When you take a capsule of a 'sleeping' medicine, you expect to be knocked out very soon...right?
When you take a capsule of vitamins, you expect to perk up, at least by morning...right?
Well, with Humaworm you sort of slide into feeling better, leaving strange things behind you in the toilet, or not. 70% of
parasites are microscopic. But, that doesn't stop you from feeling better when they stop peeing 100% ammonia into your system.
Lots of people don't feel any different for a while, when taking Humaworm. They wonder when it is going to work!
Then they get a little die-off headache for an hour or so, then they feel just fine. The next day they feel even better, for a while. Then they may get a bit more die-off (fatigue), or not.
If they have been quite careful to eat only the best stuff, and to drink 2
quarts of water each day, and if they have been dilligent in their bathroom habits, they may see some strange things in the toilet...or not.
I like to say that Humaworm is 'buffered'...just enough of all the things a body needs to do a bang-up, comfortable job.
And, if you have been struggling with unusual circumstances, and don't get the job done in 30 days, you can take the 'in-between' herbs (cheap to buy) and do the cleanse again 90 days after the 30th day. You want to be rid of all you pick up day to day, in any case...by taking another course at least every 6 months.
Believe me, no one has ever gone at taking Humaworm more of a chicken than me.
I opened my first capsule and took 1/4 cap per dose, in hot/warm water...a tiny toddy. That means that I took one whole capsule over two days!
The following day I took 1/2 a capsule, twice, finishing that capsule in one day!
I thought, "Oh, this is easy," so I downed one whole capsule before my next breakfast; ate a normal breakfast 30 minutes later; and went for a nap after a while.
And, THAT'S when I noticed the 'exception', for me! I had psychadelic dreams!
Aha! says I. The only thing I had done differently was to swallow one capsule...the actual gelatin capsule, itself.
I knew by now that the herbs did not disagree with me, so it had to have been the capsule.
That was easy...just eat the herbs, and throw away the capsules. My toddies were delicious, two caps emptied into a little hot/warm water, morning and night. Always followed by one or two cups of hot water, sipped as tea.
After the 30 days, I was surprised to learn that Humaworm keeps on giving for several weeks after the thirty days. It's as though the body becomes 'saturated' with the herbals, and then slowly clears of the herbals...along with the remains of passed-away critters.
It became as though 'seeing' anything in the toilet was kind of anti-climactic. The beauty of the procedure was in how I felt, and I no longer cared what was 'behind me'.
Yes, I have two (or one) leftover 'problems'. (One has faded into nothingness.) But, I feel as though I am in control.
The super high of feeling clear in my mind has moderated to general well-being. And the occasional pain behind one eyebrow, that I had suffered with for years, proved to be from a particular
Amalgam filling, which fell out.
Humaworm cleansing is a 'process', not a zap.
Yes, I felt 'fatigued' for a hour or so at a time, and I was glad to be able to lie down, during the first couple of weeks. And I need to be rid of a large gallstone which scoots back and forth in the duct. But I feel fine. I feel younger, of which I'll take all I can get...thank you very much.
Hope this helps.