> What do I use to "break" up stones before flush?
You can not "break" stones, because most liver and gallbladder stones (99%) are made up of cholesterol, and cholesterol is a vaxy substance, not something that can break easily.
But, you can try to dissolve cholesterol stones, by chaning your diet, and by cleansing.
You can also try to make your liver and gallbladder healthier by changing your lifestyle, diet, and by doing liver cleanse.
Healthy organs are strong, flexibile, and able to push even the biggest stones out.
Take a look at
Image Gallery at, to see photos of huge stones that have been expelled by liver and by gallbladder.
Some stones are 4.5
cm long (almost 2 inch).
That man got that stone out on his 18th cleanse.
Big stones take time!
There are several "remedies" that work for aiding liver function and for dissolving bile stones:
- Radish juice every day!
- Vegetable juices
Water Cure
- salt cure
- Cholagogue herbs: herbs that promote production and excretion of bile, and most popular ar: dandalion,
Wormwood , sage, golden seal, lobelia,...
- Coffee Enema
Herbal remedies:
- swedish bitters
- chinese bitters
- copits
- gold coin grass
- many other herbs!
There are generally 3 aproaches to dealing with stones that are too big to pass throug cystic duct.
(Cystic duct is a duct connecting gallbladder with the rest of the ducts. If stones are suppose to exit gallbladder, cystic duct is the only way out.
Cystic duct is a place where big stones usually stuck, cusing pain. You can see a photo of
gallbladder with stones stuck inside cystic duct here:
Approach 1:
Trying to dissolv stones - or to make them softer
Take a little magnesium (
Epsom Salt dissolved in glass of water) every day.
Diet is extremely important.
Read about watercure, DrBudwig diet
Look also here:
Clarkia tincture, Chinese Bitters, Sweedish bitters, Gold Coin Grass, Coptis, ...
All cholagogue herbs (bitter herbs that promote bile excretion) help dissolve stones.
- Coffe Enema
Approach 2: Trying to make bile ducts more flexible and stratchable
You know that parts ov vagina of some women break when giving birth.
It is happening more often those days. It was very rare or unknown in the past.
It never happens to wild animals.
Lack of magnesium
Poor diet, toxins, not enough motion, vaccination, bad fats, not enough
vitamins and minerals.
Genaraly malnutrition and poor lifestyle.
The same is with all parts of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.
Gallbladder, liver and bile ducts can be flexible and helathy , or unflexible
and unhealthy.
What to do ?
Take a little magnesium (
Epsom Salt dissolved in juice) every day.
Diet is very important. Read about watercure, DrBudwig diet, ...
Read experience of people fighting degenerative diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Heart diseases.
Eat plenty of fats that you can tolerate.
Increase physical activity.
Use herbs/supplements that are good for liver.
Sugar 100%
Approach 3: any combination of approach 1 and 2.