Can oil lubricate bile ducts, if I don't swallow it?
What is "Oil sucking" cure (swishing cold-pressed vegetable oil in the mouth)?
Even if you don't swallow oil, "oil will lubricate" bile ducts.
It will cause production of bile, and it will increase excretion of bile.
"Oil sucking" cure - Oil Swishing cure
It is traditional Chinese cure for "incurable" diseases.
"Oil sucking" cure
Simply take one spoon of any vegetable oil into your mouth, and suck it (swishing it) like a candy (not very hard) about 15-20 minutes.
After the procedure spit the oil out and wash the mouth with a water.
Do not swallow the oil. The oil after procedure must be white color and sparse like a milk.
Do it several times a day, (like a chewing gum).
When starting to use this method the disease can come into little peak, this shows that it began to improve. After some time the symptoms began to disappear.
The theory is that while sucking the oil, human salivary glands produce saliva, and with that saliva, body dumps great amount of toxins.
In the same time, stomach produces digestive juices, expecting oil to be swallowed.
In the same time, liver start producing bile, expecting oil to be swallowed. In that bile, liver dumps heavy metals and some other toxins.
Oil sucking will cause production of bile, and it will increase excretion of bile. That way it will improve digestion, intestinal health, colon health, prevent constipation, ... what is bases of our health
So, you can actually make a "small liver cleanse", without even swallowing any oil.
Story follows:
Subject: Oil sucking - I cured my Psoriasis
From: Arnas < >
A year ago I had about 80%
Psoriasis on my skin. Who has this disease
knows what does it mean.
All the medicine I used help only temporarily.
Then I decided that all these modern cures doesnt take effect on this
I began to search alternative ways.
Once I read a paper of one old Chinese method of clearing the body of various toxins and curing it from the inside.
I tried it and got good results.
Psoriasis disappeared in about one month (in hard places like knees, elbows, etc... it took about 6 months), but now the results are good. I still have
Psoriasis on the scalp, but it is not so intensive.
Besides now I'm not so frequently practising this method. I want to
notice you that during the period I'm using the method I didn't follow any diet, I gave up all cures from doctors and lived very active life. But it worked.
So this is the method:
Oil sucking
Simply take one spoon of sunflower, arachis or any other vegetable oil into your mouth. And suck it like a candy (not very hard) about 15-20 minutes.
The theory sais that while sucking the oil all the toxins from the body are absorbed by oil. After the procedure spit the oil out and wash the mouth with a water. Do not swallow the oil. The oil after procedure must be white color and sparse like a milk.
Then starting to use this method the disease can come into little peak, this shows that it began to improve. After some time the symptoms began to disappear.
I did the procedure 3 times a day and in three months had excellent
results. My psoriasis almost disappeared. After another 3 months it
disappeared on the knees and elbows. Now I do the procedure less than
once a day. I still have psoriasis on my scalp. But it is not so intensive as before.
This method helped me to return to my common way of life. I do not
need any ointments and cures and it costs me nothing.
Try this and share the results with me this is very important to me how this method works for other people.
Please send your comments and questions to:
Mr. Arnas Kupsys