which the Vital Force can use in stimulating or strengthening the organs of nutrition and secretion, building up so that waste materials may be carried and a supply of helpful pabulum may be provided for the organism.

Removing impurities from the blood stream is only part of the work of the rational physician. All such conditions arise because of the improper functioning of one or more organs--most frequently the secretory organs--which fail to carry out the impurities of the blood. It is, however, possible that impurities may arise from improper food or impure air. Whatever the cause, the only means of cleansing the blood stream that would satisfy the nature-cure physician would be one that would attend also to removing the cause while seeking to purify the blood.

To a very large extent a great number of agents may be classed as Alteratives, as they are of service in promoting the elimination of impurities. There are agents which will promote a speedy action on a given organ which may merely relieve an engorgement.

Such an agent we would scarcely call an Alterative. The true Alterative is an agent which slowly but surely cleans and purifies the blood stream and, at the same time, steadily tones up the organ or organs which may not be able to secrete impurities from the blood.

- When it is understood that the liver, kidneys and skin are the chief organs for carrying off impurities and waste matter, it is readily seen what the last paragraph means. If the liver is torpid, and bile retained in the system, we may find in one case the retained bile has affected the digestion. In another case we may find a skin eruption. If the kidneys fail to secrete as they should, the bloodstream is polluted. The skin may be retaining impurities, or the lungs may be unable to oxygenize the blood due to impure air being breathed.

It is therefore necessary to know what organ is at fault when prescribing Alteratives. Merely to class an agent as an Alterative is not enough. There are stimulating and toning Alteratives and there are relaxing Alteratives. Food, air, and other essential factors must be considered in addition to the administration of remedies, or the blood stream may never be cleansed.

Prescribing Alteratives without an intelligent idea as to the cause of the impurities would be foolish. The physician must at all times seek to give such aid to the Vital Force as can be used to restore normal functioning wherever necessary.

An individual who has gone along with a good mucusless diet and the regular three day cleanses, and who also has observed the one day a week fast, is well along the path to gaining ground and finding better health. When one also works along with the bowel to get it cleaned out, it is good to use a blood purifier to speed up the health process.

Dr. Shook, my teacher in herbal pharmacy, in his textbook says:

An excellent blood purifier is Burdock (Arctium Lappa), as a blood purifier we use the root. Nature has not produced for us many herbs whose food and medicinal value equal this one. Its ancient history as a reliable remedy for bad blood, ulcers, tumors and many skin diseases such as what we today call Eczema, Pityriasis, Psoriasis, Furunculosis (Boils), Acne, Lupus, etc., to say nothing of internal disorders such as Syphilis, Scrofula, Leprosy, Cancer, etc., and the modern proofs of its marvelous efficacy in the treatment of humanity's most fearsome and loathsome diseases is proof positive that very few if any herbs are more virtuous or possess more curative powers.

Constituents -- Inulin (takes place of starch, and in the spring and fall, is frequently present to the extent of 45%). a bitter principle, resin, fat (9 percent), mucilage, sugar, wax, tannin (phlobophane, lappin [crystalline gluceside]). Ash 3 to 4 percent. The inulin, a major part of the root, also called Atlantin, is very important. It was first found in Elecampane (Inula Helenium) to the extent of 24%, but in Burdock, it often reaches 40% or more.

It is upon this remarkable substance, we believe that much of the curative action of Burdock depends because it has the above-named effects upon the system and is most remarkable in its beneficial action on the lungs.

The antiscorbutic properties of the root make the decoction very useful for scurvy, rheumatic and arthritic affections. The following formula, a decoction, is for syphilis, scrofula, skin diseases, furunculosis, tumors, abscesses, acne, and a general cachectic condition of the system.

Put 4 ounces of the dried cut herb into three pints of distilled water. Soak four hours or more and then simmer 30 minutes slowly. Strain, cool and keep in a cool place.

Dose for adults. A wineglassful (2 oz) 3 or 4 times a day. For children, less according to age.

If it is desired to make up more of this decoction, and it is desired to keep it for any length of time, it should be boiled down to 1/3 of its original amount and add to the finished amount of tea 1/2 vegetable glycerin. In other words to one pint of tea add 8 oz. or to a quart add one pint, etc.

When we have a case of blood poisoning in a specific area of the body resulting from the sting of an insect, bee, hornet, or black widow spider, the bite of a "mad" dog, or infection from a cut or sliver, we need a powerful blood purifier that will give immediate relief to that area. Plantain (Plantago Major), Lily of the Valley leaves (Convallaria Majalis), and the common Lilac leaves have this power of purifying the blood stream in such an isolated area.

Because the Plantain is so common and grows the world over, it has become one of our favorite herbs for this infectious condition. In our own practice over the years we have seen many miraculous healings occur after using plantain. We have seen arms, legs, etc., saved from serious infection by using this amazing herb, i.e., a man with a badly swollen arm with a "red stream" from the infected hand, and who had a lump under the armpit; a girl who, after stepping on a poisonous shell, "passed out" because of the intense pain resulting from a swollen leg with the usual "red streak", etc. But let us give an example taken from Dr. Shook's works which we reprinted in our lesson material. Many other old-time Herbalists such as Dr. Nowell, Jethro Kloss, etc., tell amazing stories, but here is one I like:

A woman with only one arm came to me in great distress. She had been stung by a bee on the only hand she had left. Several years previously, she had been similarly stung by a bee. That time she had gone to a Doctor because the whole arm was swollen and she was in grave danger.

The Doctor lanced and drained the pus from the infected hand, but still the arm had continued to swell. Ultimately, the arm was amputated. This lady was in abject despair, believing she would lose her other arm.

Outside my door there was some Plantain (Plantago Major) growing. I picked some of the leaves and gave them to the woman, telling her to wash and crush them, make a poultice and apply to the part where she had been stung. Next day this lady returned to thank me and pay for my advice. The hand was entirely well. No sign of poison or inflammation was to be seen, where, but twenty-four hours before there was swelling, inflammation and risk of amputation.

The word "Alterative" is intended to mean that certain herbs gradually alter and correct a bad condition of the blood, without necessarily producing evacuations of the bowels beyond normal evacuation.

They change the process of nutrition and excretion and restore the morbid organs of the system to healthy action. They promote absorption of inflammatory deposits chiefly by stimulating the lymphatic glands, though this is not all. The purification of the entire blood stream, by means of better digestion and regular secretion requires the maintenance of a mild alterative influence to be continued for some time. Therefore, it follows that the term "Alterative" is property applied to those agents, which slowly, moderately and steadily expend their influence upon badly functioning organs, thus bettering the condition of the blood.

Over the years we have used a very unusual Alterative -- a combination of herbs that has the ability of aiding many people who have found nothing else to help them in advanced diseases caused by bad blood. We have had hundreds of people express gratitude for the remarkable results they have received from following this program of a mucusless diet and the use of herbal aids.

In listing these herbs in the formula I am going to give the therapeutic action of each herb. You can then see how the major amount of the combination is Alterative in power, but accompanied with this principle are additional helps for the liver, diuretic system, bowels, heart, lungs, glandular system, etc.

This creates, not only a generalized blood purifier, but also includes a group of herbs that aid in building strength and cleaning out the entire body, by breaking loose toxic deposits and flushing them out, and also acting as a food for the organs.

The herbs for the formula of our blood purifying combination, which we call "Red Clover Combination", are as follows: (Following the formula we will give a glossary of what the therapeutic terms mean).


1. Red Clover Blossoms (Trifolium Pratense). Therapeutic action: Alterative, mild stimulant, sedative, deobstruent, nutritive, somewhat antispasmodic, depurative, detergent.

2. Chaparral (Larrea Tridentata). Therapeutic action: Alterative, diuretic, tonic, depurative, astringent, anti-scrofulous, anti-arthritic, anti-rheumatic, anti-venomous.

3. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra). Therapeutic action: Laxative, demulcent, pectoral, nourishing and emollient.

4. Poke Root (Phytolacca Decandra). Therapeutic action: Relaxant, alterative, cathartic, resolvent, deobstruent, detergent, antisyphilitic, antiscorbutic, anodyne, cardiac depressant.

5. Peach Bark (Amygdalus Persica). Sedative, bitter, aromatic, and laxative.

6. Oregon Grape Root (Berberis Aquifolium). Alterative, depurant, tonic, hepatic, laxative, antisyphilitic, antiperiodic, nerve tonic, slight stimulant, diuretic, antiscorbutic, antiscrofulous.

7. Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica). Alterative.

8. Prickly Ash Bark (Zanthoxylum Frarineum). General stimulant, cardiac stimulant, tonic, alterative, pungent, deobstruent, diuretic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, sialogogue, nervine.

9. Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa). Alterative, tonic, diuretic, diaphoretic, stomachic, aperient, depurative, antiscorbutic.


10. Buckthorn Bark (Rhamnus Frangula). Bitter, purgative, diuretic, emetic.

(When we make this Dr. Christopher formula we add Olive leaf to the formula)

To enlighten those not too advanced in the knowledge and/or use of Herbology, we will define some of the above terms and describe the desired properties of each herb.

Absorbents: Herbs used to produce absorption of exudates or diseased tissues.

Alteratives: Herbs used to alter the existing nutritive and excretory processes and gradually restore normal body functions.

Analgesics: Herbs used to allay pain when administered orally. See also "Anodynes".

Anaphrodisiacs: Herbs used to lessen sexua| functions and desires.

Anodynes: Herbs used to relieve pain when applied eternally.

Antacids: Herbs used to neutralize acid in the stomach and intestinal tract.

Anthelmintics: Herbs used to expel or destroy intestinal worms.

Antiabortives: Herbs used to counteract abortive tendencies.

Antiarthritic: Herbs used to relieve and heal arthritic conditions.

Antiasthmatics: Herbs used to relieve asthma.

Antibilious: Herbs used to eliminate a biliary or jaundice condition in the body.

Anticatarrhal: Herbs which heat catarrhal conditions in the body.

Antiemetics: Herbs used to relieve malarial-type fevers and chills.

Antiphlogistics: Herbs used to reduce inflammation or swelling.

Antipyretics: Herbs used to reduce temperature in fevers.

Antirheumatics: Herbs used to prevent, relieve and cure rheumatism.

Antiscorbutics: Herbs used to prevent and cure scurvy.

Antiscrofulous: Herbs used to heal scrofula (tubercular condition of the lymph nodes).

Antiseptics: Herbs used to prevent, resist and counteract putrefaction (decay of cells and formation of pus).

Antispasmodics: Herbs used to relieve nervous irritability and reduce or prevent excessive involuntary muscular contractions (spasms).

Antisyphilitics: Herbs used to relieve and cure syphilis and other venereal disease.

Antivenomous: Herbs used as antidotes to animals, vegetables and mineral poisons.

Antizymotics: Herbs used to destroy or arrest the action of bacterial organisms.

Aperients: Herbs used as mild evacuants or laxatives to bowels.

Aromatics: Herbs that are odoriferous, having a fragrant, pungent and spicy taste, and which stimulate the gastrointestinal mucous membranes.

Astringents: Herbs that influence the vital contractility of cell walls, condense the tissues, make them denser and firmer, and arrest discharges.

Aphrodisiacs: Herbs to correct conditions of impotence and strengthen sexua| power.

Balsamic: Herbs that mitigate, soothe and heal inflamed parts.

Bitters: Herbs having a bitter taste and serving as stimulant tonic to the gastro-intestinal mucous membranes.

Blisters: Herbs that cause inflammatory exudation (blistering) of serum from the skin when applied locally.

Calefacients: Herbal agents used as diffusive stimulants and which cause increased capillary circulation, giving an external sense of warmth.

Cardiac Depressant: Herbs that lessen and are sedative to the heart's action.

Cardiac Stimulant: Herbs used to increase and give greater power to the heart's action.

Carminatives: Herbs containing a volatile oil that excites intestinal peristalsis, and relieves and promotes the expulsion of flatus or gas from the gastro intestinal tract.

Cathartics: Herbs that are active purgatives to the intestinal tract, exciting peristalsis and stimulating glandular secretions, producing semi-fluid bowel movements with some irritation and griping.

Caustics: Herbs that burn or destroy living tissue.

Cell Proliferants: Herbs that promote rapid healing and restoration.

Cephalics: Herbs that are particularly healing to cerebral conditions and diseases.

Cholagogues: Herbs used to promote a flow and discharge of bile into the duodenum by contracting the bile ducts and to produce purgation of the bowels.

Condiments: Herbs used to flavor or season foods.

Coloring Agents: Herbs used for coloring or dying purposes.

Cordials: Herbs that combine the properties of a warm stomach and a cardiac stimulant.

Correctives: Herbs used to alter and lessen the severity of action of other herbs, especially cathartics or purgatives.

Cosmetics: Herbs which are skin tonics and are used to improve the complexion and beauty of the skin. See also "emollients".

Counter-irritants: Herbs that cause irritation by local application in one part and therapeutically relieve pain in another more deep-seated part.

Demulcents: Herbs having mucilaginous properties that are soothing and protective internally to irritated and inflamed surfaces and tissues,

Dental Anodynes: Herbs used locally to relieve pain from an exposed nerve filament in the tooth (toothache).

Deobstruents: Herbs that remove alimentary and other body obstructions.

Deodorants: Herbs that eliminate foul odors.

Depresso-Motors: Herbs that diminish muscular movements by action on spinal centers.

Depurants: Herbs that clean and purify the blood by promoting eliminative functions.

Desiccants: Herbs which are able to dry surfaces by absorbing moisture.

Detergents: Herbs that are cleansing to wounds, ulcers, etc., or the skin itself.

Diaphoretics: Herbs that produce insensible perspiration and increased elimination through the skin.

Digestants: Herbs that contain ferments and acids, that aid in the solution and digestion of food.

Diluents: Herbs that dilute secretions and excretions.

Discutients: Herbs that dispel or resolve (dissolve) tumors and abnormal growths.

Disinfectants: Herbs that eliminate or destroy the noxious properties of decaying organic matter and thereby prevent spreading or transfer of toxic matter or infections.

Diuretics: Herbs that increase the secretion and flow of urine.

Drastics: Herbs that are hyperactive cathartics, producing violent peristalsis, watery stools and much gripping pain.

Emetics: Herbs that induce vomiting and cause an evacuation of stomach contents.

Emmenagogues: Herbs that are female correctives to the reproductive organs, which stimulate and promote a normal menstrual function, flow and discharge.

Emollients: Herbs that are softening, soothing and protective to external surfaces.

Errhines: Herbs that increase nasal secretions from the sinuses.

Exanthematous: Herbs that are healing to skin eruptions or to skin diseases of an eruptive nature.

Excito-Motors: Herbs that increase motor reflex and spinal activity.

Expectorants: Herbs that promote and facilitate discharge of mucus secretions from broncho pulmonary passages.

Febrifuges: Herbs that reduce fever.

Galactagogues: Herbs that increase the secretion of milk.

Galactophyga: Herbs that diminish or arrest the secretion of milk.

Hemostatics: Herbs that are generally internally astringents and arrest hemorrhaging or internal bleeding.

Hematics: Herbs rich in iron and manganese and which augment and enrich the red corpuscles of the blood (blood-builder).

Hepatics: Herbs used to strengthen, tone and stimulate the secretive functions of the liver, causing an increased flow of the bile.

Herpetics: Herbs that are healing to skin eruption and scaling diseases (such as ringworm, etc.).

Hypnotics: Herbs that are powerful nervine relaxants and sedatives that induce sleep.

Insecticides: Herbs that are used to destroy insects.

Irritants: Herbs that produce a greater or lesser degree of vascular excitement when applied to the epidermis or skin surface.

Lithotriptics: Herbs that dissolve or discharge urinary and biliary concretions (gravel or stones) when formed in excretory passages.

Local Anaesthetics: Herbs that produce anesthesia (loss of sensation) where applied locally to a surface.

Maturating: Herbs that promote the maturation or ripening of tumors, boils, ulcers, etc.

Mucilages: Herbs having mucilaginous properties,

Mydriatics: Herbs that cause dilation of the pupil (eye).

Myolics: Herbs that cause contraction of the ciliary muscles of the pupil (eye).

Narcotics: Herbs that are powerful anodyne-hypnotics.

Nauseants: Herbs that produce nausea or an inclination to vomit.

Nephritics: Herbs that influence the kidneys and are healing in the kidney complaints.

Nervines: Herbs that are tonic and healing to the nerves.

Nutritives: Herbs that are nourishing and building to body tissues.

Ophthalmics: Herbs that are healing to disorders and diseases of the eyes.

Parasiticides: Herbs that kill or destroy animal and vegetable parasites within the body.

Parturients: Herbs that stimulate uterine contractions, which induce and assist labor, and promote and hasten childbirth.

Pectorals: Herbs that are healing to complaints of affections of the broncho-pulmonary area.

Peristaltics: Herbs that stimulate and increase peristalsis, or muscular contractions (as in the bowels).

Protectives: Herbs that serve as protective covering to abraded, inflamed, or injured parts when applied locally to a surface.

Pungents: Herbs that cause a pricking, acrid, and penetrating sensation to a sense organ.

Refrigerants: Herbs having cooling properties, lower the body temperature and relieve thirst.

Resolvents: Herbs that promote the dispersion of inflammatory deposits, and their absorption into excretory channels.

Rubefacients: Herbs that, upon local application, stimulate capillary dilation and action, and cause the skin redness (drawing blood from deeper tissues and organs and thereby relieving congestion and inflammation).

Sedatives: Herbs that lower the functional activity of an organ or part of the body, thereby tending to calm, moderate or tranquilize.

Sialagogues: Herbs that promote the secretion and flow of saliva and buccal mucus.

Soporifics: Herbs that induce a relaxing sleep.

Sturnutatories: Herbs that are irritating to the mucous membranes in the nasal passages which causes sneezing.

Stimulants: Herbs that increase functional activity and energy in the body.

Stomachics: Herbs that are stimulating tonics to the stomach.

Styptics: Herbs that astringe the blood vessels when applied to an external surface, and thereby arrest local bleeding or hemorrhaging.

Sudorifics: Herbs that stimulate the sudoriferous glands and produce visible and profuse perspiration when taken hot and act as tonics when taken cold,

Taeniafuges and Taeniacides: Herbs that expel (Taeniafuges) or kill (Taeniacides) Tapeworms in the intestinal tract.

Tonics: Herbs that stimulate nutrition and permanently increase tone.

Vulneraries: Herbs that promote healing of fresh cuts, wounds, etc.

What we have given you here is a brief discussion on how to aid the body for better and faster healing by the use of blood purifiers (alteratives). Use this information as a start and add to your knowledge by further study to help yourself, family, and sincere friends. May God be with you in reaching your goal.

The above newsletter was an introductory into the health of our blood. Most important was elimination of waste from the body and proper use of diet, water and calcium. I suggest these foundational fundamentals must be followed so married couples do not create babies with blood problems and as well have ill babies of any nature. Dr. Christopher many years ago had experience with the blood problems.


By Dr. John R. Christopher

We are about to put out to pasture one of the greatest sacred cows of all time--the Rh factor. Millions of dollars in research have been spent on this subject. Many lives have been lost because of a lack of understanding of just what causes the Rh factor and how to remedy the situation. Because of the many inquiries by readers concerning the Rh factor in the human blood stream, we are going to discuss the subject in this issue of the newsletter.

Dr. Christopher was well known to seek the cure and not the medical gimmicks used to make money from peoples ill health. He was very much disliked my medical and government for his lifetime achievements in human health.

- The Rh factor is a heredity susceptibility to toxicity of the bloodstream: it is not necessarily a lifelong burden inherited by generation after generation, but a temporary toxic condition of the bloodstream which can be remedied by first cleaning up the bowel and then the bloodstream.

Dr. Christopher I stating very plainly that this problem can be solved by each person by cleaning up their bowel and their blood stream. This is not something a person needs to live a lifetime with.

The tremendous complication and confusion that Science has wrapped around the Rh factor deem it a virtually established and incurable situation save for the Rh vaccine which can be administered to the woman unsensitized to the Rh factor when she delivers her baby. This vaccine is actually a potent anti-Rh antibody (an immunization through the use of a toxic substance) in the form of the 7S fraction of gamma globulin, a two-armed molecule.

According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the Rh factor is a substance in the red blood cells of most persons (85%). Red blood cells that contain the Rh factor agglutinate (clump) if they come into contact with an antibody called anti-Rh. The antibody is a substance produced by the body in response to a specific foreign material, or antigen. The antibody acts in an immune reaction to defend the body by destroying or nullifying the antigen against which it is made. The antigen which chemically is a protein is antagonistic to a human or animal organism in such a way that it forms an antibody against it.

The blood factors A, B, and Rh are antigens. As an example: an antibody that is formed in Rh negative individuals will attack and destroy red cells of persons who are Rh positive in response to an antigenic challenge by the Rh factor. This reaction can produce serious illness or death. Persons who have the Rh factor are known as Rh positive. Those packing it are Rh negative. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener,who discovered the factor in rhesus monkeys in 1940, named it Rh for the monkey.

Anti-Rh does not occur naturally in the blood. But, if an Rh negative person receives a transfusion of Rh positive blood, anti-Rh may build up in his blood plasma. By the time the anti-body has been produced, the donor blood is, in most cases, so diluted that no serious reactions take place. But if the patient receives later transfusions of Rh positive blood, the anti-Rh will attack the Rh positive red blood cells and cause agglutination.

The Rh factor is inherited. The child of an Rh negative mother and a Rh positive father may be Rh positive. Before birth, some of the baby's blood cells may enter the mother's blood (through the placental barrier). Then the mother may build up anti-Rh. Most of the antibody does not form until after the baby is born, however, so it seldom causes any problems with the first child. But if the mother becomes pregnant with another Rh positive baby, she now has a ready-made supply of anti-Rh. The flow of large amounts of her anti-Rh into the child's blood can cause clumping and destruction of the infant's red blood cells. This condition is called erythroblastosis fetalis, or Rh disease.

Rh disease can result in severe anemia, brain damage, and even death. Where the Rh disease does occur, doctors treat the condition by replacing the baby's blood with fresh blood. In most cases, this procedure eliminates any long term effect of the disease. In several early examples in Rh literature, the mother contributed to the toxicity of her child through breast milk, since breast milk is like a blood transfusion.

Now we shall describe four of the diseases which can result to the fetus or the infant as a result of the Rh factor; some of these diseases were described as early as Hippocrates.

"In one of these disorders, babies were born extremely misshapen, their bodies swollen by fluid. Most had died before birth. Occasionally, one would be live-born--a pale limp baby with a distended belly. Respiration is initiated with great difficulty, if at all," observers noted. "During the brief period that life remains (breathing) is characterized by great irregularity and gasping inspirations."

Fetuses and newborn babies that died of this sickness--and die they invariably did--were said to have hydrops, which means, roughly, to be waterlogged, or have universal edema (swelling).

A second, seemingly different, sickness sometimes struck live-born babies who at first seemed relatively healthy. A few hours after birth, their bodies began to change color. Their skins became deep yellow, golden, or bronzed. When they were examined carefully, their little bellies were found to be swollen--due to enlargement of the liver, spleen, and other organs. Underneath yellowing skin, the flesh became pallid and bloodless. Some of these babies died in heart failure, apparently for want of red blood cells. For others, death came a different way. They grew lethargic, moving their limbs only in rigid, stiff motions. Their eyes looked squinty. Their cries became feeble and high-pitched. They fed poorly. Convulsions followed, and the most fortunate, perhaps, soon died. "Surviving infants," a textbook author later remarked, "are physically helpless, unable to support their heads or to sit. Walking is delayed or never acquired and marked (mental) retardation is present." In fatal cases, these babies' brains were found to be stained bright yellow by bilirubin, a substance made in the liver from the remnants of damaged red blood cells. In some less severe cases, if the brain was not damaged, the baby might fully and spontaneously recover. This condition was popularly called "yellow jaundice"-a redundancy, since "jaundice" means yellow. Its technical name was icterus gravis neonatorum--severe yellowing of the newborn.

The third seemingly unrelated sickness was an especially severe anemia. This deficiency in red blood cells sometimes was complicated by inexplicable episodes of hemorrhaging into the baby's lungs, gut, or spinal column. Whatever its cause, which was unknown, this condition seemed to be triggered by events before birth, and so was designated congenital anemia. Usually it became critical in the second or third week of life. Some babies died; most recovered.

The fourth disorder was a disturbance of the blood and blood forming tissue in fetuses and newborn babies. It has been named erythroblastosis fetalis, meaning the presence of too many erythroblasts, or immature red cells. Erythroblasts are unable to do mature red cells' regular work of carrying oxygen to the body tissues and carrying away carbon dioxide. They could be identified and counted on a blood smear under the microscope because they possess cell nuclei--which disappear as red cells mature. A normal newborn's blood contained at most one or two erythroblasts per hundred red cells. But in erythroblastic babies these inadequate cells might account for a quarter of all the red cells. Not surprisingly, the surfeit of erythroblasts occurred in babies who had an enormous excess of blood-forming, or hematopoietic, tissue. Instead of being largely confined to the bone marrow, as is normal in the newborn, in erythroblastic babies this tissue had spread through the entire body. It filled and caused swelling of the liver and spleen, and extended into the kidneys, along blood vessel walls, and even encroached upon the brain." (Zimmerman, 1973, pp. 20-23).

The following illustrations are examples of antibodies seen by scientists through the microscope. They are cell-deteriorators. "Antibodies are contained in a small fraction of the serum called gamma globulin ... The 7S is a lighter, smaller, two-armed molecule. The 19S is larger, heavier, and has five arm-like projections. At the tip of each projection is a part that grabs and anchors to the antigen against which I fie antibody is directed."

Relation of the Liver to Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Relation of the Liver to Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Early in gestational life, red cells are made by the fetus' liver and spleen. But, normally, blood-making in these organs ends before birth; red cell manufacture shifts to the marrow of certain bones. Ferguson was struck by the fact that several of his autopsy cases were, in this respect, grossly abnormal. These dead babies' livers and spleens were filled with patches of blood making activity; erythroblasts were present in extraordinary numbers. (Zimmerman, 1973, p. 23-24.)

"The Rh incompatibility is responsible for erythroblastosis in 92 per cent of cases. Postmortem examinations performed upon infants who died despite repeated transfusions with Rh negative blood revealed that their deaths were usually due to overwhelming toxicity induced by liver insufficiency." (Wallerstein, 1948, p. 170-178). Often fatty degeneration is noted and liver cells are loaded with fat. In other words, the liver is not able to carry on its function of purifying the blood.

Detoxification Procedures

Detoxification Procedures

- It is imperative that all expectant mothers and fathers have a clean, uncongested, well-functioning liver. The fetus can only inherit the conditions of its ancestors. We owe it to the future generations to provide them with top quality organs. This we can do through proper nutrition: cleansing, wholesome foods, clean water, sunlight, fresh air, relaxation and exercise, herbal foods where necessary to rebuild debilitated areas of the body.

We must depart from the traditional medicinal toxic arsenal of drugs upon society. It is much simpler to prevent the tragedies brought about by the Rh factor, which is nothing more than a toxic blood stream, than to command the forces of hoards of technicians to be on standby to correct our ignorant and lazy misjudgments.


We begin the detoxification procedure by first cleaning up the bowel so that the nutrients can be absorbed, and wastes do not back up in the system. For this we use the LOWER BOWEL BALANCE: Barberry bark (this herb will also help the liver), cascara sagrada, cayenne, ginger, lobelia, red raspberry leaves, turkey rhubarb root, fennel, and golden seal root. This combination will restore vitality to the intestines. Its function, as well as the other formulas mentioned are described in more detail in the book Dr. Christopher's Three-Day Cleansing Program and Mucusless Diet.

If the liver is particularly congested, we suggest the LIVER-GALL BLADDER BALANCE formula which contains the herbs barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint. This combination will aid in purifying the blood stream. For if the bile does not flow freely into the intestinal tract, it goes directly into the blood stream and circulates throughout the system causing a toxic condition known as cholemia, producing indigestion, sluggishness, fever, fatigue, constipation, upset stomach, chills, and vomiting, among some of the symptoms. In addition to the above formula, the castor oil fomentation may be used over the liver. This will open the constipated capillaries within the liver.

The bloodstream will now enjoy a good blood purifying formula such as the BLOOD PURIFYING FORMULA which contains herbs that are cleansers, astringents, cholesterol removers, and those that strengthen and rebuild vein and artery walls. The BLOOD PURIFYING FORMLA contains red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root, poke root, peach bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, Cascara sagrada, sarsaparilla, prickly ash bark, burdock root and buckthorn bark. The suggested dose is three cups of the tea a day or two "00" capsules three times a day six days a week until the blood stream is cleaned of toxins. Whenever the BLOOD PURIFYING FORMLA is used, it should be taken after the bowels have been emptied so that it may be more readily absorbed through the clean intestine into the blood stream.

We should, of course, change over to the mucusless diet and go through a monthly three day cleansing using fruit juices, steam distilled water and whatever herbal aids are necessary. It would be wise to check the iris of the eye to determine exactly which organs need special attention once the bowel and blood stream are well on their way to cleanliness. It has been our experience, in observing women who have had problems with the Rh factor in the past, that the blood zone as seen in the iris, appears a very toxic yellow. With proper attention, this condition can be seen to diminish within a few months.

The Female Corrective Formula will strengthen the reproductive system of the female, while the Prostate Formula will help the prospective father. Both parents will benefit by the Hormone and Estrogen Formula. Both parents should begin these detoxification procedures before conception.

- During pregnancy, the mother should drink plenty of red raspberry leaf tea; approximately one quart a day.

One may find a more detailed discussion on preparation for pregnancy in the volume Childhood Diseases, by John R. Christopher. People could do much to correct high risk pregnancies with the Creator's available remedies if only they would take the time to learn about how to care for the body.

I well remember an incident a number of years ago, of spending some time counseling with a young lady and her boy friend. They had brought the girl's parents with them. They were deeply in love and wanted to get married. However, the girl, as much as she loved this young man, had begged him not to pressure her to marry him because of her present physical condition. Her whole system was in such a deplorable condition that there was no menstrual cycle to be detected in any accuracy at all. The menstrual period would start; then shortly she would stop flowing and in several days might start again and continue for several weeks of heavy flow. Other times she would go six or eight weeks, or more, without another menstrual period. When her mother had come to see me a few days earlier, the girl had menstruated for so many weeks, she was anemic. Her period had been so long and frequent that she was so weak and run down, she spent much of her time in bed. This weak condition was so bad, she had been told by her doctor that she could never have children if she did get married or planned to; but she would be better off to remain single.

Her fiancé insisted that they should get married and he would take care of her throughout her life, not worrying whether or not she could bear him children. But, she did not want to spend the rest of her life a sickly woman.

I advised them to follow a blood rebuilding program and both assist and encourage each other. The program started with three-day cleansing cycles and then included a mostly vegetarian (and mucusless) diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetable salads, pure fruit and vegetable juices (especially carrot) and the use of Dr. Christopher's Female Corrective herbs as well as our special formula for the glands. (Read his book "The Incurables" as well as "Three Day Cleanse" pamphlets, etc.) We promised that if they would cooperate and follow instructions, her bloodstream could be rebuilt and her system strengthened before the year was over.

They got married and he nursed her at home, watching her diet carefully, and helped her step by step to follow the mucusless diet and to use various herbs to assist in the rebuilding of her reproductive organs. They watched her blossom out over the next few months. In a little over a year of married life, the young lady became the proud mother of a healthy baby boy. How much nicer it is to be a healthy happy mother instead of an invalid! This couple proved that an "ounce of prevention" is better than a "pound of cure."

Up in the Brigham City, Utah area I had an extremely interesting case come to our study group to see if we had a program that could be of some assistance. The lady wanting help had had three children and all three had Rh negative factor problems. (Each of the three children had to have their blood drained out and different blood filled in). All had a difficult time pulling through the ordeal and staying alive.

Any mother having this condition Rh factor, and having three children, one right after the other with the same problem, if she is an average woman, would say "no more"! But the good Lord made brave women from the beginning for a lot of us to have as valiant mothers who love holding and caring for another new baby so much that they will still take the chance! Anyway, to add insult to injury, this lady did not only have the Rh factor problem, but had just had open heart surgery. The obstetrician warned her that if she became pregnant again, she and/or the baby could die. But she wanted a large family.

The first thing we had her do was go on the "basics"; for instance, to use the lower bowel formula and clean out the bowels, and drink a gallon of steam distilled water each day to keep flushing the system. She drank no less than a quart of red raspberry leaf tea, using two capsules of Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Combination blood purifier formula and followed the "Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet".

This woman's program was watched carefully during the entire nine months and the progress was excellent. When the next baby came it was with no Rh factor problem (no blood pumped out and replaced). This woman and her husband became parents of two more babies born a few years later, and both of them were free of this Rh negative factor.

It has been very satisfying to the parents, as well as to us who helped guide them, to know that this serious condition can be cured if we will but do something about it "naturally" as explained herein.

Good common sense, knowledge of right foods, and the Lord's good herbs can make life better for all of us if we will just use these methods.

The above newsletters were written by Dr. John R. Christopher many years ago. He strongly believed the inherited blood problems are a result of the mother to be and farther to be not having healthy bodies suitable to produce a healthy child. Dr. Christopher wrote a book on how to raise healthy children which is still available today. I suggest all parents to be and those who have had less than healthy children read this book first. The first few pages has instructions for the newly married couples seeking to have healthy children.

Dr. Christopher states many times in his teachings that those that followed his programs were successful and those that refused to change, can not in anyway expect to receive anymore than what they have done to improve their health and the health of their children. If these suggestions of” improved health” were followed; then there would be no new children born with the bleeder problems and many of the current childhood and adult diseases would be phased out.

Continuing the same habits/diets can only result in more continued business for the hospitals, it is about that simple. Countless years of children’s lives can be greatly improved just by having mother’s nutrition suitable to producing healthy babies. To have babies while sickly is only asking the child to suffer the mother’s illnesses all their days. The first three months in the womb determines how healthy the child will be his/her entire life. If the parent seed is lacking and the natural plant based minerals lacking, then the mother will suffer greatly as will her baby. Natural Iodine is probably one of the most important nutrients as are the natural calcium/iron/magnesium, etc. minerals must all be from the Tree or Plant.

This newsletter is based on the theme of the person or family with the “Bleeder” problems. These things do not happen by chance and most all serious health issues date back 7 generations unless they are caused by toxic poisoning. The Bleeder problem dates back to the beginning of medical records. It is suggested to be more prevalent in particular religious groups with the first recorded history in the Jewish Records. We can assume Dr. John R. Christopher had experience with the problem in the Mormon people.

Research suggest that the major problem is not living in the “ORIGINAL” lands of our ancestors. It seems we all do better in what we call our HOME LAND and not so well in the NEW COUNTRY we migrate to. Medical suggest that the only humans that thrive in a land are those who are NATIVE or those who have Native Blood in their history. For this reason many people doing well in the U.S.A. have 1/16th or 1/32cd Native American Indian in their Blood. I believe this is why medical sees religious groups have more health issues based on their will to not marry local Natives. I believe the Biblical history suggesting to not intermarry is more for those coming to your land and not for those who conquer a new land. I suggest the sins of conquering a new land by means of killing the Natives, as the way to take their lands is the “Foundation” behind human disease and blood disorders being one of the end results of generations of living in a land that we have no Native Blood flowing through our veins.

So in fact, there is no cure; as Medical is very well aware of for most diseases that shorten the lifespan. This is why they can only “practice” their treatments. They have no power to tell people who to marry, where to live, what to do and what to eat/drink, etc…Thus we all suffer the sins or the blessings of our past 7 generations and most important of all, we as adults can choose to continue with the same diet/habits as our fore fathers or we can choose to correct our diet and habits towards living better. For most this simply means supplementing their current diet with mineral rich herbs and changing habits that are toxic to health. Each person must decide what they do in life. The better they do, the less health issues they will have. The reward for doing better is watching children grow up more healthy.

A major mistake in health is to seek outside sources for our health problems. We all suffer equally from the outside sources such as pollution, etc…We are responsible for our own heath, our decisions determines our outcome. To put blame on something we do not understand and even worse, then turn our bodies over to people that will experiment with drugs and harmful testing methods; can in fact lead away from better health. Such treatments are temporary at best and most of the time has toxic side effects of shortened lifespan.

Those born with serious problems are experiencing their end of 7 generations of unwise decisions that we call; “INHERITED” problems. As Dr. John R. Christopher and many others have teaches, these Inherited problems could mostly be avoided if the parents pre-planed for each pregnancy.

Naturally no parents wants to listen to such nonsense and much easier to seek medical help. Medical never seeks to offend parents and often blames all the diseases and problems with health on unknown invaders or just having bad luck. Doctors that discuss foundational problems soon find them selves with no patients.

In the case of male children being born as Bleeders.

It is more common than people know in the U.S.A. Many families are plagued with this problem regardless of their religion. Dr. Christopher clearly states this is an inherited problem. Even better, he suggest it can be successfully treated and stopped by education of the parents to be.

I suggest most of the blood information known in medicine is more of a fact that each person is at a different level of health for many reasons. Most of these reasons are never taken into consideration and endless scientific experiments done to create the latest treatment.

The study of all our foundational causes for ill health is a subject few people want to listen to and not as complicated as most would think. With this newsletter we will concentrate on the “treatment” of the Bleeders.

Treatments are for all ages and all conditions of health. Treatments seldom seek to reverse the foundations causes.

Step I


Cuts are very scary to a bleeder. For some their fears cause them to faint at the sight of their own blood. Actually Nature is working for them to “equalize” their blood pressure when they are passed out and lying out flat on the cool ground.

External Cuts

External cuts often will drip blood all day long for the bleeder and for some the cut will be a long process to return to normal looking; often discolored patch on their skin where the area just doesn‘t heal well. For some a paper cut so small you can’t see it, will drip blood all day long, even if they bandage it.

The average person who is so mislead that they foolishly take an aspirin per day or are on medical blood thinning drugs will in fact, turn them selves into a medically induced bleeder. They will drip blood when cut and their intestinal tracts will hemorrhage and drip blood.

The First step for all cuts is to see how easily they are bleeding. This is the best clue to their blood condition. The more they bleed, the more they need to start taking care of them selves.

Herbal Help.

All bleeders and as far as that goes, all humans should keep herbs handy that aid in sealing the open cut. A healthy person bleeds very little when cut, often barely enough blood to drop to the ground. They will heal with no scar. The unhealthy person will bleed a lot and develop a “scab”. The scab is a sign of waste/infection being expelled out of the blood stream. The more a wound seeps and stays scabbed the more waste is being expelled; as the body takes advantage of the “weakest link” and unloads the waste.

For this newsletter a simplistic herbal powder is suggested based upon the wisdom of the above Newsletter of Dr. John R. Christopher. No matter how deep, no matter how dirty, pour the herbal powder directly into the wound. The powder will stick to the blood/wound and no more blood should leave the body. “IF” an artery was cut, then naturally pressure must be applied because the fast flowing blood will wash the herbal powder away. In this case pack a large amount of the powder into the wound and cover and apply needed pressure. For the bleeder, they should always seek emergency aid for such wounds. For all normal wounds the herbal powder should be enough for all people and as well animals.

Do not wash off the powder the next day, but apply more powder and always the powder will stick to any moisture and the rest fall off to the ground. By the second day the area may be healed enough to slightly wash with cool water and then additional powder applied and recovered. Normally 2 applications will result in the wound being scar free. Naturally if the bleeder is in poor health, then they may need to apply the powder daily until their wound is completely healed scar free.

Step II

The healthy person will barely bleed when injured and the Herbal Powder enough. For those of less health, that bleed like water; they will need to start taking the Herbal formula for Internal Bleeding. If the blood does not stop fast or it is know that the blood is poor, then the Internal Blood Formula is based on the Dr. John R. Christopher education of herbal use for the treatment of the blood.

These capsules must be taken according to the degree of ill health internally. Each person must experiment and suggested to take 4 capsules with large glass of water immediately upon being cut. Then capsules taken every ½ hour or more if needed until the bleeding has stopped. These capsules are like herbal food and can be taken as many as needed. If a person has a terrible problem 50 capsules in a days time can be taken. Keep the powder and pressure applied and continue taking the capsules with water or fruit juice. Staying hydrated is most important. Drinking 8 glasses of water or more with these capsules aids in many ways. No solid foods while the bleeding problem exist. If a person becomes hungry they may have sweet fruits and remain on a fruit diet until all signs of bleeding has stopped.

Step III


Steps I & II are for emergency care for all, regardless if they are bleeders or not and the more sever the bleeding problem, the more steps I & II must be applied.

For all who have a known bleeding problem, treatment is the only reasonably path if they are to avoid medical emergencies. It is common fact that allot of bad problems have risen from the medical treatments in the past and these treatments never treat the causes and are designed to be temporary.

• The herbal approach is to address the Calcium Problem mostly.

The mother suffered from lack of calcium balance and other essential minerals and the calcium deficiencies diseases of today outnumber all other diseases combined in my opinion.

The known bleeders have a background dating back to their conception. Their problem is in deed “lifelong”. Their relatives naturally may not be cooperative, just for the fact that they suffer from all they have inherited. Those with the most health issues often will be the least cooperative, which is to be expected for all inherited diseases.

Nature seeks to “remove” all who are not perfect. That statement means all of us are under attach the moment we let down our defenses. So in fact, the more inherited health problems we have, the less our life expectancy, UNLESS we decide to break the chains and make changes to improve our own health. If we improve our own health, then the next 7 generations would become more and more healthy and diseases unknown.

To address the many issues of poor blood with the Bleeder being the theme, such an herbal formula has to address many issues from Calcium/Parasites/Iodine/Magnesium/Iron, Kidney Health, Colon Health, etc. To explain such a formula in detail would take volume large enough to call a book.

Blood Corrective Syrup

An Herbal Answer for treatment of the Bleeder.

Ideally from age 6 to adult. Dose related

Child age 4- 12

1 teaspoon to 3 teaspoons daily or directed by their care provider.

Ages 12 to adult

1 tablespoon to 3 tablespoons daily depending on their past known health problems or as directing by their care provider.

Blood Corrective Capsules

Ages 6 and older as desired to stop internal and external bleeding.

For the known bleeder seeking treatment with Blood Corrective Syrup, suggested dose 2 capsules 3x daily.

Blood STOP Powder

Use generously on open wound or pack in open wound. When Blood Corrective Capsules are not immediately available, keep this powder in the side of the mouth to aid internally to stop bleeding.

Can be applied externally to all ages.

Formulas to come:

Treatment for:

The mother to be.

Newborn babies.


Additional tips for uncontrollable bleeding internally.

Known bleeders should keep packages of instant jello in the home. Those with non stopping nose bleed often can find relief by drinking tablespoons of jello as needed.

Those with a bleeding ulcer that can be deadly often can stop and cure the ulcer with drinking of cabbage juice.

Cold water therapy toughens the body and makes for stronger blood. Cool water applied to the body will aid in stop bleeding.

The above is an herbal approach and is not suggested to replace professional treatments. The inherited bleeder must use caution always because bleeding can lead to death. Never self-treat a bleeding wound, especially when uncontrollable bleeding is a known factor. All pregnancy women with past history should seek medical guidance for safety.

The end.

From the School, of “Self-Applied” Prevention

Compiled by The “Barefoot” Herbalist, M.H.

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