If you were doing all those things and retained the
SWF then, like Pepe said, you were dehydrated coming
into the cleanse. It is paramount that you put out
the amount of water for the day you need to drink
and then get sipping. Chugging is not as beneficial
as keeping up a constant intake.
Also, you might make sure your salt is UNiodized
Seasalt .
Redmonds, RealSalt, Himalayan, and Celtic seem to be
popular choices for SWFing. Hains seems to give many
people problems as it is more refined. Different salts
taste better too.
Here is a link to more info on the need for water~~
Also, make sure you use a measuring spoon to
measure out your salt...2 teaspoons and 1
quart of
water. You can warm the water so it will dissolve
the salt better. I like to put the salt and water
together so by morning it is totally in solution
and ready to drink. If you measure then you can add
or lessen the amount of salt needed. Noah needs 3
teaspoons of salt, so you can see different amounts
work for different people. Add or subtract 1/4th
teaspoon at a time.
Hopefully these tips and the ones Nick & Pepe offered
will help. If not, you may need to focus on bowel
cleansing like Pepe suggested.
I wish you well~~
be happy, be well,
The Master Cleanse Express