As you already know the intention, you are not going to let yourself fall into that trap. It takes more than one to play a game. If you do not participate, the player will get bored and move on.
Unfortunately that does not work. I can say that from multiple personal experiences here on Curezone. Ignoring the trolls is not much different than reacting to them. Often it seems like an incentive for the trolls to try even harder. Look at the one that I have already banned from this forum 9 times now. He simply creates new user names and back the same old games. He has even admitted that he intends to keep this up. Again, if Curezone is ever going to get cleaned up the ONLY person who can do that is the Webmaster.
Trolls come here for one reason and one reason only and that is to play their disruptive games. They are going to find one way or another to continue their games because they do crave the attention. But ignoring them just makes them try harder to get that same attention just like a child may throw a total fit to get attention. Try to ignore the tantrum and they may scream even louder. Again the only way to stop the trolls is for the Webmaster to step up and enforce the rules. Its harder to keep changing ISP addresses to create new Curezone accounts than it is to create new user names within an existing account.