I've done short detox diets and I've gotten
colonics expecting to have results like some of the internet pictures. I never had anything like this happen, so I figured it must not be true - otherwise, why didn't it happen to me? Well, recently, I had to have a diseased gallbladder removed which resulted in terrible constipation. When I did have a BM, it was very narrow, as though something was preventing it from coming out in the full size. My doctor put me on a cholesterol-lowering medication (colestid), not because I have high cholesterol, but because one of the side-effects is to dissolve blockages which she seemed to think I may have.
I immediately started feeling better (have suffered fatigue for several years). About a week after being on the medication, I passed something that looked like a jelly-fish. It wasn't gross like all the internet photos, but it freaked me out. I got a flashlight and a plastic straw and started moving it around. It looked like mucus, but had segments (like threads) that were rubbery in texture. It was completely white in color - no brown or anything dark. I'm continuing to have particles similar to this in my BM's but nothing at all like the first one. I have no idea what it was, but I have an appointment in a couple of weeks with a GI doctor. Maybe something will show up on an MRI?